Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 557: The cauldron is broken and the boat is sinking, and the success is lost.

Sengoku was shocked when he saw Jhin of the Beast Pirates soaring in the sky, but when he turned his head and looked at the sea level behind him, he found no trace of the fleet, and he couldn't help but feel doubtful in his heart.

Although nowadays, with the disappearance of the windless zone and the chaos of the magnetic field, the requirements for the record pointer are not so high when traveling across the sea, but it is not able to guide a person from Wano to the G1 branch at flying speed, right? What's more, although this distance is not that far, how much physical strength can a devil fruit user maintain for fighting even if he flies all the way?

But no matter how many doubts he had in his heart, Sengoku continued to move forward according to the original plan, determined to kill Whitebeard before Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and others arrived.

"Quick, quick, quick! Shoot in six sections, be sure to cover the sky!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who was in charge of commanding the spear marines, quickly stabilized his position after a brief adjustment and ordered the spear marines to shoot in the air in groups to prevent Jhin's interference.

But just when Jhin launched a surprise attack, Margao also seized the opportunity in time to blast out a stream of 'pineapple gravel' with the power of regeneration, allowing Whitebeard's injuries to further recover.

Even Kizaru, who had just been repelled by the sneak attack, received a trace of the 'remaining shadow' of the green flames, and his injuries healed a little.


After the sea tower stone bullets once again drove away Margao and Jhin in the air, Warring States immediately went all out, urging the golden giant Buddha to launch an attack.

This time, he also brought Ace into the attack range!

In order to protect the still weak Ace, Whitebeard had no choice but to bear it. However, no matter how strong his body was, when he faced off against the golden giant Buddha head-on, he would inevitably be at a disadvantage and his injuries would be aggravated again.

The 'remote healing' effect that Margao finally seized the opportunity to achieve was also offset by this round of Sengoku's offensive.

"Sakaski, go deal with the two people in the sky!"

Sengoku, who repeatedly urged the golden giant Buddha to punch, took the time to shout to Sakaski, who was panting like an old donkey.


Although somewhat reluctant, Sakaski accepted the order.

There was no way, his injuries were too serious, and if he continued to fight Whitebeard, he would most likely encounter something unexpected.

Therefore, he could only give up the opportunity to win the killing power and instead blasted lava punches into the sky.


Faced with Sengoku's all-out attack, Whitebeard could only parry.

After all, Kuzan and Kizaru, whose combat power was still intact, were constantly harassing them on one side. There was no way he could counterattack while protecting Ace.

But blindly defending will always make mistakes, not to mention that in order to kill Whitebeard before Kaido and Charlotte Lingling's reinforcements arrived, both Sengoku and Kuzan Kizaru stepped up their attacks, thus also giving Whitebeard Beards bring more stress.


The golden giant Buddha of the Warring States period punched Whitebeard's left arm, and the force was so strong that the 'Cong Yunqi' he held in both hands almost fell off.

"The Eight Tatar Mirrors!"

The beam of light fired by Kizaru passed through Whitebeard's side and hit Ace directly. Ace was hit and fell to the ground.

But it wasn't over yet. Kizaru immediately followed the light trail left by the Yata Mirror and teleported to Ace's side, behind Whitebeard, condensing photons to form a long sword of light——

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

The sword came too suddenly. Whitebeard, who was struggling to parry, could only turn slightly sideways to avoid it, but his right hand was also penetrated by the sword!
But just when Whitebeard was about to strike back, Kizaru immediately concentrated his armed haki on his arm, grabbed Ace who was trying to elementalize, and then teleported without a trace along the track of light that had not disappeared!


Whitebeard suddenly became furious!

Nothing is more demoralizing than this.

"I can keep you alive!"

Sengoku said suddenly.

But the golden giant Buddha's attack did not pause for a moment.


Whitebeard snorted coldly, not even bothering to respond.

"As long as you are willing to become a Shichibukai under the navy——"

Sengoku said as he punched hard.

"Freezing time!"

The air-conditioning blown by Kuzan froze Whitebeard's legs unprepared, making it difficult for him to move and was hit hard by the Giant Buddha of the Warring States Period again.

Although there seemed to be an intention to persuade him to surrender, Warring States had no intention of holding back.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Although Whitebeard, who had been severely injured, managed to swing the sword, his strength had declined sharply visible to the naked eye.

After all, the siege by the top four elites in the navy had almost exhausted his strength, not to mention that he was still seriously injured...


On Don Island in the East China Sea, the Third and Fourth Legions of the Ninja World Expeditionary Force assembled under the imperial order have completed their assembly at the port, and the Republican Guard, which was recruited as a servant army, also gathered together more than [-] people and set sail together.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu gave a brief pre-war mobilization speech, he ordered the sails to be set sail.

Although the preparations before the war were very hasty, with the joint efforts of the staff ninjas of various departments, except for the third legion stationed in the Demon Triangle Sea, which left more than 1000 defenders, the remaining more than 1 ninjas in service were all Gathered here and accepted the pre-war review, six other Tailed Beasts and two Great Immortals from the Holy Land were once again recruited to accompany the army, while the two-tailed brigade of the "national guardian beasts" shrank in size and accompanied them step by step. Next to Uchiha Demitsu.

As for the new Kailuishi weapons jointly developed by the great scientists Vegapunk and Orochimaru, they are also all loaded on the battleship, preparing to surprise the Navy's Devil Fruit users.

In this battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not intend to stop at the Shampoo Islands or the Marine Headquarters Marineford. He wanted to directly use the four emperors' coalition forces to capture the Holy Land Mariejoia in one fell swoop and completely lose the entire pirate world. Mind - even a rotten and mediocre mind.

As for the Chambord Islands, which has already launched a landing battle, it has reached its last moment—the last moment of the navy!
While Sanho Hanzo launched the general attack, the three-tailed jinchuriki Gotachibana Yagura, who had been hiding on the bottom of the sea, surfaced in time and blasted a huge Tailed Beast Dama towards the shore!
Although Lieutenant General Garp had not directly seen the power of pure energy polymers such as the Tailed Beast Jade, he had also seen relevant war records after the defeat of Kizarudong Island, so he did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately commanded the personnel to try to intercept .

But he still underestimated the power of the Tailed Beast Jade.

Although the admirals who were originally embarrassed by the sudden salvo attack from the battleship organized and prepared for interception in time, under the control of Goju Yagura's consciousness, the tailed beast jade exploded directly in the air, and the fierce tailed beast chakra enveloped it with powerful force. The incomparable shock wave suddenly razed the area where the admirals gathered to the ground!
Although the physical strength of the natives in the pirate world is higher than that of ninjas, although the armed haki also has good defensive capabilities, or individual naval officers quickly dodge when the bright light of the explosion just appears...

However, the explosion of the Tailed Beast Jade still dealt a heavy blow to the few naval officers.

After Lieutenant General Garp, who was gray-headed and bloodstained, climbed up from the ruins, under the leadership of Sansho Hanzo, Hatake Sakumo and Issei, the marines of the Expeditionary Force's [-]st and [-]th Corps had successfully landed and instantly He attacked and killed the remaining admirals.

As the commander-in-chief of the garrison navy, Garp naturally received special care. He was surrounded on three sides by Hatake Sakumo, Sansho Hanzo, and the chief sergeant major.

"You really think highly of me, an old man..."

Although Lieutenant General Garp's knowledge-color Haki did not detect the presence of Devil Fruit abilities or weapon-color Haki from Hatake Sakumo and Sansho Hanzo, the abyss-like aura when the two stood alone was From their aura, it can be seen that the two of them are extraordinary and strong men.

"You two should be the military leaders of the survivors..."

Lieutenant General Garp patted the dust on his body and said leisurely: "It seems that your intelligence work is indeed very sufficient. You were able to accurately find me in such a chaotic situation..."

"As for this... he should be a strong man from the East China Sea, right? Why do you think of joining the ranks of the survivors?"

Lieutenant General Garp's eyes moved to Yisheng who still had his eyes closed.

"What I am doing is nothing more than peace in the world and happiness for all the people!"

Yisheng slowly raised the staff and sword in his left hand and responded to Lieutenant General Garp: "The Celestial Dragons are violent and cruel, the world government is corrupt, and the navy is in cahoots..."

"All these injustices and oppressions based on the old order need to be completely cleansed with the iron and blood of war!"

After finishing speaking, Yisheng used his left thumb to push open the lock ring of the staff and sword, revealing a trace of the sharp edge of the blade!

His attitude and stance are clearly visible!
"What a pity..."

Lieutenant General Garp sighed slightly and assumed a boxing stance.

"I'm sorry..." Yisheng bowed slightly and saluted. Then, like lightning, he stepped forward and drew his sword to strike!
"Paper painting!"

Lieutenant General Garp, who was originally strong and majestic, suddenly became as thin as a page of paper, and at the critical moment he escaped the surprise attack of his life!

"Gravity Knife—"

After missing a blow, Yisheng immediately reversed the edge of the sword, and at the same time activated the ability of 'heavy fruit' to accumulate gravity on the sword, and slashed diagonally towards Lieutenant General Garp on one side.

"Iron block!"

Lieutenant General Garp then used the defensive skills in the Sixth Form of the Navy. While using the strength of his arm to make it as strong as gold steel, he grabbed the sword of his life with one hand in a "empty hand like a white blade" manner.


Yisheng shouted loudly, and the gravity in the blade suddenly exploded, knocking away Lieutenant General Garp who was about to make the next move.

"Water instant——"

Just when Lieutenant General Garp was knocked away by the gravity of his life, Sanshouyu Hanzo, who was originally indifferent, immediately dwarfed and flashed over with his body almost touching the ground.

"——Draw your sword and kill!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo flashed past the unbalanced Lieutenant General Garp like a ghost. At the same time, the poison-quenching sickle in his hand left a long wound along his back, and then black blood quickly dripped down.


Lieutenant General Garp, who was attacked, managed to launch the moon walk in an unbalanced state, rising up from the ground in a manner similar to "stepping on the left foot with the right foot to spiral into the sky", avoiding the next attack of Sanshou Hanzo.

"It's all right!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo's eyes almost popped out!

The Uchiha Dynasty has also distributed information on the Sixth Form of the Navy based on the torture intelligence of the captured navy, and Sansho Hanzo has also considered it carefully, but at this time, Lieutenant General Garp's performance far exceeded his Imagine - this is still the so-called Sixth Form of the Basics of Marines!

They are all going to heaven!

"Wind Escape, Blade of Wind!"

Hatake Sakumo picked up three fingers of his right hand and condensed the chakra into a very thin invisible wind blade and threw it towards Lieutenant General Garp in mid-air.


Although Lieutenant General Garp could roughly sense that the white-haired man on the ground's seemingly careless flick towards him was not a good intention through the perception of seeing and hearing, but just when he was about to avoid it, he suddenly felt dizzy, causing I don't have enough energy to maintain the 'moon step' for a while!
"This is...poisoning!"

The experienced Lieutenant General Garp reacted immediately, and at the same time he was extremely surprised in his heart.

The only person who might have been poisoned was the flash attack of the masked weirdo just now, but his injured back did not feel the slightest pain from poisoning...

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Garp suddenly felt cold.

"Oops! I'm afraid it's poisonous!"

However, Hatake Sakumo's wind blade attacks extremely fast. Just when Lieutenant General Garp failed to react in time due to his random thoughts, the invisible wind blade hit his crossed arms.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Garp’s arms were bloody and bloody!
"Come down you!"

Afterwards, Yisheng applied the gravity of the numerous fruits directly to Lieutenant General Garp, causing him to fall directly like a meteorite!

And Hatake Sakumo, who is eager to try, has already drawn the White Fang dagger and is ready for the 'thousand-year killing'!


"Frozen Time Capsule!"

After the scarred Whitebeard once again blocked Sengoku's heavy punch, Kuzan, who was not far away, immediately grabbed a flaw inadvertently exposed in his shaky body and swung out a cold air shock wave that froze Whitebeard's whole body. stand up.

And this time, although Whitebeard was still struggling hard, it only left cracks on the ice, and he did not succeed in breaking free immediately - after being beaten by a group, his strength was almost exhausted. .

"It's finally time to make a break..."

The expressionless Sengoku felt a little relieved.

In fact, he was also under a lot of pressure to go to great lengths to lure the Whitebeard Pirates out of the Yonko Alliance in advance.

But this planning has finally come to fruition.

To be honest, Sengoku did not intend to immediately kill this old opponent who had been fighting with him for half his life, but he would never let Whitebeard leave alive - in his plan, the 'researcher' of the Naval Science and Technology Force was Whitebeard. The final destination!

'Crack! '

As Whitebeard struggled, the ice that had frozen his body began to crack inch by inch.


The golden giant Buddha of the Warring States Period struck out with a heavy punch again, breaking the ice that had frozen Whitebeard, and at the same time severely injured him and vomited blood.

But even so, the shaky white beard still did not fall.

"ice skates!"

"Tiancong Yunjian!"

Kuzan and Kizaru gathered the power of Devil Fruit to form weapons, and pierced Whitebeard's shoulder blades from both sides from behind!
‘Clang! ’

The 'Cong Yunqie' that Whitebeard had been holding tightly in his hands fell away from his hands and fell to the ground.

"It seems... you are planning to capture me..."

Whitebeard lowered his head with difficulty, looked at the ice swords and lightsabers emerging from both sides of his chest, twitched his mouth, and made an extremely ferocious smile.

"But you underestimate me too!"


Sengoku, who looked like he had a winning chance, suddenly changed his expression.

A translucent white sphere formed between Whitebeard's lowered hands. This was the last blow of his burning life——

"Empty shock!"

As the violent shock wave surged, Whitebeard turned into a blood mist, while Kuzan and Kizaru were knocked away by the violent space vibration!

"Brainless guy!"

Warring States looked extremely embarrassed!
But then he looked at the two generals who had been knocked away, and found that they only suffered some superficial injuries, so they breathed a sigh of relief.


Margao, who had been wandering in the sky, also noticed the tragic situation of Whitebeard's self-destruction, and couldn't help but screamed.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates, who were fighting desperately with the admirals, also heard Margao's voice, and immediately understood what was happening on the land of the G1 branch.

Some hesitated, some wanted to leave, but most of them started to fight to the death with their injuries in exchange for their lives!
"Be prepared and destroy them quickly!"

Warring States did not wait for the naval admirals deployed on land to take a breath and immediately gave the order.

But at this moment, a huge sail warship appeared on the sea level.

"This is……"

Warring States looked up, and then his eyelids narrowed.

The Queen Mother Anthem is the ship of Charlotte Lingling of the Big Mom Pirates!

Then another sail slowly revealed its entirety—the Redforth, the flagship of the Red-Haired Pirates!
With the appearance of two Yonko ships, a mighty pirate fleet including the Beast Pirates appeared on the sea level! (End of chapter)

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