"A generation of maritime emperors has passed away..."

Kaido, who arrived at the battlefield on board the Queen Mother Anthem, the flagship of the Big Mom Pirates, slowly put down the phone bug in his hand and said with a gloomy face: "Jhin has confirmed... Edward Newgate died in battle!"

"Is it……"

Charlotte Lingling was still eating crazily. Her chess players lined up to serve all kinds of desserts. Even the plate with the desserts was thrown into her mouth and devoured cleanly. This was also her Showing the precursor of the most violent state: "It seems that we will die too!"

"How can a war not kill people..."

Although Kaido's face was gloomy, his tone did not fluctuate at all and seemed very stable: "Whitebeard can die, so why can't I, Kaido the Beast, and you, my aunt, die?"

"It would be better if you died, once and for all..."

Charlotte Lingling didn't feel the slightest irritation at being called 'aunt' by her old lover. Although she looked very calm at this time, she was just eating while looking straight at the navy sniper fleet and the navy sniper fleet that started to panic. The original Whitebeard, who turned her grief and anger into strength, vassed the pirates, but the thunder clouds flying above her head, Homitz's lightning and thunder, also reflected her mood at this time from the side.

"By the way, do you think that red-haired guy is trustworthy?"

Charlotte Lingling threw the last plate of pastries into her mouth, then clapped her hands and said, "He has always been the odd one out among the four of us!"

She was talking about Shanks, the red-haired pirate.

Among the four emperors, Shanks is a special anomaly. He has the smallest number of ships and subordinates under his command - there is only one Redforth, and he has no fixed territory - he prides himself on being free to wander around; He has never even eaten a devil fruit.

But his swordsmanship is at its peak, and his strength is beyond doubt.

"There should be nothing wrong with the child adopted by Roger..."

Kaido said absently: "He has always had this character, it's not like he changed people and changed gender."

Although his tone was as calm as ever, as the ship approached the battle range, the undulating red aura on Kaido's body became more and more condensed.

"Then let's get started!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned, stamped her feet and jumped on top of Thunder Cloud Homitz, and let out a terrifying strange cry——



Kaido then raised his head to the sky and shouted, activating the beast form of the Fish Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Azure Dragon Form, and turned into a blue dragon and flew into the sky!

Kaido's roar also caused the sky to change, and the entire sea area was covered by dark clouds. At the same time, the dragon's body also stirred lightning and thunder when it rolled, mixed with the power of Charlotte Lingling's Thunder Cloud Homitz, showing a A terrifying scene of world destruction!
This is the power that the Yonko-level powerhouses will show after they truly join forces!

Accompanied by Kaido's dragon roar and Big Mom's howl, countless thunderbolts, fire pillars, and wind blades poured down from the sky. Almost in an instant, the naval sniper fleet was in a stalemate with the 43 vassal pirate groups and had a slight advantage. Everything is within the attack range!
Although the two general candidates and Lieutenant General He and other navy strongmen tried their best to parry and block, they were powerless in the face of such a large-scale attack!

In less than 5 minutes, out of the naval sniper fleet that originally had more than 30 warships after a long battle, only three ships survived!
But when faced with the crazy and violent vassal pirate group, a mere three naval warships were of no help at all.

Subsequently, the two general candidates and Lieutenant General He immediately ordered to turn the ship around and fled the battlefield.

As for the admirals and ordinary sailors who went into battle, their bodies were completely torn apart by lightning, flames, wind blades and even explosive clouds, and the entire battle area became a sea of ​​blood.


The members of the vassal pirate group, who generally possess the form of beasts, let out a terrifying war cry full of bloodlust!
Then, all the oarsmen and sailors went all out, desperately urging the ship towards the heavily arrayed G1 branch.

As for the three powerful navy men who evacuated the battlefield, they didn't take it to heart at all.

At this time, everyone’s thoughts were focused on the place where ‘Father’ Edward Newgate died!

"Bloodbath of the Navy!"

Margao, whose eyes were filled with blood and tears, swooped down from mid-air, using his armed domineering force to withstand the dense seastone bullets, and desperately threw fireballs at the navy on the ground.

Even though he was beaten black and blue by the intensive barrage, and even though he was painfully burned by Sakaski's lava punch, he still had no intention of stopping.


After the arrival of the Three Emperors' fleet, the admirals who had been fighting fiercely with the members of the Whitebeard Pirates also began to waver.

Especially after Kaido and Charlotte Lingling teamed up to destroy the entire sniper fleet with thunderbolt means, the naval admirals became even more panicked.

But fortunately, Sengoku was keenly aware of the possible wavering of military morale from the changes on the battlefield, and immediately sent them a retreat signal. Only then did the admirals feel relieved and quickly got rid of the entanglement with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Bloodbath of the Navy!"

With reinforcements from their allies, the Whitebeard Pirates were united and showed no intention of wavering. They chased and killed the evacuating admiral like crazy.

To these members of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate was by no means as simple as a pirate boss.

There are countless pirate groups in the New World's Grand Line, but those who can stand for decades and dominate the world without falling have their own merits. What makes Whitebeard the most praised by the world is not only his strength, but also his love and care for his subordinates - similar to the love and care a father has for his family.

And this admiration is combined with the complex emotions that arose after Whitebeard died fighting to save the captured Ace, plus the confidence brought by the arrival of reinforcements and the compounding effect of the previously shaken thoughts in his heart. , prompting these members of the Whitebeard Pirates to easily go completely crazy under the exaggeration of public sentiment.

"Flying squirrel!"

After witnessing this scene, Warring States immediately issued an order: "You and the spear team are responsible for responding!"

"As ordered!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel accepted the order without hesitation, then shouted to his spearmen and sailors to replenish their sea towers with bullets, and quickly ran towards the harbor.

"Kuzan! Sakaski!"

Warring States once again named the two generals.


The two generals of the headquarters who had always refused to deal with him immediately responded.

"After the three emperors' coalition entered the ice, Kuzan was responsible for recovering the power of the frozen fruit; as for you, Sakaski... can you continue to persevere?"

Warring States continued to give instructions.

"I can't die yet!"

Although his face was pale, Sakaski showed no sign of weakness.

"Then at the moment when the ice begins to collapse, can you use your lava fruit to detonate the submarine volcano?"

Warring States revealed his arrangement.

At this time, members of the Beast Pirates and Big Mom Pirates had broken into the sea area where the 43 vassal pirate groups were fighting with the Navy's sniper fleet, and began to disembark and form formations. The members of the 43 vassal pirate groups, Then follow the Whitebeard Pirates in a skirmish line and attack the G1 branch.

If the ice surface melts and an undersea volcano erupts, even if the incoming pirates cannot be killed and incinerated, they can at least isolate their offensive echelons, giving the navy time to adjust its lineup and annihilate as many of them as possible Intrusive pirates.

"I'll try my best!"

Sakaski gritted his teeth and agreed.

To be honest, it is not easy for the severely injured Sakaski to activate the power of rock berries to detonate submarine volcanoes; but his usual pride will never allow Sakaski to do so in public at this time. Show timidity.

"Your Mightiness……"

As the gloomy-faced Sakaski quickly swept toward the harbor, his close aide Aramaki approached him. "Just in time."

Sakaski also roughly estimated what this subordinate who was as radical as himself was going to say, but he had no intention of continuing. After all, we cannot relax in the current war: "After I detonate the submarine volcano, you will strangle me." The Whitebeard Pirates whose retreat was cut off..."

"But if this happens, all the achievements will be..."

Aramaki tried to say something in a low voice.

"No but!"

Sakaski kept walking, "All fights happen after the war!"

"Now that only Whitebeard is dead, Big Mom and Kaido's forces are still intact. The navy cannot allow even a little bit of chaos!"

Sakaski slowed down a little, looked back at Aramaki and said, "Some things need to be judged based on the situation to determine whether they can be done..."

"……I understand."

Huang Mu lowered his head and responded.

"Complete justice requires burning all sins with flames, even if the fuel is yourself..."

Sakaski landed on a small iceberg, looked at the Aunt Kaido duo in the sky and said quietly: "This is the meaning of the navy's existence..."

Aramaki felt even more ashamed.

At this time, Sengoku and Kizaru, as well as the two retreating general candidates, were also ready for the battle, while Lieutenant General He, the 'big staff officer', took over the command of the naval forces of the G1 branch and began to quickly mobilize and deploy.


Kuzan, who pressed his hands on the ice, took a deep breath and suddenly drew back the freezing air.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Sakaski then jumped up and blasted countless huge lava punches towards the melting ice.

'Crack! '

If it was just a lava punch attack, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates would still have the means to deal with it; but at this time, the sound of the ice breaking under their feet suddenly made them feel something bad!
After all, for most Devil Fruit users, the influence of sea water is very fatal!
"Speed ​​up and rush forward!"

Jozi, the veteran of the Whitebeard Pirates, gritted his teeth, increased his speed again, and charged towards Aramaki who was squatting on the ice——

"Shine · Crash!"

Under the influence of the Shining Fruit, Jozi's arms turned into diamonds, stepping on the ice that was starting to crack inch by inch, and rushed towards Huangmu like an arrow from a string!

"Forbidden and hateful!"

Aramaki did not dare to be careless, and immediately spawned a forest and gathered the branches into a tall tree man, which collided with the charging Jozi!

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in the sky jointly launched a combination skill, triggering a violent shock wave and blasting towards the G1 branch.

Sengoku, on the other hand, once again increased the output of the Devil Fruit, spawning the Golden Giant Buddha to the maximum, and single-handedly withstood the offensive of the two Pirate Emperors!

Kizaru transformed his body into elements and flew into the sky, launching the strongest attack move towards Kaido's mother combination——

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

However, both of them are typical high-defense strongmen, and Kizaru consumes a lot of power, so Kizaru's attacks cannot break up the combination of Kaido's mother, who uses the body of a blue dragon to circle around Thunder Cloud Homiz. .

However, the newly arrived joint forces of the Beasts Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates detonated an underwater volcano in Sakaski and were cut off from their advance route. Some of the pirate members who charged mindlessly were reduced to ashes by the violent volcanic lava, but generally He said he had stopped in time and was preparing to attack in a detour.

But in this way, the combined forces of the two major pirate groups are out of touch with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Vassal Pirates who are attacking the G1 branch.

And this chaotic moment happened to be seized by the Navy.

"Three rows took turns to fire volleys!"

Following Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's order, the spear marines who had completed their formation fired a barrage at the Whitebeard Pirates who were going crazy with their pigs, knocking down some of the mediocre pirate members to the ground, and those who were also The frantically charging vassal pirate group was scattered by the base coastal defense artillery unit commanded by Lieutenant General He.

"Marines attack!"

Under the order of Lieutenant General He, the reorganized naval commander led the naval forces to take the initiative again, bypassing the Whitebeard Pirates in the front and launching a flank attack against the vassal pirates.

"ice skates!"

Kuzan exhaled a breath of cold air from his mouth and formed an ice knife into his hand. He jumped forward and rushed into the skirmish line of the vassal pirates. Wherever he went, broken bodies and limbs were flying all over the sky or ice sculptures were immediately broken.

With the power of a general, it is too easy to deal with these pirates with varying strengths.

What's more, this is a battle achievement that was picked up for free!

"Big fire!"

After detonating the underwater volcano, Sakaski landed and punched the diamond-turned Jozi into the seabed, and said to Aramaki: "Leave this to me, you go deal with Whitebeard's remnants!"


Aramaki hesitated.

"I am already a semi-invalid person, but justice needs a new general, understand..."

Sakaski twitched his lips and said with a smile: "I understand Sengoku's intention of independence very well, but I can't let him succeed like that!"

"……I understand!"

Only then did Aramaki realize that his boss wanted him to establish some meritorious deeds on the battlefield so that he could get closer...

But the quota for admirals is only three...

Aramaki stopped his thoughts in time and continued to spread the forest towards the battle area between the Navy and the Whitebeard remnants.


San Marie Gioia, among the flowers.

The five old stars who dominated the world knelt on the ground and humbly lowered their proud heads to the Lord Im, the Lord of the World, on the high platform.

"What a wonderful tactic..."

Above the kneeling position of the Five Old Stars, two huge crystal balls were suspended, respectively showing the battle status of the Shampoo Islands and the G1 branch at this time.

Wulaoxing still said nothing and maintained his kneeling posture.

"How many years have passed, and the world order has begun to become unstable..."

"And the dogs we raised, the righteous navy - they all started to have other ideas... It's really strange!"

Lord Im's sigh made Wulao Xing's body begin to tremble slightly.

"It seems...it's time to give these ants a little shock..." (End of Chapter)

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