Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 559 Good things pass away in me

"The opportunity to transform into a dragon..."

The White Snake Immortal who accepted the call to fight seemed a little restless and restless, and kept staring in the direction of the new world.

Although the ability to understand the past cannot be used in this world to see what is going on, the White Snake Immortal is still keenly aware that there is an indescribable aura in the sea area pointed to by the fleet's current sailing direction, which is closely related to the opportunity to transform into a dragon that he has always been thinking about.

'Maybe it's the devil fruit unique to this world...'

The White Snake Immortal licked his lips, turned around and left the deck to return to the cabin.

The temptation of transforming into a dragon in the distance made it increasingly difficult for him to control his emotions, but this place was the home of the Uchiha dynasty after all, and the always thoughtful White Snake Sage was not willing to expose his gaffe in public.

But this scene was seen by the Slug Immortal who was riding on the same battleship. Although the person here was just a clone of the Slug Immortal, his intelligence was not low, and he naturally saw that something was wrong with the White Snake Immortal at this time.

"It turns out that snakes can really transform into dragons..."

After closing his eyes for a while, Immortal Slug finally understood.

However, it didn't say much. It still stood on the bridge and looked at the ocean scenery of the pirate world as always.

On the other hand, Uchiha Tokumitsu was silently meditating on luck, sensing and activating the special natural abilities that had been transformed by the sacred tree, so as to adjust his state to the best.

This time, it is very likely to be a decisive battle that will end in one battle, and Uchiha Tokumitsu does not dare to be careless in the slightest.


New World, Navy G1 branch.

Different from the difficulty of dealing with Whitebeard, this time the combined efforts of Sengoku and Kizaru withstood the combined attacks of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

Although the two sea emperors relied on their own abilities to bombard from above, Kizaru, who possesses the ability of the Shining Fruit, can also fly to the sky after being elementalized. In addition, the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States Period is both offensive and defensive, even if the two of them are The thunder and fire attack can only affect some buildings on the G1 branch.

On the contrary, after the navy began to mobilize its troops to fight, Margao and Jhin, who had never been able to find an opportunity, found the opportunity. They continued to dive and launch attacks, disrupting the rear array of the navy, and from time to time they would grab someone and fly it into the sky before throwing them away. Come down and smash them into a pulp to create panic among the grassroots sailors.

Although the navy admirals are determined to surround and kill the two flying pirates who are raging, most of the vice admirals who have the ability to punish Margo and Jhin who have the ability to fly have also gone to war with the navy. The ordinary rear admirals are in front of the two. On the contrary, it was just a free meal. Not only did it fail to achieve the goal of killing, but many naval units were disbanded because the leading general was killed.

Sengoku, who was playing an anti-aircraft combat game with two maritime emperors in a serious manner, also noticed the scene behind him.


Warring States took a deep breath and shouted towards Sakaski, who was panting in the direction of the harbor: "Don't waste time, return for help immediately!"

"……it's me again!"

Now, no matter how ferocious and bellicose Sakaski was usually, he was starting to get angry.

Endless dispatches, endless transfers, and injuries that have never healed! He was a dignified admiral at the Navy Headquarters and had done almost all the dirty work. Unexpectedly, he was not even given the chance to 'catch French fries' at the end!
  But even so, Sakaski did not directly disobey the order, but simply explained a few words to his subordinate Aramaki before jumping back to the branch land to provide support.

Although Sakaski's strength was severely reduced after being seriously injured, coupled with excessive consumption of strength, with the assistance of other naval commanders, it didn't take long for him to stabilize the situation on land in the branch and bring tens of thousands of people with him. The famous sea soldier fought with Margao and Jhin happily.

Warring States also ignored Sakaski's fishing move at this time. After all, even if he summoned his lackeys, he could not overwork him. Now that he could drive Sakaski like this, he was satisfied.

But at this time, the battle between the Navy and the Three Emperors Alliance temporarily reached a stalemate.

Although Kuzan did not take full action, his main duty was to contain Shanks, the red-haired pirate group who had not yet participated in the war, so he could not be easily mobilized.

As a result, this deadlock can only continue...

After another half an hour, the Redvers, which was temporarily anchored with Namikaze Minato's clipper to watch the battle, began to raise anchor and sail, and slowly sailed towards the vassal pirate group who was fighting a bloody battle.

"Red-headed Shanks..."

While he was frantically killing people, he immediately noticed the strange movement on the side, so he immediately put away his ice skates, slapped it casually to create a small iceberg behind the combat zone, and used his 'moon step' to jump to the top of the iceberg, just blocking Redvers. route of the number.

The Redvers also slowly slowed down, and the red-haired Shanks jumped out from the bow of the ship, fearlessly jumping to the top of the iceberg to confront Kuzan at close range.

"You shouldn't be here..."

Kuzan said slowly: "What you advocate is unfettered freedom, and the World Government and the Navy have never taken action against you, and your sins are not heavy. If you just retreat, the Navy will forget the blame and will never pursue you. !”


Shanks chuckled and said: "Compared with dignity, how much is freedom worth?"

"You mean...the Navy violated your dignity?"

Kuzan knew that this battle was inevitable as soon as he heard it, but his face remained calm: "Speak out and let me hear it. If the navy violates the rules, I don't mind punishing him for you."

"No, no, no... those grassroots marines are very good at assessing the situation. They will not do anything rashly that will endanger their lives..."

Shanks slowly pulled out his long sword 'Griffin' from his waist and said, "But the navy violated the dignity of the four emperors!"

"Originally I was unwilling to directly conflict with the navy, but..."

The long knife 'Griffin' was slowly raised, and the blade was pointed directly between Kuzan's eyebrows: "Edward Newgate is dead, and I don't want to talk about anything anymore!"

"Then it seems that the conflict is indelible. What a pity!"

Kuzan also calmly formed ice blades and ice gloves in his hands, ready to fight.

Red-haired Shanks is the only one among the four emperors who has never eaten a devil fruit.

But this does not mean that his strength is the last among the four emperors.

Among the rumors about the Four Emperors in the New World, the most eye-catching thing about Shanks is his superb swordsmanship.

Although it is not as dazzling as the Devil Fruit's ability, and its swordsmanship is relatively insufficient when it comes to causing large-scale damage, no one will question Shanks's one-on-one melee ability - even the most arrogant Kaido is no exception.

Kuzan, who was staring closely at the blade, breathed softly, and his breath began to gradually become solid. The frozen iceberg under his feet was gradually spreading to the surroundings. Even Shanks' feet had an almost substantial cold air that continued to spread, trying to contain it. Its seal was frozen, only blocked by its surging armed domineering energy.

"Freezing time!"

Kuzan couldn't help but take the initiative to attack. With a puff of his mouth, he blew out a stream of cold air towards Shanks, who had a calm face.

Shanks didn't even bother to swing his sword, and the armed domineering force he unleashed blocked Kuzan's cold air attack.

The cold air formed a solid wall in front of him, blocking Shanks' sight.


Kuzan flashed on the left side of Shanks with a ghost-like pace, twisting his waist and raising his legs——

"Lan feet!"

The extremely fast kicking skills created a vacuum and enveloped the cold air of the Devil Fruit to form a series of ice blades and slashed towards Shanks' waist!


Shanks immediately retracted his left leg, slashed the famous sword 'Griffin' in his right hand to the right, and swung a sword energy to break Kuzan's ice blade attack.

At the same time, he stamped his left foot and stretched the long knife across his chest. He lowered his waist and launched an attack on Kuzan. “Moonstep!”

Kuzan also stamped his feet and jumped into the air, dodging Shanks' attack.

But before Kuzan could find Shanks' visual blind spot, several more blades of energy struck him from the sky, interrupting Kuzan's next plan.

"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth!"

Kuzan simply blasted out a burst of cold air and turned into an ice crystal phoenix to withstand Shanks' sword energy and dive down at the same time.

"Ice Cube Two Spears!"

At the same time, two ice spears condensed on Kuzan's side, shooting towards Shanks from the left and right wings.

"God avoid!"

Shanks did not hesitate to activate the martial arts inherited from Roger, and unleashed his overlord-like domineering energy in the form of a shock wave. It covered a wide area and was so powerful that it even darkened the entire sky!
  "Ice Age!"

Kuzan shouted loudly, and then used his strongest move, blasting all the cold air around him downwards, forming an extremely huge iceberg, which collided with Shanks' overlord-colored domineering energy!
  "Boom boom boom!!!"

Accompanied by the fierce explosion, the scattered ice crystal debris covered almost all areas including the G1 branch!

"……This guy!"

With a gloomy face, Sakaski waved a stream of lava, using high temperature to eliminate the negative effects of the ice crystal cold fog.

He also understood that since he lost an arm, his strength had completely distanced from his arch-rival Kuzan.

In other words, Sengoku's long-standing plan to support Kuzan as the next marshal of the Navy Headquarters has been unimpeded.

"...It's so abominable!"

Sakaski couldn't help but touched his empty left shoulder and cursed softly.

To be honest, he was unwilling from the bottom of his heart!
  "Are you done with this guy?"

Just when Margao dived again to prepare for the attack, Sakaski suddenly became furious and jumped into the air regardless of his injuries.

"Big fire!"

The unprepared Margao was hit by a huge lava fist. Coupled with the gap in Devil Fruit levels, even though he had activated his phoenix form, he was burned by the extremely high temperature lava and screamed.

"Ming dog!"

The unyielding Sakaski swung a heavy punch again, stretched out his lava-formed arm, grabbed Margao, who was struggling in mid-air to shake off the lava, and pulled him down to the ground!

"Give it to me!"

After throwing Margao in Phoenix form to the ground, Sakaski immediately gave orders to the left and right.

Groups of naval admirals immediately swarmed up and surrounded Margao and started beating him.

As for why he didn't do it himself... it was because Sakaski really didn't have the strength.

Moreover, Jhin, who was shocked by the mutation, was also preparing to carry out rescue. He was hovering in mid-air at this time. Sakaski stopped to scare this equally difficult opponent.

"Your only fate will be failure and being hanged on the execution platform..."

Sengoku, who was still struggling with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, said slowly.

"so what!"

Kaido in the form of a blue dragon roared like thunder: "I have been defeated seven times in my life!"

"I was arrested 18 times, tortured more than a thousand times, and sentenced to death 40 times!"

"Even if you are hanged, the chains will be broken. Even if you are put on the guillotine, the guillotine will be shattered. Even if you are stabbed with a spear, the spear will break!"

"Even I can't kill myself!"

"As for you - Sengoku, apart from your head full of intrigues, what else can you rely on!"

"The loser will be you!"

"——Ba Hai!"

After retorting, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling once again launched a joint attack, once again setting off a huge shock wave that hit the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States period.


Since the G1 branch land was behind him, Sengoku did not dodge at all, let alone dodge. He just continued to urge the golden giant Buddha to launch shock waves to perform homomorphic attacks.


The shock caused by the annihilation of the offensive even caused cracks in the space, and even Shanks and Kuzan who were fighting in the distance were shaken by it.

Both the navy and the Allied Forces of the Three Emperors are full of confidence in this battle, claiming that even if they cannot win a complete victory, they will at least be able to successfully defend or evacuate intact.

Therefore, both sides went all out without any scruples, shaking the area, causing the earth to shake, the wind to roar, and the tsunami to form a scene of doomsday.


San Marie Gioia, among the flowers.

The mysterious Lord Im made a decision and raised his hand to point to the crystal ball showing the battle status of the G1 branch.

This also means that the 'secret weapon' in the hands of the World Government will launch indiscriminate attacks on the navy that belongs to the World Government's armed forces and the three pirate pirate alliances that are fighting against it.

"Sir Im..."

The trembling God of Defense, Jaygo Lucia Satan, asked: "Excuse me...which weapon should I use?"

"Well...just use Poseidon, the King of the Sea..."

The voice of 'Im-sama' echoed among the flowers: "After all... so many Devil Fruit ability users gathered together to fight in a melee, and the momentum was earth-shattering, thus attracting a large number of Neptune-like giant monsters from the depths of the sea. This is also very reasonable... isn't it?"

"My lord is wise..."

The Five Old Stars had no intention of trying to dissuade him. After kowtowing and saluting again, he pushed his buttocks out and slowly pushed out of the temple of 'Lord Im' in a kneeling position.

"Then I'll go to the Dragon Palace Kingdom..."

Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli Saint took the initiative to say.

"Then trouble you..."

The other four agreed. (End of chapter)

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