Kuzan was at a slight disadvantage against the red-haired Shanks.

This was a very uncomfortable thing for him.

In the general perception of the Navy, the strength of generals with Devil Fruit abilities is often higher than that of generals with only Haki. After all, eating a Devil Fruit increases the strength much faster than Haki training that requires a lot of time to polish. Much faster - especially the bonus from natural fruits is terrifyingly large.

But this does not mean that as a general of the Navy, Kuzan has poor attainments in armaments, Haki, and the Sixth Form of the Navy.

In fact, even in the Sixth Form of the Navy, which is easy to learn but difficult to master, Kuzan is second only to Lieutenant General Garp, whom he has always admired, in the Navy.

However, Shanks' ability is too powerful for his restraint!
  The cunning and sharp sword energy always appeared from unexpected directions, easily breaking through Kuzan's armed and domineering defense like passing through defeated leather, leaving wounds after wounds on his body.

If Shanks hadn't been a strong man with some moral integrity and couldn't do such a thing as quenching poison on weapons, Kuzan would have really been left with nothing to lose.

Therefore, after the two men fought in close combat for a while, Kuzan took the initiative to jump back and use the ability of the frozen fruit to create ice barriers to encircle Shanks, and no longer took the initiative to attack.

On the other hand, on the land of the G1 branch, after Sakaski squeezed out the last energy in his body and shot down Margao, the land-air confrontation gradually entered garbage time. Even though Jhin tried his best to rescue, but in the face of The intensive and almost intermittent barrage attacks of the naval spear troops were unable to do anything. They could only watch as Margao gradually became powerless under the siege of countless naval officers who came one after another.

"What can I do..."

But even though he was so anxious, Jhin still had no good solution. He could only launch a futile dive again and again, and then he was forced to pull up to dodge under the barrage of spears and marines. The same thing happened again and again.

"Immortal Thistle!"

Margao, who was surrounded from all sides, was unable to fight back, so he had to use the blue flame of the Devil Fruit to create a circular shield for defense.

But Margao, who has rich combat experience, also understands very well that in such a tight siege, if he cannot fight out on his own strength, then being captured may be the best outcome.

"...T Penn!"

Seeing this group of admirals who were defeated repeatedly but constantly launched attacks, Sakaski felt extremely bored, so he summoned Major General T. Penn, who was organizing the mobilization of pikemen.

"Your Excellency General..."

T. Penn, who was a knight of the Kingdom, immediately spoke to his deputy, and then trotted to Sakaski's side.

"Is your knife still sharp?"

Sakalski asked.

"Sharpen your sword every day, practice your sword every day, and never slack off!"

T. Penn replied without hesitation.

"That's good……"

Sakaski raised his hand with some difficulty, pointed at Margao in the battle group and said, "Are you confident that you can take him down?"

"I will do my best!"

T Penn raised his eyebrows and responded immediately.


Sakaski nodded, "Don't worry about that big bat in the sky. I will take action if necessary!"

"As ordered!"

T Penn immediately took the order, drew out his weapon, the long sword "Foot", and then used the moon step to join the battle group.

The man known as the "Ship-Slasher" is a man who can cut open a pirate ship like a steak. His swordsmanship is remarkable even among the navy with many masters, but because he upholds the tradition of knights, Taoist T Penn, like Lieutenant General Garp, was unwilling to accept the Devil Fruit given to him, which prevented him from making a qualitative leap in strength. Therefore, after being promoted to Major General, he has been stuck in the same place for many years.

But there was nothing Sakaski could do, because at this time he only had one rear admiral at his disposal.

"Double emperors in the blade!"

The departure of the commanding general immediately caused a slight disruption in the already very rhythmic spear and marine shooting sequence. Jhin immediately seized this gap, dived without hesitation and fired dense flames towards the ground from the flames behind him. bullet.

"Big fire!"

Before the naval staff could organize a defensive counterattack, Sakaski immediately waved his right fist and turned the little strength he finally recovered into a lava punch, hitting the diving Jhin!
  "Fire Dragon Emperor!"

This time Jhin did not dodge, but directly focused the flames on his katana, and swung a huge dragon-shaped flame towards the lava punch that Sakaski hit.

The reason why he started to face the confrontation so confidently was because the diameter of the lava punch that Sakaski blasted was visible to the naked eye to be nearly half smaller than the same move before!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Jhin's dragon-shaped flames and Sakaski's lava punch exploded in mid-air, both of them annihilated!

"Looks like there's something going on!"

Jhin immediately perked up and locked his gaze and domineering look on Sakaski's position. He forgot about the preliminary task of rescuing Margao and headed towards Sakaski's position like an arrow from a string. Kill it.

"Protect Your Excellency General!"

An unknown naval staff officer yelled stupidly, and then a lot of sailors with the same lack of brains ran out regardless of the queue, raising their guns to try to stop the menacing "Fire Disaster" that was covered in flames. .

"Emperor Flame!"

But after breaking away from the gun formation, the scattered sailors were unable to pose any threat to a strong man like Jhin. Jhin just swung a fireball at will, burning the group of sailors blocking the way into a pile of screaming moving torches. .

"Guarding the Fire Dragon Emperor!"

A larger fire dragon flew out of Jhin's katana and headed straight for the pale Sakaski.


Sakaski had no intention of resisting this time and directly used the six moves to dodge.

He was so fucked up! There is really no drop of the power of the lava!
  "Sable self-respecting emperor!"

A powerful shock wave shot out from Jhin's head, hitting Sakaski who had just jumped up.


This time, Sakaski couldn't help but vomit blood and was knocked away like a broken toy.

"good chance!"

Jhin immediately flapped his wings and brandished his sword, trying to take the opportunity to kill Sakaski!

After the death of Whitebeard, the four emperors were missing one of them. If Jhin can kill Sakaski, the admiral of the navy headquarters, then he will definitely have a place in the new emperor of the sea!

Sengoku, who was entangled with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, took a break from his busy work and blasted out a shock wave to knock away Jhin, who only had human heads in his mind, to save Sakaski.

"Your Excellency!"

However, after this incident, the encirclement of Margao, which was gradually gaining victory, began to fall into chaos. A group of naval officers immediately turned back to rescue regardless of the war, giving Margao a chance to breathe.

"Stupid guy!"

Sakaski, who reluctantly stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and cursed angrily.

If Margao was allowed to escape the siege, he would be humiliated!

After Jhin turned a few somersaults in mid-air, he quickly stabilized his body, then fluttered his wings and flew at a super low altitude to kill the group of admirals who did not know whether to live or die.

He can't beat a marshal or admiral who is in perfect condition, but he can still beat a group of admirals who have high ambitions but low power!

"Dan Gonghuang!"

With a static ejection, Jhin wielded his samurai sword and charged directly into the crowd of admirals, causing a bloody storm wherever the sword went!

Witnessing this scene, Sakaski turned pale and had no choice but to take out his phone tremblingly and call the Warring States Marshal, who was fighting Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in the golden giant Buddha, and seek tactical guidance.  His self-esteem has been shattered to pieces.


Kaido, who had been maintaining a strong attack but could not defeat the golden giant Buddha, began to feel anxious.

His violent personality really couldn't stand this exhausting fighting method of maintaining a confrontational state, so he urgently needed to break the previous deadlock.

Therefore, he needs to give Warring States a hard blow!

Kaido first used the dragon's roar to release thunder to slightly distract Sengoku's attention, then he made the dragon's body rotate in a circle like a top and released bad wind to roll towards the golden giant Buddha.


When Sengoku smashed the bad wind vortex with a punch, Kaido in the form of a blue dragon roared, took the initiative to break away from the joint forces with Charlotte Lingling, opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards the golden giant Buddha.

"You bastard!"

Charlotte Lingling's expression suddenly changed, but it was too late to stop her.

"Flame Cloud!"

A sea of ​​fire enveloped the giant golden Buddha.

But the calm Sengoku still punched out and scattered the boundless sea of ​​​​fire!
  "King Kong · Dysprosium!"

Kaido, who recovered his body at an extremely fast speed, swung his cylindrical rod at the huge golden giant Buddha under the cover of flames, hitting the belly of the giant Buddha where Sengoku was!

The violent explosion and shock made Warring States a little dizzy.

"Bao Lei Gossip!"

Kaido was unyielding when he gained the upper hand, and continued to gather a large amount of overlord-colored domineering energy on the mace 'Hasaijie'. He quickly jumped up and approached the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States Period, and kept hitting it with one stick after another!

Sengoku immediately controlled the golden giant Buddha's big hand and tried to grab Kaido's body, but was immediately blocked by Charlotte Lingling who rushed over with a 'Mama Raid'.

"...I didn't plan to fight you to the death! But now it's just that you two brainless guys are so ignorant!"

Warring States's face immediately darkened and he began to output with all his strength.

The elemental Kizaru also immediately condensed a photon 'Tian Cong Yun Sword' to assist, blocking the menacing Charlotte Lingling.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

As the four strong men fought mercilessly to the death, even the aftermath of the battle caused earthquakes to occur on the land of the G1 branch; and the most serious impact was on the navy and pirates who were fighting fiercely in the frozen port bay. .

Since Kuzan was fully immersed in the battle with Shanks and no longer devoted his strength to maintaining the frozen sea ice, after the fierce battle and the aftermath of the battle caused by Sengoku and others, the ice began to crack inch by inch. .

The navy pirates who were fighting fiercely stopped fighting quickly and tried to find a new foothold.

At this time, the advantage of the marines, who mostly use domineering as their main means of combat, is revealed. After all, the seawater has little impact on them; on the contrary, the members of the Kaido Pirates, who have a lot of artificial Devil Fruit ability users, do not know what to do. measures.


Kuzan breathed out a blast of cold air in his busy schedule, creating a sheet of ice behind the sailors. At the same time, he shouted, "Why are you still standing there! Get up there quickly!"


The sailors, led by their respective generals, once again attacked the panicked pirate members with great momentum.

"go to hell!"

The giant Buddha of the Warring States period knocked Kaido away with a heavy punch, then turned around and prepared to assist Kizaru in giving Big Mom some memory.

But at this moment, the ice surface that Kuzan had just created with his Devil Fruit power began to crack for no reason.

Then, a huge octopus arm stretched out from the bottom of the sea, wrapped around the body of a sailor, and dragged him into the bottom of the sea.

"Neptune Troll!"

The sailors were in an uproar.

They use domineering as their main means of fighting enemies. When facing such huge monsters, they are not as good as those with artificial devil fruit abilities!

But then, at the temporary anchorage of the ship behind the pirates, various arms and legs of different shapes stretched out from the bottom of the sea, dragging the defenseless pirate ship into the bottom of the sea!

Kaido suddenly felt his hands and feet were cold and his scalp was numb.

"This, this is..."

Even the incomparable Warring States Period was stunned.

Neptune-like giant monsters have never attacked humans in such a swarm.

But soon, he thought of a terrifying possibility from his long-lost memory——

"Secret Weapon·Aquaman!"

According to legend, this is a super killer weapon directly controlled by the Five Elders of the World Government and used to deter other countries and navies!

Although the battlefield was extremely noisy, at this time, the Warring States Period suddenly and clearly heard a song of resentment and tears...


Warring States almost chewed his silver teeth into pieces!
  The wise Neptunes gather together to launch an attack, and there is this weird song with an extremely special melody that can be heard by everyone. The only thing that matches the characteristics is the legendary 'secret weapon' controlled by the Five Old Stars. Aquaman's gone!


Almost instantly, the originally distinct battlefield became chaotic. Countless sea monsters emerged from the water and feasted on the ‘buffet’ on the spot!
  Sengoku's mind suddenly went blank.

But it doesn't stop there.

Even the land of the G1 branch at the foot of the Warring States Period is being destroyed by the Sea King monster's digging under the sea. If left alone, it won't be long before these Sea King monsters will hollow out the entire G1 branch, then sink the island and start imploding directly.

"Let Margao go!"

Sengoku immediately took out the phone from his pocket and called Sakaski.


Without saying anything more, Sakaski ordered the recall of T Penn, who was about to kill Margao.

"If we continue to fight, you and I will die!"

Kaido forcibly suppressed the killing impulse in his heart and said coldly.

"Withdraw troops and return to the mainland to defend!"

The Warring States Period directly dispersed the golden giant Buddha and issued the highest order.

"Don't get entangled, avoid the battle and save the ship!"

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling once again rode the clouds back to the sky above the port waters where the Neptune monster was raging, using various thunder and flames to try to save their subordinates who were in dire straits.

"Stop it..."

Shanks, who was fighting Kuzan, chose to stop fighting.

"It's ironic..."

Kuzan was stunned for a long time before laughing at himself: "It turns out that the Navy is just a chamber pot..." (End of Chapter)

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