Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 561 Cat and Mouse Alliance

'It seems that I will reach the end of my life today, drawing an unsatisfactory end to my decades-long naval career...'

The panting Lieutenant General Garp's body was swaying, and the blood oozing from the large and small wounds all over his body turned him into a bloody man. The originally neat navy uniform was also tattered like a beggar, and his most important hair was also in battle. The middle was burned into a mess.

Coupled with the fact that he was accidentally poisoned, after a fierce battle, the toxins flowed throughout the body with the pumping blood. At this time, although Lieutenant General Garp still maintained a standing posture, his vision began to blur, and his hands and feet also appeared. Uncontrollable trembling.

If his domineering cultivation hadn't been so extraordinary, he would have died on the spot due to the poisonous effect of the Sanshou Fish.

But no matter what, Sansho Hanzo, Hatake Sakumo and the three of them will not let him go like this.

Lieutenant General Garp is indeed powerful. If it weren't for the fact that he had not eaten Devil Fruit and had certain shortcomings, the three of them might really have nothing to do with him.

After all, among the navy, only Lieutenant General Garp's strength is comparable to that of the generals of the headquarters, and even has the potential to surpass him.

But as long as you are human, you will eventually have your limits, even those as strong as Lieutenant General Garp are no exception.

Sanshouyu Hanzo and the others were also panting rapidly, but were in no hurry to launch an attack.

After all, time is on the ninja's side, and there's no need to take risks just for the sake of this little junk time.

Especially at this time, the [-]st and [-]nd Corps Marines who launched the attack have basically eliminated the remaining naval forces in various parts of the Chambord Islands, and are beginning to prepare for the deployment of large-scale barriers under the organization of the Uzumaki Ninja.

But Lieutenant General Garp, who was alone, could not make any trouble.

"Mr. Karp..."

Yisheng took the initiative and said: "Now that things have happened, please take off your gloves..."

"You are a veteran of the Navy, and a well-known strong man in the East China Sea... Everything you did in the past was worthy of the Navy, but it was the World Government that failed you..."

"Moreover, the Republic Alliance also needs you now. For the sake of going out to the East China Sea together, please ask Mr. Garp to stop fighting and receive treatment."

Although Yisheng's words were very euphemistic, the meaning was still to persuade him to surrender.

And he not only looked at the overall situation, but also used nostalgia as an excuse to try to impress Garp.


Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help but laugh.

But along with the laughter, he felt his dizziness getting worse and worse. Even the three enemies in front of him began to appear as ghosts. His heart beat faster and faster, almost more powerful than in fierce fighting.

But this is by no means a good thing.

Lieutenant General Garp, who was extremely familiar with his physical condition, knew that this was a sign of a comeback. If he did not give up resistance immediately, he would be poisoned and die even if the three enemies did not take action.

"It is undeniable that I am indeed not young..."

But, he is Garp!

"This naval career should end with the fiercest battle!"

"If there is an afterlife, then see you in the next life!"

Having said that, the shaky Lieutenant General Garp once again took up his fist stance.

But his body became even more unstable.

Even Shengsheng, who had the intention to persuade him to surrender, gave up his previous idea, said nothing more, and did not choose to take action.

Sansho Hanzo and Hatake Sakumo also stood on one side holding weapons and did not choose to take action.


Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Have I become so powerless? That I have made you all unwilling to take action?"

He could no longer sense his physical condition, as if his power of seeing and hearing had completely failed.

"...Then please let Mr. Karp die!"

He couldn't help but watch a generation of naval heroes die silently, so he decided to give him a ride to fulfill his honor of dying in battle.

"Chairman of the House of Representatives Sakumo, Commander Hanzo!"

Just when Issei raised his staff and sword and was about to take action, Uchiha Shiina hurriedly came forward and shouted: "Your Majesty sent a telegram to cease the war immediately and gather the ninja army!"

"what happened?"

Hatake Sakumo and Sansho Hanzo were both deeply surprised.

Even Yisheng was a little surprised. Although the staff and sword in his hand had been pressed against Lieutenant General Garp's heart, it still did not penetrate.

"Puppet government..."

Uchiha Shiina took a breath, and then said: "Rebellion!"


Everyone, including Lieutenant General Garp, was stunned.

"New World Direction... the puppet government brazenly launched an indiscriminate attack on the Navy and the Four Emperors Allied Forces. All parties involved in the war in the waters of the Navy's G1 branch suffered heavy losses."

Uchiha Shiina also knew that this was a bit unbelievable, so he explained: "This is the real-time information on the battlefield sent back by Minato Jounin! And the telegram was also sent by His Majesty himself."

"What about these marines?"

Hatake Sakumo frowned and asked, "You can't let these prisoners go in vain, right?"

"This... His Majesty did not express it clearly..."

Uchiha Shiina did not dare to make the decision without authorization, and kicked the ball back with his hands: "Both of you are commanders of the ninja army, please give me the specific orders..."

"...Then gather the ninja troops and imprison the prisoners first."

Hatake Sakumo scratched his head and made a decision that would not go wrong.

"Also, Shiina-kun, please inform Commander Fugaku. His fleet should be surrounding the Navy Headquarters..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo warned.

"Ah! I forgot, I'm going to send a telegram right now!"

Uchiha Shiina slapped her forehead and immediately left.

And Garp, who heard all these conversations, felt dizzy and in unbearable pain.

He didn't know whether it was due to the effects of the poison or the pain or unwillingness in his heart.


At this moment, the phone bug, which was well protected by Lieutenant General Garp, rang.


Seeing that Hatake Sakumo and the others had no further plans, Lieutenant General Garp tremblingly took out the phone and connected it.

"it's me!"

Marshal Sengoku's voice came from the other end of the phone, and there was also an extremely noisy and complicated background noise.

"You and I……"

Lieutenant General Karp, whose thinking was unclear due to poisoning, really didn't know what to say.

But if combined with the words of the 'huge kingdom remnant' just now, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Garp's mind.

It can not be……

"Are you okay over there? Can you hear me!"

Warring States, who did not receive a reply, continued to shout: "You should pay attention to screening the people around you, especially those shady guys from CIPHER POL, and control them as soon as possible!"

"The world government has betrayed our navy, and the Celestial Dragons are going to rebel!"

"..."      Lieutenant General Garp opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

In addition, the rapid fire attack on the heart caused the toxin to further attack, so he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Hey, hey, hey! Missy Missy! Garp! What's wrong with you!"

The voice of the Sengoku still came out from the phone bug that fell to the ground.

Hatake Sakumo stepped forward, picked up the phone bug, put it to his ear a little unfamiliarly, and said, "He has fainted."

At the same time, Sanshouyu Hanzo also walked over and checked Garp's breathing, then stuffed a special antidote pill into his mouth, and then nodded to Hatake Sakumo.

"However, he probably won't die..."

Hatake Sakumo continued.

"……Who are you?"

Warring States on the other side of the phone was stunned for a while, and then said faintly: "In other words, who are you..."

"It's not important, but our Lord has ordered a ceasefire, and we will not harm Mr. Garp..."

Hatake Sakumo said: "As for what to do next... let's talk about that separately."


Warring States was silent for a long time, without saying anything else, he directly hung up the phone call.

"What is this..."

After confirming that the communication was disconnected, Hatake Sakumo put down the phone and said, "Why would anyone attack his own army at such a critical moment?"

"Either you are brainless, or you are confident..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo summoned several ninjas, grabbed the unconscious Lieutenant General Garp with a sea tower stone torture device lock, and sent him to the special entrance room. Then he stood up and said: "From my personal point of view, it is roughly the world government. The top brass feels that the power in their hands is enough, or they feel that the navy is disobedient... so just choose to point the knife edge inwards."

"...It's really incredible."

Hatake Sakumo shook his head, confused.


Not to mention that Hatake Sakumo couldn't figure it out, even Marshal Sengoku, who had always been known for his extraordinary wit, couldn't figure it out either.

But at this time, the tragic situation outside the bay of the G1 branch truly conveyed a message to him: the world government was attacking them unscrupulously!
  Moreover, it is the bloodiest indiscriminate attack!
  As for pirates, except for a very small number of elite cadres, the original Whitebeard vassal pirate group was nearly wiped out. Nearly 1 pirates were killed by the Sea King monster. The beasts pirate group and the Big Mom pirate group were the same. The losses were heavy, but fortunately, the personnel ladder was still relatively intact, and basically all the key personnel landed on land at the G[-] branch alive.

The navy also suffered heavy losses. Basically all the sailors who participated in the battle were lost, and a rough estimate was about [-] people...

As for the ships, with the exception of Charlotte Lingling's ship, the Queen Mother's Hymn, which broke into the G1 branch due to its ship characteristics, the rest of the ships, whether they were naval battleships or pirate ships, were all destroyed by the Sea King monster. They were overturned and dragged to the bottom of the sea, even Shanks' flagship Redforth was no exception.

But it's not over yet. Those Neptune monsters are still cruising around the G1 branch island and refuse to retreat, and there are vibrations from the rock formations under the sea from time to time. It is because some of the smarter Neptune monsters are digging the 'foundation'.

After getting in touch with the direction of the Shampoo Islands, Warring States had been standing still for a long time. He picked up and put down the phone in his hand, always hesitating.

To be honest, he didn't know why he changed so quickly, and even "shaked hands" with the pirates who were fighting to the death not long ago in a very short period of time.

Moreover, the navy officers under their command did not seem to feel anything strange. They were all hurriedly working with the pirates to operate the coastal defense guns in an attempt to repel the Sea King who kept attacking the beach.

This world is so ridiculous...

It started to rain. Warring States looked up and sighed, speechless.

"……How to do?"

The pale Sakaski came to Sengoku's side and asked.

"What else can I do?"

Sengoku laughed dumbfoundedly.

We have fallen into such a situation, what else can we do?
  If you are not careful, the navy here will have to feed the fishes with these pirates. After the most elite navy backbone is lost, the navy will become completely empty!

Sakaski named a person.

It was Zefa who formed a "new navy" under the orders of the Five Old Stars and was sent to the South China Sea to take charge.

The South China Sea is the sea area with the strongest shipbuilding capabilities.

"Why don't you say it's empty..."

Warring States babbled, but was stunned before he finished speaking.

It seems that the World Government’s military commander-in-chief ‘Cyborg’ Sora’s presence in this series of events is too low...

"I didn't say anything!"

Sakaski grinned nervously: "I just want to ask the wise Marshal of the Warring States Period what his plans are!"

"By the way, why don't you call me and ask? What if it's an accidental injury? Could it be a misunderstanding caused by using the wrong chart?"

"You can't just keep making peace with the pirates without knowing it, right?"

The smile on Sakaski's face became increasingly crazier.

"It's not impossible for cats and mice to form an alliance..."

Warring States once again picked up the golden phone bug in his hand and put it to his ear, but in the end he didn't make a call.

He didn't know what to say to Wulaoxing.

The other two generals, Kizaru and Kuzan, were commanding the navy to fight back, and from time to time they took the initiative to repel the giant sea king squid that climbed up the beach like crazy.

The three sea kings were no exception, and they were all trying to attack the sea monster trying to land on the beach.

Such a famous scene really left Sengoku at a loss as to what to do - even if this decision was made by him personally.

"The Navy is defeated!"

Sakaski's voice was filled with endless viciousness and resentment: "No matter what the result is, the Navy has been completely defeated!"

"In other words, since the Five Old Stars are taking action against us, it means that they are ready to be without a navy!"

"So... Your Excellency the wise and mighty Warring States Period, what are you waiting for!"

"...What do you think?"

Warring States opened and closed his mouth for a long time before speaking with difficulty.

"Electrify the world and condemn the atrocities of the puppet government!"

Sakaski said without hesitation: "Moreover, we must mobilize all the navy, pirates, and even the forces of the remnants to unite to attack the unkind and unjust puppet government!"

"They have a secret weapon in their hands..."

Warring States took a deep breath, pointed at the densely packed Sea King monsters in the direction of the port and said, "Moreover, there are two secret weapons that have not been used yet..."

"So you should wait here to die?"

Sakaski grinned.

If he hadn't been seriously injured now, he would have immediately flown to the Holy Land of Mariejoia to massacre those damn Celestial Dragons.


At this moment, a burst of cheers suddenly came from not far away.

Warring States looked closely, only to find that the representative of the survivors named 'Namikaze Minato' had drawn a circle with strange symbols on the ground, and placed various strange items around it. Several survivors pressed their hands on the ground, and various supplies continued to appear out of thin air with white light!

"What is this..."

Although this period was at a critical moment, Warring States still couldn't control his inner curiosity. (End of chapter)

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