Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 562 The enemy is in Mary Joa

Fortunately, Namikaze Minato has a Uzumaki Nagato under his command who has a terrifying amount of chakra, otherwise he would not be able to maintain the massive chakra consumption required for the sealing formation of the Tensend Jutsu.

As the white light of the Heavenly Sending Technique continued to flash, piles of new heavy artillery, supporting chakra shells, and new Kailuishi armor-piercing shells and other new equipment were transmitted over. Under the command of Namikaze Minato, he called out the monsters. The pirates formed a transportation line and continuously transported tons of materials from the sealing technique.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

Even Nagato only maintained the Tensend Jutsu for seventeen times before decisively stopping the chakra output and collapsed to the ground. Konan and Yahiko pulled him aside for infusion and medicine.

After all, this special time and space technique is a serious legion technique, and the sealing array deployed by Namikaze Minato has a single transmission load of up to three tons. Nagato has maintained seventeen teleportations by himself. Very profitable.

"Quick! Install these heavy cannons on the fortress walls!"

Namikaze Minato briefly expressed his condolences to the tired Nagato, and then led the trio of Aburame Shiguro, Inuzuka Jubilee and Akimichi Donato to direct the pirates around.


Warring States came behind him and asked in a gentle voice: "Are these...all the kingdom's heavy artillery equipment?"

"Mr. Warring States Period..."

Namikaze Minato entrusted the heavy artillery installation task to Akimichi Donto, and then said to Sengoku: "Yes, they are our latest special heavy artillery, and those are special cannonballs using Kailuishi as warheads..."

"...Sea Tower Stone Warhead!"

At this time, Sengoku also came out of the shock of the "World Government Rebellion". His IQ once again occupied the high ground, and he quickly grasped the information that Namikaze Minato seemed to have inadvertently revealed.

The Sea Tower Stone is a threat to Devil Fruit users, this is known to all the natives of the Pirate World.

But so far, the navy and even the world's government have used it, in addition to manufacturing various restraint instruments, the greatest achievement is the navy's secret force - the spear navy force that uses seastone bullets.

But he never expected that the 'residents of the huge kingdom' would directly process the sea tower stone into cannonballs...

Moreover, judging from the size, an ordinary naval officer would not be able to withstand the attack of this special artillery shell, let alone the previous interception methods.


Although he was forced to stand in the same trench with pirates and former war opponents, Sengoku still felt a little headache.

Although these 'remnants' whose origins are still unknown do not seem to be very powerful, it seems that the things hidden in their hands are aimed at them.

"I would like to know how the Shampoo Islands are doing?"

Warring States calmed down and did not continue to dwell on future questions. Instead, he asked about things on the other side of the Red Earth Continent.

"Mr. Sengoku probably wants to know about Mr. Garp..."

Namikaze Minato had also done his homework in advance and said without hesitation: "He was injured in the battle and is currently being treated by the medical team."

"Don't worry, he's going to be fine."


Although Warring States was relieved, he immediately thought of another question.

That's who Garp was defeated by...

After all, Lieutenant General Garp's identity is particularly special, and his strength is not inferior to that of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters. If he is injured and defeated by the strong men of the 'huge kingdom remnant' using the traditional fighting method, then he will have to recalculate again. The strength of these mysterious remnants has been revealed.

After all, in the battle of Dongdao in the East China Sea, Kizaru, one of the three generals of the navy, had already suffered a big loss.

However, after all, it was difficult to ask these questions on the spot, and while Namikaze Minato was thinking about things in the Warring States Period, he set off directly to direct the pirates to launch artillery operations.

"Get into position—cannonball reload!"

Namikaze Minato shouted, imitating the command of the Ninja Artillery Unit.

A group of ragged pirates immediately hurriedly loaded cannonballs into the heavy cannon.


"Adjust the 45° shooting angle!"

"Adjustments are complete!"


Following Namikaze Minato's order, the pirates all pulled the gun bolts.

"Boom boom boom!"

Although it was not very neat, at least the first salvo of artillery shells had been blasted out.

And everyone's eyes were attracted.

To be honest, even strong men like the Three Emperors can't do much against the swarms of Sea King monsters. After all, the defensive advantage brought by their huge size is too great, and it is difficult for them to kill or kill them through their usual methods. Drive away these giant monsters - especially these Neptune monsters that are still under control or bewitched.

However, the effect of Hailoushi cannonballs is indeed unexpectedly good. Although the shooting angle is upward, because there are so many giant monsters gathered together that they are all over the sea and even stacked on top of each other, none of the cannonballs miss. They all hit the giant monster.

Then, all kinds of wails and roars resounded throughout the world.

"Don't stop, keep loading!"

Namikaze Minato scolded the pirates who started to cheer with a sullen face, asking them to continue filling the cannonballs.

There are not many military supplies sent from Uchiha Tokko's fleet through the art of heavenly sending. He needs to pour out all the ammunition very quickly to cause maximum damage.

As for whether they can repel all these giant monsters, it depends on God's will. Anyway, at worst, Namikaze Minato would just use the Flying Thunder God Technique and escape with a few of his subordinates.

Afterwards, the pirates continued to fill the tank carefully under Namikaze Minato's orders and continued to pour ammunition.

Kizaru, who lost his left arm in the Battle of Dondao, also sensed some clues from the aura emitted after the explosion of these shells.

"...These shells seem to have some connection with the giant monsters controlled by the survivors."

He came to Sengoku's side and whispered softly.

The existence of tailed beasts could no longer be concealed, but because he knew so little about ninjas, Kizaru only regarded them as some special kind of Neptune.

"I see……"

Warring States nodded slightly, but did not say anything further.

After all, the crisis has not been resolved yet, and it is not the time to fall out.

Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and the embarrassed Shanks gathered on the other side and whispered, clearly distinct from the navy.

With their strength, especially Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, it is not difficult to escape from here, but their subordinates are different.

Although there are many cadres under Kaido who have mastered flying skills due to their Devil Fruit abilities, they cannot transfer everyone, not to mention that now that all the ships have been lost, they are still nestled on an island with the navy, so They must reach a consensus to protect themselves.

"...Now that these heavy artillery are under the control of our people, we are not afraid even if we fall out with the navy on the spot!"

Kaido lowered his head and whispered.

"But this will only happen after the crisis is resolved..."

Shanks tried to express his opinion.

"The Navy cannot be trusted!"

Charlotte Lingling decisively expressed her position.

The reason why she gathered all her troops to fight was because the Kingdom of Totland was attacked by the Warring States Period. So for her, she could hold her nose and endure the temporary alliance with the navy, but it was impossible to achieve mutual trust between the two parties.

Therefore, the communication between the three emperors reached a deadlock.


On the other side, Sakaski, who calmed down and regained some of his strength, also found Sengoku.

“What about where we stand?”

Sakaski got right to the point.

Although the concept of 'complete justice' he pursues is pure, it cannot tolerate betrayal, even from his 'immediate boss', the World Government; but for the time being, he has no better idea, so he wants to hear Sengoku's opinion on this matter judgment.

"Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal..."

Sengoku said meaningfully. “You want to rebel?”

Sakaski frowned.

"Are we going to rebel?"

Sengoku asked back.

"what do you mean……"

Sakaski was stunned.

Warring States did not speak, but walked towards the three emperors who were discussing countermeasures.

There is not much time left for him. Although the new heavy artillery combined with the sea floor stone shells has indeed caused a certain amount of damage among the sea king monsters, to resolve the current crisis, the navy and pirates still need to work together.

"...What are you doing here!"

Charlotte Lingling was the first to attack.

She clearly remembers the attack on the Kingdom of Totland.


Sengoku said without hesitation.

"The most we can do is to stay together on the same island for the time being..."

Kaido also helped.

Shanks, on the other hand, hesitated to speak.

However, the strength of the red-haired pirates is already at the bottom among the original four emperors, so his attitude is not important.

"The enemy is in the holy land of Mary Joa!"

Warring States said without hesitation what shocked the three emperors: "So, before the tyranny of the Tianlong people is completely destroyed, I think we still have a basis for cooperation."

"The pirates helped the navy rebel..."

Kaido almost burst out laughing, "This is simply more ridiculous than a mouse helping a cat beat a dog!"

"Our alliance is destined to fall apart and turn against each other one day."

Warring States also understood what the Three Emperors meant, but he said indifferently: "And now it seems that the world's nobles in Mariejoia hate us, the once loyal navy, even more..."

"So, I would rather watch you die!"

Charlotte Lingling didn't care about the looks of the navy and pirates, and shouted in a high voice.

"Without the participation of the Three Emperors' forces, I would not be able to control the navy."

Sengoku said with a sullen face.

To be honest, Charlotte Lingling's attitude gave him a headache. After all, such things that harmed others and did not benefit oneself were shouted out unscrupulously on such an occasion. The blow to the morale of both parties can be imagined.

The pirates who were carrying cannonballs to bombard the giant monster slowed down for a while, but then continued to work under Namikaze Minato's scolding.

There was some commotion in the navy, but it was quickly suppressed by the generals headed by Kuzan.

Now that things have happened, even the dullest sailors understand that this Sea King raid is inseparable from the World Government, but how to deal with it, they just instinctively place their hopes on their commanders.

What the Warring States Period had to do was to lead the navy step by step to get rid of the inherent limitations of the past.

For example, shake hands with the pirates and make peace, and gather all the troops to attack the holy land of Mary Joa.

"After the Navy is destroyed, the entire world will fall into my...our hands!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed strangely again.

But Kaido's expression turned serious.

Warring States looked at Shanks who seemed to be a bit embarrassed, then turned to Kaido and said: "If you think so, who will be the biggest beneficiary?"

"...you continue talking."

Kaido lowered his voice and said.

At the same time, he also made a silent gesture to Charlotte Lingling.

Acting is enough for this level, but it would be bad if you exert too much force.

As for Shanks, who had been kept in the dark by the two of them, he was obviously relieved.

"Those mysterious remnants are not simple..."

Warring States said calmly: "Their conspiracy against the world may be bigger than we imagined."

"go on……"

Kaido raised his eyebrows.

And Charlotte Lingling is no longer playing devil’s advocate.

"To crusade against the World Government, we must have the power of those remnants to join us."

Warring States stated his plan: "Moreover, even if the huge kingdom is rebuilt, the sea territory they control cannot cross the Red Earth Continent."

In other words, the Warring States Period intends to divide the world equally with the 'remnants of the huge kingdom'. As for the South China Sea, which is still under the actual control of the World Government, the Warring States Period does not intend to care anymore. After all, the 'New Navy' led by Zefa is stationed there.

"What about the new world?"

Kaido continued to ask.

"That's our base!"

Sengoku gave the answer without hesitation.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling looked at each other, really unsure of the changes in the Warring States Period.

To be honest, from their perspective, they really don’t understand why the World Government and the Navy have reached the point where they are now at odds with each other.

But they all also understand that it is impossible to realize their long-cherished wish to capture the Holy Land Marie Joa simply by relying on the defeated troops of the Three Emperors - after all, they only have one ship left, the 'Queen Mother's Hymn'. .

"What about the past grievances between you and me?"

Charlotte Lingling chose to step up and play the villain.

“It’s not too late to talk about these things after the chaos is brought to order!”

Warring States chose to put aside the dispute for the time being. After all, in this situation, no matter how much talk there is, it is useless. The top priority is still to keep the G1 branch as the final foothold.

"...Then you and I can go talk to the remnant messenger together!"

Kaido made eye contact with Charlotte Lingling again for a moment, then agreed.


As a messenger, Namikaze Minato naturally did not have that much decision-making authority, so he reported Sengoku's proposal to Uchiha Tokimitsu via telegram.

And just when the shells of the new heavy artillery were exhausted and nearly half of Neptune's casualties were killed, Uchiha Tokumitsu's electric reply was finally sent.

There are only two simple words in it: "Accurate performance!"

After receiving the answer, Warring States completely relaxed, and then ordered: "Kuzan, Kizaru! Command all naval forces to attack!"

"Everyone who can fly, come to me!"

Kaido also issued his own order.

Although it was a bit baffling, the pirates habitually followed orders and launched the first joint navy-pirate operation.

Warring States did not directly participate in the battle to expel the Neptune giant monster, but ordered people to re-install the video phone bug.

He plans to have a world-class live broadcast that exposes the ugly face of the world government, and calls on naval branches from all over the country to send troops to attack the Holy Land Marie Joa in order to 'rectify the chaos'! (End of chapter)

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