Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 563 Righteousness in the Eastern Army

The live broadcast of the Warring States Period was like ice cubes dropped into a pan of oil, making the whole world boil.

The most violent response came from naval branches distributed around the world.

After they learned of the "betrayal" of the Navy by the Celestial Dragon World Government headed by the Five Old Stars, the branches in various places began to fall into chaos.

As the strongest military force under the World Government, the Navy has not been monolithic since ancient times.

This is especially true for branches with complicated interest relationships.

In the navy, there are pure naval justice and neutral factions, and naturally there are also absolute loyalists who support the World Government as their mission. There are also undercover pirates, World Government spies, etc. The relationship is as intricate as a tangle.

Therefore, the "Declaration of Crusade" that stirred up thousands of waves during the Warring States period naturally caused internal divisions in the naval branches in various places.

The admirals in various branches started arguing fiercely, but it didn't take long before it turned into an all-armed civil war. Naturally, the South China Sea, West China Sea, and North China Sea, which were originally under the control of the World Government, began to become turbulent.

The alliance kingdoms that were originally just watching the crime and the Shichibukai forces that were not drafted into the war also immediately began to reorganize their armaments, holding their breath and preparing to take a share of the chaos.

But no one, including the navy, still knows why the world government headed by the Five Old Stars would do such a self-destructive thing. Even if the kings of the joining kingdoms directly consulted, they only got the permission of the Five Old Stars. Hu responded.

The insecure kings began to generously spend a lot of money to recruit strong people in order to form an armed force that could withstand risks.

Therefore, within three days after the G1 branch barely repelled the attack of the Neptune monster, the originally intact world government order collapsed in a very short period of time.

Coupled with the fact that there are hostile forces on both sides of the Holy Land Mariejoia that are eager to sharpen their swords, it seems that the world's noble Celestial Dragons will be in danger of extinction due to their "reckless impulse".


"Please give me back the phone bug!"

This was Lieutenant General Garp's only appeal after being freed from the poisoned state.

Although his body was still very weak, he still struggled to get up and unplug the inexplicable needles, suction cups and other medical equipment on his body.

"Mr. Karp, your physical condition is not quite right. Please do not leave hastily to avoid causing irreparable damage to yourself..."

The medical jounin responsible for the treatment frowned and spoke in the common language of the pirate world, which was half-baked.


Lieutenant General Karp was about to say something, but after removing the medical equipment monitoring probe from his body, he suddenly felt a heart palpitations, then became dizzy, and fell heavily back on the hospital bed again.

"...You see, this is the consequence of not following the doctor's advice."

The medical jounin pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

Vice Admiral Garp's strength is comparable to the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, so it is impossible not to take precautions if his life is left due to the changes in the current situation.

Therefore, early in the detoxification process, the medical ninja added a lot of powerful ingredients to his body.

To be honest, Lieutenant General Garp was just dizzy after unplugging the drug response suppression devices on his body, which was amazing enough.

You know, according to the Uzumaki Research Institute's ninja frog anatomy and drug testing, the special medicine used on Lieutenant General Garp was enough to completely paralyze a senjutsu ninja frog with natural energy!
  "...Well, I'll call someone over."

The medical jounin thought for a while and decided that it would be better to stabilize this special research subject, so he said warmly: "I think you want to understand the recent world situation? How about I have someone come over and talk to you? "

"……sorry to bother you."

Lieutenant General Garp closed his eyes to feel the weakness in his body, and had no choice but to respond dejectedly.

"There's no need to call someone."

The Chief Sergeant Major of the Alliance of East China Sea Republics opened the door and walked in.

Behind him, there was a navy lieutenant colonel in uniform with an uneasy expression and an armed man with white eyes.

Lieutenant General Karp looked at the naval lieutenant colonel who seemed to have something wrong with his position, and felt that he looked familiar but could not name him; then he looked at the armed man with white eyes, and he also felt that he had seen it somewhere before.

But he started to feel a headache when he thought about it, so he had no choice but to give up.

"How is Mr. Karp's health?"

Issei nodded slightly to Lieutenant General Garp to express his greetings, and then asked the medical ninja face to face.

"...There are signs of improvement, and the toxins have been controlled, but we still try not to have violent mood swings."

After the medical jounin re-linked the various monitoring instruments back to Lieutenant General Garp, he packed up his personal belongings and prepared to leave the ward: "In addition, during the conversation, if the instrument band fluctuates violently or becomes linear, Please ring the bell for us immediately.”

"I understand……"

Yisheng sighed.

He felt that the so-called 'signs of improvement' were nothing more than white lies told by medical staff.

In fact, due to his lifelong indigenous status and certain problems with language communication, the medical ninja did not reveal to him the special methods used on Lieutenant General Garp.

Of course, this is just the most basic means of confidentiality, and it does not mean that the two ninja army commanders and even the Great Emperor Tokumitsu do not trust him. After all, the current situation in the pirate world is changing so fast that even Uchiha Tokimitsu, a person who knows the inside story well, is surprised, and naturally he does not dare to relax on these matters.

"What happened to the navy..."

After the medical ninja opened the door and left, Lieutenant General Garp immediately asked: "Also, where am I now?"

"Mr. Karp, your current location is the special medical service ship of the First Corps of the Navy directly under the Dynasty. It is about 100 nautical miles away from the former Shampoo Islands."

The white-eyed armed man, Hinata Shinshu, took the initiative and said: "Including the navy who were injured in the battle around the island, all are receiving treatment here."

"……I've seen you?"

Lieutenant General Garp asked in a deep voice.

"Maybe, after all, I am an intelligence officer stationed in the Chambord Islands."

Hinata Shinshu revealed his identity nonchalantly.

However, now that the Shampoo Islands have fallen under the control of the Uchiha Dynasty, the original intelligence station has been dismantled, so there is no need to continue to hide these old identities.

"I see……"

Lieutenant General Garp nodded, and then turned his gaze to the naval lieutenant colonel who looked uneasy and had wandering eyes: "Tell me about it..."


The naval lieutenant colonel was a little embarrassed.

"Just say what you know, such as the content of World Live Broadcast." Yisheng said aloud.


The naval lieutenant colonel swallowed and said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty the Marshal...has announced to the whole world that the pseudo-world nobles have rebelled, and the navy has since separated from the world government and become an independent military organization..."

"Ah this..."

Lieutenant General Garp felt that the wisdom he had accumulated over the years was not enough.

Because he simply couldn't understand such ridiculous and ridiculous remarks made by this naval lieutenant colonel!
  What is the rebellion of the world's aristocrats? Aren’t the world’s nobles the Celestial Dragons? They were kept in a pen and kept as pigs in the Holy Land, Mary Jo, and only occasionally came out to show off their power. Do they deserve to be rebellious?
  Besides, the Navy is one of the military organizations under the World Government! After breaking away from the World Government, will the Navy still be a Navy? Isn't another meaning of independent military organization just pirates?
  The dignified navy took the initiative to expel himself from the military and became a pirate?

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Garp's poisoning sequelae struck again, and his head felt extremely painful again.

Yisheng immediately rang the bell, and then a team of medical ninjas rushed in. After a brief inspection, they increased the output of the inhibitor.


Lieutenant General Garp breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now he felt that his head and heart were about to explode, but after the medical staff performed some operations and injected some warm liquid into the strange instruments on his body, the severe discomfort in his body eased a lot.

The medical ninja looked at each other for a few moments, nodded slightly, and left again without saying anything.

Judging from the drug reaction, this domineering control drug developed by Orochimaru combined with biological curse seals and special medical ninjutsu is still very effective. Although the reaction of the receptor is a bit larger, it can indeed control a strong domineering person. . The only drawback is that it requires slow infusion, so this agent cannot be used in actual combat.

The naval lieutenant colonel was even more frightened and hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether he should continue speaking.

"Tell me, what are you going to do during the Warring States Period?"

Lieutenant General Garp panted for a long time before asking in a weak voice.

The naval lieutenant colonel was still hesitant, while Hinata Shinshu directly took out an image phone bug and placed it on the table nearby, and began to play the Sengoku World Live Video with some unfamiliarity.

"...We used to be loyal guardians, protecting the peace and justice of the world. However, what the world government has done has become intolerable to us. The Celestial Dragons ignore life, ignore justice, and build a world with power and greed. , which is unacceptable to all the righteous navy."

As the video phone bug played, the familiar voice of the serious-looking Lieutenant General Warring States came from the projection screen.

Although he hasn't had time to verify it through the phone bug call, Lieutenant General Karp does not doubt the authenticity of the video of the video phone bug.

He is too familiar with the Warring States Period...

“…We are not rebels; Revolt and overthrow the corrupt and unjust world government together. Let us fight for true justice, fight for our beliefs, and fight for our future!"


The image of the phone bug ended abruptly.

Lieutenant Garp opened and closed his mouth a few times, but stopped talking.

His mind was in chaos and he really didn't know what to say.

"I'm not here to persuade you to surrender today, I just think you need to know these things..."

After Issei finished speaking, he helped Cap pull up his thin quilt, patted his shoulder, signaled the naval lieutenant colonel to stay, and then left with Hinata Araki.

"...Speak to me seriously and explain everything clearly from beginning to end."

Lieutenant General Garp sighed and said: "Don't worry, I've been vaccinated. No matter what happens, I can withstand it..."


"From now on, as a military force, the navy will generally withdraw from the world stage..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said this after receiving the war situation report from Marineford Marine Headquarters.

The three of them, Hatake Sakumo, Sansho Hanzo, and Asura, who were looking through the recent intelligence summary, all shook their heads in disbelief.

To be honest, it is unjustifiable from any angle for such a powerful opponent to suddenly self-destruct when the war is about to begin.

Now it seems as if the five elder stars at the top of the world government have been taken away, for fear that they will not die quickly enough.

According to a report from the troops directly under the Second Army, after the Warring States Period brazenly announced through the world live broadcast that the Navy would not obey orders and bring order to chaos, a violent civil strife suddenly broke out in the Navy headquarters.

The civil war was so fierce and the internecine fighting was so bloody that Marineford, the headquarters of the Navy, was even razed to the ground.

In other words, the headquarters that once served as the world's naval command center no longer exists, and the G1 branch in the New World direction has some legal problems. Some naval branches that have not experienced civil strife either remain on the sidelines or remain silent. He directly hooked up with the affiliated kingdom where he was stationed and put on the cloak of the royal army.

In addition, according to Namikaze Minato's report, after the Warring States Period issued the declaration of naval independence, only three naval branches in the New World direction decided to support the marshal's resolution and sent branch fleets to fight to join the war against the pseudo-world government.

And more branches either fell into civil strife and were unable to take care of themselves, or chose to remain neutral and pretend to be dead; in short, although the Warring States Declaration disintegrated the military presence of the World Government in the Three Seas, it did not successfully bring together the old branches from various places to form a force capable of controlling the world. The new force of the trend, the navy now gathered in the G1 branch, is at best a 'civilian force' slightly stronger than the Three Emperors Fleet.

"Your Majesty, report on the direction of the New World..."

A ninja from the Royal Guards teleported to the throne, knelt down on one knee and reported: "The three generals of the Navy Headquarters plan to broadcast live to the world in an hour and issue a joint declaration!"

"What were you doing earlier..."

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

If the three generals had spoken out earlier, maybe something could have been saved, but now it has been three days, and the World Government has done everything it should and can do. Speaking out at this time is really half the result with twice the effort.

"They also need time to unify their opinions..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo expressed his guess.

Uchiha Demitsu and others also deeply believed this.

However, for the ninja world, the division of the pirate world is the best thing.

"Isn't it possible that Mary Joa and the others can intercept their live broadcast?"

Asura scratched his head, still unable to figure it out.

"never mind……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu put down the intelligence collection in his hand and said: "In that case, let's use our banner!"

"Righteousness lies with the Eastern Army!" (End of Chapter)

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