Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 564 The old immortal’s clever plan

"Eastern Army..."

In the power room of Mariejoia, the Holy Land, the five old stars who were ordered to risk the world's disapproval and use secret weapons to launch an indiscriminate attack on the navy sat together again.

The Chambord Islands have been captured by the huge Kingdom remnant fleet that raised the flag of the 'Eastern Army'. In addition, the Navy headquarters Marineford was destroyed due to civil strife, so the South China Sea in the direction of Paradise has been effectively cut off. Even if Zefa's new navy is willing to rescue, it will not be able to return the rescue in a short time, let alone pose a threat to the survivors' fleet, which has an absolute advantage in ship performance before the new warships are launched in the South China Sea.

Therefore, the military power in the South China Sea that the world government can control can only be used as statistics on paper and cannot be assembled and used in war.

Although they have the protection of the 'Supreme God' and the 'secret weapon' in their possession as a deterrent, they don't have to worry about the rebellious navy at hand and the 'huge kingdom remnants' trying to reverse the trend for the time being, but after all, the menacing hostile armed forces Blocking the door; and what’s even more uncomfortable is that ever since the Kirigakure Pirates robbed the fleet transporting Heavenly Gold on the Grand Route, due to frequent wars, the Holy Land Mariejoia has never received offerings from Heavenly Gold. Life is starting to get a little tighter; coupled with the unstable current situation and the inability to go out to show off, those nobles in the world of Celestial Dragons who don't know the existence of 'Lord Im' are also having a hard time, and they will all complain a little bit.

Therefore, the high-ranking Five Old Stars decided to sit down and talk to see how to alleviate the current situation. After all, they also have to show the value of their existence, and they cannot go to 'Lord Im' for everything.

"The forces of the rebels and the Three Emperors are consolidating, and their threat is the greatest."

The God of Science and Defense, Jaygolusia Satan, said: "So, first annihilate the rebels in the New World, and then go back and slaughter the Eastern Army in Paradise!"


Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuli nodded: "You should have watched the world live broadcast of the three generals... Those rebels have no chance of turning back, and these thieves are the most hateful!"

"More importantly, the rebel commander Sengoku knows a lot of things...so we can't let him live!"

Financial Martial God Izanbalon V. Nashou Langsheng then said: ""

Although the other two people had different opinions, they didn't say much after the three people had already expressed their opinions.

After all, for them, unity among the highest powers is what matters most.

"Then let Sora take action!"

The God of Scientific Defense, Jaigolusia Satan, said: "He still has a lot of power in his hands. It's time to consume the remnants of these old armies!"

"Only the purification of the flames can open the door to a new world!"

The four of them chanted in unison.


"...the 'justice' promoted by the world government is actually a lie to cover up their crimes. In the name of maintaining peace, they brutally oppress and exploit countries around the world. Their desire for power and greed have made our The world is plunged into endless chaos and pain.”

In the office of Marigio's family commander, Cyborg Kong was reading out the live broadcast declaration of the former three generals of the Navy in front of his subordinates word for word, without caring about what these subordinates who were sweating coldly were thinking. .

"The navy is not a tool of the Tianlong people. The navy is the supervisor of justice. The navy must use our power to return the world to true justice. We must use our voices to awaken the sleeping conscience! We must use our power to make the hypocrisy The world government is responsible for their crimes!"

"This paragraph is very well written, what do you think?"

Cyborg Kong raised his head and said to his subordinates with a smile: "I didn't expect those guys to be quite talented!"

"By the way, you must have watched the live broadcasts of the three generals, right? After all, you have nothing to do with the Navy, and CIPHER POL will not investigate so strictly..."

Although he did not receive a reply from his subordinates, Cyborg Kong continued: "Don't you have any ideas? Do you want to give a speech or something?"

The subordinates shook their heads wildly, indicating that they had no extra thoughts at all.

After all, in today's holy land of Mariejoia, except for the Celestial Dragons, all officials of the world government at all levels are in danger, fearing that CIPHER POL will come and take them away.

For them, the luckiest thing in the world is that when CIPHER POL agents knock on the door, they can say to these ghosts, "You went to the wrong place, the person you want to arrest is next door." Therefore, how can they have the courage to express their stance on such a matter easily.

But Cyborg Kong is different.

After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the World Government. Although this position is too honorary, in the current situation where the navy is basically in rebellion or standing on its own feet, Cyborg Kong is the only one who can still stabilize the Holy Land Mariejoia and the Upside Down. They are members of the troops directly under the World Government in the mountains, Red Earth Continent and other regions.

Therefore, even though Cyborg Kong also came from the navy and was on good terms with Warring States and others, Wulaoxing became more and more loyal to him. Not only did he not show any suspicion, but he directly handed over all the existing troops to him. There was no intention of changing commanders on the spot - after all, the reason why Sengoku took over as Navy Marshal was largely due to his recommendation.

"It's really boring..."

Cyborg Kong said a lot but got no response from his subordinates, so he felt a little boring, so he turned to the last page of the live broadcast content record of the three generals, "Well... you are not interested in this paragraph."

Through this, Gang Gukong read with great emotion: "Here, we call on all naval colleagues and all people of conscience to join us and fight for world peace and justice. This is a It’s a tough battle, but we must persevere. Because only through our efforts can peace and justice in the world be achieved!”

"Such an emotional article can definitely not be written by those three guys with brains full of muscles."

Cyborg Kong sighed: "It's most likely the handiwork of Chief Staff Crane..."

And this also shows that it is not just the top brass of the Navy who are raising the flag for rebellion, but even the core lieutenant general has also changed his mind.

But to be honest, if Cyborg Kong had encountered a similar indiscriminate attack, I'm afraid he would have rebelled on the spot.

Therefore, he will not verbally condemn these colleagues and juniors, but this does not prevent the commander-in-chief as a vested interest from continuing to preside over the subsequent counter-insurgency battle.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door outside the office, and then a CP agent walked in, glanced at everyone in the office, and then said respectfully: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I have been ordered to submit the combat requirements to you..."

"Bring it here!"

Cyborg Kong waved his hand, motioning for the agents to come forward, took the combat requirements personally signed by Wulaoxing, and opened them on the spot.

The CP agent did not leave, but stayed where he was and looked at everyone again.

"What are you still doing here?"

Cyborg Kong raised his head and said displeasedly: "Aren't you going to arrest those innocent people who don't know anything? Why are you still here?"

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, all the adults in the power room would like to hear your specific combat arrangements and combat time, and make plans accordingly..."

Agent CP said in a neither humble nor condescending tone.


Cyborg Kong threw the document back on the table, stood up, showed off his armed domination, and punched the CP agent out.

But this is just out of anger, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

"In three days, except for the defenders on the coast towards Paradise and Upside Down Mountain, everyone else will go out with me to fight!"

Cyborg Kong also made a decision.

All the subordinates looked at each other.

They also don’t know why Cyborg Kong, the commander-in-chief, made such a hasty decision. After all, among the armed forces controlled by the world government today, no one can compete with the marshals, generals and three emperors of the navy. Yes! “Don’t question it, just execute it!”

Cyborg Kong understood what his subordinates were thinking, but with a wave of his hand, he undoubtedly interrupted what they wanted to say.

"As ordered!"

A group of officers at all levels who had been pampered for many years had no choice but to bow and retreat, and hurriedly began to prepare the weak troops.


But it was the ‘Eastern Army’ from the direction of Paradise that took the lead in launching the offensive.

The troops directly under the Second Army led by Uchiha Fugaku first easily captured Marineford, the naval headquarters that had been razed to the ground in the civil war, and planted the bloody flag of the Uchiha dynasty on the commanding heights of the ruins of the old navy building; and then defeated the The fleet of the Hydra Pirates that was standing still - that is, the army led by Boa Hancock, one of the Shichibukai.

The always arrogant 'Empress' didn't even have a chance to use her sweet fruit petrification ability at short range, so she was beaten and fled under the intensive heavy artillery bombardment. The entire fleet only had nine ships of hers. The Snake Pirate was able to escape, but the rest were buried in the belly of the fish.

The [-]st and [-]th legions led by Sanshouyu Hanzo and Hatake Sakumo began to cruise straight to the Upside Down Mountain and began an intensive bombardment offensive.

As for the coastal defense artillery fortifications deployed by the World Government, they were destroyed without firing due to range issues.

But Cyborg Kong still had no intention of changing the battle plan, and still summoned the weak troops from the Red Earth Continent, preparing to send a wave of military exploits to Warring States and others.

As for Marie Joa's five old stars, they seemed to be indifferent to this, and the officials of the World Government couldn't tell whether it was because they couldn't see the situation clearly or because they thought they were sure of victory.

At the same time that Dianshan Mountain was under fire, Wulao Xing received Yim's call again.

"Sir Im..."

Arriving in front of the King of Sky's car, the Five Old Stars bowed to Imfudi, who was sitting on the ground symbolizing the supreme power of the world.

"After eight hundred years, the world order will be restarted again..."

Lord Im's empty, lonely and emotionless words came from the Throne of the Sky.

Wulaoxing, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately became excited.

"You mean...we can also..."

Izanbalon V. Nasshoulang Saint, the God of Finance and Martial Arts, raised his head and said excitedly, regardless of the difference in dignity: "We will fully cooperate!"

"Let Zefa in the South China Sea prepare to accept the power of the Kirigakure Pirates, and they will become members of the new government..."

Master Yimu did not care about the rudeness of the Five Old Stars, and said again: "Especially those frog-like fish-men creatures, we have to send them to the Holy Land..."

"As ordered!"

The five old stars once again took reassurance and kowtowed together again.

The new world order means a reshuffling of the world, and it also represents a redivision of power.

What's more, Lord Im, who never lies, promised from the side that he would grant them endless life, and from then on they would be able to control power in the era before the 'Creator'. Is there anything more wonderful in this world than this?

Therefore, when the Five Old Stars left the Throne of the Sky, they were so happy that they almost floated away...


Just after the five old stars left, 'Lord Im', who was sitting quietly on the throne, suddenly deformed and surged as if he was possessed by an evil spirit, as if there was some dispute going on in his body.

"This is my world! This is my order!"

A neutral voice that sounded both male and female echoed in the palace, but since this place was an absolutely forbidden place, no one could detect the abnormality at this time.

"The world and order will eventually change..."

An ancient voice sounded.

‘Lord Im’’s figure began to stiffen, and the ground began to be soaked with sweat.

"You will destroy the world!"

The male-female voice sounded again urgently: "Extraterrestrial Immortal! If you are willing to let go, I will equal the power of the Creator with you!"

"If this continues, both you and I will only be destroyed by those traitors and foreign enemies!"

"I don't care, I am the real immortal..."

The ancient voice chuckled, not caring about the threat of the other voice.

"I will build another pure land in this world, and the world of the dead will always be everything to me!"

"Say your name!"

The neutral voice that looked like a man and a woman yelled unwillingly.

"I am the Lord of the Six Paths, the Immortal of Otsutsuki, and I will also be the Lord of the World of the Dead!"

The ancient voice echoed in the empty palace with a sense of joy and joy.

After a long time, 'Master Im' regained his composure, and then he pointed his hand downwards and wiped away all the sweat stains on the carpet.

"What a useful body...it's a pity that the willpower is still too weak..."

‘Lord Im’ raised his hand and looked at the physical existence that he had mastered again after a thousand years.

"Speaking of which, I also want to thank my junior for planting the sacred tree..."

If the great anomaly in the world caused by the sacred tree did not cause problems with the power of the 'Creator', the body-snatcher Six Paths Sage from the ninja world would not have been able to control the supreme power of 'Imu-sama' so easily.

"It's a pity... This kind of natural energy has no chance with me anymore..."

Once again, he silently sensed the extremely weak but actually existing natural energy of the pirate world in the void, and the Sage of Six Paths felt very regretful.

The sacred tree re-cultivated from the heretic demon image is filled with Uchiha Tokumitsu's will and power from the inside out. Even the Six Paths Sage who is enough to take away the 'Creator' is helpless.

Maybe he could destroy the sacred tree, but this would only lead to the recovery of Lord Im's power, which would not be of any benefit to him. Naturally, he was unwilling to do such a thing.

"Gadmaru... I can be considered worthy of you!" (End of Chapter)

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