Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 565 The ‘empty’ that controls the giant tree

After Marineford was captured by the troops directly under the Second Army led by Uchiha Fugaku, the old naval headquarters in the ruins was rebuilt as a supply base for the Ninja Fleet, and the return route to the South China Sea was completely blocked.

In this way, the tactical arrangement of closing the door and beating the dogs can be fully realized, and the holy land of Mariejoia, located at the highest point of the Red Continent between the 'Paradise' and the 'New World', has become an isolated city.

If it weren't for the obstruction of the upside-down mountains and rivers, the cannonballs of the ninja fleet would have blasted into the residence of the Tianlong people.

But even so, as the Ninja Fleet's offensive became more and more fierce, the already panic-stricken World Government garrison troops began to no longer care about the so-called military law under heavy artillery bombardment. They abandoned their positions and fled, but were later attacked by CIPHER POL. The agents, spies and other personnel beheaded the leading general and forced him back to the dilapidated fortifications with knives to continue squatting and waiting for death.

As a result, the World Government garrison troops who were attacked from both sides had no choice but to lie down and die - they did not even dare to commit suicide, because most people's families were under the control of the World Government.

But at such a critical juncture, Cyborg Kong, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, still led a group of rabble from the fifth waterway of the Upside Down Mountain to the Grand Line, and took the initiative to kill in the direction of the G1 branch.


"Boss Kong?"

The Warring States Period, which was struggling with the Three Emperors on how to deal with the world after the war, was extremely surprised.

As a naval marshal, Warring States knew very well what the garrison in the Red Earth Continent was like. Therefore, in his opinion, leading the army to fight under such circumstances is undoubtedly a suicidal act.

"Good good!"

Kaido immediately stood up, kicked the chair to pieces, and said loudly: "What are you talking about! It is the right thing to rush into Mariejoia and kill all the talented people of Tianlong!"

He had long had enough of these meetings with the eight hundred scheming 'wise generals' Sengoku.

What's more, before the World Government has been completely destroyed, they start talking about dividing the spoils and turf. In the view of the grumpy Kaido, it's like taking off his pants and farting - unnecessary!


Minato Namikaze and Charlotte Lingling immediately agreed.

The three admirals who also attended the meeting had gloomy faces, but they didn't say much.

"...Song cannot die!"

Warring States hesitated for a moment and said solemnly.

"Whether he dies or not depends on his luck!"

Kaido walked towards the door of the conference room, chattering incessantly: "If he doesn't surrender before the battle, my mace will not have eyes!"

As Kaido left, Namikaze Minato, Charlotte Lingling and Shanks, who looked a little hesitant, all stood up and walked out the door.


Feeling exhausted both mentally and physically, Warring States rubbed his temples and said to his three generals: "Get ready to fight..."

The three of them had no objections and just nodded silently.

The temple plans of the Warring States Period also came to nothing due to this incident.


"Blue dragon form!"

After gathering the Beast Pirates under his command, Kaido transformed into a blue dragon and was the first to fly into the sky.

‘Fire Calamity’ Jin also set off subsequently, transforming into a pterosaur and dancing into the sky.

And those pirates who survived the attack of the Sea King set sail in a mess on various large and small ships collected from all directions.

From the perspective of the navy and the remaining forces of the Three Emperors who raised the 'right flag', the so-called world government is just a fruit of victory waiting for them to pick. The reason why they are wasting time here is just to discuss the distribution of the spoils. That’s all.

Therefore, neither the navy nor the pirates actually paid much attention to the troops directly under the World Government that went to war; it was just that Sengoku and others still had some mentality to save Cyborg Sora's life.

"A new world war is about to begin!"

Minato Namikaze, who was on the speedboat, sent a telegram to Uchiha Tokimitsu via the radio.

Soon, he received a call back with only two simple words: "Read."

"What does it mean……"

Namikaze Minato muttered, scratched his head, and stopped worrying.

After all, as the emperor of the dynasty, Uchiha Tokimitsu has his own plans, and it is not his turn to think too much.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, the destruction of the World Government is probably a matter of time. By then, after completing the mission, it should not be a big problem for him to become a major official in the Ninja World Government.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato's heart was filled with expectations for a better future.

But the White Snake Immortal who was dormant in the direction of the paradise, waiting to join the battle, began to feel a little unable to sit still.

Because it smells the smell of 'dragon'!

Immortal White Snake licked his lips, and an uncontrollable impulse surged into his heart, making his heart itch like countless ants biting him. He really wanted to fly to the other side of the Red Earth Continent to see what happened!
  After all, this is a dragon!

Even if it is a formless pseudo-dragon, it is extremely precious to the White Snake Immortal who has never been able to change his true form!
  But at this time, White Snake Sage cannot act rashly. After all, whether it is Slug Sage or Uchiha Tokimitsu, they are both existences that can cause fatal harm to it. The consequences of being too reckless are unbearable for it.

"His Majesty……"

But after hesitating for a long time, Immortal White Snake still couldn't restrain his inner desire for the 'dragon', and chose a compromise: "I request to go to the front to find out what's going on, and I hope your majesty will grant you permission..."

"You smell a dragon?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked casually.


The White Snake Immortal stopped talking.

Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced at it and felt a little surprised.

He originally just said it casually based on the war report sent back by Namikaze Minato, but it seems that he really guessed it right.

"In any case, Ryūchi Cave is one of the holy places in the ninja world after all. What does White Snake Sage think..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said nonchalantly.

"Your Majesty Shengming..."

The White Snake Immortal sighed secretly and bowed to express his respect.

"Then go, Immortal White Snake, just pay attention to safety."

Uchiha Tokko nodded and agreed to White Snake Sage's 'request'.

"Thank you for your majesty's permission!"

The White Snake Immortal gave a hasty salute, immediately jumped into the sea, manifested his huge true body and dived under the seabed.

Judging from this familiar posture, the White Snake Immortal obviously already knows about the gap in the red earth continent ten thousand meters under the sea that leads directly from Fish-Man Island to the New World. This also shows that during the time he was stationed on Dong Island, the White Snake Immortal sent many of his subordinates. The ninja snake went around to explore local intelligence.

"It's considered well thought out..."

Uchiha Tokimitsu clicked his tongue in surprise, but still had no intention of intervening.

"His Majesty……"

Hatake Sakumo still had some doubts about this, and felt that he could not just let the gloomy White Snake Sage out of his sight.

"It's okay..."

Uchiha Tokko waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

After all, both the admiral of the navy and the Three Pirate Emperors are top-notch men whose strength cannot be underestimated. It is not easy even for the White Snake Immortal to seize the chestnuts from the fire.

What's more, the eight tailed beasts are currently gathered here, and the main forces of the five expeditionary corps are gathered in this sea area. Uchiha Tokumitsu feels that it is enough to control the situation. The reason why we did not attack Mariejoia directly along the Topsy-turvy Mountains and Waterways now is actually just to give the navy and pirate coalition of the New World a head start so that they can explore the details of the Holy Land Mariejoia.



Kaido in the form of a blue dragon was the first to discover the World Government fleet led by Cyborg Sora, and then roared angrily and began to stir up the weather, forming thunder and fire towards the fleet below.

Although most of the World Government fleets are idlers, there are still some strong ones, so they can still barely withstand Kaido's blow.

Cyborg Sora looked up at Kaido in the sky, lost in thought.

Subsequently, Charlotte Lingling and Jhin rushed to the battlefield and also launched an attack from the air towards the fleet at sea.

The World Government fleet, which was under increased pressure, was immediately unable to withstand it.

As the thunder and fire from the sky continued to bombard and strike, the air defense formation of the World Government fleet was immediately torn apart by the fierce force, and some ships began to catch fire or even explode.

But Cyborg Kong still didn't take action.

"It's so boring..."

Kaido in the form of a blue dragon grinned, and his terrifying and ferocious laughter resounded throughout the world, making the sergeants of the World Government fleet tremble with fear.

And the navy's fleet just appeared on the horizon.

Cyborg Kong, who was still indifferent, finally turned his attention to the fleet that was constantly sailing towards his side.

"As for everyone coming..."

Cyborg Kong sighed, then clasped his hands together and shouted——

"Woodun, the tree world is born!"

The navy's wooden warships immediately began to take root and almost instantly grew into towering trees, forming a maritime forest that is still spreading.

The giant tree with its tangled roots was constantly struggling and twisting like a living creature, stretching out its body toward the sky, as if it was trying to pull down the three people in the sky.

"What the hell is this!"

Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and Jhin were all a little surprised.

Because this strange ability is completely different from the impression of Cyborg Sora, but it is somewhat similar to Vice Admiral Aramaki’s Devil Fruit ability!

Seeing the huge tree like a dragon and snake rolling towards their own fleet, both Aramaki and Namikaze Minato, who possess the ability of "Nature-type Forest Fruit", were shocked!
  Aramaki was shocked that Cyborg Sora, the commander-in-chief of the entire army, actually had stronger forest abilities than himself, while Namikaze Minato sensed the existence of chakra from this forest that seemed to have its own intelligence!
  That's right! It's chakra from the ninja world!

But the problem is, he has never heard that Uchiha Tokko is cooperating with the Celestial Dragons of the World Government, so how can the Celestial Dragons possess chakra?

What's more... Judging from the form of its chakra creation, this power is undoubtedly from the strongest power in the ninja world-Mudun!
  "This this this..."

Namikaze Minato's mind was in chaos and he simply didn't know what to say.

Akimichi Dontō and others also lost their composure and were completely paralyzed.

"Teacher, would you like to..."

Fortunately, Yahiko and others had limited knowledge and did not understand the meaning of Wood Release, so after being slightly shocked, they tugged on Namifeng Minato's sleeves and asked: "Should we stay or should we leave? Or should we send a telegram?" ?”

"Turn the ship around! Don't fight Mu Dun!"

Namikaze Minato immediately ordered.

Then he woke up the three jounin who were in shock, and quickly returned to the cabin to prepare to send an emergency report.

"This is……"

Warring States and others were also a little surprised.

Although Cyborg Kong, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, keeps his own information secret, even Sengoku and others only know that their Devil Fruit is the rarest phantom beast species, but no matter what, it is the same as the ones created today. The capabilities of such a large maritime forest are not suitable!


Sakaski ordered: "Get rid of this piece of rotten wood that is in the way!"

"...As ordered!"

Aramaki gritted his teeth and agreed.

Then, he took the initiative to fly forward with the support of a flower.

"Forbidden and hateful!"

Aramaki also created a forest on the sea, but compared with the forest that may have been activated by "Cyborg Kong" himself, both the thickness of the trees and the forest coverage were far behind.

Soon, swept by the giant trees like dragons and snakes, the maritime forest created by Aramaki did not last long before being swallowed up, and turned into nutrients to make the giant trees grow stronger!

"Is this really Commander Kong's ability..."

Looking at the majestic Cyborg Kong standing on the top of the forest through the telescope, Sakaski couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"……do not know!"

Warring States' face was extremely gloomy, he shook his head and said, "But no matter what, we can't wait any longer."

"No need to hold back?"

Sakaski snorted coldly and looked at Sengoku, who had become increasingly indecisive recently.

"Don't take his life..."

Although he felt a little uneasy in his heart, Sengoku still believed that the advantage was mine.

After all, the ability shown by Cyborg Kong is not beyond his understanding. It may be the secret trump card of the World Government, so there is no need to think too much; and, for today's navy and pirate alliance, the most important thing is In fact, it is the "secret weapon" to launch a strike against the world government.


Warring States jumped up and shouted loudly, and the golden giant Buddha suddenly appeared, stepping on the ice sea created by Kuzan at the right time, and rushed towards the forest of giant trees like a cluster of horned dragons.

Sakaski and Kizaru then transformed their bodies into elements and launched an attack on the majestic Cyborg Sora.

Kaido and the others, who were expelled by the tentacles of the giant tree, were also waiting attentively for the collision between Sengoku and the particularly mysterious Cyborg Sora, and were ready to deliver a thunderous strike.

"Wood Dun·Wooden Man Technique!"

'Cyborg Kong' shouted again, and the giant wooden tentacles that rolled towards the navy and pirate alliance immediately condensed into knots and turned into a wooden man whose height was comparable to the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States Period!

"It's actually Mu Dun..."

Minato Namikaze, who had just walked out of the room after sending the telegram, looked at the tall wooden figure violently colliding with the golden giant Buddha, his eyes dull.

But what surprised him even more was what happened next——

Cyborg Sora shouted again, and this time even Namikaze Minato who was far away could hear his voice clearly——

"Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Namikaze Minato heard it very clearly, this is the language of the ninja world!

and so--

"The legendary Lord Hashirama!"

Minato Namikaze immediately returned to the radio room as if his hair was fried, and informed Uchiha Tokimitsu of this situation! (End of chapter)

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