Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 566 The ‘God’ who put down the rebellion

Ever since he died and returned to the Pure Land, the soul of Senju Hashirama, once known as the 'God of Ninja', has been sleeping for an unknown number of years.

Until a month ago, Senju Hashirama was awakened by the Lord of the Pure Land, the legendary Sage of Six Paths, and took the body of an outsider to reappear in the world, and did some things that were somewhat against his heart as a last resort.

For example, taking the indigenous army to die.

Although Senju Hashirama, who had captured the body of Cyborg Sora, the commander-in-chief of the former world government's army, had no feelings at all for the indigenous people who were at war with the ninja world, let alone any compassion, this approach , which is somewhat contrary to his purpose of doing things.

Therefore, before these indigenous troops were slaughtered, he activated the secret technique of wood escape, forcibly created a shelter forest for the indigenous troops and launched a counterattack by himself.

"What a wonderful blend..."

After being debugged by the Six Paths Sage who controlled the body of 'Imu-sama', Senju Hashirama's soul has been integrated with Cyborg Kong's body. Not only can it bring out the almost endless advantages of the chakra of the pure land reincarnation body, but also The power of this world, the so-called Devil Fruit ability, can be brought into full play.

But Senju Hashirama didn't know how long this state could last, because as the wood escape secret technique continued to be consumed, Senju Hashirama also sensed a faint but irreversible consumption of the origin of his soul.

In other words, if he continues to squander his power, what will happen to him...

"It's really interesting..."

Although his heart was still concerned about the ninja world and the Senju family from which he came, Senju Hashirama quickly abandoned his distracting thoughts and began to devote himself to the battle.

Instead of getting entangled in these unknown things, it is better to go all out to deal with the enemy in front of you, and then go back and talk to the Uchiha descendants who the Six Paths Sage said have ruled the ninja world with force.


"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth!"

"Big fire!"

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The attacks of the Warring States Period and the three generals knocked the tall wooden man into pieces and crumbled, and curbed the spread of the Wooden Forest.

"Mother's Visit: Three Thousand Miles!"


Charlotte Lingling and Kaido's attacks also fell from the sky, completely suppressing the wooden dragon flying in the air.

Facing the cooperation of five people, Senju Hashirama, who was wearing an empty steel body, seemed to have no good way to deal with it for a while.

Due to his own strength limitations, Shanks was not suitable for such a battle, so he came to Namikaze Minato's ship and looked at the devastating battle scene ahead.

As for Namikaze Minato, although he maintained his composure on the surface, his mind was always concerned about the telegraph room where Yahiko was on duty.

"Mr. Minato?"

Shanks yelled repeatedly before Namikaze Minato, who was thinking so much, came back to his senses.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that something is not quite right about your state. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Shanks asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it's just that such a big scene is really shocking."

Namikaze Minato said with a dry smile.


Shanks looked deeply convinced, nodded and said: "Indeed, this is the first time I have seen such a violent battle..."


While the two were chatting, Yahiko teleported from the telegraph room to Namikaze Minato and handed over a message that had not yet been translated.

'Continue to monitor and report promptly. His Majesty has led his troops there. ’

The content of the message made Namikaze Minato's eyelids jump.

Shanks also took a few glances, but he only saw dense dots and horizontal lines, unable to discern any meaningful content at all.

‘Encrypted content…’

Shanks wrote down these secret messages calmly, thinking secretly in his heart.

To be honest, what was happening in front of him had a great impact on him, and he had no way to stop such a violent battle. He could only watch as an outsider.

However, although it seemed that he had a pretty good relationship with the 'Messenger of the Remnant' Namikaze Minato, from the time when the Allied Forces of the Four Emperors launched an attack on the navy, Shanks became increasingly wary of Namikaze Minato and the Remnant forces behind him. It's intense, but it's just not shown.

'What does the world government think...'

Looking at the 'Steel Bone Kong' who seemed to be gradually declining, Shanks felt helpless in his heart.


"Meteor Volcano!"

Sakaski took a deep breath and blasted countless lava punches to burn the remains of the huge wooden man in front of him that had been hammered to pieces by the Warring States Period, and opened a passage straight into the steel skeleton.

"Ice Age!"

Kuzan then sprayed out cold air, creating a large number of frozen areas on both sides of the passage, reducing the activity of the wooden escape creation.

The Warring States Period urged the golden giant Buddha to drive straight along the lava channel, aiming directly at the 'Steel Bone Kong' standing on the top of the forest.

Warring States is by no means a dull person, so he also saw something was wrong from the current posture of 'Steel Bone Kong'.

Since the beginning of the war, 'Cyborg Kong' has not had even the slightest communication with their former colleagues who were born in the navy. He just used the strange abilities he didn't know where to get to fight against his own camp.

And this is also the most abnormal.

In the impression of the Warring States Period, Gang Gukong was by no means such a 'foolishly loyal' person who was unwilling to make the final effort to persuade him to surrender.

Therefore, he must take down the 'Steel Bone Kong' in front of him and then conduct a thorough investigation!

"It's really tricky..."

Senju Hashirama, who was wearing an empty steel-framed body, muttered.

Faced with the siege of five strong men whose strength was comparable to his own, no matter how mysterious the power of Wood Release was, he could not forcefully suppress the five of them.

But this does not mean that he will lose. It can still be done by using some special secret techniques to create a local counterattack by surprise.

Senju Hashirama closed his eyes for a while, then took a deep breath, and strange lines appeared in his eye sockets. At the same time, he clasped his hands together——

"Wood Release: The Flower and Tree Realm is coming!"

The maritime forest that had been gradually destroyed under the siege of five people began to grow crazily as if it was drunk on chicken blood, and quickly spread in all directions!

The Warring States Period who penetrated deep into the Wood Escape Forest was immediately blocked from their retreat, and the remaining lava and ice were easily crushed and absorbed by the twisted giant trees!

Senju Hashirama's face immediately turned red, and then he shouted again——

"Illusion: Art of Darkness!" The maritime forest was immediately shrouded in a thick curtain of darkness!

"Xianfa·Ming Shenmen!"

Six red torii gates appeared out of thin air in the sky, falling from the sky into the darkness.

Everyone who was shocked by this scene had no time to react, and they couldn't tell what happened in this sudden black curtain.


Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who were hovering in the sky, immediately launched a joint attack, rolling up countless thunder, fire, and shock waves to attack the black screen indiscriminately!

"It's really Hashirama-sama..."

Namikaze Minato swallowed, his mind was confused.

As for why the god of the ninja world would appear in such a place, he simply couldn't figure it out.

But the Warring States Period, which was plunged into darkness, was not easy.

His vision went dark at first, and then countless giant trees entangled the limbs of the golden giant Buddha. When he was about to break free from the shackles of the giant trees, countless heavy foreign objects fell from the sky and fell on his golden giant Buddha, suppressing him. body to prevent it from moving!

Theoretically speaking, the power of the Golden Giant Buddha of the Warring States Period is endless, but after being locked by a foreign object, no matter how hard he struggled, all the power he sent out was like a stone sinking into the ocean without any response.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

Sakaski, who was outside the shady scene, ignored the possibility of accidental injury and turned his lava arm into the shape of a dog's head. After extending it, he launched a blind attack in the direction of the Warring States Period.

'boom! '

After a violent explosion, Sakaski felt as if he had grabbed something, so he pulled back with all his strength, but found that the object he grabbed did not move at all!

"Yata mirror!"

Kizaru, who had been semi-invisible and trying to make a sneak attack, had no choice but to reveal himself and fired countless light bombs towards the black screen, trying to expel the darkness and find Sengoku trapped in it.

But even though the light bombs continued to explode and emit light, the darkness still did not dissipate; and Kizaru's offensive became more and more intense.

"Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"

As a dull shout came from the black screen again, an even bigger wooden dragon flew out and killed Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in the sky.

Senju Hashirama closed his breath again, concentrated on extracting the chakra from his body, and clapped his hands together——

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousands of Hands!"

With the abnormal sound caused by the condensation of giant trees, a huge Buddha statue towering into the clouds and with countless giant arms suddenly appeared. Its size was so big that it could stand tall on the sky and the earth. Even the wooden head went straight into the clouds, and it was like Charlotte flying in mid-air. Special Lingling and Kaido are even!


Senju Hashirama, who stood on top of the giant Buddha statue's head, grinned at the stunned two people.

Then countless giant arms bombarded the two of them, knocking them into the ocean!

"not good!"

Shanks, who had never eaten a Devil Fruit, was shocked at first, and then he was the first to jump into the sea, preparing to salvage the two people who fell into the sea.

"Become a Buddha on top!"

Senju Hashirama then shifted his attention, controlled the countless giant arms of the True Thousand Hands, concentrated all his weight on his fists, and launched an attack on the Warring States Golden Giant Buddha, which was only calf-height in comparison!

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

Along with countless attacks, the golden giant Buddha turned into nothing.

And all the existences in that area, such as the Wooden Forest, the sea water, etc., were all dissipated in the attack, and the rock formations on the seabed were exposed.

Namikaze Minato and the jounin who were still watching the battle from behind were completely numb.

They didn't know whether their majesty could compete with such a powerful force; as for them, I'm afraid they would be turned into ashes with just one punch.

The three navy admirals felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their hands and feet were cold, and they were stunned on the spot.

Including the navy and pirate coalition at the rear, they also fell into a dead silence.

The situation was originally very good, why did it suddenly fall into a doomed defeat?

And is the commander-in-chief of the world government's army so powerful?

The navy pirates who couldn't react were completely paralyzed.


Senju Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief, and the real tree Senju beneath him slowly dissipated, turning into countless twisting and circling giant trees, supporting him as he slowly descended.

Even in the heyday, it was extremely laborious to perform such a secret technique, not to mention that what is directly consumed now is the power of his soul, and the natural energy of this world is not only extremely thin, but also has the consciousness characteristics of Uchiha Tokko, whether it is gathering It is extremely difficult to use, and the soul power consumed is doubled; so launching this thunderous strike that shocks all directions is also extremely difficult for Senju Hashirama.

However, the result of the battle was not bad. The two flying enemies fell directly into the sea. It is not known whether they have absconded, but the top leader of the 'Rebel Navy' can be sure that he has completely lost the power to resist.

After landing on the Wood escape forest, the effect of the Darkness Technique dissipated, and a giant tree completely entangled the blood-stained and unconscious Sengoku and raised it high.

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

With the intimidation of Senju Hashirama, the combined navy and pirate fleet at the rear began to waver.

‘Langdang! ’

The sound of weapons falling to the ground continued to sound, and the lower-level marines were the first to kneel on the ground.

The naval officers and generals were either extremely angry or frightened, but no one had 'uprising' on the spot yet.

As for the pirates, they were whispering to each other. Some of the pirates without Devil Fruit abilities jumped directly into the sea, intending to find the two bosses who fell into the sea. The pirates who put more emphasis on righteousness did not believe in the navy's so-called "avoiding death". Promise of.

The three navy admirals, with gloomy expressions, gathered together to confront Commander Cyborg Kong with determination, but neither launched an attack nor ordered a retreat.

After all, Warring States was the core figure in raising the flag of the entire navy. His fall also directly caused the uprising navy to lose its decision-making brain. It would take some time for the three generals to determine the next response.

At this moment, the sea where Kaido and the two fell suddenly began to churn and surge. Shanks, who was the first to dive into the seabed, seemed to be hit by some huge force, and was ejected from the seabed into the air!

Afterwards, the pirates who also went to sea to look for their boss began to be knocked away one after another, and colorful blood stains appeared on the sea surface, as if there was some kind of special giant monster killing people on the seabed.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

While Kizaru continued to confront the 'Cyborg Kong', he fired countless light bombs towards the distant sea, trying to kill the 'Sea King Monster' hiding on the bottom of the sea.


But as the sea water surged, a giant white snake began to roll up endless waves, holding the dying half-dragon Kaido in its mouth, and appeared majestically on the sea surface.

"White Snake Immortal!"

Namikaze Minato was suddenly shocked!

The White Snake Immortal who succeeded in catching fish did not stay long. After turning all the sea water into huge waves and tsunami, he drilled into the seabed rock formation and prepared to escape.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about me..."

Senju Hashirama, who was above the Wooden Forest, frowned and pointed at the sea area where the White Snake Immortal appeared. Then countless giant trees immediately grew under the sea and entangled the White Snake Immortal who was planning to escape the scene of the crime.

"You should be the White Snake Immortal from Longdi Cave Holy Land..."

Although his power was greatly consumed, Senju Hashirama remained calm on the surface and said leisurely: "The Patriarch of the Six Paths wants to see you, please come with me afterwards!" (End of Chapter)

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