Do Cyberdoctors Dream of Mechanical Zombies?

Chapter 146 Lin Kele's Love

Chapter 146 Lin Kele's Love (5k)

Fan Jianxin said he didn't believe it.

But still inject Shen Yixun's "Linghu San" into his body.

After taking the spirit protection powder, Shen Yidun felt his body's mana compressed and hid in the depths of his dantian.

Now, in the process of upgrading and replacing the spiritual root, he is not afraid of being discovered by Fan Jianxin's real cultivation level!

Shen Yi lay on the operating bed and waited for a long time.

Those gendarmes deliberately tortured Chen Sheng, so the process of digging out the spiritual root was very long.

Fan Jianxin was sitting on a chair beside him, holding a light curtain amulet in his hand, and was watching several beautiful and lovely girls singing and dancing.

"What are you watching, live broadcast?" Shen Yi asked casually while lying on the operating bed.

"No, it's an idol."

Fan Jian thought.

Shen Yi doesn't have any interest in celebrity idols, he just heard that they are very sought after by the upper class, even if their cultivation has not reached the foundation building stage, they can still live in the upper class!
The old cat once said.

They are like actors in ancient times. Although they are humble, they are loved by dignitaries.Be part of high society.

Finally, the gang of gendarmes finished torturing Chen Sheng and sent the spirit root.

Fan Jianxin put away the light curtain amulet and gave Shen Yi an injection of anesthetic on the operating bed, and Shen Yi fell into a deep sleep.

When he wakes up.

The operating room was empty.

He was also covered with a gray blanket, which should have been done by Fan Jianxin, I can't tell, Dr. Fan is quite heartwarming in his actions.

Shen Yi put on his clothes, closed his eyes and carefully sensed the changes in his body.

The corner of his mouth involuntarily raised a smile.

"It seems that you are very satisfied." The principal suddenly appeared in the operating room, looking at Shen Yi with a smile on his face.

Shen Yidao: "I am very satisfied. By the way, principal, why are you here when you are free?"

"The assessment is over, I'll come and see you."

The principal walked up to Shen Yiyan while talking, and said: "All arrangements have been made. We will leave early on the morning of August [-]th. We will send you to Fengge City first, and then send you to Wanshou secretly."


Shen Yi nodded with a serious expression.

"What's more, you have to undergo another plastic surgery. Beast-Restraining Mountain is very guarded against outsiders. If you are a wilderness person, your background will be thoroughly investigated. You must have the identity of a native of Wanshou! "

"All right." Shen Yi nodded hesitantly.

"Then can I change back again?" he asked.

"Of course, you can wait a moment. Doctor Fan has already gone to prepare for the plastic surgery. After changing your face, you can use this illusion mask to show people."

As the principal spoke, he handed Shen Yi a mask that looked like a Beijing opera mask.

Shen Yi accepted it.

This thing is a little stronger than the disguise spray.


Fan Jianxin is back.

The headmaster asked, "Have you brought the things?"

"Here it is!"

Fan Jianxin took out a storage bag, poured out the contents, and immediately there were six more coffins on the ground. The small operating room suddenly became crowded, and there was no place to stand.

"Choose one, these are natives of Myriad Beasts."

The headmaster said, waving his hand.

The coffin lids of the coffins all open automatically.

"We're going to use the skin-replacement technique to give you a facelift. The height and shape of these six people are all similar to yours. Choose quickly."

Shen Yi carefully looked at the six corpses in the coffin, and then chose the most handsome one among them!

"This is not very good, it is too handsome and eye-catching, but it is taboo to be careful!"

Fan Jianxin pondered.

"It can't be helped, the other five are all plain-looking, pretending that they have no sense of substitution!" Shen Yi shook his head and sighed.

Fan Jianxin looked at him rather strangely.

Principal Jin Hong said calmly: "It doesn't matter, that's all, let's have an operation!"

Fan Jianxin shrugged his shoulders, motioned for Shen Yi to take off his clothes, and continued to lie on the operating bed.

Shen Yi obeyed.

Fan Jianxin continued to dispense anesthetics.

Shen Yi asked the principal beside him, and said, "Since these people are locals of Wanshou, how did their corpses come to the City of Eternal Life?"

The principal said:
"The Royal Beast Mountain also has a colony outside, called Flowing Gold City, a small mining town with a population of less than [-]. There are several Flowing Gold veins underground. Not long ago, under the planning of our secret hall, some people in the military department and the secret hall dressed up as demons, They attacked Liujin City, and these six people are all natives of Wanshou, carefully selected by the secret hall, who came to Liujin City to do business, and you replaced his identity. When they return to Wanshou, their identities and experiences can That's right."

Shen Yi nodded.

The principal threw another storage bag to Shen Yi.

"The person you chose is called Li Gui. This year, he is an apprentice of alchemy. Both his parents died. He left him a small alchemy room in Ten Thousand Beasts. Unfortunately, this Li Gui is a bastard. He doesn’t manage well, he eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles with rich women all day long, and earns his tuition at Wanshou University by being a badass for women.”


Shen Yi said with a painful face: "I think it's okay to change someone."

"I've chosen everything, let's just do this, it's too troublesome to change." The principal waved his hand.

"Yeah, I've already peeled off the skin of this corpse, you can make use of it."

Fan Jianxin also said aside.


Shen Yi couldn't resist the two of them, so he had no choice but to compromise.

After taking the anesthetic, Shen Yi fell into a coma again.

When he woke up, he had changed from head to toe.

Shen Yi carefully looked at himself in the mirror, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, fair skin, and handsome features, no wonder he could eat soft food next to a rich woman.

He nodded in satisfaction.

Fan Jianxin on the side held a piece of human skin in his hand, and said to Shen Yi: "Here, this is your original human skin. Don't lose it after you put it away. If you lose it, you won't be able to change it back."


Shen Yi nodded, and put it away solemnly.

"You also need to change your voice and habits. This is a bottle of onomatopoeia pills prepared. After you take a few pills, your voice will gradually become similar to Li Gui's. Also, this jade slip There are records of Li Gui's daily habits and relatives and friends, you should study it carefully and be careful not to show your feet!"

The principal took out a bottle of medicine pill and a jade slip and handed them to Shen Yi.

He exhorted cautiously.

Shen Yidao: "I know."

"Almost forgot, there is one more crucial thing."

The headmaster slapped his head, then put his hand deep into the storage bag, and took out a golden post with various rare and ferocious beasts and ferocious monsters painted on it.

"This is the admission letter from Wanshou University, keep it!"

Shen Yi took a few glances and asked, "What kind of cultivation is this Li Gui? What kind of spiritual root?"

"Fifth level of Qi training, low-grade spiritual root." Principal Jin Hong said.

After a pause, the principal said again: "By the way, he is still an apprentice of alchemy, and he knows a little basic alchemy. You'd better learn it too. You don't need to learn too much, just a little superficial knowledge is enough."

Shen Yidao: "Well, I happen to be very interested in alchemy."

"It's good to be interested, but don't really get involved in this business, or you will regret it."

Fan Jianxin on the side said with a lot of emotion.

"Why, you also learned alchemy before?" Shen Yi asked.

"Of course, most of the doctors in Eternal Life City chose to become a doctor because they couldn't become an official alchemist." Fan Jianxin said.

"Is the prosthetic doctor too?"

"A third."

Fan Jianxin said vaguely.

By the time Shen Yi walked out of Yong'an Building, it was already late at night, although the street was still the same as daytime, with no light and feasting and feasting.

Shen Yi touched his face, he was wearing a magic color mask, his face was still the same as before, but his skin was much fairer.

He asked the headmaster if beasts could see the sky.

The principal said yes.

This is one of the few pieces of good news that makes Shen Yi happy.

He likes sunny days, sunny days, sunny days, sunny days, and weeds.

Be it the wilderness or the city.

There are only a few sunny days, and most of the days are cloudy or rainy.

But it's always sunny, isn't it?

Anyway, there is something to look forward to.

In the City of Eternal Life, when you look up, you can see the steel sky, and when you look down, you can see the cold, ruthless and colorful cyber city.

"It finally gave me a sense of expectation!"

Shen Yi walked forward.

Come to the edge area of ​​the second floor.

Ah Ran hasn't gone to bed yet, Su Ya and Xiao Hong, whom he just met, are bored in the room.

"Xiaoyi, you have been here all day for the past two days, did you encounter something?"

Ah Ran will become very sensitive at certain moments.

I guessed it right away.

Shen Yi calmed down for a moment, and told Ah Ran and Su Ya the news that he was going to Fengge City.

Both were shocked.

"Why do you want to leave all of a sudden?" Su Ya asked.

"That's right, you can't learn the talisman technique, do you have to go to Fengtian City?" Ah Ran said reluctantly.

Shen Yi didn't want to give up, he managed to get better here, how could he be willing to leave
Life is like a dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntary.

Shen Yi is like this.

Day two.

Ah Ran and Su Ya went out early, leaving Shen Yi and Xiao Hong behind. This is a very quiet and gloomy girl.

He tried to chat with her, not to strike up a conversation, just because the room was too quiet, too silent.It always feels a little depressing and embarrassing.

Xiao Hong would only shake her head and nod, without saying a word.

She only talks to Su Ya.

When Ah Ran and Su Ya came back, they actually brought back a gift for Shen Yi.

"Do you know the Yellow Crane Book of Heaven?" Ah Ran asked him.

Shen Yi shook his head, "Never heard of it."

Su Ya explained from the side: "This is a magic weapon of the communication department that can chat across cities. There are two heavenly books. If you write on one of the heavenly books, the other will also leave your handwriting. No matter how far apart you are Do it, so you can chat remotely!"

Shen Yi's eyes lit up.

Ah Ran smiled and said, "This is a gift we carefully selected for you!"


Shen Yi was very happy, the gift he gave Lin Kele finally had a clue!
Afterwards, Ah Ran ordered a table of takeaways, and chatted with Shen Yi while eating.

"Where's Chen Ping? Call him over too." Shen Yi said.

"Chen Ping went in again."

Ah Ran sighed.

"The frequency of his entering the game is a bit too high." Shen Yi frowned and said, "What's the reason this time?"

Ah Ran said: "Chen Ping learned the art of puppetry and made a few puppets with great hard work. He found a place on the second floor and set up a stall to sell puppets, but was reported by customers, so he went in."


Shen Yi was puzzled and said:
"Is it because the quality of the puppets refined by Chen Ping is faulty, or is it because the puppets consume too much energy, and the customers felt cheated when they bought them back, so they reported it?"

Chen Ping's puppet, Shen Yi also experienced it.

When Boss Zhang was buried that day, the coolie puppets made by Chen Ping were used to dig the hole. Generally speaking, they were pretty good, but the only drawback was that they consumed too much energy.

It takes one and a half spirit stones to drive the coolie puppets refined by Chen Ping at twelve hours a day, which consumes too much energy.

Even if it is free, no one will want it.

Ah Ran shook his head and said:
"It's not the reason you said. The customer complained because of the tightness."


Shen Yi was even more confused.

Why can the puppet be related to "elasticity"?
Was Chen Ping refining a puppet?

Shen Yi couldn't help asking such a question.

And Ah Ran's next words made Shen Yi suddenly enlightened, and he understood everything immediately.

"The customer bought Chen Ping's puppet and used it at home. As a result, his lower body was pinched and bleeding profusely, and all of them were sent to the hospital with vital injuries. Naturally, they would not let Chen Ping be the culprit." Ah Ran said.

"Oh, so it's that kind of puppet."

Shen Yi suddenly realized.

Then he asked again: "Where's Dr. Fan? What about him? Call him over. I've known him for a while."

Ah Ran said:
"Doctor Fan was also hospitalized. The picket team came to arrest Chen Ping, but Doctor Fan refused to let him go. In order to clear Chen Ping's suspicion, Doctor Fan set an example by personally trying Chen Ping's puppet to prove that Chen Ping made There was no quality problem with the puppet, but it was also caught and bleeding, and it was sent to the hospital."

"This is really a pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks."

Shen Yi sighed sincerely.

Su Ya, who was listening silently to the side, said at this moment:

"I think Dr. Fan is very loyal."

Ah Ran mercilessly exposed Dr. Fan's loyalty.

"He just wanted to take the opportunity to try what Chen Ping's puppet is like, not because of the loyalty of friends."

After being acquainted with Dr. Fan for such a long time, how could Ah Ran not know what kind of person Dr. Fan is.

even so.

Su Ya still thinks that Dr. Fan is very powerful, after all, no man dares to spoil his own bull like this.

Wait until August [-]th.

Shen Yi took the gift carefully prepared for Lin Kele and went to her house.

Only Lin Kele and her mother were at home.

The scene was embarrassing.

I don't know if Zhang Lan doesn't like Shen Yi, or if she is born with a cold personality. She is a beautiful but serious woman, and getting along with her makes people feel like they are on pins and needles.

This is probably why people like Feng Yuanyuan, Lin Butang, and Qiu Rundong didn't dare to celebrate Lin Kele's birthday even though they knew it was Lin Kele's birthday today.

Lin Kele liked the gift Shen Yi gave her very much.

She made a request to her mother to keep Shen Yi overnight.

Aunt Zhang Lan didn't say anything, she just looked at Shen Yi and Lin Kele with a cold pretty face and said nothing.

Shen Yi naturally did not dare to stay.

After having a light meal and chatting with Lin Kele for a while, he came back.

in the dormitory.

The headmaster came to look for him again, told him carefully, and gave him another ticket.

"Depart at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. When you arrive in Fengge City, someone will take the initiative to find you, and then send you to the vicinity of Wanshou. After you enter the city, follow the steps, take the admission notice, and report to Wanshou University. Work hard and forget yourself As for your true identity, just think of yourself as Li Gui, and when we need you, we will send someone to find you!"

"Then if I encounter special circumstances, how should I contact you?"

Shen Yi asked.

"this is for you."

The principal gave Shen Yi three more yellow talismans.

"This is an ultra-long-distance sound transmission symbol refined by the secret hall using a special secret method. Use this, and you can contact me."

"Three courses are a bit short, can I give a few more?" Shen Yi said.

"Enough is enough, don't contact me unless you have important information or special circumstances!" said the principal.


Shen Yi put away the yellow talisman.

After explaining, the principal also went out to leave.

Only Shen Yi was left in the dormitory.

Shen Yi was lying on the bed, holding the jade slip that recorded Li Gui's life in his hand, and while he was reading carefully, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the dormitory.

"Who is it?" Shen Yi asked.

"It's me, Lin Kele!"

The man outside the door said.

Shen Yi was taken aback, then got up and opened the door for her.

Outside the door, it was Lin Kele standing there.

She was wearing a beautiful light green floral dress, a pair of round and slender legs, white and straight, and she was wearing white socks and black patent leather shoes on her small feet.

"good evening."

Lin Kele smiled mischievously.

Shen Yi swallowed and asked, "Why are you here?"

Among them, he already had the answer in his heart.

"You're leaving tomorrow. I'll come and see you. By the way, I like the birthday present you gave me. I want to give you something in return." Lin Kele is a hearty girl, When she said this, she was shy.

She seemed to have drunk a glass of white wine, two blushes appeared on her cheeks, she looked very cute.

Shen Yi smiled, "As long as you like it."

"Then you won't let me into the house?"

Lin Kele was still standing at the door, she said pitifully.

Shen Yi was silent, he pondered for a long time and said slowly: "Coke, do you like me?"

"of course."

Lin Kele answered very simply.


"There's no reason why, if you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it."

Lin Kele seemed very surprised why Shen Yi asked such a question.

It's like she saw a new piece of clothing in the mall, or met a cute pet locked in a cage at the door of a pet store.

Sometimes liking is liking and has nothing to do with reason.

"Qiu Rundong said, you like me because of my humbleness and because you want to anger your mother."

Qiu Rundong is a fool, a naive, impulsive and irritable person.

As such, he will not lie.

"That's right, my mother hates me getting along with Feng Yuanyuan, Lin Butang, Qiu Rundong and others, so I like to make friends with them. The more strict my mother is, the more I like to fight against her. That's why I came into contact with you Nothing would make my mother more angry than befriending a boy from the slums, especially a wilderness of low birth."

Lin Kele smiled freely, and then said with joy in his eyes:
"But you are different. I like you. The longer I spend with you, the more I like you. I think this should be love."


Shen Yi answered vaguely.

Lin Kele slipped into Shen Yidi's arms, and said in a sweet tone: "Don't care about such small things, I'm yours tonight, I belong to you, you can do whatever you want to me."

Shen Yi shook his head heavily and said:

"Sorry, I can't."

Lin Kele raised her delicate and pretty face, pressed it against Shen Yi's chest, and blew on Sheng Lan, "What's the matter, are you angry?"

"No." Shen Yi shook his head.

Lin Kele said with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, what I said just now may have hurt you a bit, you can also scold me to vent your anger."

 After staying up all night to code, I finally coded [-] characters.

(End of this chapter)

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