Chapter 147 Departure
This is Lin Kele's view on love.

Simple, straightforward, and a little cute.

Shen Yi was amused, but then he let out another long sigh.

Lin Kele's mind was quick, and he noticed something strange about Shen Yi, so he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just"

"A little weak?"

Lin Kele answered inappropriately.

Shen Yi hastily argued: "Nonsense, I am as hard as iron day and night!"

"Then why are you pushing back and forth?" Lin Kele asked.

Shen Yiyi didn't know how to explain it for a while, he was indeed a bit abnormal, when a cute and cute girl like Lin Kele came to the door, but he pushed it all the way.
How about following her?
Shen Yi lowered his head to stare at the soft and cute girl in his arms, and swallowed uncontrollably.

His hands trembled slightly, just as he was about to wrap his arms around Lin Kele's waist.


Shen Yi suddenly noticed a sharp gaze piercing from nowhere, like a knife, scraping and scratching on the vital parts of his body.

He looked around vigilantly, and suddenly saw not far away, in the grass.

Aunt Zhang Lan, Lin Kele's mother, was squatting in the grass, with half of her head exposed and looking at him from a distance.

Her expression was cold, three points colder than that of the Siberian plateau.

There was murderous aura in her eyes, and she was on the verge of swallowing Shen Yi alive if she disagreed with her!
Do you think Shen Yi will be afraid?
No, this will only make him more excited!

It's the so-called lust and courage.

It was the toughness that gave Shen Yi unparalleled courage.

I saw Shen Yi raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a smile, and put his hands around Lin Kele's slender and soft waist.

The two fit tightly together.

"Oh!" Lin Kele blushed pretty, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

At this time, Shen Yi suddenly felt an inexplicable gaze on him, as if a needle pricked him, causing him raw pain.

He looked up angrily.

Is it over yet?
Who is it this time?
I saw Principal Jin Hong standing under the streetlight opposite the student dormitory, hiding half of his body behind the trash can next to the streetlight, looking at himself with intriguing expression.

Shen Yi suddenly woke up.

He's going to be a spy for Wanshou soon, and he can't make a big mistake because of an affair between a man and a woman, he must have no distractions!

Shen Yi regained his composure immediately.

"Coke, I'm sorry, forget it tonight, I promise you, I will definitely come back in the future and fight you for [-] rounds!" He pushed Lin Kele away.

Lin Kele had a look of astonishment, not understanding what happened to Shen Yi all of a sudden.

"Well, it's okay."

Lin Kele stroked the silver hair hanging from his ear, blushed and said, "We are a little impulsive. And next time you come back, one or two rounds is enough, three hundred rounds is a bit much."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kele kissed Shen Yi's lips, then waved away.

"Wait for the summer vacation, I'll go to Fengge City to play with you." Lin Kele said.

"Before you come, please remember to tell me." Shen Yi urged.

"Mmm Good."

When Lin Kele left, Aunt Zhang Lan who was hiding in the grass also disappeared.

Principal Jin Hong, who was under the streetlight, walked over unhurriedly.

"You've done a good job. You're on official business now, so it's not suitable for a relationship. It's not too late to start a relationship after you finish your undercover mission," he said.

Shen Yi retorted: "Undercover agents can also fall in love."

"You haven't received professional undercover training, and you haven't been in a relationship, so you don't understand."

Principal Jin Hong put his hands behind his back, raised his head, and said with deep eyes:
"Girlfriend, it's annoying."

Shen Yi smashed his mouth, thinking that the headmaster would say some brilliant words, but that's the end?

However, what the principal said made some sense.

"The principal has a good opinion, and the students will remember it in their hearts." Shen Yi said.

Principal Jin Hong showed a teachable expression on his face, and said, "You just need to understand."

"By the way, principal, can you do me a little favor?" Shen Yi mused.

"Okay, let's talk."

The headmaster agreed very simply.

"You should know Qiu Rundong, right?"

Headmaster Jin Hong was stunned, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will help you deal with him. His father is an elder of the outer sect. Although he cannot be killed, it is okay to make him suffer a little bit."

"Just a little?"

"It's a billion points!"

"Then I feel at ease." Shen Yi smiled.

"go to bed early."

After speaking, Principal Jin Hong walked away.

Shen Yi returned to the dormitory, lay on the bed, and continued to watch the jade slips.

August [-]th, morning.

Shen Yi came to the long-distance airship station on the first floor.

To go to Fengge City, you need to take a large long-distance passenger airship, which takes almost three days and three nights to arrive at Fengge City!

Those who came to see Shen Yi off were Ah Ran and Yu Xinya.

Lin Kele had to go to Huangquan Academy to report this morning, and couldn't spare time, so he didn't come to see Shen Yi off.

The headmaster was free, but in order to avoid suspicion, he didn't come.

Ah Ran doesn't have a pass for the first floor, so it stands to reason that he can't come to the first floor.

Shen Yi was able to come because the principal bought him a long-distance bus ticket worth 220 spirit stones, so he was eligible to set foot on the first floor of the land.

However, Huang Quanzong is quite humane.

Spend ten spirit stones to buy a platform ticket.You can enter the long-distance airship station on the first floor and send friends or relatives to the long-distance airship.

Originally, Su Ya would also come together.

But Huang Quanzong has regulations, ghost servants also have to buy platform tickets, zombies don't.

A platform ticket costs ten spirit stones, and one person and one ghost cost twenty spirit stones
Huang Quanzong has a bit of humanity, but only a little bit.

Ah Ran plans to buy a platform ticket, and when he arrives at the long-distance airship station, he will use the Soul Control Order to recruit Su Ya who is far away on the second floor, so that he can evade the fare and save ten spirit stones.

Well planned.

As a result, when Ah Ran arrived at the long-distance airship station, he searched his whole body, turning over his storage bag over and over again.It was only then that he realized that he seemed to have forgotten to bring the Soul Guarding Token.

Ah Ran scratched his head in embarrassment.

He muttered in his mouth: "I clearly remember that I took it."

Shen Yi smiled, but didn't care, and comforted Ah Ran in a low voice.

Chen Ping squats, Dr. Fan is hospitalized, Su Ya is looking forward to it at home
In the end, only Ah Ran and Yu Xinya came to see him off.

"Junior Brother, have a good journey, this is a gift for Huang Lao." Yu Xinya handed Shen Yi a small red storage bag that she had prepared earlier.

At the mouth of the storage bag, the luster of the seal glistens.

Shen Yi glanced at it and tied it around his waist.

"Don't worry, I promise to deliver it to Teacher Huang!" He said.

"Also, this is a gift from me, and it should be regarded as a meeting gift for you, Junior Brother."

While speaking, Yu Xinya took out another storage bag and handed it to Shen Yi.

"Thank you, brother!" Shen Yi sincerely thanked.

"You're welcome, a little talisman paper and talisman ink are not worth much." Yu Xinya laughed.

Ah Ran also took out the farewell gift he had prepared for Shen Yi.

"This is the famous 'Aunt Wang's Dumpling' on the second floor and some delicious side dishes, you can take it and eat it on the road."

Ah Ran handed over a beautiful food box.

There is a saying, "Get on the dumplings, get off the noodles."

Ah Ran was determined, and bought dumplings for Shen Yi specially.

Shen Yi sighed: "I don't know when we can meet again."

"I believe it should be soon." Ah Ran laughed.


Shen Yi said in a complicated mood.

The sound transmission conch floating above the station sounded in vain.

"The No. 18 airship heading to Fengge City is about to depart, please board the airship as soon as possible!"

"It's time for me to go, there will be a period later!"

"There will be a period later!"

"Goodbye, little brother."

"Goodbye brother!"

After Shen Yi waved goodbye, he resolutely boarded the long-distance airship to Fengge City.

Ah Ran and Yu Xinya watched the flying boat leave the platform and leave the city!

"Brother, let's say goodbye today, we don't know if we can meet again."

Ah Ran murmured.

He glanced around vaguely, and sure enough, not far away, he found a man in brocade clothes tailored in black satin, who was watching Ah Ran coldly.

Noticed that Ah Ran found him.

The man in brocade clothes smiled instead of anger, and nodded to Ah Ran, which was regarded as a greeting.

"Hmph, just use any tricks, I won't give in!"

Ah Ran looked resolute, and said in his heart.

the other side.

The edge area of ​​the second floor.

Su Ya stayed at home, anxiously looking at the electronic clock hanging on the wall.

"Why didn't Ah Ran call me? Xiaoyi is leaving soon. If you don't call me, I won't be able to see him!"

Su Ya anxiously walked around the room.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that Xiaohong had disappeared.

"Hey, where did she go, she was still there just now?"

Su Ya then walked out of the room, looking for Xiao Hong's figure.

When he came to the living room, he saw that the door of Ah Ran's room was open, and there seemed to be someone searching for something inside.

A slight rustling sound could be heard in Ah Ran's room.

Su Ya was startled, and hurriedly floated into Ah Ran's room, and said in his mouth:

"Xiaohong, this is Ah Ran's room, don't rummage around, if you find the little yellow book that Ah Ran treasured, he will become angry from embarrassment, come out quickly!"

Wait for him to enter the room.

I saw Xiaohong standing motionless in the middle of the room, with her back to him.

Su Ya suddenly realized that something was wrong, and at this moment, it was a little weird.

He tentatively asked: "Xiaohong, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaohong didn't speak.

"Xiaohong." Su Ya called Xiaohong's name again.

Xiaohong still didn't answer, only heard the clear and dense drumbeat from Xiaohong's hands.

Su Ya's expression changed, as if he had guessed something.

Xiao Hong turned around slowly. At this moment, she had a creepy smile on her face, and in her hand, she was holding a rattle drum and Su Ya's Soul-Restraining Token.


Su Ya cursed loudly.

Xiaohong turned out to be the cruel, weird and strange doll-headed demon monk he met that day when he went to the black market with Shen Yi!
Really haunted.

That day, she caught up with Shen Yi and Su Ya, but suddenly retreated.

It made Shen Yi and Su Ya mistakenly think that she had given up.

That's the end of the matter.

But did not expect
Seeing her soul-controlling token being pinched in her hand, Su Ya had a look of despair on her face.

This is the end.

(End of this chapter)

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