Chapter 173 Old Hate
The Hall of Merit and Virtue is the place where most students gather in Wanshou University.

After Shen Yi had his meal, he came to the Hall of Merit and Virtue to choose the task as promised.

The mission of the Hall of Merit and Virtue is varied.

It takes [-] credits to redeem a Foundation Establishment Pill, so the premise for Shen Yi to choose the task is naturally to choose the task with the most reward credits.

[School of Biochemistry: Experimental personnel and volunteers are urgently needed. One will be rewarded with [-] credits, and one recommended will be rewarded with [-] credits. 】

The first task displayed on the light curtain talisman suspended in the mid-air of the Hall of Merit came from the Institute of Biochemistry.

"Tsk tsk. The Institute of Biochemistry recruits experimenters every day. I don't know what the dean and the others are doing." Shen Yi thought to himself.

Shen Yi glanced across the neatly arranged task list on the light curtain symbol.

Pick your favorite task.

At this moment, a young man in green robe with protruding ears came to Shen Yi's side, and said, "Student, are you looking for a job?"

"En." Shen Yi glanced at him and replied.

"My surname is Chang, and my single name is "Le". I am a senior. I happen to have a good task at hand. The task is simple and the reward is generous. I smell a strong smell of pills on you. I guess you are an alchemy apprentice. Our team is just short of an alchemy apprentice who can provide pills, do you want to come together?"

Chang Le asked.

Shen Yi was still looking for a suitable task on the light curtain talisman, and said: "Let's hear it, what task is it, and how much is the reward."

Chang Le: "This task was issued by the logistics department. We are asked to go to the Samsara Mountain, fifty miles away from Wanshou City, to collect some wild elixir. Credits will be awarded according to the number of elixir."

Shen Yi looked at Chang Le aside, and asked, "What wild elixir can there be on Samsara Mountain?"

"Impermanence Grass and Meng Pohua, you are an alchemy apprentice, so you should be familiar with elixir?" Chang Le asked.

Shen Yi nodded, and he asked again:

"I'm still more concerned about how many credits this task can earn?"

Chang Le was happy to see something interesting, licked his lips, and said hastily:
"I did it once before. On that trip, a group of five people got four to five hundred credits each!"

"So much?" Shen Yi asked in surprise.

"Hey." Chang Le smiled and lowered his voice:

"To tell you the truth, I am a student of the Royal Beast Academy, and I have raised a Yin Temple cat. This little beast loves to eat impermanence grass and Mengpo flower the most. I am most familiar with and sensitive to these two elixir. I relied on it last time. The members of my team and I have made a lot of money!"

"There are a lot of monsters on this mountain of reincarnation, right?" Shen Yi said.

Chang Le said: "There are quite a few, but don't worry, they are all first-order monsters, nothing powerful, we just need to be careful, and we will be safe and sound if we don't get besieged by monsters."

Shen Yi nodded thoughtfully.

Chang Le said eagerly: "Little brother, let me have a hearty word, whether to go or not, I am worried about the senior, if you don't go, I will find someone else to go."

Shen Yi looked at Chang Le and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a familiar figure not far away.

He was startled, then asked: "That person Han Dongdong? Is she your teammate?"


Chang Le responded immediately, and then a teasing smile appeared on his face: "Why, do you like her?"

Shen Yi smiled slightly: "Of course."

He took a deep look at Han Dongdong several times.

At this time, Han Dongdong was flirting with a young man in a blue butterfly-pattern robe, and he didn't notice this at all.

Old hatred welled up in her heart.

Shen Yi had secretly made up his mind to do this task.

However, then, Shen Yi showed a sad look on his face, and said: "I have liked Han Dongdong for a long time, but she always avoids me and avoids seeing me."

"That's just right, join my team, just take advantage of this mission, you two get closer." Chang Le said quickly.

Shen Yi pretended to sigh and said:
"Oh. You don't understand. If Han Dongdong knows that I joined your team, she will definitely withdraw from this mission. I know her well and know her temperament."

Chang Le said indifferently: "If I don't tell her, it's over. You go outside the city first, and we meet outside the city. When the time comes, Han Dongdong has to agree if he doesn't agree."

Shen Yi hesitated: "Is it possible to do this?"

"Of course it can be done, why can't it be done!"

Chang Le patted his chest, and promised with a proud face: "Primary school boy, follow the senior, I guarantee that you can catch up with the goddess in your heart! Let's leave a contact information, so that we can contact you conveniently when the time comes."

"it is good."

Shen Yi immediately opened his mouth with a happy smile.

Chang Le took out a metal token and said, "Inject a strand of your spiritual consciousness into this token, even if you have signed a contract, you can't go back on your word."

"Okay." Shen Yi complied.

Separate a wisp of spiritual consciousness and inject it into the metal token in Chang Le's hand.

"Finally, we have gathered enough people. Let's set off early tomorrow morning and go to the wilderness. You have to prepare everything. Remember, prepare more healing pills. I know that your alchemy academy has discounts for purchasing pills. Don't be stingy, we won't take your medicine for nothing, and we will compensate you when the time comes."

Chang Le naggingly exhorted.

Afterwards, Chang Le returned to the team.

Shen Yi also turned his head and left, disappearing into the Hall of Merit.

"Chang Le, who were you talking to just now? Have you found a new teammate?" A slender, skinny and beautiful yellow-haired girl asked.

Chang Le chuckled and said, "It's going to be a matter of course if it's me. Don't worry, he's found. He's a freshman on the sixth floor of Qi training in the Alchemy Academy."

Han Dongdong frowned slightly and said, "What's his name?"

Chang Le slapped his head and said with a dazed expression, "Oops, I forgot to ask."

Another young man with a good-looking appearance but a strong physique and multiple prosthetic bodies on his body said half-jokingly, half-sarcastically: "Look at the things you do, you don't know your name, it's not reliable at all, Why not let me recruit new teammates."

A haze flashed in Chang Le's eyes, and he said with a smirk: "You can go if you want, I would have rested if I knew it."

The strong young man waved his hand and said, "Don't dare, you are the captain, how dare I claim credit."

The skinny and beautiful yellow-haired girl rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, stop arguing. Don't be ashamed!"

Both of them shut up at the same time.

Han Dongdong didn't care about the quarrel between the two, she just felt her heart beating violently, as if something bad was about to happen.

Seeing that Han Dongdong's expression was wrong, the healthy young man asked with concern, "Dongdong, what's the matter with you?"

Han Dongdong forced a smile on his face, squeezed out a smile and said, "Yulang, I'm fine. I'm just a little flustered. Otherwise, I'd better withdraw from this mission. My cultivation base is low, I'm afraid it will hinder you."

Cui Yulang hurriedly said: "Don't, with me here, I will see who dares to say that you are slowing down."

Cui Yulang's eyes swept over the yellow-haired girl and Chang Le in turn.

The warning taste in the eyes is very obvious.

Although these two people don't like Cui Yulang's gaze, but he is a monk of the eighth level of qi training, and he is the existence with the highest cultivation level among them, so he dare not compete with him.

(End of this chapter)

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