Chapter 174

After coming out of the Hall of Merit and Virtue, Shen Yi went straight to the storage building, planning to buy a better attacking magic weapon and a flying magic weapon.

Tomorrow I will go to the wilderness to do a task.

It's time to give yourself a better magic weapon.

Shelter buildings can be traded with credits, or with spirit stones.

It is different from Taoist Vocational Technical College in Eternal City.Spiritual stones can be exchanged for credits.

Ten Thousand Beast University strictly forbids exchange of Lingshi for credits.Trading credits is prohibited.

The punishment for those who violated the order is very serious. If caught once, they will be whipped three hundred times and locked up for three months. If caught twice, the whipping and confinement time will be doubled.

The main source of credits is the Hall of Merit.

You have to work hard for the academy to earn credits.

Therefore, credits are very precious in Wanshou University. Although credits can be traded in Shelter Building, most students still trade with Lingshi.

There are many shops in the storeroom.

There is a magic weapon flagship store under Da Zongmen, there are also magic weapon shops opened by individual craftsmen, and there are departmental magic weapon shops opened by the university's weapon refining institute.

Business is booming.

It's easy to get confused when you're new here.

When eating and chatting with Hou Wen a few days ago, he recommended to Shen Yi a magic weapon shop with a good reputation and good magic weapon refining technology, called "Alchemy Zhai"!It is located on the third floor of the storage building, in an inconspicuous corner.

The shop has a small facade, a mahogany signboard with "Alchemy Studio" written in black characters hangs high above the shop.

When Shen Yi came to the shop, he held his head up, took a few glances, and after confirming that he had found the right place, he set foot in this magic weapon shop.

The decoration inside is very simple, there are many models of magic weapons hanging on the wall and in the showcase.

The owner of the shop is a taciturn black-faced man.

Wearing a new white illusion glasses, lying on a small bed, there is a low table beside it, with a birdcage on it, inside is a colorful cockatoo.

Seeing Shen Yi enter the shop, the parrot immediately called out.

Awaken the black-faced man addicted to illusion glasses.He pulled off his glasses and sat up.

"Is something wrong?" he said.

Shen Yi: "I want to buy two magic weapons."

"What type and grade do you want?" the black-faced man said succinctly.

"One attack type, and the other flying type. The first rank is the best." Shen Yi said.

The black-faced man scratched his head, looked at Shen Yi from head to toe, and asked, "Can you master swordsmanship?"

"I can."

"I have a flying sword here, which can not only kill the enemy with the sword, but also fly with the sword. It is the best of the first rank. What do you think?"

"Take a look."


The black-faced man got up quickly and walked towards the back room. After a while, he quickly came out from the back room, holding a long sword with a black sheath and a green handle in his hand.

"Try it," he said.

"En." Shen Yi responded, and then pulled out the long sword.

The sword is three feet long, flat and eight-sided, the sword pattern is simple, extremely sharp, and radiates cold light.

The black-faced man introduced: "This flying sword is called "Wu Huan". I received it yesterday. The refiner is unknown. It looks like a product of several Daoist sword sects. It is a serious sword. Zong Feijian, the first-order top grade, contains a primary man-made sword spirit parasitism, and is attached with the Taoist supernatural power "Ruyi".

"Yo, in this flying sword, there is also a parasitic sword spirit?" Shen Yi asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's just a low-level man-made sword spirit, with low intelligence, like a three or four-year-old baby." The black-faced man said.

Shen Yi heard this, and tried to inject mana into the flying sword named "Wu Huan" in his hand.

The next moment, Feijian's blade lit up with a faint light.

A boy-like voice with clear spring water sounded.

"You are my new master, let's go kill people happily together!" Feijian Jianling said.

"Is this the sword spirit? It's the first time I've seen it." Shen Yi said.

The black-faced man smiled and said, "It's a good thing that Feijian has a sword spirit to assist it. It can assist in fighting, automatically kill people, and automatically fly with the sword."

Shen Yi worried: "However, will this man-made sword spirit be manipulated by divine hackers?"

"There is a risk, but it's not a big problem. You can engrave a few magic circles on the flying sword to prevent hacking."

"Then you can engrave a few for me, I want the best one." Shen Yi put the flying sword back into the scabbard, and handed it back to the black-faced man.

"Okay, in that case, you want this flying sword, right?"

"That's right, how much is it, let's make a price."

"One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spirit stones." The black-faced man said.

"It's expensive, can it be cheaper?"

The black-faced man shook his head and said: "No, you should also know the gold content of the sword spirit. Although the sword spirit of Wuhuan Sword is man-made, its function is not inferior to the natural sword spirit. This sword is worth the price. !"

"Okay. For this price, I'll take it."

Shen Yi is quite familiar with the prices of magic weapons in the Wanshou market.

The price of this magic weapon shop recommended by Hou Wen is quite reasonable.

Shen Yi didn't bargain too much, and bought it outright.

A smile appeared on the black-faced man's face, and he said boldly:

"Little brother, bright, this engraved circle should have charged you dozens of spirit stones. Brother, wide open, I can't be stingy. This engraved circle will not accept your spirit stones, and I will engrave them for free!"

Shen Yi smiled and said: "That would be great, thank you big brother."

"You're welcome, I hope you will visit me more next time and take care of my business."

The black-faced man smiled honestly, turned around and went to the back room, and began to engrave the magic circle on Feijian.

About a stick of incense time.

The black-faced man came out again holding the flying sword.

"The magic circle you want is engraved, but you must remember that the protection effect of the magic circle is limited. It is best to carry the flying sword with you. Don't give the hacker a chance to tamper with it." The black-faced man warned.

"Okay, I see."

Shen Yi agreed, and then he took out the spirit money talisman, paid for the spirit stone, and left with the Wuhuan sword.

After leaving the shelving building, Shen Yi excitedly used the Yujian technique, controlled the flying sword, and tried flying with a Yujian.

This was the first time in Shen Yi's life that he flew with a sword in person.

Although the process was a bit stumbling, but he quickly mastered the essentials of the method. He walked with his hands behind his back and stepped on the sword. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he had the unrestrained, handsome and unrestrained temperament of a young swordsman.


The entrance to the classroom of the School of Biochemistry.

Ran Hongju and Leng Yashuang walked together, Ran Hongju inadvertently raised his head, and suddenly saw Shen Yi flying with his sword in the mid-air of the campus.

There was a look of surprise on her face, as if she saw her pet puppy can ride a bicycle.

"Ya Shuang, look quickly, Li Gui can also control swordsmanship, he is awesome!" Ran Hongju said innocently.

Leng Yashuang raised her head and glanced at Shen Yi who was in mid-air, then she withdrew her gaze and said in a deep voice, "I think there is something wrong with this Li Gui."

Dyeing Red Tangerine didn't care and said:

"What's the problem? I just don't want to get entangled with Mr. Qi's little lover. It's not like you don't know Mr. Qi. He is moody. Today he can kindly invite a tramp on the side of the road to have sex with his beloved Mei Niang, and tomorrow he will dare Tortured to death that homeless man Ling Chi, I still don't understand what happened to him, he has that weird habit."

"Under the glamorous appearance of the Immortal Cultivation Family, there are countless darkness and impurity." Leng Yashuang commented softly.


She continued: "However, I think there is something wrong with Li Gui, not because of this matter, but because of something else, a feeling that I can't explain clearly."

Dyeing Red Tangerine lightly smiled and said:

"Okay, don't be suspicious, we can't kill the future of a alchemy genius because of this little problem, I still count on Li Gui to inherit my mantle."

"Then Li Gui agrees to learn biochemical alchemy." Leng Yashuang said flatly.

"Don't worry, I asked Hou Wen to investigate Li Gui's background a few days ago. Guess what I found."

Leng Yashuang was very vigilant: "Did you find anything suspicious?"

Dian Hongju said: "No, it's just that Li Gui doesn't check much in his private life. He has been taken care of by many old women and has been a bad guy. Other than that, there is nothing suspicious."

Leng Yashuang sneered: "I thought he was a gentleman, but I didn't expect him to be a scumbag who only needs money."

The red-dyed tangerine blushed and said excitedly: "We can also try to lure him with money, and see if we can lure Li Gui into the path of biochemical alchemy."

"Try it. If it doesn't work, let's keep him in captivity, just like Feng Ji." Leng Yashuang said coldly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Dyed red orange said softly.

Swimming happily in mid-air for a while.

Shen Yi fell to the ground, held the flying sword in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

"Master, when are we going to kill people? I want to kill people." Wuhuan Sword Spirit said.

Shen Yi frowned slightly, this flying sword is good for everything, but it is too murderous, and I don't know who made it.

He ignored the sword spirit, put it back into the scabbard, and put it back into the storage bag.

Back in the dormitory, Shen Yi simply packed the storage bag.Then lie down on the bed and close your eyes.

Early the next morning.

Chang Le sent a sound transmission talisman to Shen Yi, telling him to gather at the city gate outside the city and set off at nine o'clock in the morning.

Shen Yi glanced at the time, it was getting late, so he acted immediately and rushed towards the city gate.

the other side.

Chang Le and the other four had arrived at the gate of the city.

"Is Chang Le from our university? Why didn't you start from the university with us?" asked the skinny and beautiful girl with yellow hair.

"Sasha, don't worry, that person is from our university, but he was called away by the department teacher this morning, and he was delayed because of some chores, so it's not harmful." Chang Le casually lied .

Huang Shasha nodded and said, "That's fine. It stands to reason that there is a high probability that there will be no strange things among our university students."

"What you said, how could the teammates I selected be weird." Chang Le said dissatisfied.

"Not necessarily." Cui Yulang, who was dressed in a high-level prosthetic body, said with a smile: "Three months ago, you went to the wilderness with a few old students to do a mission, and in the end, only the two of you survived, and were detained by the investigation office for investigation. For two full weeks, I don’t know if there is something wrong with the teammate you picked, or if there is something wrong with you as the captain!”

Chang Le's face suddenly darkened.

He said in a deep voice: "Yulang, if you are not satisfied with me being the captain, I can give it to you. Let's make an agreement first, and then don't get annoyed. Don't let the yin and yang be weird, I can't get used to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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