Chapter 194 Club

"Sir, for routine inspection, please show your ID card." The female law enforcement officer said coldly.

Shen Yi groped for a bit, and after entering the game, all the Taoist robes and storage bags around his waist disappeared, replaced by a cool attire of red floral shirt, beach pants and sandals.

He found an ID card and a black pistol in the pocket of his board shorts.

He hesitated for a moment, then handed the ID to the female law enforcement officer.

The female law enforcer glanced at her ID card, then looked at Shen Yi a few more times, handed her ID card back to Shen Yi, and said proudly: "Listen, I don't care who you are, this block is my place, Don't make trouble!"

After threatening and warning, the female law enforcement officer drove away.

Shen Yi knows that this is the plot set by the game, you can choose to draw a gun and shoot her, or point a gun at her to coerce her, forcing her to do some shameful things with you, or be obedient and behave good citizen.

This game has a high degree of freedom, everything is up to you.

Shen Yi entered the game not for fun, but for serious business.

Next, what to do.

Shen Yi looked around, but didn't have the slightest clue.On the street, most of the pedestrians are NPCs with handsome men and beautiful women. Because it is a seaside city, the NPCs are dressed very coolly.

Just when Shen Yi was worried.

The phone booth on the street about five or six meters away from him rang in vain, and someone called.

Shen Yi has seen old-time movies, and knows that the telephone booths on the street are for pedestrians to make calls, but very few people call the telephone booths.

He suddenly realized something, walked quickly to the red telephone booth, grabbed the receiver and held it to his ear.

Feng Heli's charming voice came from the opposite side.

"Go back."

Shen Yi was startled, then he turned his head and saw Feng He standing outside the red telephone booth, looking at him with a smile on his face.

He was dressed in the same way as Shen Yi, they were all dressed in floral shirts, beach pants and sandals.

"Haha." Feng He laughed.

The smile on his face was as if a prank had succeeded.

Shen Yi pursed his mouth, and thought to himself: "What a naive Jindan Daoist."

He walked out of the telephone booth, came to Feng Heli, and respectfully saluted: "The disciple has met the elder!"

"Excuse me." Feng Heli waved his hand casually and said:
"You said you found Feng Ji's whereabouts, and you have a plan to kill Pei Donghong?"

"That's right." Shen Yi nodded confidently.

Feng Heli became interested, "Come on, let's go there and discuss in detail."

He pointed to a windowless house on the side of the street. The signboard was a light sign with the silhouette of a beautiful woman posing, and the exterior wall was a pink building.

"Strip club."

Shen Yi read out the line of small characters under the signboard.

"Come on, let's go see the world first. I haven't seen what a kiln in the old era was like."

Feng Heli said with great interest.

Shen Yi raised his face to look at Feng Heli and said with a smile: "Okay."

The two ran through the red light side by side, crossed the road, and came to the entrance of the club.

But because he had no money, he was stopped by several big men in black suits and sunglasses.

This is the game world, and the game is fair. New players only have an ID card and a small pistol with six bullets.

Even if Feng Heli is a Jindan real person, there will be no preferential treatment in the game, unless you fill up the spirit stones and charge six spirit stones for the first time, and send the blue-fired Gatling and Lamborghini Aventador SV.

Turn off the recharge prompt that pops up in front of you.

Feng Heli looked dejectedly and found a bench by the street, and sat down with Shen Yi.

"Demonic monsters are really vicious, you have to charge money to play games"

After being shut down, Feng He immediately murmured.

Shen Yi asked curiously: "Elder, why do we meet in the fantasy game instead of like last time?"

"Demonic fantasy games are contraband in Taoism, so the Taoist sects will not supervise the magic fantasy games, so magical games have become a relatively free place outside the law, so it is very suitable for those of us who engage in intelligence Special people use."

Feng Heli explained.

Shen Yi was stunned.

"What do you think of this joint method?" Feng Heli asked.

Shen Yi pondered and said: "It's not very good. I don't think this connection method is very safe. The magic monks have ulterior motives. Most of the illusion games they create are buried with viruses. Besides, divine hackers also like to sneak into various illusion games. do evil."

"You are right, you have to plan carefully."

Feng Heli nodded, and then said: "Continue to talk about Feng Ji and Pei Donghong, let's talk about Feng Ji first, how is he doing now?"

"Feng Ji is now working as a dog for the vice president of the School of Biochemistry!" Shen Yi said.

"Huh?" Feng Heli narrowed his eyes and said, "You mean, he betrayed me?"

"No, the situation is very complicated."

Shen Yi told Feng Heli the ins and outs of seeing Feng Ji in the dungeon in detail.

Feng Heli didn't seem particularly surprised when he heard this.

Immortal cultivators have a rather long lifespan.

The way ancient monks spend their time is nothing more than retreat and penance.

But today's cultivators in the cyber age, the way they spend their time is to indulge in the ultimate pleasure!

It is difficult for normal pleasures to satisfy the tastes of immortal cultivators.

This also caused the cultivators, especially the long-lived Jindan Daoist and Yuanying Patriarch, their sexual fetishes to become more and more twisted and weird!

Feng Heli has long since seen the strangeness.

"It's good to be alive." He sighed.

Afterwards, Feng Heli continued: "Leave Feng Ji alone, we will find a way to rescue him, and you continue to talk about the plan to kill Pei Donghong!"

Shen Yi: "Pei Donghong will participate in this year's competition for the secret realm, elder, do you know about the competition for the secret realm?"

"I know, you want to fight in the battle for the secret realm?" Feng Heli asked.

Shen Yi: "That's right, I think this is an excellent opportunity to make a move!"

Feng Heli shook his head slowly:
"Not necessarily, every student who participates in the battle of the secret realm will be bound to a set of surveillance equipment. Your every move will be under the sight of the elders of Yushoushan. Killing Pei Donghong at such a time will follow in broad daylight. Killing Pei Donghong is no different. It is an act of sending him to death for no reason."

"Elder, please rest assured, this disciple has his own plans!"

Shen Yi said in a deep voice.

Feng Heli smiled and said: "Seeing that you are confident, don't you have some trump card?"

Shen Yi was silent for a while, then he suddenly remembered what Buzzing had said to him, he smiled freely and said:

"In the City of Eternal Life, every living person hides a secret."

Feng Heli stopped smiling, and then laughed out loud:

"You're right! I was the one who was abrupt. Listen carefully. As long as you kill Pei Donghong, I will consider you to have completed the task. I have prepared the Foundation Establishment Pill you need for you!"

Shen Yi got up, came to Feng Heli, bowed his hands and said: "This disciple will definitely live up to the elder's entrustment!"

(End of this chapter)

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