Chapter 195 Come Again
exit the game.

Shen Yi took off his gaming helmet.

The game world is beautiful, sunny and happy. After taking off the game helmet and returning to the real world, it seems that you have fallen from heaven to hell. The contrast is so great that it is inevitable to breed despair in your heart!

Shen Yi looked at the terrible environment in front of him, smelled the foul-smelling air, and just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

He opened the door and walked out of the single room, and walked outside.

Feng Heli paid for the expenses of playing the game.

The wheelchair youth didn't stop Shen Yi from leaving, he said loudly: "Welcome to come next time."

Shen Yi ignored it.

Go in the direction of Wanshou University.

Just as he was about to leave Jichang Street, he suddenly bumped into three villains, who dragged a teenage girl into the depths of the alley involuntarily.

The girl has a pretty face and simple clothes. She sells some fried snacks at street stalls and does a small business to make ends meet.

The three villains have dazzling cyber tattoos on their bodies. Judging from the tattoo style, they should be members of a small gang.

The girl cried out for help with tears in her eyes.

A pitiful and pitiful appearance, which makes everyone who sees it moved!
People come and go on the street, but no one pays attention.Some just watched with cold eyes.

Shen Yi stopped and looked around, for a moment he couldn't tell whether it was a fairy dance jointly performed by a girl and a gang member, or if it was a real girl in trouble.

After all, this is the cyber age, and there is a high probability that such old-fashioned dramas will rarely happen.

The probability of fooling a brave person into an alley and then partnering to rob is a little higher.

At this moment, suddenly a hand was placed on Shen Yi's shoulder.

Without saying a word, Shen Yi took out the Wuhuan Sword from the storage bag, and looked back.This is a chaotic slum street, and he is not wearing the uniform of Wanshou University.

It is inevitable that there will be blind bastards who will provoke him.

Therefore, Shen Yi immediately drew his sword to meet him!
"Teacher Hou Wen?" When he turned around and saw the visitor, Shen Yi was taken aback and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, it's a long story." Teacher Hou Wen smiled miserably.

Shen Yi's mind was quick, and he guessed immediately: "Is it because of something in the gang?"

"Yes, the new gang leader who was finally selected is dead, and the murderer has not been caught yet." Hou Wen said with a sad face.

"Did a competitor do it?" Shen Yishun said.

"He is the most suspected, but there is no evidence, so you can't talk nonsense." Hou Wen shook his head.

"By the way, why are you here?" Hou Wen asked.

"I just came out of Youliang Ice Room." Shen Yi said.

Hou Wen was stunned, so he stopped asking.

"Are you going back to school now?"


"Let's go together. I came out in a hurry when I received the news. The laboratory is unattended at the moment, so I have to go back quickly."

Hou Wen said anxiously.

"Oh good." Shen Yi looked at the girl who was dragged away by the three villains, and the girl's desperate cries kept coming from the alley.

"Don't be fooled, it's a trap designed to trap good people."

Hou Wen laughed and said: "The little tricks that often happen in the slums are designed to trap you students who are not deeply involved in the world. It can be staged three or four times a day. Don't be fooled."

Shen Yidao: "It's quite true, I almost believed it."

"That little girl has the best acting skills in this street. It is said that she used to be an actress of Dongcheng Manchun Opera Club, but she fell to this point because of pregnancy and childbirth," Hou Wen said.

Shen Yi was curious: "Teacher, I think you know this street quite well."

Hou Wen said: "Of course, this street is the site of the Sky Eye Gang. I grew up here collecting protection money."

"Oh." Shen Yi responded.

Then he left Jichang Street with Hou Wen.

On the way, Shen Yi asked curiously, "Is the murderer a monk or a professional killer."

Hou Wen replied: "It should be a professional killer, and he is also a hacker with spiritual consciousness."

Shen Yi frowned suddenly, and asked, "Spiritual hacker?"

"Yeah, I don't know how it happened recently. People often die at the hands of spiritual hackers. And it's not the spiritual hackers belonging to the three major guilds. I remember that you were also harassed by spiritual hackers." Hou Wen said sadly.

"Yeah, until now, I still have lingering fears."

Shen Yi said in a deep voice.

"Oh, it's troublesome now, and I have to re-election. I guess I have to ask for leave. Vice President Leng was very dissatisfied with asking for leave last time. I don't know if Vice President Leng can agree to this time."

Hou Wen said with a sad face.

"Shouldn't we find the murderer first?" Shen Yi asked.

Hou Wen: "The murderer has to be found, but the new gang leader has to be selected quickly. There are many gangs in the outer city, and the big fish eat the small fish. The Sky Eye Gang has lost a new gang leader. It must be stabilized quickly, otherwise it will be easy to be defeated by the hostile gang. Target, it will be more troublesome then."

"It's not easy to mix gangs these days."

"Who said no?"

After Hou Wen finished speaking, he glanced at Shen Yi, and asked hesitantly, "Li Gui, I heard that you also want to participate in this battle for the secret realm?"



"In order to earn credits, I have already practiced the sixth level of Qi, and it's time to plan for the Foundation Establishment Pill."

Shen Yitan replied frankly.

Hou Wen suddenly said: "Actually, as long as you have a good relationship with Vice President Leng and President Ran, or voluntarily learn biochemical alchemy, when you are about to build a foundation, they will fix the foundation building pill for you."

"Eat soft rice?"

"I think it's good to eat soft rice, as I don't have to eat it if I want to." Hou Wenchang sighed.

Shen Yi smiled and said, "If you want to eat, I can introduce you."

Hou Wen blinked his eyes and said emotionally, "Do you have connections?"

"That's right. To be honest, I used to be a badass for others."

"Do you have the conditions to do this job?" Hou Wen asked.

"Yes, I have."

"What's the condition? Is it based on body shape and appearance?"

"It's courage!"

"Courage?" Hou Wen looked puzzled, he scratched his head and said, "I can still understand this when you say that you look at your face and your figure. What's the matter with courage?"

Shen Yi pondered and said: "Let's put it this way, do you dare to lick the rich woman's steel wool ball?"


Hou Wen gasped.

"Forget it, I'll continue to fish in college."

Hou Wen smiled wryly.

The two walked quickly back to the university.

On the way, Hou Wen couldn't help asking: "Li Gui, have you licked it?"

"Of course I have licked it. This is the basic skill for getting started."

Shen Yi grinned with a mouth full of nonsense.

After hearing this, Hou Wen believed it to be true, and cast an admiring look at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi smiled and returned to the dormitory.

The conversation with Hou Wen made Shen Yi feel a little uneasy.

Last time, the incident with Daoist Tianzhu was really too big, and his true identity was almost exposed.

But now, there are many spiritual hackers who are making waves in the City of Beasts and killing many people.

To be honest, he felt very much like the style of the real Tianzhu.

It's just that there is no evidence to point to it so far, everything is just his guess.

(End of this chapter)

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