Chapter 196 Biochemical Dao

The next day.

Shen Yi came to the martial arts arena of the Institute of Biochemistry early.

This morning, Leng Yashuang was going to teach him the unique biochemical Tao spell of the Biochemical Academy, and give him a ten-day special training to increase his survivability in the battle of secret realms.

Shen Yi was also happy to accept the opportunity to become stronger.

The Martial arts arena of the School of Biochemistry is next to the laboratory. It has a small area and only one.

There were four other people, Xiang Lei, who received the special training with Shen Yi.

The five members of the School of Biochemistry who participated in this competition for the secret realm were the five people who practiced traditional alchemy.No one who studied biochemical alchemy participated.

When Shen Yi came, he realized that he was late, Xiang Lei and Leng Yashuang had been waiting for a long time, and he was the only one left.

"Sorry, I'm late." Shen Yi said with a correct attitude.

Leng Yashuang's attitude was lukewarm: "It's okay, we just arrived not long ago, let's join the queue."

Shen Yi came to the side of Xiang Lei and the others, and stood next to Wu Wei who was closest to him.

Wu Wei smiled flatteringly at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi returned a gentle smile.

Leng Yashuang is wearing a gray female Taoist robe today, just like her usual dressing style, conservative and old-fashioned, not showing half an inch of skin.Her long hair covered her eyes with bangs, revealing only half of her delicate face.

She said in a cold voice: "I don't need to talk about the danger and death rate of the secret battle. If you want to participate, I will not stop you from Dean Ran. We respect your choices and ideas, but you are alchemy apprentices. Isn’t it your strength, in order to enable you to survive in the secret realm, I will conduct special training for you in the next few days, the training will be very strict, please be prepared!”

The four of Xiang Lei have high fighting spirit.

The same is true for Shen Yi.

Leng Yashuang slapped the storage bag on her waist, and several radiant jade slips came out one after another, floating in front of the five people.

"Each of you can choose one. The biochemical spells in our Biochemical Academy were created by Dean Ran and I with great painstaking efforts. They are unique to the Taoist school," she said.

Leng Yashuang's words are true, the entire Taoist sect has the Department of Biochemistry, and it seems that only Yushoushan is the only one.

Biochemical Dao spells are not as powerful as Lei Dao's destructive spells.

But the victory lies in strangeness, cunning and danger!

Learning to fight against the enemy has the effect of winning by surprise.

Because it is a unique technique, a biochemical Taoism technique, the price is much higher than ordinary techniques of the same level.

You can learn an expensive biochemical Taoism technique for nothing.

For the four of Xiang Lei, this is undoubtedly a profit!
Excitedly, they stretched out their spiritual senses to examine the five radiant jade slips floating in mid-air.

The same is true for Shen Yi, he also likes prostitution for free.

[Blood Burning Secret Method]: Increase the enemy's heart rate and blood pressure, make them tired, then lose consciousness, and finally die.

[Spiritualization Technique]: Transform the physical body into a spiritual state, not hurt by knives and axes, and not afraid of ice and fire.

[Sealing Injury Method]: Temporarily seal the pain and injury of oneself.

[Iron Pear Blossom Technique]: Transform a certain part of the body into hard pear blossom steel!
[Spirit injection]: It needs to be implanted with the special medical combat prosthetic body "Hundred Poison Hands". With this technique, the poison contained in the Hundred Poison Hands can be injected into the enemy's body.

The five biochemical Taoism methods are all first-level top-grade.

Each has its purpose and power.

Xiang Lei and the others made a choice after careful consideration.

Xiang Lei chose [Spiritualization Technique], Wang Yinyin chose [Spirit Injection Technique], Ji Zhe chose [Sealing Wound Method], and Wu Wei chose [Blood Burning Secret Method].

After the four made their choices.

From the storage bag, Leng Yashuang handed over the corresponding spell jade slips to the four of them, and additionally told Wu Wei: "The burning blood secret technique is difficult to get started, even if you get started, if you want to practice it successfully , You have to work hard to hope for success. And the power of this technique is limited. It's not as amazing as you imagined."

Upon hearing this, Wu Wei immediately changed his technique.

Like Xiang Lei, he chose Spiritualization.

Shen Yi planned to choose the blood-burning secret method with Wu Wei, but after hearing Leng Yashuang's words, he immediately hesitated
Seeing that Xiang Lei had finished the selection, Leng Yashuang came to Shen Yi, without saying a word, handed all five jade slips to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi was taken aback.

Leng Yashuang said indifferently: "Put it away."

Others can only choose one course, but Shen Yi can choose all of them.

This is the benefit of being the chief disciple, of course, it is also related to Shen Yi being favored by the headmaster.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Lei and the others were envious.

"Okay, that's it for this morning. Go back and learn the spells you got today, and come back tomorrow."

After Leng Yashuang finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Today's training didn't say anything, just gave the door technique, and it was over.

A few people have no complaints.

They went back to their respective residences to practice spells.

The same is true for Shen Yi, who returned to the dormitory and began to learn these five biochemical Taoist arts one by one.

Spirit injection requires the implantation of a specific medical combat prosthetic body.

Shen Yishou is doing well, and does not plan to change the prosthetic body for the time being.

This "Spirit Injection Technique" planned to give up first.

The spell jade slips given by Leng Yashuang are all protected by magic circles, copying and reselling are strictly prohibited.

Since you can't sell it, you have to keep it for yourself.

Shen Yi casually put the jade slip into the storage bag.

At this time, he suddenly realized a problem, that is, many of his secrets were hidden in the storage bag. After going through the dungeon, the storage bag was taken away by someone, which is a bit unsafe.

If someone discovers his secret, it will be over.

However, under normal circumstances, the storage bag is an extremely private thing for a cultivator, and unless he is killed or forcibly detained, he cannot take away his storage bag.

The dungeon matter is purely a special case.

He never expected that Dianhongju would directly knock him out and lock him up for such a trivial matter.

The chances of this happening are small.

But also have to guard.

Shen Yi pondered for a while, then got up and left the dormitory, striding towards the alchemy room in the storage building.

Last time he bought a flying sword with a man-made sword spirit here.

When he came here this time, he wanted to buy a storage magic weapon.

The boss of Alchemy Studio is a strong man with black face.

When Shen Yi came to the door, the black-faced burly man was receiving guests, Shen Yi didn't panic, and sat aside, waiting quietly.

After the guest left, he got up and came to the black-faced strong man.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." The black-faced burly man apologized.

"It doesn't matter." Shen Yi waved his hand and said with a nonchalant expression.

The black-faced burly man looked Shen Yi up and down, and asked, "Your Excellency seems to have patronized my business last time, isn't it?"

"That's right, I bought a flying sword with a man-made sword spirit from you." Shen Yi said.

The black-faced burly man laughed and said, "What, do you want to take advantage of it?"

"It's okay, but the artificial sword spirit is too noisy, which makes me a little annoyed." Shen Yi shook his head.

The black-faced burly man scratched his head and said, "Since you feel the noise, I can help you contact a famous swordsmith to change the voice of the artificial sword spirit into a loli voice. What do you think?"

"It's not about the voice, it's about the character of the man-made sword spirit. It's too murderous." Shen Yi said.

"Then I'll change it to Lolita for you. Lolita can heal all the pain in people's hearts, and it's a life-saving medicine!" The black-faced strong man said seriously.

Shen Yi couldn't help but glanced at this black servant several times, and asked, "Boss, are you a lolicon?"

The black-faced strong man asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"." Shen Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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