Do Cyberdoctors Dream of Mechanical Zombies?

Chapter 197 Burning blood secret method.

Chapter 197 Burning blood secret method.

"Boss, let's stop gossip and get down to business. Do you have any implanted magic weapon for storage?" Shen Yi asked.

"Yes, but which part of your body are you planning to implant? Chest? Hand? Or head?" asked the black-faced burly man.

Shen Yi was surprised: "Oh? Are they all so high-end now, can they be implanted in the brain?"

"Okay, but you have to take out one of your eyes."

"Forget it, it's normal, just implant it in the chest."

"Okay, wait a moment."

The black-faced burly man hurried into the back room, there was a sound of rummaging through boxes and boxes, and after a while, he came back in a hurry, holding a small blue brocade box in his hand.

In front of Shen Yi, the black-faced burly man opened the blue brocade box in his hand.

Inside was covered with white flannel, and placed a small cube the size of a finger, carved from blood-colored jade.

"The hemolysis secret box, which can be integrated into the body, is placed on the Tianlong acupoint on the chest. There is a three-foot-three space inside, and it is a first-class top-grade storage magic weapon."

The black-faced strong man introduced.

This black servant, knowing that he is rich, is a first-tier magic weapon for storing things when he makes a move.

Shen Yi complained a few words in his heart, but didn't say much, and asked the price: "How many spirit stones?"

"390 nine pieces!"

"It's expensive, make it cheaper."

"Then 380 nine pieces?"

"Let's make it cheaper."

After some bargaining, the two finally settled on 330 spirit stones.

After paying the Lingshi.

Shen Yi held this small and exquisite storage magic weapon in his hand, and asked curiously: "How to use this thing?"

"There are operating secret words, try saying 'Blood in the heart, the secret box of Qiankun'."

The black-faced strong man said.

"Oh." Shen Yi did as he did and read it again, the secret language could indeed be manipulated freely.

"The secret language can be changed, but after you die, this thing will be automatically locked in your body. It's useless for others to read the secret language. You have to cut your belly open before you can take it out."

The black-faced strong man said.

He doesn't have any EQ at all, saying this in front of Shen Yi is tiresome.

Shen Yi curled his lips and said: "It doesn't matter, it's all dead anyway."

The black-faced burly man smiled honestly and said: "That's true, but I think it's useless for you to buy this implanted storage magic weapon. Our monk's storage bag can't be taken away unless someone else kills us. You spend so much There are so many spirit stones, why not buy some magic weapons for protection."

Shen Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Then why didn't you say it earlier."

"This implanted storage method is precious, and it's not easy to sell. After finally waiting for a customer like you, I can't scare you away."

The black-faced strong man is also honest, telling the truth.

Although the truth is a bit harsh.
"Okay, I'm leaving." Shen Yi said goodbye to the black-faced burly man.

The black-faced strong man enthusiastically said: "Welcome to come back next time. If the magic weapon is broken, just come to me, and I will repair it for you for free."

"Know it."

Shen Yi responded without looking back.

There are too many secrets in his storage bag, and it is not safe to find a place to hide them, so it is safer to carry them with him.

With this magic weapon of storage that can be hidden in one's body.

At least there will be no more embarrassing situations where he was knocked out by the dean and his storage bag was taken away.

Shen Yi returned to the dormitory and continued to practice spells.

By the way, he used a barrier talisman, and secretly put the shady thing in the storage bag into the newly obtained hemolysis secret box, and put it into his body.

"It's a lot more reassuring now."

Shen Yi patted his chest and murmured.

After learning all the four spells except spirit injection, Shen Yi glanced at the character column, then looked away, and walked towards the martial arts arena.

If you have learned a new technique, you have to try it to enjoy it.

In the martial arts arena, there are wooden figures specially designed for students to practice target shooting.

Of the four new techniques Shen Yi learned, only the Burning Blood Secret Technique can cause direct harm to people, and the other three are used on himself.

The secret method of burning blood can increase the heartbeat and blood pressure of the enemy, but it has no effect on wooden people.

Hitting the wooden man is purely lonely.

But Shen Yi discovered that hitting the wooden man with the secret method of burning blood can increase the proficiency of the secret method of burning blood.

Burning Blood Secret Skill Proficiency +1
Burning Blood Secret Skill Proficiency +1
Hey, the proficiency increased by practicing this technique is quite high.

Shen Yi also wanted to see what kind of miraculous effect it would have if he practiced this technique to the state of Dzogchen.

He doesn't know much about these.

Just know that a rapid heart rate and high blood pressure are not very good for the human body.

Shen Yi used the secret method of burning blood on the wooden man one after another.

Just at this time, Leng Yashuang came to the martial arts arena, seeing Shen Yi's tireless practice of martial arts, Leng Yashuang's expression was slightly moved.

"Li Gui is not only a bit of a bitch, but also hardworking and a good boy." She muttered to herself.

But when Leng Yashuang saw clearly that Shen Yi was using the secret method of burning blood on the wooden man, she immediately looked down.

"You idiot, that wooden man is a dead thing, what's the use of using the blood-burning secret method on the wooden man?"

Leng Yashuang shook her head and sighed: "Young children can't be taught!"

At this moment, Shen Yi also noticed someone behind him, and he turned around to say hello: "Vice President Leng, how are you doing?"

"Nothing, just look at you."

Leng Yashuang said coldly.

"Oh, if it's okay, I'll go first." Shen Yi bowed, picked up a wooden man for practice, stuffed it into the storage bag, and was about to leave.

"Wait, what are you doing with that thing?" Leng Yashuang was curious.

"I'll take it back to the dormitory and practice the spells." Shen Yi said seriously.

"Practice the secret method of burning blood?"


"The blood-burning secret method only works on living beings with a heartbeat. If you practice it with a wooden man, you will not be able to achieve any results in this lifetime."

Leng Yashuang said.

"Students know."

Shen Yi didn't bother to say anything more to Leng Yashuang.

She doesn't know anything, so it's useless to talk.

Shen Yi bowed respectfully to her and then retreated.

"What does this bastard mean?" Leng Yashuang's eyes flashed coldly, she murmured: "If Hongju didn't like you, I would have trained you to be a dog!"


Leng Yashuang let out a cold snort, then left the martial arts arena and walked towards the girls' dormitory.

She was holding back the evil fire from Shen Yi, and she had to find someone to vent it out.

It's getting late.

Shen Yi left the martial arts arena and walked towards the cafeteria, and it was time to cook again.

He picked out a plate of delicacies he liked, looked around the cafeteria, and found Teacher Hou Wen sitting in the corner.

Look at him in a bad mood.

A man is gloomily pouring himself a drink.

Shen Yi leaned forward and asked, "What's the matter, teacher, you're still worrying about the gang affairs."

"En." Hou Wen took out another wine cup, handed it to Shen Yi, poured wine into it involuntarily, and said, "Drink with me."


Alcohol is nothing to a cultivator, it can be purified or forced out of the body with magic power.

(End of this chapter)

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