Chapter 198 The dog barks
Shen Yi picked up the wine cup and drank a glass of hot white wine with a tinge in his throat.Suizhi used mana to force the alcohol out of his stomach.

"Oh, it's boring if you drink like this." Hou Wen drank a few glasses of white wine, his face turned red.

"Drinking, you have to get drunk, or you might as well drink tea."

"I like to go crazy when I'm drunk." Shen Yi lied.

"Oh, then you should drink less." Hou Wenyan finished, picked up the glass and drank it down again, the glass hit the table heavily, and he let out a heavy sigh: "Another one died today."


"This morning, several members of the Xiangzhu sect of our Tianyan Gang re-elected a sect leader, but only a few hours later, the new sect leader was assassinated again. The murderer has not yet been caught." Hou Wen said with a gloomy expression.

"It's so crazy, is it the killer from last time?" Shen Yi asked.

Hou Wen nodded heavily: "That's right."

"Then you should try your best to find the murderer now." Shen Yi said.

Hou Wen: "Well, that's exactly what we've done. We've set up a Guild Master Committee, with several hall masters who have the right to vote as members of the committee. They're responsible for all affairs within the gang, and everything is discussed."

"Isn't that good? The matter has been solved halfway. The next step is to find the murderer with peace of mind. What do you have to worry about? You're still sitting here drinking alone."

Shen Yi picked up a stewed prawn with chopsticks, without removing the shell, bit off the head of the prawn, stuffed the prawn meat into his mouth in one bite, making a crunching sound.

Hou Wen glanced at Shen Yi and said: "Oh, this committee must have a chairman. Unfortunately, I was elected."

Shen Yi was startled, and asked: "Are you afraid that you will also become the target of the killer?"

"Hmm." Hou Wen nodded and said, "Because it looks like this killer was hired by our mortal enemy of the Sky Eye Gang. He specializes in killing new gang leaders. I, the president, may also be on the assassination list."

Shen Yi comforted: "There is nothing to be afraid of. Teacher, you are a teacher of Wanshou University. In Wanshou City, no one dares to provoke Yushoushan and Wanshou University."

"Everyone in the gang also said the same thing. They think I'm working at Wanshou University, and no one dares to mess with me."

Hou Wen stammered: "But I always feel that this is a bit like setting a flag. The killer does not belong to the three major spiritual hacker guilds of Wanshou, but seems to come from other sect cities. I am afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

Shen Yi asked.

Hou Wen looked around mysteriously, then lowered his voice and said to Shen Yi: "I'm afraid there are other sects who are going to attack Yushoushan. Yushoushan has developed well in the past two years, and many sects are jealous. Not sure, there are spies from other sects in our Ten Thousand Beasts University!"

"I think so too."

Shen Yi nodded with determination.

"I just want to fish honestly, I really don't want to participate in such bad things."

Hou Wen said dejectedly.

"In this world, who is not involuntary, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, but if you do good deeds, don't worry about your future."

Shen Yi got up and grabbed the jug and added a glass of wine to Hou Wen's wine cup, and comforted him.

"Good thing?" Hou Wen laughed at himself: "I have never done anything good in my life."

Then, he picked up the wine cup and took a sip.

At this moment, Hou Wen was interrupted by a sound transmission talisman, and he glanced at it casually.

Hou Wen turned off the sound transmission talisman, pondering over his chin, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

He raised his head to look at Shen Yi, and said softly: "Li Gui, teacher, please, please help the teacher with a little errand."

Shen Yi didn't agree immediately, but asked, "What's the matter?"

"In order to catch the murderer and find out the real culprit, the gang found a way to hire a bounty monk, who is best at finding corpses, asking directions, and catching murderers! Everyone in the gang wants me to receive them, but I have an errand at school. No. So."

Hou Wenchong smiled awkwardly at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi: "So teacher, you want me to go instead of you?"

"um, yes."

Shen Yi said hesitantly: "Yes, yes, but I'm not a member of a gang, so it's a bit nondescript to go there. The Sky Eye Gang is a big gang anyway, so why can't even an ordinary gang member be recruited?"

Hou Wen looked puzzled:

"The Tianyan Gang has multiple halls, and the gang members only obey the orders of the hall. I am also the head of the hall, but because I have been working in the university all year round, my subordinates have changed halls a long time ago. This time I was in danger. , the incident happened suddenly, and I am a polished commander, so there is really nothing I can do about it.”

"Okay, teacher, I am willing to help you."

Shen Yi agreed, it was a small favor anyway, besides, when he was harassed by Daoist Tianzhu before, Teacher Hou Wen also helped him.

If I refuse this time, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Immortal cultivators don't just fight and kill, they also have to talk about human relationships.

"Thank you very much. You met the bounty monk in person, took him to the inn prepared by the gang for him, and then talked to him about the price. You just let him make an offer, and then tell me the price. , I will bargain with him."

Hou Wen exhorted.

Shen Yi was curious: "This bounty monk is from another city?"

"Hmm. It seems to be a small colonial city under Dao Yuanzong's rule." Hou Wen replied.

"Okay, then I'll get up now."

"Go, I'll send you his location."


After leaving the university, Shen Yi strolled in the neon-lit night city.

A few cyber thugs, driving modified flying swords, galloped down the street with arrogant and mocking expressions on their faces.

The three law-enforcing monks chased after him cursingly.

Homeless people are looking for food in the trash can.

Shen Yi avoided the harassment of several prostitutes in scantily clad clothes, and went to the destination - Li Ji Pork Bones Braised Sauerkraut Restaurant.

This restaurant is doing well.

When Shen Yi stepped into the store, it was almost full. The yellowed lights, noisy voices, and the aroma of food intertwined into a lively atmosphere.

A waiter with a steel jaw stepped forward and asked, "Sir, do you want to eat?"

"I'm looking for someone, where is Mr. Dog Barking?"

Yes, the bounty monk that the Sky Eye Gang found was named Goubai. I don't know if this is his real name, nickname, or code name.

"He has been waiting for you there for a long time."

The waiter pointed to the center of the restaurant, a particularly conspicuous location.

A slender man was gnawing on a pig bone with an ugly face.

The sharp contrast between his rude eating and his beautiful and decent appearance is quite eye-catching.

When Shen Yi saw that person's back, he was stunned in place.

He couldn't believe it, walked forward hesitantly, and asked in a deep voice, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Dog Barking?"

The man stopped eating immediately, picked up a piece of tissue and wiped his lips gracefully, then looked back at Shen Yi with a smile and said, "It's me, you are from the Sky Eye Gang, right?"

After seeing the face of the dog barking.

Shen Yi was indifferent on the surface, but there was a wry smile in his heart.

"Buzz, you really linger!"

(End of this chapter)

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