I am Bai Feng

Chapter 34 Fighting, Defeating Wushuang

Chapter 34 Fighting, Defeating Wushuang

In the realm of Yunhu,
The head of the Yunhu clan looked at a vortex with a serious face, which was an entry and exit point for their Yunhu realm.

Unfortunately, this access point is on the edge of the Sea of ​​Stars.

Fortunately in the misfortune, there has been no strong person entering their Yunhu Realm from here.

But Patriarch Yunhu knows that as long as the entrance of the realm is still in the Sea of ​​Stars,

Then one day, there will be invaders appearing from here, causing huge losses to their Yunhu clan

It's just that Patriarch Yunhu didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

He has already received the sound transmission from Shanhai Yunhu who is guarding the entrance, and he also knows that Shanhai Yunhu did not stick to the entrance.

Regarding this, Patriarch Yunhu was not dissatisfied,
Facing two geniuses comparable to the sun and the moon, if Shanhai Yunhu insisted on stopping them, that would be to send him to his death.

Their family has few mountains and seas, and it would be stupid to die in vain like that.

In the vortex, except for the Yunhu patriarch, there is no other Yunhu.

Patriarch Yunhu has let everyone leave in advance.

Suddenly, the rotation speed of the vortex increased.

Under the eyes of Patriarch Yunhu, a figure stepped out of the vortex and flew towards the sky.

Soon, the second figure also came out of the vortex and caught up with the first figure.

Patriarch Yunhu was a little dissatisfied, these geniuses were really defiant, let alone entering other people's realm without authorization,

And without even saying hello, they took their realm as a battlefield without authorization.

Patriarch Yunhu rose into the air and chased after the two figures.


This is Bai Feng's first time entering the small world.

As soon as he entered the Yunhu Realm, he understood why this place is a small realm.

The concentration of vitality here is too low, it is a little higher than that of Nanyuan, so how can it be possible to produce geniuses, how can it be possible to produce strong people.

Near the exit, there is a cloud tiger at the top of the mountain and sea waiting.

That should be the patriarch of the Yunhu clan.

Bai Feng didn't have time to pay attention to him, Zhan Wushuang was still following behind.

After finding a suitable place to fight, Bai Feng flew straight to it.

When he came to a mountain top, Bai Feng closed his eyes and began to make preparations.

"Life" and "death" are intertwined with gods and scriptures, using the power of life and death!
Bai Feng found that after the last fusion of the power of life and death, he had a more perfect grasp of the power of life and death.

The divine script of the word "kill" releases murderous aura, the divine script of the word "jian" strengthens the body, the divine script of the word "speed" speeds up the speed, the divine script of the word "ming" understands weaknesses, and the divine script of the word "I" is ready at any time...

One by one divine scripts blessed Bai Feng's body, and Bai Feng's aura became stronger and stronger.

Opening his eyes, Zhan Wushuang came, followed by Patriarch Yunhu.

Bai Feng looked at Zhan Wushuang, and directly ignored Patriarch Yunhu behind him.

The God Expansion Hammer appeared, without saying anything, it directly hit Zhan Wushuang.

"Earthquake", "Death", "Strength"... Many divine symbols evolved in the hammer.

Zhan Wushuang had a serious expression, and the tip of the spear in his hand was shining with light, which was extremely sacred.

A spear pierced out, cut through the space, and shot towards Bai Feng.


The void shattered, and the attacks of Bai Feng and Zhan Wushuang were annihilated.

In this blow, Bai Feng and Zhan Wushuang were evenly matched.

Bai Feng nodded secretly. Although he didn't feel it, it seemed that Zhan Wushuang's strength had indeed been suppressed.

Just as Bai Feng was thinking, Zhan Wushuang suddenly stepped forward, approached, and shot Bai Feng.

Bai Feng backed away quickly, Zhan Wushuang was a fighter, he didn't want to fight close combat with Zhan Wushuang.

With a hammer, he fired Zhan Wushuang's gun. Bai Feng wanted to fly backwards, but Zhan Wushuang seized the opportunity and punched Bai Feng.

Bai Feng's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly waved his fist to meet him,

Bai Feng flew backwards, his white clothes were stained with blood, his arm was crushed by Zhan Wushuang.

The divine script of the word "sheng" beat, and a gentle life force entered his body.

The flesh and blood squirmed, and Bai Feng's entire arm grew back.

On the opposite side, Zhan Wushuang's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to go with Zhan Zhe!"

Zhan Wushuang was pleasantly surprised, Master Yu was indeed a genius, with such a strong will, he also cultivated the physical body, and the physical body has also cultivated to the point of Mountain Sea Realm.

Zhan Wushuang shouted, stepped forward with a gun, and punched Bai Feng.

With a punch, the surrounding air stagnated, Bai Feng's body sank suddenly, and he felt it was difficult to move.

The divine script of the word "Zhen" emerged, shaking all directions, and ripples appeared in the void.


With a soft sound, the pressure on Bai Feng's body was gone, and the word "speed" erupted, and he retreated.

Zhan Wushuang punched nothing and landed on the mountain.


The mountain was shattered, vitality was surging, and there was no intact land around.

Zhan Wushuang wields a gun with one hand and swings a fist with the other, making Bai Feng dare not get close.

Bai Feng's divinity is diverse and powerful, and the God-Expanding Hammer hides in the void, making Zhan Wushuang suffer again and again.

The two fought all the way, from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky, regardless of the outcome.

Wherever the two went, the ground cracked, the city toppled, the dead energy drifted, and the vitality dissipated.

The aftermath of the battle destroyed everything around it.

The head of the Yunhu clan on the side was full of anger. If the two of them were to continue fighting, half of the Yunhu realm would be destroyed.

He wanted to stop Bai Feng and the others, but he didn't dare to go forward.

Patriarch Yunhu originally thought that with the blessing of the boundary, he would not be weaker than Yushi and Zhan Wushuang.

But after watching the battle between the two, he realized that with his strength, he was no match for any of them.

Patriarch Yunhu could only inform the people there to evacuate quickly according to the direction of the two people's battle, and at the same time try his best to keep some things from being destroyed.


Bai Feng felt very refreshed, he was stronger.

In the battle with Zhan Wushuang, apart from his multi-divine combat skills, he can be said to have used all means.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Feng has a deeper understanding of all aspects of himself, and he controls every bit of his strength like a finger.

This is why geniuses pursue combat.

A good opponent can not only help you quickly get through the running-in period of strength, but also stimulate your own potential,
After killing the opponent, you can also get rewards from heaven and earth.

Therefore, in the battlefield of the heavens, fighting is the best means of progress.

Now, Bai Feng met a good opponent.

After Zhan Wushuang was suppressed by the restraining force of the Yunhu Realm, his strength was just on par with him.

For Bai Feng, the current Zhan Wushuang is his best whetstone.


Bai Feng looks very miserable now,

The clothes on his body were tattered, if he hadn't protected the important parts of the clothes, he would be running naked now.

All that was left of the right arm was bone, with only sporadic bits of flesh hanging from it.

A large hole was punched in the abdomen, and internal organs were also injured.

Zhan Wushuang on the opposite side looked much better, his body didn't suffer too much damage, but his face was very pale and his clothes were a little damaged.

This is also what makes Bai Feng most uncomfortable. He originally wanted to blow up Zhan Wushuang's clothes and let him run naked.

It turned out that his clothes turned out to be ground soldiers, and it was hard to beat them.

This made Bai Feng directly give up the idea of ​​letting him run naked.


In the eyes of outsiders, Zhan Wushuang should have the upper hand now, but only the two of them know,

So far, they are neck and neck.

Although Zhan Wushuang's injury was lighter, it was an injury of will and it was extremely difficult to recover.

As for Bai Feng, although he looked miserable, as long as he was willing, he would be able to recover soon.

In the sea of ​​will, the divine script of the word "生" danced, and a wave of vitality flowed into Bai Feng's body, recovering Bai Feng's injuries.

After recovering a part, Bai Feng stopped continuing.

Up to now, Zhan Wushuang and Bai Feng have reached a stalemate. Now it is a war of attrition. Whoever exhausts himself first will lose.

Although, Bai Feng's willpower is comparable to half a step of the sun and the moon, no matter in terms of quantity or strength.

But Zhan Wushuang is the eighth layer of mountains and seas, and he is still a primitive protoss, and he has quite a lot of vitality reserves.

Therefore, apart from recovering from injuries that would affect his combat power, Bai Feng didn't want to waste his willpower.


Bai Feng and Zhan Wushuang have been fighting for over an hour.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​will,
Bai Feng's willpower has been reduced by more than half, and his orifices are a little dim.

Bai Feng felt a little helpless, Zhan Wushuang must have consumed too much energy, and he still looked alive and well.

Suddenly, Bai Feng felt something was wrong, did the nearby vitality concentration increase a lot?
Taking advantage of the gap between fighting Zhan Wushuang, Bai Feng looked around.

Patriarch Yunhu was still following, his face full of anger.

Bai Feng ignored him and continued to scan.

In the west, Bai Feng saw a city, which can be said to be very large in the Yunhu Realm.

This is the imperial city of the Yunhu clan, and it is also the place with the highest concentration of vitality in the Yunhu realm.

Bai Feng's eyes lit up all of a sudden, you know, he didn't intend to come here.

It was Zhan Wushuang who secretly lured him here, that is to say, Zhan Wushuang was about to reach his limit, so he came to this place with a high concentration of vitality.

Bai Feng looked at Zhan Wushuang and cursed in his heart, this Zhan Wushuang is really not a good thing.

Without saying a word, bring him here.

If he hadn't discovered it early, he would have been consumed by Zhan Wushuang.

Seeing what Bai Feng discovered, Zhan Wushuang no longer concealed it, and a huge suction force suddenly came from his body, absorbing the vitality around him.

"Compare this to me?"

Bai Feng smiled disdainfully, pushed the word "gathering" to the fifth level, and gathered everything around him.

In the sky above the Yunhu clan's imperial city, two huge vortexes appeared, not only absorbing vitality, but also trying to devour each other.

Although Zhan Wushuang is strong, he is not an opponent of the divine script of "Ju" who specializes in this way.

The vortex formed by the word "Ju" gradually swallowed Zhan Wushuang's vortex.into a larger vortex.

A lot of vitality and willpower entered Bai Feng's body,
In the sea of ​​will, Bai Feng withdrew the God Expansion Hammer, frantically hammering the willpower in.

There are too many impurities in these willpowers, and he dare not absorb them without purifying them.

Zhan Wushuang on the opposite side didn't want to give Bai Feng time to recover, so he suddenly attacked Bai Feng, trying to interrupt Bai Feng's movements.

Bai Feng had no choice but to purify his willpower later.

The God-expanding Hammer appeared, with one blow, a thousand shocks, surrounded by death energy, the hammer hit Zhan Wushuang.

At the same time, Bai Feng clenched a fist with one hand and punched Zhan Wushuang.

Zhan Wushuang fought with Bai Feng again with gun against hammer and fist against fist.

This time, Bai Feng sensed something was wrong.

Although it is very small, Zhan Wushuang's strength is indeed weaker.

Bai Feng worked even harder, while replenishing his own consumption with the divine text of the word "Ju", blocking Zhan Wushuang's recovery.

Time passed little by little, and the vortex above Bai Feng's head had disappeared, and he had sucked up all the vitality around him.

Zhan Wushuang's face was pale and his vitality was weak.

Now his every attack is only at the level of the middle stage of Shanhai.

In fact, Bai Feng is not much better,

The Yunhu Realm is a small realm, even if it is the place with the highest concentration of vitality, it doesn't actually have much vitality.

Willpower is not only scarce, but also has a lot of impurities, he dare not absorb too much at all.

Of course, compared to Zhan Wushuang, Bai Feng's situation is much better.

Suddenly, Zhan Wushuang stopped attacking and stood still.With a loud shout, the sacred power in his body boiled.

Bai Feng had a serious expression on his face, ready to fight.

Is Zhan Wushuang desperate?
Just when Bai Feng was about to strike first,
Zhan Wushuang suddenly turned around and flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

Bai Feng was really stunned, Zhan Wushuang... ran away?
"Zhan Wushuang, you are a genius on the Tianbang list, how can you escape?"

Zhan Wushuang didn't bother to talk to Bai Feng, what's wrong with running away?
He didn't have this kind of strength from the beginning, when he was still weak, he could often meet people stronger than him in the battlefield of the heavens.

If you don't run, you'll be dead long ago.

Not only him, no matter which genius in the battlefield of the heavens is like this, they are all good at escaping.

Anyway, it's not begging for mercy, what's there to be ashamed of if you run away with your own ability?What did Master Yu think?

Zhan Wushuang ran away without looking back, Bai Feng just wanted to catch up, but worried that Zhan Wushuang was deceiving him.

The divine text of "Ming" appeared in his eyes, and Bai Feng judged whether Zhan Wushuang really escaped or faked.

Perhaps it was because of excessive consumption and focus on escaping.

Zhan Wushuang's cover for himself became weaker, and Bai Feng saw through it directly.

Bai Feng's eyes were bleeding suddenly, and he was devastated.

He saw a drop of blood in Zhan Wushuang's body, a drop of blood-red blood essence, from the peak of the sun and the moon!

Bai Feng didn't want to chase Zhan Wushuang in an instant, what's the use of chasing him?Can't kill each other.

He doesn't need it now, but it doesn't mean he doesn't need it when he is about to die. Bai Feng doesn't want to seek death.

"Big dog!"

Bai Feng suddenly scolded, why do these geniuses have this kind of thing, but he doesn't have it, so how can he fight with others?

If other people lose, as long as they have a strong hole card, they can kill him back.

If he loses, he can only be slaughtered by others, without any hole cards at all.

Bai Feng felt a little unbalanced, cursed a few words, didn't bother to chase Zhan Wushuang, and let him go.

On the side, Patriarch Yunhu's eyes flickered, and now Yushi and Zhan Wushuang were not his opponents at all.

If he kills two people in the boundary channel, not only will he be able to take revenge, but he will definitely be able to enter the sun and the moon with the heaven and earth rewards he gets!
Patriarch Yunhu's heart is hot, the road to the sun and the moon is close at hand!
Bai Feng on the side seemed to have noticed something, looked at Patriarch Yunhu, and said lightly: "Don't mess around, don't forget, I come from the human race."

Bai Feng's words were like a basin of cold water poured on his head, making him sober.

That's right, Zhan Wushuang came from the primitive protoss, and Yushi came from the human race, no matter which one they were, they couldn't be provoked by their Yunhu clan.

Even if he entered the Sun Moon Realm!
Patriarch Yunhu looked at Bai Feng, forced a smile, and said, "Master Yu was joking, why did I mess around?"

Bai Feng was noncommittal, and walked towards the passage without saying anything to Patriarch Yunhu.

Under the eyes of the Yunhu patriarch, Bai Feng entered the passage and left the Yunhu realm.

Spinning and turning, upside down.

Bai Feng waited for a while, and the familiar seascape returned to his eyes.

Bai Feng returned to Sea of ​​Stars again.

(End of this chapter)

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