I am Bai Feng

Chapter 35 Trapped

Chapter 35 Trapped
sea ​​of ​​stars,
deep under the sea,

Bai Feng sat cross-legged, the divine script of the word "sheng" beating, recovering from the previous injury.

The God-Expanding Hammer kept beating on the Sea of ​​Will. Before, Bai Feng had absorbed a lot of impurities, and now he was going to hammer them out.

Bai Feng is patiently healing his injuries, but the outside world is once again boiling over Bai Feng.


The scene of Bai Feng fighting with Zhan Wushuang was leaked by someone.

As soon as the news came out, countless people were shocked.

Yushi and Zhan Wushuang fighting?And it's even better?
Master Yu is only at the fifth level of Lingyun, so he has the combat power of the first level of the sun and the moon?
Although Bai Feng's previous record was to kill the sun and the moon, but that was just a support and should not be taken seriously.

But this time, it was the real thing.

Bai Feng's record shocked and even frightened countless people.

The fifth level of Lingyun can fight against the sun and the moon, but what about the peaks of mountains and seas?Wouldn't it be possible to fight the peak of the sun and the moon?
If Master Yu arrived at the sun and the moon, wouldn't it be...

Soon, another news came that Zhan Wushuang was defeated.
Someone saw Zhan Wushuang stepping out of the vortex in poor condition.

Afterwards, Yushi also came out, which is enough to show that Zhan Wushuang was defeated.

As soon as the news came out, it was even more shocking. Defeating Zhan Wushuang meant that Yushi Lingyun could kill the sun and the moon at the fifth level!
Immediately, a strong man from the two worlds of gods and demons came out, wanting to obliterate Bai Feng.

They really don't care about the battle of geniuses.

But such a genius must not come from the human race!

In the sea of ​​stars,

Bai Feng opened his eyes and stood up.

He's back to his prime.

After moving his body a bit, Bai Feng planned to set off immediately and return to the human realm.

Before that, we have to see if any major events have happened recently.

He took out his mask casually, and typed on it with willpower.

"Elder Xuanji, give me a copy of the latest information."

In a great hall,

Xuanji is sorting out the information collected by his subordinates,
Suddenly, his mask trembled slightly, and a line of writing appeared in front of his eyes.

Someone was summoning him, one of his subordinates, and the object of his greatest concern.

Xuanji's face moved slightly, he stopped what he was doing, and focused on contacting that person.

"Xuan 53, which aspect of information do you want?"

Bai Feng thought for a while and responded,
"Elder, I'm very interested in Yushi who is number one in the heaven list recently, so I need information about him."


Xuanji was a little speechless,

Who are you kidding?Only the two of us know these conversations, is it necessary to pretend that we are not Yushi?
"Information about Master Yu... You must be very interested in one of them."

"What is it?"

"The gods and demons sent strong men to intercept Yushi."

Bai Feng's face changed slightly, and he asked,

"Elder, be more specific.

How many strong men did they send, and where did they intercept them in the specific realm? "

"The gods sent 4 sun and moon, and the demons sent 5 sun and moon, a total of 9.

Each of them is not lower than the quadruple weight of the sun and the moon, and 2 of them are the highest weight of the sun and the moon. "

"Are they sick? What happened to them? As for sending so many strong men to kill me?"

Bai Feng was a little speechless, he was not in the mood to continue pretending with Xuanji.

Nine sun and moon were sent to kill him, how would he escape?He can't even beat the weakest one.

"It's normal, Yushi can defeat Zhan Wushuang with Lingyun's fifth level body,
Who wouldn't be afraid of such a genius?Not to mention it was from the enemy race, it was his luck that Eternal didn't make a move himself. "

"You mean, I have to thank the gods and demons for not sending eternity to kill me?"

Bai Feng was a little speechless, but after thinking about it carefully, Xuan Ji was right.

If his multi-divine identity is exposed, then the one who comes now should be eternal.

Anyway, run or run.

"Elder, can you tell me where the nine suns and moons are?"

"Yes, because I don't know the exact location of you.

Therefore, they surrounded the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles around the place where you were last seen,
The 6 sun and moon are grouped in pairs, and one sun and moon is in a separate group.Guard in the four directions of the sea area, checking for those who want to leave one by one.

In addition, there is another sun and moon exploring back and forth in that sea area. "

He was really surrounded... Bai Feng was a little helpless, he was anxious to heal his injuries, and he didn't have time to travel thousands of miles away.

Bai Feng restrained his aura silently, and brought the word "Yin" into full play.

He didn't want to be sensed by the patrolling sun and moon.

"There are only eight... Elders, isn't there nine? Where is the other one?"

"The last one is Gaozhong Sun and Moon from the Ice and Snow God Clan. He is guarding Xinghong Ancient City..."

As soon as the words were said, Bai Feng couldn't help but interrupted: "Even Xinghong Ancient City is guarded, is it necessary?"

"Of course it is necessary. Minghe, who is tall and heavy in the sun and moon, was killed by Yushi in the ancient city of Xinghong?

In case Yushi escaped from the encirclement by chance, he would most likely run there.Naturally, someone had to guard Xinghong Ancient City. "

Bai Feng is speechless, don't say it, I really think so, go back to Xinghong Ancient City to hide for a few days before talking.

After thinking about it, Bai Feng asked again,
"Elder Xuanji, did the human race send some strong men?"

"A strong man of the human race... Do you think that there are only nine suns and moons from the gods and demons to kill you?"

Okay, no need to continue, Bai Feng understood what Xuan Ji meant.

He didn't have to wait for foreign aid, all the strong men sent by the human race were stopped, so he could only figure out a way by himself.

At the same time, Bai Feng also understood why the sun and moon of the two races of gods and demons did not prevent him from returning to the human realm directly from the sea of ​​stars.

That's right, with so many suns and moons fighting there, if he dared to get close, there was a high probability that he would not be able to survive.


at this time,

Star Overseas,

Qin Hao shot back a protoss sun and moon, just about to step into the sea of ​​stars,
Next to him, a sun and moon from the blood fire demon clan came to kill him.

Qin Hao had no choice but to stop, turned around, and shot the bloody demon.

Beside Qin Hao, there are still several suns and moons watching.

Qin Hao felt a little helpless, he wanted to rescue Master Yu, but now he couldn't even get into Sea of ​​Stars.

The two clans of gods and demons thought highly of him, and sent four sun and moon to entangle him.

Nearby, there are several other places where the same scene plays out.

The sun and moon from the Pioneer Camp and Zhutian Mansion were all stopped.

At this time, more than a dozen sun and moon are fighting here.


Bai Feng didn't know about what happened in Xingchen Overseas.

Now, he is thinking about how to escape the blockade and return to the human realm.

"Let's skip the issue of getting out of the encirclement first. Let's think about which way to go back to the Human Realm after leaving the Sea of ​​Stars."

Breaking away from those blockades of the sun and the moon requires hard power, and there are no shortcuts.

But returning to the Human Realm is different. He doesn't have to take that path, he can definitely take other routes.

"Well... roughly speaking, there are three methods.

First, turn to Xiaojie.Just find a boundary passage here, return from the small realm to the battlefield of the heavens, and then return to the human realm.In this way, you can also directly escape from the encirclement. "

Bai Feng thought for a while, and quickly rejected this plan. Who knows what those strong men from the small clan thought, what if they did something to him?Wouldn't it be dead?

What's more, the two clans of gods and demons have spoken, do those small clans really dare to let Bai Feng leave from them?Are you not afraid of being wiped out?
Even a group as weak as the Yunhu clan, they would try their best to stop Bai Feng, and then notify the strong men of the two clans of gods and demons.

"Second, take the boundary channel that goes directly to the human race."

Bai Feng only knows two of the boundary passages.

One is from Lietian Pavilion, don't worry about that one, he's not that stupid yet.

The other one is the passage mastered by the God-devouring Clan. This... is a bit dangerous, so it should be used as a last resort.

"Third, go to the Yuhai Plain and use the special mechanism there to get rid of those sun and moon."

Bai Feng frowned, he felt something was wrong.

In the information, it seems that no one is guarding the Yuhai Plain.

What he can think of, the strong of the gods and demons can't think of it?
How is it possible, maybe the sun and the moon outside of intelligence are guarding there?
Could it be that Xuanji was tricking him?Bai Feng took out a sound transmission jade talisman, wanting to contact other people.

But soon, Bai Feng gave up this behavior.

Now those sun and moon are not sure that he is here, maybe he will leave after a while.

If he used the sound transmission talisman and was intercepted, it would be really troublesome.

All three methods have problems.

Bai Feng had a bit of a headache. After thinking about it, he decided to practice first. There is still room for rapid improvement in his strength.

Maybe, when Bai Feng's training is over, those sun and moon will also leave.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng headed deeper into the Sea of ​​Stars.


human environment,

Unlike Bai Feng's danger in the battlefield of the heavens, the human realm is still a peaceful scene.

Daxia Mansion,
Looking at the information from the front line, Xia Longwu frowned. Since Bai Feng became famous in the battlefield of the heavens, he frowned more often.

On the side, Master Xiahou was also sighing,
"Bai Feng, why do you always encounter such dangerous situations?

And the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, at the beginning it was just mountains and seas,

Now, you see, it has caused a double-digit battle between the sun and the moon. "

Master Xia Hou clapped the information in his hands, feeling a little helpless.

And he had to save Bai Feng, he was also a genius from the Great Xia Mansion after all.

But save it, how?Who can be sent to bring Bai Feng back from the sun and moon pile?

Xia Longwu was silent for a while, then calmly said: "I'll go and bring him back."

"You can not!"

Lord Xia Hou rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Are you trying to kill him? As soon as you go out, Eternal will probably attack you. With Bai Feng's small body, how can he handle it?"

Master Xia Hou thought for a while, and said a little irritatedly: "Go to Wan Tiansheng, Bai Feng is still a researcher at the Great Xia Civilization Institute, he, the head of the government, doesn't care, who else cares."


Xiuxin Pavilion,
Wan Tiansheng sat on the chair and looked at the City Lord's Mansion, as if he heard what Lord Xia said, he shook his head and said with a smile: "This Xia Xiaoer is quite impatient."

Wan Tiansheng turned his head to look in the direction of Xingchenhai, and said with a light smile, "You probably don't need me to save you."

In Wan Tiansheng's view, Bai Feng is very mysterious, so he shouldn't die so easily.

Wan Tiansheng thought it over, if Bai Feng didn't come back after two months, he would bring Bai Feng back.

Wan Tiansheng gently shook the chair, and turned his attention back to the book in his hand.


All eyes were on Bai Feng, they were very curious whether Master Yu could survive or not.

The turmoil in the heavens did not affect the lives of the people below.

South Yuan City,
At this time, the advanced assessment was underway, and Su Yu successfully won the first place in the double assessment, and also received a superior evaluation from the Daxia Civilization Academy.

During the assessment, some things also happened. After these things,

Only then did Su Yu understand how famous Bai Feng was in Daxia Civilization Academy,

So famous, no matter what methods he shows, as long as others know that Bai Feng recruited him in advance, they will think it is normal.


Time flies, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

A place deep in the sea of ​​stars,
The vitality in the seawater became thinner and quietly gathered in one place.

At this time, Bai Feng closed his eyes tightly, his body was golden, and his blood was surging like a mighty river.

When Bai Feng reached a critical moment, he was about to complete another body casting.

The body trembled, and all movements subsided.

Bai Feng opened his eyes, stood up, and the violent breath spread,
Ordinary Ling Yun would not be able to stand up at all here, and would be crushed to the ground.

Bai Feng clenched his fists, felt his physical body, and felt that he was in a very good state.

In one month, his physical body has been casted 36 times, plus a change of vitality, and the bonus of half-opened yang orifices,
He now has the strength of 10 apertures, which is comparable to the seventh level of mountains and seas.

This is just the physical body, not the will.

In the past few days, Bai Feng has opened a few more orifices, and there are already 330.

Now he is waiting to fully open 360 orifices, so that his strength will undergo a qualitative change.

Letting out a breath, Bai Feng took out the mask from the storage ring and asked Xuanji about the latest situation.

"Have you left yet? What's the situation with these guys?"

Bai Feng was a little speechless, the majestic sun and the moon, is it interesting to stay here all the time?

No matter what, the result is that he is still in the encirclement.

Bai Feng shook his head, he didn't plan to continue practicing.

Now his strength improvement has slowed down, and no matter how much he cultivates, he won't be much stronger.

It's time to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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