Chapter 103
Whoosh, whoosh~
The two paper talismans of the soul fire talisman sent Zhao Xin and Li Bing, who were the fastest, flying upside down. At this time, the level 2 soul fire talisman could cause about 70 points of damage, plus Xu Feng [-] % apostle experience bonus, a soul fire talisman can cause more than [-] points of damage.

An ordinary zero-level apostle, if he has never improved his physical attributes, and has never taken natural materials and earthly treasures or special potions that increase his health, his health is at most about [-] points. In other words, Xu Feng's one A piece of paper talisman can directly beat an ordinary zero-level apostle to the point of death and coma.

Zhao Xin had the highest perception. The moment Xu Feng threw the paper talisman backwards, his heart beat wildly, and a threat of death came over his face. Zhao Xin subconsciously threw himself forward, and then rolled over to the side.

The speed of the paper talisman is not fast. If it is a void talisman, the speed is like a bullet. No matter how fast Zhao Xin reacts, his body cannot keep up with the reaction speed, and it is impossible to dodge.

The two Soul Fire Talismans exploded almost indiscriminately. Li Bing was blown out of the air, and when he fell to the ground, he passed out.

Zhao Xin glanced at Li Bing, his eyelids twitched, and where he was before, a big pit was also blown out, the pit was burning red, exuding a pungent and choking smell.

"What, control weapons?" Zhao Xin's face changed drastically: "What is this kid using, a hand cannon? The power of a level 1 apostle's skill can't be so powerful, right?"

Wang Hu is an underground boxer by profession, and his moving speed is his weak point. After being knocked back by the first two, Wang Hu ran seven or eight meters away. The mine was pitch-black, and suddenly he heard two explosions. Feeling the power of the opponent's skills, but just the sound of the explosion made Wang Hu timid.

"Li Bing, damn it, he's dying, Zhao Xin, do you have any recovery potion?" Wang Hu didn't go after Xu Feng, but instead helped Li Bing, who had passed out, and shouted at Zhao Xin.

"Only one, this is for my life!" Zhao Xin sucked his teeth, with a painful expression on his face, he took out a light red potion from his pocket with some reluctance, and handed it over.

The apostle of the secret realm earns more than ordinary people, but the cost is twice that of ordinary people. The market price of this life-saving healing and recovery potion alone is [-] yuan. If the market fluctuates slightly, it will increase by tens of thousands.

The physical quality of zero-level apostles is limited compared to ordinary people, and the difference between them is only skills, so there are not many ways to make money, otherwise, there will not be so many zero-level apostles in this mine to mine. .

Zero-level apostles rarely go back to explore dangerous secret realms. Most of them like to form a team to go to resource secret realms like "Kobold Mine". A sum of money, and then slowly raise the rank of apostle.

Wang Hu took the recovery potion, glared at Zhao Xin angrily, pinched Li Bing's mouth, poured half of the healing potion into it, and poured the remaining half on Li Bing's bloody chest.

After a while, Li Bing groaned in pain. A healing potion could not completely cure Li Bing, but could only pull him back from the dying state.

And just out of the dying state, Li Bing, who was in a weak state, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were confused. He didn't even know why he was suddenly beaten into the dying state.

"Hehe, how busy are you guys?" Xu Feng walked out slowly from the slope passage, holding two pieces of paper talisman in his hand.

Wang Hu trembled all over, almost threw Li Bing to the ground in fright, and Zhao Xin also looked at Xu Feng vigilantly, as if to dodge at any time.

"Brother, we've lost sight of Mount Tai this time, so why don't you let us leave this place?" Wang Hu said in a deep voice.

Xu Feng's skill attacks are too powerful, and the three of them tied together are not Xu Feng's opponents.

"Hehe, do you think it's possible?" Xu Feng laughed.He didn't complete any of the main quests, let the three of them leave, and they asked a large group of people to come back to find a place. Although Xu Feng was not very afraid, after all, high-level apostles would suppress their strength when they entered a low-level secret realm. You can only use the zero-level peak strength, double the strength bonus, which is not much higher than Xu Feng's current 70% bonus.

Even if the entire Black Tiger Gang and their second-level gang leaders came to surround him, Xu Feng felt that with his current strength, he could fight his way out.

But if this is the case, Xu Feng also finds it troublesome, and it also affects his completion of the main task. When he unearthed the task item that Zhao Ruhai wanted just now, he unexpectedly got a reminder that can improve the pass evaluation and increase the experience of the apostle by 5%.

You know, an ordinary apostle can only get 5% to 10% of the experience of the apostle when he clears a secret realm. This task item is equivalent to adding a secret realm experience to Xu Feng and improving the clearance evaluation. The added apostles have more experience, Xu Feng doesn't want to be disturbed by others at this time.

"Brother, what do you want us to do? Tell us!" Wang Hu said in a deep voice, "You still haven't finished the main mission, right? It's not worthwhile to delay your mission for the sake of us, you say so!"

"Hehe, fine!" Xu Feng nodded and said, "Seeing that you are quite sensible, then stay here, as long as you don't leave my line of sight, you can leave after I finish the task."

When Wang Hu and the three heard this, they were immediately relieved, as long as they didn't kill them.In fact, with Xu Feng's strength, it would not take much effort to kill the three of them. Since the three of them can be saved, the three of them are not ignorant people.

Xu Feng also knew that the three of them acted a little too aggressively before, not because they really wanted to kill themselves, but because the purple quality light was too attractive, too attractive, and Xu Feng would not necessarily perform much better than the three of them. .

"Brother, this is the 3 yuan you gave just now!" Zhao Xin smiled flatteringly and returned the 3 yuan that Xu Feng gave to the three of them.

What Xu Feng now lacks is tens of millions, tens of millions of big money, and he doesn't care about the [-] to [-], but since the other party returned it with such a wink, Xu Feng was not pretentious and took it. Straight into the backpack.

The next moment, dozens of kobold miners were suddenly spawned on the second floor of the mine. After these miners were spawned, they all gathered together. At this time, the four of Xu Feng were located near the slope passage, far away from the spawned kobold miners. , and did not arouse their hatred.

These kobold miners looked around, and from time to time they let out a howling sound like a wolf, and began to spread out slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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