Chapter 104 Refresh
Seeing the Kobold miners refreshed, Wang Hu and the three looked at each other, and they all saw a glimmer of hope in each other's eyes. With so many monsters, no matter how powerful Xu Feng is alone, there will always be a moment when his mental power is exhausted. Whether it is HP or spiritual power, the upper limit of super apostles is quite embarrassing, and skills can only be used as hole cards and ultimate moves.

Xu Feng glanced at the three of them, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and directly took out a large handful of paper talismans from his arms. Since he knew in advance that he was going to the zero-level secret realm, Xu Feng directly replaced all the paper talismans he usually practiced with Soul Fire Talisman.

In addition, Xu Feng has mastered the complete version of the fundamental method, and his mental power recovers extremely quickly, and the portable secret realm is always in a moonlit night. As long as Xu Feng uses the fundamental method, he will enter the portable secret realm. Under the moonlight, the effect of the fundamental method is doubled. After a whole day's work, if Xu Feng let go of the painting, he could draw at least a hundred pieces of paper symbols.

"Follow me, don't run around!" Xu Feng warned them, waving the paper talisman in his hand.

The three of them saw a large stack of paper talismans in Xu Feng's hands, and finally understood what the skill Xu Feng had released before. They were ashamed and completely plunged into despair.

"Taoist occupation?" Wang Hu asked in a low voice.

"For sure, there are too many bugs in the early stage of the Taoist career. Fire talismans, ice talismans, and sharp wind talismans have more skills than mages, and they can usually consume mental power to draw talismans and save them. When you use them, you throw them all at once. Not necessarily an opponent of the Taoist profession!" Zhao Xin seemed to be familiar with the Taoist profession, and whispered with an angry expression on his face.

"Could he be the second generation of some apostle?" Li Bing guessed in a low voice: "Zhao Xin, you are right, but have you ever thought that he is only level zero, how could he have so many talismans, and, Don't you think his talisman is too powerful, it is even more terrifying than a full-strength strike of a first-level apostle!"

Li Bing touched his chest, but there was still a dull pain in his chest, and the sternum must have been cracked. As for whether it was broken, he still needed to go to the hospital for a diagnosis.

"Yeah, his fire talisman is too powerful, and it's completely different from the fire talismans of other Taoist priests I know!" Zhao Xin said with a look at the big pit, feeling lingering fear.

Xu Feng on the other side was having a great time throwing the soul fire talisman. These paper talismans prepared in advance only required a little mental power to activate them. Coupled with Xu Feng's mastered double casting, two soul fire talismans at a time, even if the dog's head The health value of human miners reaches 150 points, and they are also hit one by one, and there is no one-on-one enemy at all.

In just a few minutes, Xu Feng killed all the spawned kobold miners, and seventeen or eight red candles fell on the ground.

Every time Xu Feng picked up a candle, the candle would disappear, and instead, the number of quest items in the main quest would increase by a little.

After picking up all the candles on the ground, more than half of the main task was completed, and a total of seventeen kobold candles were picked up.

"I beat almost 21 kobold miners before, and dropped seventeen candles. The explosion rate is not bad!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

In fact, this is also because the candle is a quest item, so the drop rate is so high. If it is replaced with other items, it is impossible for the kobold miners who have been brushed for more than a year to have such a drop rate.This can be seen from the fact that Xu Feng killed 21 kobold miners and only dropped the quest items, but no other items were dropped.

"The supervisor didn't refresh this time?" Xu Feng glanced at the three of them and said casually.

"It can't be refreshed every time." Zhao Xin said quickly with a wink: "The kobold miners will refresh about three to four times before they will spawn a supervisor. Before you came, you had already done a wave. Kobold miners, in the next wave, there will be a great chance that the Overseer will be refreshed!"

Xu Feng nodded, beckoned to the three of them, and said with a smile: "Go, go a little inside, it's windy here, let's go to the place where you were standing before, that's where the overseer is, right?"

The three of Zhao Xin looked at each other helplessly, and followed Xu Feng to the depths of the second floor. The further they went, the less chance the three of them would escape.

"Yes, yes, that's there!" Zhao Xin quickly replied: "The place where the kobold supervisor refreshes is fixed, just in that area..."


Zhang Zibing stood nervously in the living room of the room. It was already evening, and the house was dark with no lights on. On the opposite sofa was a man wearing a black turtleneck trench coat and a top hat. His attire should be It was a man, but his whole body was wrapped in a windbreaker, and his gender could not be identified at all.

Zhang Zibing subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his face turned pale. He had only heard about the organization Misty, and knew that this organization was very powerful. There was a way to quickly increase the strength of the apostles, but he didn't know the specifics.

He obtained all the information about the Mist Organization from a partner he met in the secret realm. At that time, he was a lone wolf and met a man in the secret realm by chance. He died unexpectedly, and before he died, he gave Zhang Zibing a card and an address.

Zhang Zibing obtained that person's inheritance. Although he was only a first-level apostle like him, that person's net worth was exceptionally rich, and he had three spiritual items on him.

After getting the man's inheritance, Zhang Zibing immediately became angry. First, after selling two spiritual items that did not match his profession, Zhang Zibing sold himself a weapon suitable for his profession, and at the same time bought two weapons of his profession. The skill scroll has almost doubled its strength.

Because of this, Zhang Zibing pulled up a team of five people and gained some fame.

But in the end, Zhang Zibing came to Songtao City according to the man's instructions, took the card that the man gave him, and found the room at the address.

"How did Gray Weasel die?" The man on the sofa asked suddenly, his voice was neutral, as if it came from some kind of machinery, cold and without any emotion, let alone a man or a woman.

"He, he and I are..." Zhang Zibing replied stammeringly. After talking for more than ten minutes, he handed over the silver-gray card in his hand.

The front of the card depicts a man in a black windbreaker walking towards a gray mist, and the reverse is the Chinese numeral "Two Shijiu".

"So, Gray Weasel recommended you to inherit his identity before he died?" the man on the sofa asked coldly, there seemed to be a hint of disdain in the mechanical voice.

"In this case, we need to see your sincerity!"

"Put away this identity fog card, don't lose it, it represents your status in the organization!"

"Here is a person's information. Within three days, I hope to hear the news of his death. This is your vote and your chance to show your strength to the organization. Dragons will not be with hyenas! After three days, if you don't receive If we hear the news of his death, then we will take this foggy identity card from your corpse!"


(End of this chapter)

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