Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 123 Registration

Chapter 123 Registration
After dinner, Song Yuqing left Xu Feng's house while it was still dark, and Xu Nantian didn't come back today. It seemed that she planned to make Shu her home, but this was already the norm in Xu Feng's house. She came to take care of Xu Feng, but Song Yuqing was too busy to come, so Xu Feng ordered takeaway by herself, or simply boiled instant noodles for a makeshift meal. Xu Feng has been coming like this for many years.

Go back to the room and start preparing to advance to the secret realm.

"The paper figurines can be tied up in advance, five... or ten." Xu Feng took out the oiled paper and tanned bamboo strips, and started to tie up the paper figurines.

The spatial satchel can store four different items. Each item can be stacked up to 99 pieces, regardless of weight. Ten paper figurines only occupy one grid. Xu Feng must carefully plan what to put in the remaining three grids. .

"Soul fire talisman must be installed. This is my only attack method now. I must also have Dao soldier talisman, otherwise it will be meaningless to install a paper man. There is also a wall-penetrating talisman. This is simply a hidden artifact. If you encounter danger , Drilling directly into the ground, no one can find it..."

"Hey, there are already three of them. I still have the Suppressing Evil Talisman and the Suppressing Corpse Talisman. Although these two kinds of Talismans are rarely used, once they are used, they will definitely be the cards to turn the tables..."

Xu Feng hesitated for a long time, but finally felt that there were too few places in the backpack, there were only four, and it was a pity that it was a pity to discard it.

In the end, Xu Feng put the soul fire talisman, the Taoist soldier talisman and the corpse-resisting talisman into the space satchel, and the remaining talisman and talisman materials were taken back to a room in Yizhuang, a secret place with him.

Everything is fine, Xu Feng calmed down and prepared to start summoning to advance to the secret realm.

The advancement to the secret realm is not a single secret realm, but a collection of many apostles who are about to advance from level zero to level one, and put them into a random secret realm.

All the apostles in the secret realm are in a competitive relationship. Only the winner can advance, and the loser has a high probability of dying in the secret realm. If they can survive by luck, 50% of the experience value of the current level will also be deducted.

The death rate of this advanced secret realm is extremely high, and it is also called the bloody mill by the apostles. Only the truly brave will take the initiative to challenge the advanced secret realm.

Xu Feng concentrated his mind on the apostle level experience bar, and soon, the apostle's mark on his chest became slightly hot, and a line of blood-red fonts appeared in front of Xu Feng's eyes.

[Level zero apostle Xu Feng, your current experience value has reached 100%, do you choose to advance?Reminder: The danger of advancing to the secret realm is extremely high. It can be regarded as an S/A-level secret realm difficulty one level higher than the current level. Please be fully prepared before making a choice! 】

"Yes!" Xu Feng made a choice without hesitation.

[The promotion request has been accepted, and the number of promotions is being checked...]

[The current number of promoted apostles is 69, and they do not meet the conditions for opening the promotion secret realm. Applicants are requested to wait patiently.When the number of promoted apostles reaches the requirement, a notice will be given 24 hours in advance! 】


Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, but there were not enough people to advance...

In the previous life, even when Xu Feng was at his worst, he never encountered such a situation when he was promoted. As long as he wanted to advance, he could do so at any time. There were a lot of people who advanced, and sometimes he even needed to open up the second and third secret realms at the same time. In order to meet the requirements for promotion to the apostles.

"It's only suffering that makes people go all out. Only one can survive. Ease only makes people die unconsciously..." Xu Feng couldn't help sighing.

Traveling back to 20 years ago, Xu Feng's nerves are always tense, he always feels that time is running out, he wants to run forward desperately, and wants to redeem all the regrets of his previous life.

But now the entire Blue Star’s secret realm is still in a calm period. Taking Songtao City as an example, there are only three or two secret realms around the city in a year. Yu once, after that, the secret realms will spring up like mushrooms after rain, and several of them will appear inexplicably in a day.

Walking in the wilderness, looking around, you can even see several secret realm entrances shimmering, and some secret realms even appear majestically in the downtown area of ​​the city.

That kind of situation is beyond the imagination of today's people, and only in that kind of urgent situation, the apostles will desperately improve their level and strength.Either they died in the secret realm, or they died at the hands of monsters rushing out of the secret realm. At that time, let alone apostles, even ordinary people without qualifications were desperately looking for a way to become apostles.

Xu Feng sighed, put away the space satchel, took out the talisman pen, dan ink, and yellow paper, and continued to draw the paper talisman. After exhausting the spiritual power and the power of the sun, Xu Feng sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice "Jade "Qing Yuehua Spiritual Chapter", the moonlight is like water, shining on Xu Feng through the window, you can see countless crystal light spots, appearing beside Xu Feng, and being continuously integrated into the body by him.


The next morning, the sky was clear and cloudless.Xu Feng sat on the bus with a shoulder bag on his shoulders and headed for Songtao University.

Songtao University is not far from Xu Feng’s home, only six stops away. Today is the opening day of Songtao University. There are many people on the road, and the bus drives very slowly. It takes more than 40 minutes to walk the six stops. It should be there in 10 minutes at most.

Songtao University was founded in the middle of the last century and has a history of nearly 100 years. It was only transformed into a secret university 30 years ago.

When the secret realm first appeared on Blue Star, many universities didn't realize it, and didn't think there was any relationship between the university and the apostles of the secret realm.

Only a small number of schools seized the opportunity and began to set up apostolic departments. The first apostolic department of Songtao University was actually established almost at the same time as the six top universities, but due to various reasons, Songtao University did not become one of the six top universities. , but rated first-class, this has always been something that Songtao University regrets.

However, Songtao University has been aiming at the Sixth University for a long time. This time, it has spent a lot of money to recruit Xu Feng, just to have an arm wrestle with the Sixth University in the Saints Qualifying Tournament. It can be said that Xu Feng entered Songtao University In the end, Songtao University will devote most of its resources to him, just to compete for top qualifications.

Entering the school, passing through a large square and teaching buildings, Xu Feng followed the enrollment brochure and went to a special area designated by the school for the apostles to register.

Although Songtao University is a secret university, it also recruits some ordinary students every year. In addition to the college entrance examination results, another important thing to recruit these ordinary students is their physical fitness. To put it bluntly, they recruit those who have apostolic potential among ordinary people ordinary people.

Songtao University used to mix ordinary students and apostle students for teaching, but after some things happened later, the apostle students and ordinary students were separated.

In his previous life, Xu Feng had never been to university, but now that he entered university, everything felt very fresh. He walked around and came to the teaching building where the apostle students signed up.

At this time, there was already a long queue in the corridor, all of them were newly recruited apostles. Almost all of these students had just become official apostles, but there were also a few of them, whose aura could clearly feel that they had at least passed the level. One or two secret realms have gained about 20% to 30% of the experience points.

"It seems that there is no shortage of hardworking people anywhere!" Xu Feng laughed in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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