Chapter 124 Murder
It took Xu Feng half a day to finally complete all the admission procedures. The last stop came to the dormitory building, and he climbed to his dormitory. With Xu Feng's current physique, he felt a little tired. After making the bed, he lay down directly. Reluctant to move in bed.

Most of the apostle students in this class are rated as B-level or even C-level, but it doesn’t mean that their initial career is bad. Xu Feng heard someone chatting while queuing up, saying that he is an A-level talent, or an A-level talent. In the initial career, it was only because of other aspects that it was too poor, so it was delayed in the comprehensive evaluation. Otherwise, it might have the opportunity to compete with the six top universities.

The dormitory is a room for four people. After Xu Feng rested for a while, he started cleaning.


The door of the dormitory was knocked open, and a fat man with luggage staggered in, and Xu Feng quickly helped him up.

"Be careful!" Xu Feng held the broom in one hand, and lifted the little fat man's luggage with the other hand, and put it on the bed beside him.

"Hey, buddy, you're quite strong. Your strength attribute is at least ten points, right?" The little fat man looked at Xu Feng in surprise. He knew the weight of the luggage very well. Apart from the bedding, he was also wrapped inside. Weapons and equipment, weapons alone weigh at least 100 kilograms, and ordinary people may not be able to lift them even with both hands.

"My name is Lu Wensong, and I will be a roommate from now on. What's your name?" The fat man wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve and asked casually.

"Xu Feng."

"Hey, this name sounds familiar..." Lu Wensong frowned slightly, thought for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Are you from Songtao No. [-] Middle School?"

"Yes!" Xu Feng laughed.

"Heh, are you the one who got the S-level talent and was vying for the top six universities, but chose Songtao University instead?" Lu Wensong asked in surprise.

"Really." Xu Feng rubbed his nose and said.

"Oh, brother, it's really you. What did you think at the beginning, the Sixth University, that's the Sixth University!" Lu Wensong blushed with excitement, shouting with a look of hatred for iron.

"If I can go to the Sixth University, I will definitely be honored by my ancestors. The genealogy must be written on the first page, and I must stand in the C position every year when I worship my ancestors!" Lu Wensong said excitedly.

"Hehe, Songtao University is close to home..." Xu Feng replied casually.

Lu Wensong looked at Xu Feng for a long time with eyes like looking at a fool, and finally sighed deeply, lowered his head and made his bed silently.


Late at night, in a remote alley in Songtao City, in the quiet alley, there were only two night cats rummaging through the trash for food. The next moment, something strange appeared in the sky, as if countless glass shattered, and the surrounding scene was divided into seven parts. Suddenly, two figures fell out of the void, and one of them was lying on the ground twitching continuously. After a while, a large pool of blood appeared under his body, and he became silent.

The other person struggled to get up and staggered forward, as if he wanted to search for the corpse, but in the end he seemed to realize something, his face changed, and he threw a card towards the corpse, clutching his chest, staggering Run away.

It seemed that this person was seriously injured, otherwise, it would be impossible to give up the opportunity to search for the body and escape like this.

Less than 3 minutes after he left, several people from the City Guards Department found here with something like a detector.

Seeing the corpse and the card on the corpse, the leader's face changed drastically, and he quickly took out the walkie-talkie and reported.

After a while, several police cars blocked the front and rear exits of the entire alley, and a group of people walked towards the corpse.

"Mist, hmph, it's this organization again..." Stepping on high heels, Wu Jie cautiously avoided some unknown objects in the alley and came to the corpse.

"Before, they were just hunting ordinary people, but now they have started hunting apostles. Misty is getting more and more courageous!" Wu Jie glanced at the corpse, and immediately judged that the other party was an apostle, and he looked quite skilled.

"At least a first-level apostle... It's strange, you don't touch the corpse after killing someone, don't you want any loot?" Wu Jie squatted down and lifted the corpse's right hand with the handle of the long whip in her hand. At this time, the corpse There is a ruby ​​ring on the right hand. This ring is shimmering. It is obviously a piece of spiritual equipment, but there are a few tiny cracks on the surface of the ruby, which greatly reduces the value of this spiritual weapon.

But in general, a damaged spirit weapon is worth at least tens of thousands. Some apostles who can repair it specialize in collecting these damaged spirit weapons. One-tenth of that, not to mention that the ruby ​​ring in front of him was not completely damaged, and it was obviously still usable.

"Investigate the surrounding surveillance, restrain the corpse, notify the police, investigate the identity of the corpse and its relationship network, and see if you can find out why Misty killed him..." Wu Jie stood up, glanced at the corpse, Continued: "Collect information about the surrounding environment to see if there is any murderer's blood, hair, etc. In addition, issue a wanted report to the Mist organization, list the Mist organization as a terrorist organization on the Apostle Forum, and offer a reward to the Mist organization!"


The second floor of the City Guards Office, a small meeting room

The decoration of the meeting room is very simple, just a circle of tables and a few wooden chairs, a projector is placed on the table, and a surveillance video is played on the projection screen.

In the video, a man in a black windbreaker with a turned-up collar and a black top hat is following another man. When the two are about to reach an alley, the man in the windbreaker behind speeds up his pace. The man seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head subconsciously. At this time, the man's face appeared on the monitor, which was the body that was killed in the alley before.

The video was fixed on the man's face. Li Dong put down the remote control and said to the captains present: "The victim's name is Wang Bo, a first-level apostle, and a professional elemental mage. There are two types of weapon wounds on his body, fatal injuries. In the chest, the sternum was chopped off by a sharp weapon, and the heart was pierced and died..."

"It is suspected that the murderer used an ax or other weapon, and there are two kinds of light and heavy. There should not be many apostles of this profession. The city where the misty murder happened, joint investigation..."

After finishing speaking, Li Dong continued to press the remote control, and the picture on the projection screen continued. The man in the black windbreaker rushed towards Wang Bo quickly, and then pushed him into the alley. Then the figure of the man in the black windbreaker suddenly appeared. Disappear……

The face of the man in the black windbreaker was never shown in the screen. Li Dong pressed fast forward and switched the screen. In the screen, a man in black with his hands on his chest jumped into a big river running through the city. trace.


(End of this chapter)

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