Chapter 166 Gold
The looted treasures in the vulture sand are all stored in the underground warehouse of a bank next to Jewelry Street.

Xu Feng also plans to go to Jewelry Street to search to see if there are any gold jewelry left behind. If he really searches, he will be disappointed, because the jewelry and gold in Jewelry Street have long been plundered by vulture sand. It was emptied and stored in his own underground treasure warehouse.

The value of gold jewelry is greatly reduced in this environment similar to the end of the world, but whether it is Xuantianzong's mysterious coins or the demon coins issued by the demon clan in Zuocheng City, there is gold in it, and gold and silver are not only a kind of In addition to precious metals, it is also a common alchemy and forging material. Although it is not used in many places, it is not worthless.

In addition to these things, Vulture Shali has killed many people, looted a lot of equipment, and killed a lot of monsters. Most of the monster pills must have been eaten by it, but maybe there will be some left in the treasury...

Thinking of the underground treasure house that stored the wealth that Vulture Shali had plundered for decades, even Chamu, the half-blooded tiger demon who had always been the calmest, couldn't help breathing heavily.

Bang, bang, bang!
There was a knock on Xu Feng's door, followed by Liao Sha's voice.

"Brother Xu Feng, are you there?"

Xu Feng put away the chaotic slate and jumped off the bed. Although he could almost hear what Liao Sha and the half-blooded tiger demon had said along the way, in his opinion, the most precious thing in the vulture sand had already been obtained by him. The underground warehouse didn't interest him at all.

"Yes." Xu Feng opened the door, and Liao Sha walked in with the half-blood tiger demon.

The mixed-blood tiger demon had always been skeptical of Xu Feng, thinking that he was just like other humans, and just wanted to deceive Liao Sha to gain some benefits.

But since Xu Feng single-handedly killed the vulture Shali, the attitude of the hybrid tiger demon towards him also changed.

On the one hand, he has become trusting in Xu Feng, and on the other hand, he has respect for the strong.

"Brother Xu Feng, we need your help with something!" Liao Sha said straight to the point.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. If Liao Sha wanted to seek Xu Feng to snatch the treasure in Vulture Shali as a collaborator, Xu Feng would probably refuse directly, but this attitude of putting down his dignity and asking Xu Feng for help made him Xu Feng couldn't refuse.

Xu Feng sighed in his heart, nodded and said, "Yes, what do I need to do?"

"Brother Xu Feng, we have chased away all those bird monsters, and now we are going to take away the treasure left in the vulture sand, and we want you to go with us!" Liao Sha said excitedly.

"Okay, no problem!" Xu Feng nodded and said, "But after this is done, I may have to leave here."

"Leave here?" Liao Sha showed a look of surprise on her face. Xu Feng is a human being. The reason why he is here now is because they are not weak and can protect him. But if he leaves here, whether it is In other places in Zuo City, or leaving Zuo City to go to the wilderness, there is a high possibility of becoming the target of attacks by other monsters.

Even if Xu Feng's personal strength is strong, it is impossible to survive in this environment. It is better to stay in the area controlled by the half-blood half-demon, at least he can continue to live.

Liao Sha never thought about Xu Feng's departure, never thought...

Hearing that Xu Feng was going to leave, Chamu, the hybrid tiger demon, just frowned and didn't say anything. It also thought that Xu Feng had been here all along, but if he wanted to leave, it would be a good thing for Chamu.

The three discussed briefly, prepared their weapons, and ran towards the jewelry street together.

Along the way, I saw many corpses of bird monsters, but these corpses will soon be taken away by those monster clans in Zuocheng City. In Zuocheng City, wasting food is taboo, especially this kind of meat full of monster power. to eat and to sell for money.

This time there were only Liao Sha, the half-blooded tiger demon and Xu Feng. The other half-blooded half-demons were either too young or too weak, and they would die if they followed. At most, they could only do some investigation and intelligence gathering.

Some other monster clan forces in Zuocheng city, after resisting the sudden attack of the bird monster, seemed to have come to their senses, and some smart ones also started to touch the area where the vulture Shali was.

When the three of Xu Feng came to the bank less than 100 meters away from the supermarket where Vulture Shali was located, many people had already entered the bank, and the sounds of fighting kept ringing out from inside.

"Hey, look over there..." Liao Sha suddenly made a curious voice, Cha Mu and Xu Feng looked in the direction Liao Sha pointed, and saw a few humans, mixed with a group of monsters, also quickly moving towards Come here.

"The sacrificial ceremony of converting demon blood requires a lot of gold. Although you brought some, it is not enough for the five of you. Zheng Hao Vulture Shali died. There is a lot of gold in its treasury. As long as you go with us, go to The things you snatched at the time will be counted as your share, and all the materials needed for the sacrificial ceremony will be collected enough!"

Li Qiong could only be forced to accept the words of the wolf demon department. In fact, the gold he brought with him was enough to complete the sacrificial ceremony.

Because the four temporary companions he found after entering the secret realm were also part of the sacrificial ceremony for him. If he wanted to transform into a real monster race, he had to have four human sacrifices as sacrifices, so there was no need to Prepare ritual materials for the other four.

But Li Qiong couldn't refute what Corey said in person, so he could only suffer from being dumb and came to the bank with this group of monsters.

Li Qiong knew that they just wanted to find a few free thugs, but after this time, the sacrificial ceremony must be held as soon as possible. Li Qiong felt that many people should have completed the main task of the second stage. Phase is also about to trigger.

"The third stage is the real meat grinder. One out of ten people who can survive, if I can't completely transform into a monster before the third stage opens, I'm afraid it will be dangerous." Li Qiong's face was gloomy. Terrible, I secretly calculated in my heart.

"Hey, Brother Li, look there, there are also humans who choose the demon camp!" A companion suddenly spoke, his tone full of surprise and a little excitement.

"There are still humans joining the demon clan camp?" Li Qiong was startled. In his opinion, if human beings choose to join the demon clan camp without sufficient preparation in advance, they are looking for death. Much better than Xuantianzong who joined the human camp.

"Could it be that the other party is also a disciple of the big family?" Li Qiong squinted his eyes and looked carefully at Xu Feng. He searched all the memories, but found no similar face.

"Could it be a dragon crossing the river from another city?" Li Qiong guessed in his heart, but soon, an imperceptible sneer appeared on his face.

"A strong dragon doesn't overwhelm a snake. Even if you are a dragon crossing the river, you have to shrink back in front of me. When I completely become a monster, you guys who want to take advantage of the monster camp will all be killed by me. !"


(End of this chapter)

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