Chapter 167 Search
There are not many apostles who can join the Yaozu camp, but not as few as Xu Feng imagined. Many apostle families usually collect information about secret realms, so they have a lot of information that other apostles do not have.

Stimulating the blood of the monster race in the body and becoming a real monster race is a shortcut for the apostles of the secret realm to quickly improve their strength. Although there are various sequelae, this temptation is not something that a random apostle of the secret realm can resist .

In his previous life, Xu Feng had seen many secret realm apostles who changed their bloodlines into demon races. Many such secret realm apostles, for various reasons, could not resist the desire to kill after transforming into demon races, and eventually sank and became monsters. monster.

But there are also many secret realm apostles who have become demon generals, even demon kings, and have become legendary figures.

Xu Feng glanced at the apostles of the secret realm who had joined the demon camp, but he ignored them. Together with Liao Sha and the mixed-blood tiger demon, they walked into the bank.

After entering the lobby of the bank, Xu Feng realized that this place had become a battlefield, with at least seven or eight monster clan teams fighting with a large group of bird monsters.

"Why are there so many harpy demons here?" The hybrid tiger demon frowned slightly. He originally thought that after Vulture Shali died, these harpy demons would lose control and run away. Unexpectedly, there were so many harpy demons in this bank.

Moreover, these bird monsters are different from those ordinary bird monsters, and they are obviously much stronger. Whether it is claws or beaks, they are also shining with metallic luster, and they can pierce steel armor with a light stab forward.

Chamu saw with his own eyes a monster wearing a fish-scale armor. He was besieged by two bird monsters accidentally. One of them flapped its wings and rushed forward, poking a hole out of its fish-scale armor. A hole the size of a bowl.

"The underground treasure house is over there!" Chamu glanced at the hall, pointed to the left, and rushed up first.

Seeing the three mixed-blood tiger demons rushing towards the underground treasure house, the surrounding bird demons also surrounded them to stop them.Chamu let out a tiger roar, and the surrounding bird monsters trembled, and they all froze in place.

Facing the unresisting harpies, Chamu stretched out his right claw, and five tiger claws like sharp blades protruded from the flesh pads. With a light wave, he tore open the throat of a harpies, bloody The smell immediately diffused.

Liao Sha smiled, held a self-assembled shotgun with both hands, and pulled the trigger at a bird demon.


With a loud noise, the muzzle of the shotgun Liao Sha was holding bounced high, and the butt hit Liao Sha's shoulder hard. Liao Sha frowned, and her small face was wrinkled into a ball. Obviously, the back seat of this self-assembled shotgun With too much force, she might not be able to fire a few shots with her small body.

However, the power of this shotgun is astonishing. With just one shot, it actually smashed the body of a harpy. It felt like being hit by a cannonball instead of a bullet at all.

Xu Feng also held the paper talismans and threw them one by one towards the bird demon blocking in front.

The trembling effect of the tiger's roar only lasted for two or three seconds, but in just these two or three seconds, under the attack of the three of them, seven or eight bird demons were killed, and the bird demon blocking the way in front of Xu Feng was shocked empty.

"Don't get entangled with these guys, let's go to the underground treasure house!" Chamu shouted in a low voice, and rushed towards a side door ahead.

Liao Sha and Xu Feng followed closely behind, looking at the corpses of the bird demons all over the ground, Xu Feng had a look of regret in his eyes, there was no way to dig out so many bird demon demon pills, it was simply too wasteful.

Xu Feng has always wanted to become a talisman master. If he doesn't seize this opportunity, the difficulty of becoming a talisman master after leaving the advanced secret realm will increase by at least ten times.

The three of them pushed open the side door, and in front of them was a long corridor. On the left side of the corridor was an office, and on the right side was a large floor-to-ceiling window. Through the window, you could see the street scene outside. It was covered with dust, and only the outline of the street outside could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, a bird demon on the street seemed to have noticed a few people, and rushed towards them screaming.

The bird demon slammed into the floor-to-ceiling window. With its brute force, it didn't break the glass. Its whole body stuck to the glass and slowly slid down. It seemed that it knocked itself out directly.

"Special bulletproof glass, which can withstand the attack of ordinary RPG rockets!" Chamu stretched out his tiger claws, scratched lightly on the glass, and immediately made a harsh friction sound.

"Let's go, the elevator is right in front of us, we need to build an elevator to get to the underground treasure house!" Chamu said to himself.

Xu Feng's heart moved. Chamu seemed to know the internal structure of the bank very well, and he seemed to have written down the structural diagram of the entire building.

"It seems that it has coveted the treasure house in the vulture sand for a long time." Xu Feng thought to himself, and at the same time, he also became a little wary of the hybrid tiger demon.

The three of them came to the elevator entrance and found that the elevator had been destroyed, leaving only a deep elevator shaft leading directly to the ground. Standing in the elevator shaft and looking down, the inside of the shaft was bottomless, with gusts of cool wind blowing continuously. Blowing up, several steel wire ropes floated back and forth in the elevator shaft.

The mixed-race tiger demon Zha Mu grabbed the steel wire rope floating in the elevator shaft, carefully inspected the broken stubble, and said with a gloomy face: "Someone deliberately sabotaged it, it seems that they don't want the people behind to go down."

"Hehe, how naive, do you really think that this can stop other people!" Liao Sha showed disdain in her eyes, and jumped directly from the elevator entrance.

In the elevator shaft, Liao Sha stretched out her right hand, with several sharp claws protruding from her right hand, grabbed the side of the elevator shaft, and quickly slashed towards the bottom. In the darkness, a series of sparks quickly extended downwards. After meeting, Liao Sha's voice came up from the bottom of the elevator shaft.

"Come down, it's not that deep, up to 30 meters!"

"I'll go down first." Cha Mu glanced at Xu Feng, jumped into the elevator shaft, supported himself with both hands, and, like Liao Sha, slid his claws on the elevator shaft wall and fell down.

Xu Feng's figure disappeared, and suddenly appeared again, as if a frame skipped in a movie. When he appeared again, a brand new set of high-altitude descent ropes appeared on him.

Hanging the rope on the elevator entrance, Xu Feng slowly slid down with the help of the rope. Although the speed was not as fast as that of Liao Sha and the mixed-race tiger demon, it was quite a lot.

After falling on the bottom elevator car, Xu Feng put away the slow-down rope, jumped from the big hole above the elevator car, and entered the underground treasure house.

As seen in the movie, almost the entire front wall of the underground treasure house is covered with thick safety doors. A group of monsters are surrounding the safety lock, and one of them is using a stethoscope-like attack to fiddle with the safety door carefully. shrink.

"Another apostle who joined the demon camp?" Xu Feng raised his eyebrows, staring at the apostle who was opening the lock, with a smile on his lips.


(End of this chapter)

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