Chapter 299 Search
Both Xu Feng and Shui Sheng stared at the cracked screen seriously.

After a while, Xu Feng's weakness disappeared, and his strength returned to his body. At this moment, he felt better. The previous state where he felt tired even after taking a step was really a bad experience. Let him recall It reminds me of the embarrassing years in my previous life before I became the apostle of the secret realm.

"Check around first to see if there is anything useful!" Xu Feng said after taking a deep breath.

"Hey, when is it your turn to give orders?" Shui Sheng said dissatisfied: "If I hadn't saved you just now, you would be dead now, and this is the secret realm of promotion. If you die here, maybe it will be true." died!"

"You don't want to repay my life-saving grace, and you still talk to me in such an orderly tone?" Shui Sheng's eyes widened, and he said with an unconvinced look: "From now on, I am the captain, and all your actions You have to listen to me!"

After a moment of silence, Xu Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, Captain, what do we need to do now?"

Shui Sheng started to stare at Xu Feng. After a while, Shui Sheng pretended to cough twice, touched his chin, and pretended to be thinking. After thinking for a long time, he finally said, "I think our first The first step should be to explore the surroundings and see if there is anything that can be used!"

Xu Feng: "..."

The two began to search the room, and soon, Shui Sheng found two tubes of nutrient solution, which is a kind of food similar to compressed dry food. One tube can support the food consumption of an adult for a day, and it can also provide a small amount of water , similar to liquid bread, is a very good food.

Xu Feng searched briefly, but found nothing, so he walked to the console in front of the screen, and began to examine it carefully. After a while, Xu Feng seemed to have discovered something, and started to fiddle with the console.

Soon, on the cracked screen, the picture shook violently, and the previous mission content disappeared, replaced by a bald man in uniform.

The man looked to be in his 40s, his face was a bit vicissitudes, and he was talking to himself in a strange tone. Xu Feng and Shui Sheng had never heard this language, but when the man on the screen started to speak When writing, like those cuneiform characters before, the content was automatically translated in my mind.

It turns out that this is a survival base for human beings. Its purpose is to quickly cultivate artificial humans. After all, in the doomsday world, there are crises everywhere, and the survival rate of babies is less than one in ten thousand. Humans have no way to rely on natural childbirth and natural parenting. To reproduce offspring, humans can only be reproduced by means of test-tube babies, genetic adjustment, and rapid growth in the nutrition cabin.

It takes at least fifteen to eighteen years for ordinary humans to grow into a warrior who can hold weapons, but with this method, it only takes three months to harvest a batch of adult humans.

Moreover, this kind of training technology is already very mature, only one basement is needed to train five to seven people, and no one is required to wait after it is placed, so the cost is extremely low.

The training room where Xu Feng and Shui Sheng are located is similar to a basement, but the building where they are located should have been damaged and collapsed, the basement was damaged, and it was also attacked by unknown creatures, which should have been able to train six Adults, only two survive now.

"Here, nutritional supplements, one per person!" Shui Sheng gave Xu Feng one of the nutritional supplements he found, and Xu Feng took it, thanked him, and continued to search for useful content on the main control computer .

Xu Feng didn't care about food and water. After the weakness disappeared, he could sense it in his portable secret realm. Xu Feng had already prepared a lot of food and water in it, not to mention a week, even if it was enough for two people to survive for a year. No problem.

Half an hour later, a cluster of sparks suddenly appeared from the circuit on the side, and the light stream flowing on the wall dimmed instantly. The whole room was suddenly dark, except for a small area illuminated by an emergency light in the corner.

"Ah!" Shui Sheng was taken aback by the sudden darkness, and as soon as he made a sound, he immediately covered his mouth, it seemed that he was not very vigilant.

Xu Feng took out the fluorescent cloak and equipped it on himself. The fluorescent cloak exuded a faint light, forming a light source in the dark, which was very obvious. Shui Sheng subconsciously took two steps towards Xu Feng.

The fluorescent cloak is a low-level spirit-level equipment. It has spell resistance, poison resistance, and tenacity attributes. It also has a spider breath, which can make spider monsters mistake Xu Feng for their own kind. The effect is very good under certain circumstances.

But in many cases, the fluorescent cloak is a bit cumbersome, it will hinder the movement, dodge and other actions, and it blooms light, which is useful in the dark, but under normal circumstances, it is like a light bulb, which will attract the attention of the enemy instead, so in general Next, Xu Feng will not equip this cloak.

"This cloak is pretty good, why don't you usually wear it?" Shui Sheng touched the fluorescent cloak lightly curiously, the fluorescent spider silk is finer than silk, and it feels very good to the touch.

"Hehe, it's too easy to damage, I don't want to wear it!" Xu Feng said with a smile: "Let's find the exit as soon as possible and leave here."

From the life-support cabin with a big hole in the hatch cover, it can be seen that this place is probably not safe, and the whole building has been damaged. It is not easy to get out from this basement.

Thanks to the light source of the fluorescent cloak, the two quickly found the exit. The door to the basement had been smashed open by the collapsed rubble, but the door was also piled up with a lot of broken pieces of reinforced concrete. It would take a lot of physical strength to leave here, and It is also easy to cause secondary collapse.

Xu Feng walked around the basement, came to an exit of a ventilation duct, pulled Shui Sheng over, pointed at the dark ventilation duct and said, "Let's go out from here!"

"Can I go out here?" Shui Sheng looked at the dark air vent, a little scared: "It won't be blocked too, otherwise, let's go out from the door, it's just a pile of gravel and soil, It won't be long before we move..."

"It's been more than 20 minutes since we came out of the life support cabin. After so long, do you feel stuffy?" Xu Feng asked suddenly.

"Stuffy?" Shui Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem like..."

"This means that the ventilation duct is still working normally. From here, you should be able to climb out..." Xu Feng pointed to the exit blocked by stones in the basement and said: "From the piled stones at the door, we are This building is at least a high-rise building with more than [-] floors. For such a high-rise building, the deepest basement is more than ten meters. Difficult, but it is almost impossible to dig out an escape passage without any movement. A mutant monster, right?"

"Okay, as the captain, I have decided to escape from this ventilation duct!" Shui Sheng pointed firmly at the vent of the ventilation duct and said, "Xu Feng, as the captain, I order you, Go find the way first, I will follow behind you!"

"Hehe, obey!" Looking at Shui Sheng's immature face, Xu Feng smiled and nodded in agreement.

Just when the two were about to climb up the vent, there was a sudden "squeak" sound from the dark hole, and after a while, a pair of dark green eyes appeared at the hole, sternly Staring at the two.


 I owe five chapters, what should I do if I haven't come back yet?So sad!

(End of this chapter)

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