Chapter 300 Pathfinder
Xu Feng and the two were about to get into the ventilation duct, when a pair of oily green eyes suddenly appeared inside, staring at the two of them.

A huge mouse slowly poked its head out of the ventilation duct. This head looked about the same size as the head of an adult husky. Saliva dripped from its slightly opened mouth, and its sharp teeth gleamed with metal. like cold light.

Seeing this mutated mouse with half of its body protruding and about to pounce, the first thing that popped up in Xu Feng's mind was the life support cabin with a big hole in it.

"Be careful!" Xu Feng took a step back and took out two Soul Fire Talismans. He didn't throw them away immediately, but pulled Shui Sheng back slowly.

"I'm coming!" Shui Sheng took out a wooden sword from nowhere, and stepped forward to kill the mutant mouse.

"Bring it down, don't let it escape!" Xu Feng whispered.

Hearing what Xu Feng said, Shui Sheng immediately understood that the ventilation duct was obviously the home of the mutated mouse, and the two of them had to pass through it to leave. Once the mutated mouse escaped, the two of them got into the ventilation duct Well, the mutated mouse can launch a sneak attack in the pipeline at any time, and it will definitely be much more difficult to deal with it than it is now.

Shui Sheng stepped back slowly obediently. Seeing the two retreating, the mutated mouse thought that the two wanted to escape. How could a mouse that had eaten human flesh be willing to escape with the delicious food in its mouth?

The mutated mouse jumped forward, opened its mouth wide, and rushed towards Xu Feng. According to its beast perception, Xu Feng was naturally much stronger than Shui Sheng, so it was the mutated mouse's primary target.

"Death to the monster!"

Before Xu Feng could make a move in the future, Shui Sheng couldn't wait to swing the wooden sword forward, and slashed at the mutated mouse's neck fiercely!

Following Shui Sheng's sword swing, several lightning lights danced on the long sword, and this sword was even accompanied by lightning damage.

The target of the mutated mouse was Xu Feng. Shui Sheng's sword slashed at the mutated mouse without hindrance. Although it was just a wooden sword, when it slashed at the mutated mouse, its power was no less than that of a metal sword. With the blessing of damage, this sword left a scorched black scar with deep bone visible on the mutated mouse.

The mutated mouse neighed loudly in pain. The sharp neighing made Shui Sheng feel as if a steel needle had been pierced into his ear. The subsequent moves were suddenly slowed down, and he subconsciously covered his ears.

The mutated mouse was slashed by Shui Sheng while jumping. The severe pain distorted the movement, and the force of the slash made the mutated mouse hit the metal workbench next to it.

With a "bang", a large piece of the metal workbench was sunken, and the mutated mouse neighed in pain again, turned over and got up from the ground, looking fiercely at Shui Sheng.

"Is this monster a bit strong?" Shui Sheng didn't have the slightest fear, only a little surprise in his eyes.

Shui Sheng knows her own strength. Her Lightning Slash, including lightning damage, can cause a total of more than [-] points of damage. An ordinary monster with the peak strength of the first level can directly cause serious injuries, or even kill it instantly!

But the mutated mouse in front of him seemed to have only suffered some minor injuries. Not only did it not lose its fighting ability, but it was also able to move freely without being affected at all.

Just when the mutated mouse transferred its hatred to Shui Sheng, Xu Feng threw out the two Soul Fire Talismans immediately.

The soul fire talisman exploded on the mutated mouse, and the explosions sounded almost indiscriminately. The mutated mouse let out a painful scream and was blown away two meters away.

The two soul fire talismans can cause up to 240 points of damage, and at the same time trigger a 2-second mental trembling effect. The mutated mouse that fell to the ground twitched all over, and didn't even have the strength to get up.

Xu Feng took out two more Soul Fire Talismans and threw them towards the mutated mouse.

There were two more violent explosions, and the mutated mouse uttered a miserable scream. It lay on the ground and could no longer get up. Its hind legs twitched continuously, and black blood flowed out of its mouth.

Xu Feng looked at the corpse of the mutated mouse with a surprised smile on his face. After the soul fire talisman was upgraded to level 4, it would cause high damage and also trigger a 2-second mental tremor effect.

Two seconds is enough for Xu Feng to throw two soul fire talismans again. In other words, as long as the target is hit by the soul fire talisman, Xu Feng can take advantage of the mental trembling effect and use the soul fire talisman to make the target hit without any power to fight back. to death.

The soul fire talisman has always been Xu Feng's main attack talisman in battle, but since mastering the lightning strike talisman, the status of the soul fire talisman's main attack talisman has been shaken. It became the main attacking talisman.

But now, the soul fire talisman has regained its position as the main attack talisman and has become important again.

"This mutated mouse has at least five hundred health points!" Xu Feng said.

"This monster should be just an ordinary monster in this secret realm world, not an elite..." Shui Sheng sighed and said, "It's hard to do, it's very difficult to advance to the secret realm this time, it won't be so bad luck. Have you been to the Flesh Mill?"

The apostles are used to referring to that special advancement secret realm with a very high mortality rate as "Flesh and Flesh Mill". deep sense of dread.

"I have completed one of the main task 2, how about you?" Xu Feng said suddenly.

"Me too!" Shui Sheng had a look of surprise on her face. She didn't expect that the temporary team formation of the two would have such benefits. Originally, the two of them needed to hunt and kill a hundred mutant creatures to complete the main task 2. Now they only need Killing 50 of them is enough, and the difficulty is equivalent to being reduced by half.

Xu Feng nodded and said, "Let's go, get out of here first, and find a safer place."

After speaking, Xu Feng got into the ventilation duct first, felt the direction of the air flow inside, and slowly crawled outside.

The ventilation ducts also extend in all directions. If there is no design drawing, it is very difficult to climb out of this spider web-like ventilation duct.

After Xu Feng climbed for a certain distance, he knew that it was difficult to find the real exit by crawling blindly like this, so he stopped.

"What's the matter?" Shui Sheng, who had been following Xu Feng closely, asked subconsciously when he saw him stop.

"We don't have a map, so we can't crawl around like this!" Xu Feng said in a low voice, "I'll find a pathfinder and confirm the route before I can climb outside."

After finishing speaking, with a thought in Xu Feng's mind, a vertical eye suddenly opened between his eyebrows. The eyeball in the vertical eye was completely black, like a black pearl, with a faint light blooming.

A baby's laughter suddenly sounded in the ventilation duct, and Shui Sheng suddenly felt his whole body tense, with a frightened look on his face.

A moment later, a translucent ghost baby appeared in front of Xu Feng, opened its hands, and wobbled towards Xu Feng.


(End of this chapter)

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