Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 301 Sky Eye Ghost Control Technique

Chapter 301 Sky Eye Ghost Control Technique

Sky Eye Ghost Control Technique!
Shui Sheng looked surprised when he saw the translucent ghost baby in front of Xu Feng.

"You, you actually managed to cultivate?"

Shui Sheng has also seen the technique of controlling ghosts with the sky eye, but he is not sure that he can practice successfully. The most important thing about the technique of controlling ghosts with the sky eye is to find a ghost baby who has no resentment before he can start practicing.

However, it is almost impossible to obtain a ghost baby without resentment in the real world. After all, even if a newborn baby dies naturally and condenses into a ghost baby by chance, it may not be able to appreciate this. The grievances of a wonderful world.

But for ghost babies, this kind of ghost babies that die naturally after birth, and then condense, are already top-quality ghost babies, and that trace of resentment can also be slowly resolved in the subsequent practice.

However, for the technique of controlling ghosts with the sky eye, even such top-quality ghost infants are not qualified, and the technique of controlling ghosts with the sky eye is different from other techniques of controlling ghosts. Turning into an eyeball of the Celestial Eye is equivalent to refining a ghost baby into a part of one's own body, so the purest ghost baby without any resentment is needed.

Otherwise, even if there is any trace of resentment, there is no way to refine it into the sky eye. Even if it is barely refined, this trace of resentment will become a seed. At first, there may not be any abnormality, but as time goes by, and the cultivation of the sky eye The strength of the apostle of controlling ghosts is getting stronger and stronger, and this trace of resentment will grow from a seed to a towering tree. At that time, the body of the apostle who has practiced the technique of controlling ghosts with the sky eye will be eroded by this trace of resentment. Over time, it will become a ghost by itself, and once this transformation starts, there is no way to stop it.

That's why Lin Dao didn't practice it himself, but chose to give it to Xu Feng as a bargaining chip.

However, to everyone's surprise, Xu Feng actually had a pure ghost baby without a trace of resentment. As a result, in just a few days, he successfully practiced this spirit-level ghost-controlling technique.

"Go and explore the way, find a route that can leave safely!" Xu Feng said in a low voice, touching the ghost baby's little head.

"Hehehehe..." Guiying let out a happy laugh, opened his hands, moved his short legs, and ran forward along the ventilation duct unsteadily. After a while, his figure disappeared in the darkness middle.

"Xu Feng, you have really succeeded in cultivating the technique of controlling ghosts with the sky eye?" Shui Sheng said in surprise, "Where did you find this ghost baby, and there is no trace of resentment? It's just, it's unbelievable!"

Shui Sheng has also experienced the technique of controlling ghosts with the eyes of the sky, but she also understands that it is almost impossible to obtain such a ghost baby in the real world. Perhaps only in the secret realm is there a chance.

"Mission reward!" Xu Feng laughed.

The sacrificial altar is Xu Feng's hole card, and it cannot be easily revealed. Xu Feng originally exchanged for an ordinary ghost baby, but after he obtained the Sky Eye Control Ghost Skill, he realized how precious his ghost baby is. It was a little underestimated before.

If the value of an ordinary ghost baby full of resentment is one, then the value of a ghost baby that dies naturally at birth and is condensed into a ghost baby by chance is ten, and Xu Feng exchanged for this ghost without a trace of resentment from the sacrifice altar. Baby, the value is one hundred!
In the dark ventilation duct, the speed of the baby ghost seems to be slow, but it seems to be running with its legs. In fact, the whole process of movement is to move forward with its legs floating off the ground.

When a fork appeared in front, the ghost baby's figure flickered slightly, and an identical clone appeared immediately, and the two ghost babies floated towards the two passages respectively.

Once any ghost baby encounters a fork, it will separate a clone and continue to explore. After a while, the entire ventilation duct is full of ghost babies.

At this time, Xu Feng's mental power was rapidly consumed like a flood from the gate. All the movements of the ghost baby consumed Xu Feng's own mental power. When the number of ghost babies in the ventilation duct exceeded thirty , Xu Feng's spiritual power consumption per second has reached [-] points, and this consumption rate is increasing rapidly as the number of ghost babies increases and the scope of exploration increases.

Fortunately, Xu Feng's spiritual value has broken through the [-] mark after various blessings. Otherwise, an ordinary first-level peak apostle, even if spiritual power is the main attribute, the upper limit of the spiritual value is at most three or four hundred points, and there is no way to support the sky-eyed ghost. Consumption of surgery.

As there were more and more ghost babies and the area to be explored became larger and larger, Xu Feng also had an ever-expanding map of ventilation ducts in his mind.

When Xu Feng's mental power was reduced to less than half, he finally found the exit of the ventilation duct through the vision of a ghost baby. The next moment, all the ghost babies in the ventilation duct turned into a gust of dark wind and headed towards Xu Feng's position. Gather away.

The eye socket between Xu Feng's eyebrows was like a black hole, absorbing all the yin energy, and after a while, a pitch-black eyeball reappeared in Xu Feng's vertical eye between his eyebrows.

"Okay, I've found the exit." Xu Feng slowly closed his brows and eyes, with a trace of fatigue on his face. In just ten seconds, five or six hundred points of Xu Feng's mental power were consumed. It made Xu Feng feel as if he hadn't slept for 24 hours.

Although the consumption was high, the effect was good. A safe escape route had already appeared in Xu Feng's mind.

After Xu Feng reminded Shui Sheng, he began to quickly climb up the escape route.When climbing to a fork in the road, Xu Feng stopped suddenly.

At this moment, the two of them are only a dozen meters away from the exit. They only need to climb up the slope passage on the left side to leave here. However, during the exploration of the ghost baby before, Xu Feng found the ventilation duct on the right It seemed to lead to another basement, which aroused his curiosity and wanted to find out.

"Following this direction, you can reach the exit at most a dozen meters. You go there first, remember not to go out, wait for me at the exit now, and I will go to the other side to have a look." Xu Feng pointed to the left passageway and whispered.

"Okay." Shui Sheng nodded, she seemed to be a little resistant to this claustrophobic environment, and wanted to leave quickly, without asking what Xu Feng was going to do, she quickly crawled along the left passage.

In fact, Shui Sheng could already see the twilight coming from the entrance of the passage on the left, and she couldn't wait to leave here.

Seeing that Shui Sheng had left, Xu Feng slowly climbed down along the passage on the right. After a while, Xu Feng came to another place with almost the same decoration style as the basement when they first entered the secret world.


(End of this chapter)

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