Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 302 Culture Body

Chapter 302 Culture Body

Xu Feng and Shui Sheng parted ways at a fork more than ten meters away from the exit. Shui Sheng crawled towards the exit, while Xu Feng turned to a downward-sloping ventilation duct.

A few minutes later, Xu Feng entered another basement again. The environment of this basement was almost exactly the same as that of the previous abandoned basement. The surrounding walls and floors were all made of forged metal. Light flows in the crystal channel.

It's just that there is no life-support cabin in this basement. There is only a cylindrical cabin with a height of one person standing in the center of the room. This cabin is filled with nutrient solution. At the same time, a strong man close to two meters is connected to various pipelines. , with a breathing mask on his mouth and nose, quietly floating in the nutrient solution.

"This guy is lucky, he was not found and eaten by those mutated creatures..." Xu Feng whispered to himself, and at the same time carefully identified that the strong man in front of him should be an aborigine in the world of the secret realm, not the apostle of the secret realm.

And although the strong man fell into a deep sleep at this time, Xu Feng faintly felt a heavy oppression from him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Is this a new human being cultivated by surviving humans?" Xu Feng observed carefully around the cylindrical cabin.In the previous basement, Xu Feng found out through the main control computer that the surviving humans used this rapid reproduction method. On the one hand, a large number of ordinary humans were bred in a low-cost method within three months, but they also occasionally concentrated resources to reproduce. A powerful individual named "New Human" was born.

According to the data, this "new human" is generally five to seven times stronger in physical fitness than the human beings reproduced through ordinary methods, with stronger strength, faster speed, and terrifying recovery ability.

Compared with ordinary humans, these "new humans" are like superhumans, able to adapt to this world that is already in the end of the world.

Xu Feng discovered this basement through the ghost baby's vision before. He thought it would be cheap to pick up, but after searching carefully, he found nothing, and he couldn't help but become disappointed.

At this moment, on the pitch-black main control computer screen, there was a sudden flash, as if it had suddenly started up, and a dazzling white light bloomed.

The next moment, the white light quickly subsided, and the lines of light green characters began to dance continuously, which soon turned into a data flow like a waterfall.

These characters are very similar to the cuneiform script that Xu Feng saw before, but this time Xu Feng stared at the screen without any translated content in his mind.

Maybe it's because these contents have nothing to do with the main task, or maybe it's just a bunch of meaningless disordered symbols, but this kind of unexpected incident also made Xu Feng immediately alert.

The next moment, in the cylindrical cabin in the center of the room, the nutrient solution began to "bubble" and bubble, and the nutrient solution that was full of the cabin began to drop rapidly. After a while, all the nutrient solution flowed from the bottom.

[The new human number AX0098901 has been successfully cultivated...]

[Enable memory instillation mode...]

A cold mechanical sound sounded in the basement. Following the mechanical sound, the new human being who had fallen asleep in the cylindrical cabin began to twitch slightly, with a painful expression on his face.

[Simulated childhood memory instillation...]

[Simulated growth memory instillation...]

[Modern history knowledge instillation...]


Just as the computer was feeding information to the new humans in the cylindrical cabin, Xu Feng also suddenly received a task prompt.

[You are in a special scene, encounter a special event, trigger a hidden mission: the birth of a new human]

【Mission Content: Interrupt the memory instillation process of the new humans, and defeat the new humans who failed the memory instillation! 】

[Mission Reward: You will randomly choose one of the remaining memory infusion information as the mission reward! 】


Xu Feng quickly scanned the unexpected hidden task content, his face changed slightly, and before he finished reading all the task content, he rushed directly to the main control computer control platform, and slapped hard on the huge red button in the upper right corner. down.

Listening to the mechanical sound in the room, the memory content transmitted to the new humans at the beginning is just some false childhood memories, information such as growth experience, and then nearly a hundred years of historical information.

In addition to these, some memory programs related to combat should be entered later.

In his previous life, Xu Feng once entered a secret world. In that world, all human skills can be learned through memory instillation.

The content learned in more than 20 years from elementary school to middle school to university can be completely input into a person's mind in just a quarter of an hour.

Some skills that require long-term training can also be instilled into memory within one or two hours, and more advanced ones can even form muscle memory. In just one or two hours, you can train a gun master, fighting master, etc. wait.

In that secret world, newborns will test their mental power as soon as they are born. If the mental power is high, the success rate of instilling memories will be high, and the upper limit of the instilled memory content will be high, but if the mental power is low, they can only accept one or two memories. Instilled, such newborns are destined to become inferior people from birth, and some will even be directly abandoned.

It was an efficient and cold secret world. Because Xu Feng completed a side mission and received a memory instillation, he mastered a melee combat skill in just 10 minutes.

Mages were originally weak in melee fighters, but it was precisely because of this reward from the secret realm that they obtained melee combat skills, so that even if Xu Feng was approached by someone, he still had a certain amount of self-protection power, relying on this hole card many times to turn against the wind.

Now seeing that there are similar instilled memory rewards in this promotion secret realm, Xu Feng immediately chose to accept this hidden task without thinking about it.

The red button was pressed, and a row of dazzling red characters appeared on the computer screen, and at the same time, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the room.

[The memory infusion was forcibly terminated, and the stress program was activated...]

【Activation culture number AX0098901...】

[Turn on culture body hunting mode...]

[Start searching for hostile targets...]

【Lock on hostile target...】

[The hunt begins! 】


The cold mechanical sound resounded throughout the basement, with a trace of killing intent in the cold, when the mechanical sound came out [The hunting operation begins! 】In an instant, the cylindrical hatch opened, and the new human beings who had fallen into a deep sleep slowly opened a pair of lifeless dark red eyes.

When the cultivated body's gaze saw Xu Feng, the originally numb face immediately became ferocious, with anger and murderous intent revealed in his eyes, and he let out a low growl towards Xu Feng.

The culture body tore off the pipelines connected to the body. Most of these pipes pierced into the body of the culture body. As he roughly tore it off, wounds were torn out of the connection parts, and dark red blood slowly flowed out. blood.

However, just a few seconds after the cultured body walked out of the cabin, the tiny wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wounds completely disappeared.

Call ~
After the culture body rushed out of the cabin, it immediately waved its fist and slammed towards Xu Feng fiercely.


(End of this chapter)

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