Chapter 351 Launching
At this time, the river was already in chaos. Almost all the mechanical creatures had rust poison to some extent, and gray-brown rust powder was constantly scattered.

The location of the previous space teleportation node has now become a gray-brown ball with a diameter of half a meter. At the same time, rust powder around it is constantly attracted by the ball and sticks together.

A mechanical turtle lost its power, and there was a sound of cracking inside. It sank towards the bottom of the river like a stone. As it sank, its body began to rust rapidly, turning into large balls of rust powder, and it continued to swim downstream with the river.

"This, this..." Shocked expression appeared on Shui Sheng's face. She never thought that the poison of rust would be so terrifying. In less than two hours, almost all the mechanical creatures in the entire river were corroded. This is simply miraculous.

Shui Sheng looked at Xu Feng in disbelief. At this moment, Xu Feng had a smile on his face. The scene in his mind was already in his expectation, but the length of time was beyond his control. The only thing he worried about was The rust poison takes too long to take effect, which will delay the completion of the mission.

"After all, it's not the genuine Rust Poison. It's a pity that an alchemist can't just be an apostle of the secret realm. Just like an alchemist, he must have talent..." Xu Feng thought to himself.

"Feng, brother Feng, there are 47 minutes left, I wonder if there is enough time?" Shui Sheng stammered.Seeing the poison of rust, her whole body became a little numb. She used to call Xu Feng by his name, but now she is called Brother Feng.

"Waiting for half an hour..." Xu Feng said after pondering for a moment.


On the other side, in Alfak City, more than 30 secret apostles have gathered outside the Steel Castle. Some people can't sit still watching the time go by.

"Time is running out, I'll go in first to see if there is a chance!"

"Your attack power can break through the protection of the space node? Can you deal with the mechanical warrior inside? Can you escape the search of the alien technology inside?"

"I can feel a terrifying aura inside. Once we enter, I'm afraid we won't be as lucky as last time to be able to leave..."

"Sit here like this, watching the time run out, waiting for the mission to fail?"


A group of people quarreled, and finally someone couldn't hold back, and his body turned into a piece of yellow sand with a diameter of about three meters, and he himself got into the yellow sand.

A moment later, a shrill scream sounded from the steel castle, and a fountain of blood spewed out from the transformed yellow sand, which changed the expressions of all the apostles in the surrounding secret realm.

"Forget it, I've given up on this main quest, and I don't believe that if I fail to complete it, I will be killed directly!" A secret apostle showed fear on his face, shook his head, turned and walked in the direction of leaving Alphak City.

With the first one, there will be the second one, and seven or eight people left here soon after another, which can be regarded as completely abandoning the main mission. Counting those who left two days ago, at least fifteen or six people gave up the mission.

There were fewer people at the scene, but those who were willing to stay were at least those who were willing to gamble once.

Liu Zifeng stood up again and wanted to unite with the rest of the people. This time, there were no people who hated Liu Zifeng. They all knew that if they were unwilling to unite, none of them would be able to enter the steel castle. The deserted person before Just a role model!

"The inside must have been prepared a long time ago. No matter what we do, we will definitely be attacked the most violently after entering. In this case, it is better to rush in directly from the main entrance to avoid being attacked!" A strong man said in a low voice.

"I know the person who was deserted just now. He is a foreigner named Andrei. His initial occupation is a yellow sand mage. Once deserted, he can be immune to more than 60.00% of physical attacks, but he was killed in just a few seconds after entering the desert." , how fierce the firepower is inside, you can figure it out yourself..."

"Everyone introduce their occupations and the skills they are good at, and we assign tasks according to each person's characteristics..."


A quarter of an hour later, the remaining [-] or so secret realm apostles were all assigned tasks. The two strong men roared, their muscles tensed, and their skin was covered with a layer of gray-white granite, and they walked towards the gate of the steel castle. The door rushed.

The battle is about to start, and everyone knows that this is their only chance and the last chance. If they can't complete the main task 3 this time, then they will never have the chance to complete it again.


On the other side, Xu Feng and Shui Sheng were already standing on the bank. This time, no mechanical creatures in the river attacked them again. At this time, the entire long river was turbid and turned grayish brown. Hanoi was full of Corrosion, even if there is a steady flow of running water from the upstream, there is no way to make the river clear again for a while.

"How many mechanical creatures are there?" Shui Sheng couldn't help asking.

"There are at least a thousand..." Xu Feng shook his head and said, "The effect of the poison of rust is still too weak, otherwise, all the mechanical creatures in this river would have turned into rust, sank to the bottom of the river, and turned into silt gone."

Just as he was speaking, a huge mechanical kun with a length of five or six meters suddenly jumped out of the river, flew more than ten meters into the air, stopped in the air for a moment, and smashed heavily towards the river again!

The mechanical kun fell into the river and threw a spray of more than ten meters high. Although it only took a few seconds, Shui Sheng looked at the mechanical kun who was already corroded and rusty, and the rust powder was constantly flowing outward. Still involuntarily, a look of shock emerged.

Seeing that this mechanical kun was also rusted badly, Xu Feng finally showed a smile on his face. After waiting for so long, it finally came to this moment!

"Come on, let's go into the water and have a look!" Xu Feng said as he stood up.

After taking two steps, Xu Feng turned around again and asked worriedly, "Do you have any metal products on your body? Put them all away. After entering the water, don't leave any metal on your body, otherwise, it will lead to the poison of rust!" "

"Relax, don't worry, there isn't one!" Shui Sheng was also shocked when he thought of the appearance of the mechanical kun just now.

"Xu, Brother Feng, can I, can I be with you?" Zhang Zibing asked suddenly from behind.

"Why, are you also interested in that space teleportation node?" Xu Feng rolled his eyes, and a half-smile appeared on his face.

"No, no!" Zhang Zibing quickly waved his hands, but he knew that the space teleportation node was related to Xu Feng's main mission. If he knew that he was also paying attention to the space teleportation node, he might kill himself immediately.

"Hehe, come if you want, but pay attention to safety after entering the water, and you will be responsible for the consequences!" Xu Feng said casually, pulled Shui Sheng, and the two entered the river together, swimming towards the location of the space transmission node.

Zhang Zibing stood on the bank, his face was cloudy and uncertain. After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and jumped into the river.


(End of this chapter)

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