Plane: Apostle of the Secret Realm

Chapter 352 Legendary Degree

Chapter 352 Legendary Degree

The river water was turbid and full of rust powder. Shui Sheng saw that these rust powders seemed to be insects with self-awareness, constantly swimming in the river water. In addition to the mechanical creatures in the river, there were also many pebbles at the bottom of the river. The rust powder was stained on it. It should be that these pebbles contain iron elements, which attracted some rust powder to adsorb, and these pebbles adsorbed by the rust powder also became pitted.

Most of the mechanical creatures in the river have turned into large lumps of rust powder and spread in the river, but there are also some powerful ones. Although the rust powder is constantly floating around their bodies, the internal body has not yet rusted and is still in the river. Swimming wildly upstream.

Xu Feng didn't even look at these mechanical creatures, and swam straight to the space teleportation node, with Shui Sheng and Zhang Zibing following closely behind him.

Soon, Xu Feng saw a space node wrapped in a large mass of rust powder. This space transmission node, which looked like a crystal, unexpectedly contained metal elements, and looking at the attracted rust powder around it, it was obviously not Ordinary metals can be compared. From the outside, the appearance of the space node can no longer be seen, only a huge ball of rust powder with a diameter of more than half a meter can be seen. Even if the river water hits it, this ball of rust powder will not move.

Although there is a lot of rust powder, the defense around the space teleportation node is also extremely strong. It seems that it will take at least a few hours for the rust powder to break through the defense of the space teleportation node, but now Xu Feng has little time left. .

"It's only less than half an hour..." Xu Feng sighed in his heart, and with a thought, the phantom of the Dragon Blood Asura Vine's battle spirit suddenly appeared behind him.

The next moment, Xu Feng began to draw talismans in the water, and at the same time cast double casting spells, and two identical dark purple talismans quickly took shape in front of Xu Feng.

Soul Fire Talisman!

If the group attack damage of the Void Talisman of the Lightning Strike Talisman is not counted, the Soul Fire Talisman is the most powerful type of attack paper Talisman controlled by Xu Feng.

The two talismans took shape quickly, and at the same time, the vines of the two dragon blood Shura vines quickly curled towards the talismans and merged with the talismans.

Two obvious ripples can be seen in the river water, flying towards the space teleportation node quickly.

There was a huge roar, and a drop of water dozens of meters high suddenly rose from the surface of the river. Even in the river, Shui Sheng and Zhang Zibing felt their ears buzzing, and they felt dizzy and dizzy.

At the same time, more than half of the rust powder adsorbed on the light curtain of the space node was also blown away. It can be seen that the originally transparent light curtain also appeared dotted with black spots. will be rusted.

However, it would take at least several or even ten hours to rust through the light curtain of the space transmission node, and Xu Feng didn't have that much time to wait.

The two soul fire talismans that used the boost of the battle spirit did not seem to have caused much damage to the light curtain. Xu Feng was not discouraged, and began to gesture again in the river.

Boom, boom, boom...

With Xu Feng's current strength, the Soul Fire Talisman, which could only cause more than 100 points of damage, can cause more than [-] points of damage per blow under his level and the increase of the battle spirit. The damage, such a high damage, even a boss with the strength of a third-level apostle, can't resist it.

After only a few minutes, cracks appeared on the light curtain outside the space teleportation node.

The next moment, a huge roar sounded again, and the light curtain was completely shattered. The surrounding rust powder was like a shark smelling blood, and they all rushed towards the deep purple rhombic crystals, which suddenly formed in the river. A taupe dragon roll!
The Dragon Blood Shura Vine of the Battle Soul behind Xu Feng also seemed to have been consumed a lot, sluggish, and slowly disappeared from the void. Xu Feng chuckled, mixed the last bit of Taiyin power with spiritual power, and once again depicted the soul. Fire Talisman, throw it towards the space teleportation node!
The light curtain of the space teleportation node has a strong defense, but the node itself is extremely fragile, and it was directly blown into pieces, splashing towards the surroundings.

At the same time, Xu Feng and Shui Sheng also received a reminder to complete the main mission 3!
"Success!" Shui Sheng was full of excitement.

Zhang Zibing's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously swam towards the space teleportation node fragments. Xu Feng was taken aback. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zibing's target was actually those node fragments!

Just when Xu Feng was about to say something, his eyes suddenly went dark, and when he regained his sight again, he had already come out of the promotion secret realm.

Then the summary of customs clearance began to emerge one by one, and Xu Feng's original 99% level of the first level also directly broke through!
This time, the level breakthrough has directly broken through from the peak of the first level to the appearance of 40% of the second level. This is also one of the benefits of special advancement to the secret realm. Although the difficulty is high, the rewards are also extremely generous. Most importantly, Xu Feng's The title, a little legend in the savior of the human race, actually directly increased the apostle experience by 10% out of thin air, which shocked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng had never heard of this high-end attribute even in his previous life.

"It seems that a person with this attribute hides the effect of the reputation of this work tightly, and will not reveal half of it to the outside world at all!" Xu Feng thought to himself: "I just don't know the effect of the reputation. Does it only take effect in the promotion to the secret realm, or does it take effect every time the secret realm is in effect, if it is the latter, then the biggest gain of this promotion to the secret realm, besides the battle spirit, is probably the title of the savior of the human race!"

As the level increased, Xu Feng suddenly felt a heat flow all over his body. This heat flow circulated through the blood vessels of his whole body and then slowly dissipated. Although he did not increase any attribute points, Xu Feng could feel that his body seemed much lighter .

The customs clearance summary was over soon, Xu Feng's eyes blurred, and he returned to the real world. When he opened his eyes, Shui Sheng's delicate face suddenly appeared in front of him, which shocked Xu Feng a lot!

"Success, Xu Feng, success, hahaha, I am now a second-level apostle, and my apostle experience has increased by 23%." Shui Sheng smiled happily. Behind her, Lin Dao stroked his beard with a smile.

"Uncle Lin!" Xu Feng quickly stood up.

"Xu Feng, thank you very much this time!" Lin Dao said with a look of relief: "I didn't expect to encounter a special promotion secret realm this time. I just got the news that a total of 67 people entered the secret realm this time, except for one of them. Except for special props and no main missions, [-] of the other apostles who entered died, only two of them successfully cleared the level, and the others failed..."

"The secret realm apostles who failed to advance this time and survived did not lose 50% of their apostle experience, but 100%. They fell directly from the peak level of the first level to 1% of the first level..."


(End of this chapter)

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