Chapter 384 Home
Xu Feng's figure was scurrying through the passages of the pyramid like a ghost. He seemed to be weightless. He floated forward seven or eight meters away with a light tap of his toes, and his speed was countless times faster than before.

"Follow the air, as long as there is air, it is my home field, and I can control them to be my help!" Xu Feng said excitedly.

After a while, Xu Feng jumped out of the black pyramid. The air outside the pyramid was more and wider, which immediately made Xu Feng feel like a fish entering the sea.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Feng's body slowly floated up. As Xu Feng became more proficient in controlling the air, he floated higher and higher. After a while, he had already floated to the top of the pyramid. the height of.

The next moment, Xu Feng began to fly forward tremblingly, but swaying here and there in the air, looking like he was about to fall from the air at any moment.

Flying ability, in the previous life, Xu Feng also realized it by magic after he reached level [-] and became a high-level apostle, and flying at that time consumed a lot of magic power. Under normal circumstances, Xu Feng would not dare to use flying directly to travel. You know, as a For a mage, once the magic power is consumed too much, it will affect his own strength.

But now, Xu Feng is slowly floating forward in the air, but only consumes a tiny bit of mental power, and this trace of mental power is only used as a guide. What really makes Xu Feng float and fly is his magical power of controlling qi.

In the future, when Xu Feng is able to master the supernatural power of controlling qi, there is no need to consume this trace of guiding spiritual power. For Xu Feng, air is water, and he is a fish. Flying in the air is like a fish swimming in water. , just instinct.

"I'm just getting in touch with the magical power of controlling qi now, and I'm not yet proficient. When I'm fully proficient, I'll be able to fly freely like a bird in the air!" Xu Feng secretly said.

At this time, Xu Feng, in terms of controlling energy, is like a baby who has just learned how to walk, and he will inevitably stumble. When he grows up, he will not only be able to walk, but also run very fast.

"Hey, there seems to be a figure there..." Xu Feng narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

Flying high and seeing far, Xu Feng looked forward in the air, and there was a small oasis not far ahead, and at a distance of more than 500 meters from the oasis, a figure was running towards the oasis quickly.

"Zhang Hong? This guy really escaped!" Xu Feng looked at the familiar back, and a smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, Xu Feng's figure swooped towards the oasis, like a glider, and the speed was extremely fast.

At this time, Zhang Hong's face was full of ferocity, and he kept beating the yellow sand around him as if venting, but in his eyes, a look of horror still appeared involuntarily, and the figure controlling countless vines in his mind was like a nightmare. Show up and make it feel intense.

Before thinking back, he saw with his own eyes one by one the spirits of the Nine Pillars escaped from the pyramid, but without a host, these spirits could not withstand the scorching of the sun. It didn't take long before they screamed and turned into ashes. A few even wanted to snatch Zhang Hong's puppet body from it, but it's a pity that Zhang Hong's body is only suitable for the soul of a desert lord, otherwise, facing the other nine-pillar gods who attacked them in groups, it would be a little bit tricky.

"Humble mortal, I won't let you go, I won't let you go..." Zhang Hong muttered to himself, a faint scarlet light appeared in his eyes.

After venting for a while, the desert lord continued to run forward.At this time, what he took away was just an ordinary person's body. Since he was an ordinary person, he would naturally be bound by physical hunger and thirst. It's okay to be hungry, but thirst can't be tolerated for too long.

Fortunately, the desert is his home field. As long as he is in the desert, he can sense where the nearest oasis is. At this time, the desert lord, without the slightest demeanor of a god, stumbles towards the oasis.

Just when he was about to rush to the small lake in the oasis, something suddenly fell from the sky and smashed into the lake.

Xu Feng jumped up from the small lake, wiped the water from his face, looked at Zhang Hong by the small lake, and suddenly showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

The control was not good for a while, and the landing was too fast, and the result changed from gliding to crashing!
"It's you!" Zhang Hong showed a look of shock and fear on his face, subconsciously took a step back, and there was a sound of yellow sand sliding under his feet.

"This is the desert, my home field. He will never kill me here!" The desert lord suddenly came to his senses, looked around, and with a thought, countless yellow sands began to surge towards him. Gathering together, after a while, eight tentacles completely condensed from yellow sand appeared behind Zhang Hong.

"This is my home field!" The desert lord Zhang Hong had a look of excitement on his face, and shouted at Xu Feng in a voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

Both hands were raised upwards slowly, and as the hands were raised, the eight yellow sand tentacles behind Zhang Hong supported his body and slowly rose into the air. Climbing up slowly, Xu Feng was in a mess.

"Small reptile, today I will let you die in the yellow sand..." Zhang Hong said, and with a wave of his right hand, a wave of sand suddenly rose on the ground, attacking Xu Feng!

Xu Feng took a deep leap and jumped more than ten meters high. Not only dodged the sand waves, but also jumped to the same position as Zhang Hong. Seeing Zhang Hong's surprised expression, Xu Feng smiled and threw two pieces of paper symbol in the past.

Boom, boom~
Two yellow sand tentacles stood in front of Zhang Hong and were blown to pieces by the soul fire talisman. But for Zhang Hong, who was in the desert, the yellow sand was endless. Even if Xu Feng's attack strength increased ten times, he would not be afraid .

"No one can defeat me in the desert!" Zhang Hong finally found a sliver of confidence. As long as he is in the desert, 50% of any damage to him will be borne by the desert below him. He is invincible now.

Xu Feng tried to launch a few more rounds of attacks, but they were all easily blocked by Zhang Hong. Xu Feng had just obtained the supernatural power of controlling qi, and he was just a beginner, but for the lord of Huangsha, manipulating the yellow sand has become an instinct, as if The food and drink are so-so, compared with Xu Feng, it's a judgment call!
"My battle spirit is severely damaged and is being repaired. I haven't fully mastered the magical power of controlling energy. This is still the opponent's home field. If we continue to fight, there is no way to get cheap..." Xu Feng frowned slightly, thinking in his heart Wake up and think about leaving here.


(End of this chapter)

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