Chapter 385 Sandworm
The desert lord has thousands of years of experience in manipulating the yellow sand, which is not comparable to that of Xu Feng, a beginner who has just learned the magical power of controlling qi.

At this time, besides the desert lord, in addition to the condensed eight yellow sand tentacles, a series of yellow sand tornadoes also rose up. Each yellow sand tornado was more than ten meters high, surrounding the desert lord, looking very imposing.

Xu Feng knew that for the desert lord, manipulating the yellow sand was also a supernatural talent. If it was replaced by other mages to control it, it would definitely consume a lot of energy, but for the desert lord, it was the same as Xu Feng's manipulating the atmosphere, with almost no consumption.

At this time, the desert lord finally regained a trace of the power of the Nine Pillars God, stared at Xu Feng and laughed, and the fear in his eyes dissipated a lot.

This is his home field, if he is still afraid of Xu Feng here, then he is too useless as a nine-pillar god.

Xu Feng stared at the desert lord next to the oasis, frowned slightly, and couldn't help sighing.

Now, although he has obtained the supernatural power of controlling energy, his battle spirit is seriously damaged, and his strength is less than half of his peak strength, and the opponent has the home court advantage, and his strength has greatly increased. If you continue to fight, I'm afraid you won't get any benefits.

"Forget it, don't argue for a while!" Xu Feng thought to himself, and with a thought, his whole body shot up into the sky like a cannonball and flew towards the distance. After a while, it turned into a black spot and disappeared in the distance Sky.

When the desert lord saw Xu Feng flying into the air, his self-confidence immediately swelled up, he laughed and wanted to chase Xu Feng, as long as he was in the desert, he was fearless, but just after taking two steps, a sudden light flashed in his mind Dodge, the movement froze, and the whole person slowly fell towards the oasis again.

"He is only a level 2 apostle now, how can he fly in the air?" the desert lord thought to himself.

Although it has been sealed for thousands of years, the desert lord at this time has completely fused his memory after devouring Zhang Hong's soul.

Although Zhang Hong is just an ordinary person, he has learned a lot of information about the apostles of the secret realm through his ears and eyes. He knew that low-level apostles could not fly in the air with their own strength.

"Besides me, there are seven Nine-Pillar Gods and Souls who escaped from the sealing pyramid before, that is to say, there is one who did not escape from the sealing pyramid..." The body of the desert lord could not help but tremble slightly.

"Lord of the Ocean, Lord of Thunder, Lord of the Green Crown..." The Desert Lord began to recall the previous spirits.

"Big, lord of the atmosphere!" A horrified look appeared in the eyes of the desert lord, looking at the distant sky, his face suddenly became ugly.

"If he really has the inheritance of the Lord of the Air, it will be very difficult..." The Lord of the Desert walked to the oasis. At this time, he was no longer in a hurry to go to the small lake and river, but stood under a tree for a while. The yellow sand under his back feet automatically condensed into a seat, and the desert lord sat by the lake, meditating.

"This world is too small, and it's on the brink of destruction. Staying here will only lead to death!" The desert lord thought to himself, "The best way out for me now is to return to the real world in Zhang Hong's mind. , since so many worlds that are about to collapse are actively connected to that world, it means that the world core of that world is extremely stable, and even if it becomes its vassal, it can survive for a long time..."

"Besides, in that world, strength can be continuously improved. For me, integrating into that world is the best choice!" Zhang Hong showed a smile on his face.


On the other side, Xu Feng controlled the atmosphere to fly quickly in the air. Although he stumbled, but fortunately he didn't fall from the air, and he was still somewhat improved.

After a while, Xu Feng landed on a sand dune and began to rest. While resting, he was thinking about how to deal with the desert lord.

"The desert is his home field. It's too difficult to kill him here. Even if the battle spirit is recovered, and supplemented by the soul mirror, it may be difficult to capture the opponent's soul!" Xu Feng thought to himself.

The supernatural talent of the desert lord is Yusha, and with the discovery of supernatural powers, he has also mastered many skills that can be called supernatural skills.

One of them is desertification, which can turn the whole body into a pool of fine sand, immune to more than 90% of physical damage. In the desert, as long as this skill is used, it is like a drop of water falling into the ocean, and it is difficult to detect the existence of the opponent.

After desertification, the desert lord can sneak into the desert and move. To him, the desert is like the atmosphere to Xu Feng. Moving in the desert is an instinctive existence for him.

In addition to desertification, the desert lord also has many terrifying skills, and don't think that the desert lord's strength will be greatly reduced after leaving the desert.

After leaving the desert, although the strength of the desert lord will be weakened, it will not be weakened too much.

The desert lord also has another magical skill that is not weaker than desertification, that is, it can turn any surrounding environment into a desert, and the area is proportional to the consumption.

As long as there is a desert area, the desert lord can display its peak strength, and it is also very difficult to kill!
Xu Feng thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of a way to kill the desert lord, so he could only sigh and give up this idea for the time being!
"Theoretically, the magical power of controlling qi can restrain it, but unfortunately, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to fully master this magical power for a long time in the future!" Xu Feng thought to himself: "But it's not a thing for him to trouble me. It's easy, I just need to improve my strength step by step now!"

The purpose of entering the secret realm has been achieved. Now Xu Feng just needs to wait patiently. After the two worlds are completely merged to form a stable entrance to the secret realm, he can leave this world.

However, at this moment, the sand dune where Xu Feng was located suddenly began to vibrate violently. After a while, a huge terrifying monster suddenly jumped out from under the sand dune.

This monster is more than ten meters long, and its body is as big as a train carriage. The ring teeth, big and small, are hideous and terrifying.

"Sandworm?" Xu Feng was taken aback, and he couldn't help standing up. This is a monster that only appears in legends. In his previous life, Xu Feng had seen someone tame a sandworm to carry goods in the desert. An adult sandworm carried goods. The weight is comparable to seven or eight camels, and in the desert, the movement speed of sandworms is much faster than that of camels.

"Is this a wild sandworm?" Xu Feng was taken aback when he watched the sandworm jump out from under the sand dune, and then quickly swam across the desert surface, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

Glancing at the sandworm that was getting farther and farther away, Xu Feng jumped down from the sand dune, turned around and walked towards the one-person-high passage that the sandworm came out of.


(End of this chapter)

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