Chapter 387 Capture
A sandworm larva weighs fifty to sixty catties, and Xu Feng's mastery of supernatural powers and energy control is only an introduction. It is also very difficult to remotely control a larva of such weight. What's more important is not to disturb the adult sandworms around, otherwise, Xu Feng had no choice but to escape immediately. This was simply entering Baoshan and returning empty-handed. He would definitely regret it in the future.

Fortunately, this sandworm larva looked a little silly, and it was the first experience of floating in the air. It felt good, and it didn't feel the danger, so it didn't struggle, and was obediently kept away by Xu Feng. The sandworm nest a few meters away was slowly lifted out.

Xu Feng looked at the sandworm larva that was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face. You know, a sandworm larva was very valuable in the previous life. Without 5000 taels of gold, he didn't even have the qualifications to compete.

After all, the sandworm is also considered a long-lived species, which can live for hundreds of years. Once it becomes an adult, it has infinite strength. It is almost a dominant existence in the desert without any natural enemies.

Moreover, the sandworm is huge in size. After installing special equipment, it can carry thousands of tons of goods at a time, and the speed is several times that of a camel. As long as you have a sandworm, it is equivalent to having a small camel team, and the efficiency is still small. Several times the number of camel teams can become the foundation of a family.

As for how to tame sandworms, it's not difficult. Even if you don't have the ability to tame animals, there is a scroll of a war pet contract in your previous life. You can buy it at will after the special secret realm is opened.

And even if there is no battle pet contract scroll, even an ordinary person, as long as he can treat the sandworm larvae kindly, there is a certain chance that the sandworm can become a pet and obey orders.

The reason why Xu Feng wanted to capture the sandworm larvae was not to let it transport goods in the desert, but to let it devour metal ore and then produce active metal.

As long as the sandworm larva is placed in the portable secret realm, it doesn't matter to Xu Feng whether it is tamed or not, as long as it is allowed to devour those low-level metal ores.

Xu Feng carefully floated the two-meter-long sandworm larva towards him. The smaller the sandworm larva, the younger it was, and the more likely it was to be tamed by ordinary animal taming methods. Xu Feng chose this Only, it is already the smallest of several sandworm larvae.

Soon, the sandworm larva left the nest, only less than two meters away from Xu Feng. At this moment, the sandworm larva seemed to sense something, and writhed uncomfortably.

Xu Feng's heart sank, he quickly manipulated the atmosphere, and quickly floated towards him with the sandworm larva. As long as he could touch it, he could bring it into the secret realm with him.

However, at this moment, the sandworm larva seemed to sense the strange aura of a stranger, and suddenly opened its mouth wide, letting out a sharp and rapid hissing sound.

This sandworm larva sticks out a pink and tender tongue, and the fangs in the mouth only grow one point. Although it is ugly, it is also somewhat cute.

With the neighing sound of the larvae, the adult sandworms in the sandworm's lair, which were originally slowly wriggling, instantly raised their upper bodies, opened their mouths, and "looked" towards Xu Feng's position.

The sandworm has no eyes, so it has no vision, but it has a sound wave detection system similar to that of a bat. As long as it emits sound waves, encounters objects that bounce back, and is received by the sandworm, the surrounding environment can emerge in the mind.

At this time, in the minds of these adult sandworms, a gray and white picture has emerged, and at the same time, Xu Feng who stole the sandworm larvae has also been locked.

Seeing that all the adult sandworms were "looking" towards him, Xu Feng hurried forward and put his hand on the body of the sandworm larvae. The next moment, Xu Feng and the sandworm larvae all disappeared in place.

The sandworm lair seemed to have exploded, with dust splashing, and all the adult sandworms rushed towards the place where Xu Feng disappeared. For a moment, countless large holes were knocked out of the originally hard rock wall passage, and with the The adult sandworm kept rolling its body, and the big hole became bigger and bigger.

In front of adult sandworms, there is no difference between hard rock and yellow sand!
In the portable secret realm, Xu Feng and the sandworm larvae appeared at the foot of the mountain in front of Yizhuang. Not far away was the Kobold mine. At this time, there was already a hill-like ore pile at the entrance of the mine.

These were all low-grade ores excavated from the kobold mine, and Xu Feng wouldn't need them for a while, so they piled them all up beside the mine.

At this time, the sandworm larva has realized that it has left the sandworm's lair. Fear is also a little angry at the same time. No matter how it bites, it can't even break Xu Feng's skin. Xu Feng didn't feel any pain, but felt a little itchy.

He casually pulled off the sandworm wrapped around his arm like a snake, and threw it onto the ore pile.

The sandworm larva that wanted to continue to attack Xu Feng, just raised its upper body, then stopped suddenly. It seemed that it had discovered something. The sandworm larva slowly bent down and rubbed the ore under it with its body. The next moment, the sandworm larva bit one of the metal ores.

The sandworm, which couldn't even break Xu Feng's skin, started to stir rapidly with the three rings of teeth in its mouth, like sucking ice cream, and slowly gnawed a whole rock in its mouth.

After gnawing for a long time, the larvae of the sandworm swallowed the whole rock like a snake, and it was obvious from the outside that the traces of the ore were slowly moving towards the middle of the sandworm's body.

Squeak, squeak~
This time, the sandworm raised its head and neighed happily, looking very excited.Even the anger towards Xu Feng seems to have dissipated a lot.

Xu Feng stepped forward and slowly reached out to touch the sandworm larva, but the sandworm larva easily avoided it. It seemed that he didn't want Xu Feng to touch it, but it didn't continue to attack Xu Feng and showed no hostility.

"Little guy, eat slowly, if you have the ability to eat this entire mine!" Xu Feng laughed, and with a thought, he left the secret realm.

Entering the Portable Secret Realm after being in the Secret Realm is a very dangerous thing. The longer the time, the greater the chance of danger. Therefore, Xu Feng did not dare to delay, and came out immediately after only a few seconds in the Portable Secret Realm.

At this time, several adult sandworms were attacking the rock wall passage where Xu Feng was just now, and the rock wall passage had turned into a big hole at this moment. The moment Xu Feng's figure appeared, all the adult sandworms The insect froze at the same time, and the next moment, Qi Qi rushed towards him.

The mouth full of fangs was terrifying, these adult sandworms were enough to swallow Xu Feng's whole body.

Xu Feng immediately took out a wall-piercing talisman and stuck it on his body, and leaned gently against the rock wall beside him, his body immediately merged into the rock wall, but the next moment, an adult sandworm opened its mouth wide, and Bite toward the rock wall where Xu Feng disappeared.

Countless gravels slid down from the corner of the adult sandworm's mouth, and Xu Feng, who was supposed to be in this position, had already disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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