Chapter 388 Killing

Xu Feng's figure kept walking through the rock wall, and the wall-piercing talisman attached to his body was consuming the spiritual power in the wall-piercing talisman at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xu Feng knew that once the spiritual power of the wall-piercing talisman was consumed, his whole body would be embedded in the rock wall and he would die instantly. Even the protection from the dying state of the apostle of the secret realm might not be able to save him.

Xu Feng fell out of the rock wall and fell into a sandworm passage, which is not far from the sandworm's lair. Xu Feng could even feel his surroundings trembling slightly. These were those unwilling adult sandworms. Looking for traces of him.

Xu Feng took off the wall-piercing talisman with little spiritual power left, and threw it away, the wall-piercing talisman immediately burned and turned into a mass of ashes.

Xu Feng began to run desperately towards the outside along the sandworm passage. At this time, there was not much air in the sandworm passage. Even if Xu Feng tried his best to control it, the speed was not much faster.

Soon, an acceleration talisman was attached to Xu Feng's body, and his whole body suddenly lightened up. With the blessing of Yuqi Divine Ability, Xu Feng's speed suddenly increased a lot.

"The Acceleration Talisman can increase the speed by 30%, but with the blessing of the Qi-controlling supernatural power, my current speed has increased by at least 50%," Xu Feng thought to himself.

In this sandworm channel, Xu Feng's qi control supernatural power can speed him up by 6% to 8% at most, and the acceleration charm can increase by 30%, but the combination of the two produces an effect of one plus one greater than two.

Just as Xu Feng was struggling to run upwards, an adult sandworm suddenly rushed out from the side rock wall. Its huge body hit the rock wall, making a low rumbling sound, like a row of rampant subways .

The moment the sandworm passed through the tunnel, the sandworm sensed Xu Feng's existence, twisted its body, and the surrounding rock walls immediately collapsed.

There was a shrill neighing sound, and the adult sandworm opened its mouth wide and rushed towards Xu Feng. Any rocks, sand, and soil that blocked its path were pulverized by its fangs and teeth, and all flowed down the corner of its mouth. come out.

Xu Feng threw two soul fire talismans casually, and the two paper talismans flew towards the sandworm's mouth and exploded in its mouth.

The next moment, the sandworm let out a shrill neighing sound, several teeth splashed out of its mouth along with light green blood, and its speed dropped suddenly.

Xu Feng didn't want to be entangled by this sandworm. It would be fine if there was only one, but now there are more than a dozen adult sandworms searching for Xu Feng. Once entangled here, Xu Feng may never have a chance to escape from the ground again. went.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng immediately drew another wall-penetrating talisman, stuck it on his body, and continued to drill towards the rock wall beside him. Not long after, Xu Feng found that he had left the rock wall layer, and the surroundings became Huang Sha was overjoyed. It seemed that he would be able to run on the surface immediately. Once he left the ground, Xu Feng would be able to fly into the air. At that time, unless these sand worms had grown wings, it would be impossible to catch up with Xu Feng. peak.

Walking through the yellow sand, Xu Feng obviously felt a lot lighter, and the spiritual power consumption of the wall-piercing talisman was also reduced a lot. Soon, in the long yellow sand, a figure suddenly rolled out of the yellow sand. Although he was a little embarrassed, his face was bright. smile.

"Hahaha, it's finally out, this time it's a big profit!" Xu Feng laughed loudly.

Although no active metal was obtained, a sandworm larva was harvested. As long as there is this, the active metal can be said to be as much as possible in the future.

At this moment, less than ten meters away from Xu Feng, a sandworm suddenly emerged from the ground, and its terrifying body rushed towards the sky, but its body was still in the thick yellow sand. Suddenly a fleshy tree grew on the ground.

The next moment, one after another "meat trees" came out of the yellow sand and rushed seven or eight meters into the sky, before their huge bodies fell heavily towards the yellow sand!

Xu Feng was startled, his figure immediately soared into the sky, and flew into the air in an instant. At this time, seven or eight terrifying sandworms with huge bodies like subways on the ground stirred up waves of dust, and the huge sand dunes Unable to bear the slight impact of these sandworms, it collapsed instantly.

Horrific hissing sounds continued, and all desert creatures within a few kilometers fled towards the distance.

Xu Feng looked down at the ground, looked at it quietly for a while, then turned around and flew towards the distance, leaving only the few sandworms neighing impotently in place.

At this moment, the yellow sand surged, and Zhang Hong, the leader of the desert, was attracted by the sound of the sandworm, and the yellow sand kept rolling under his feet. Zhang Hong didn't understand, as if slipping, he came to a nearby sand dune.

"There are so many sandworms here?" Zhang Hong showed a look of surprise on his face. As a desert lord, he naturally knew the existence of the overlord in the desert. In fact, hundreds of years ago, when the desert lord was rampant in the desert, , there were a few adult sandworm pets, and what he liked to do most at the time was to feed these pets with enemies, watching the bodies of the enemies being churned into meat paste in the mouths of these sandworms!
"It's a pity, these are all adults..." Zhang Hong showed a look of regret on his expressionless face. He stretched his right hand forward, and in an instant, countless yellow sand flew up, condensing into dozens of water-head-thick particles in the air. The chains flew towards these sandworms.

These sandworms, which are so powerful that even hard rocks are no different from tofu in their eyes, are tightly bound by dozens of sand locks. Even if they struggle desperately, they cannot break free chain.

"Die." Zhang Hong read softly.

In an instant, all the yellow sand chains strangled towards the sandworm's flesh. The sandworm's skin was so tough that even ordinary swords couldn't break through its defenses, but the yellow sand chains that bound them became tighter and tighter. , The shrill screams continued to sound, and the sandworm's body began to deform under the strangling of the yellow sand chains.

puff puff~
The chains of yellow sand finally broke through the defense of the sandworm's skin. For a while, green blood gushed out continuously. The huge sandworm was directly torn apart by the chains condensed by the yellow sand, and the corpse was divided into dozens of pieces scattered around. one place.

The blood of sandworms exudes a pungent smell. Zhang Hong frowned slightly, and with a wave of his right hand, a huge sand pit appeared, and the yellow sand rolled, pushing these sandworm corpses into the sand pit, and then covering it, covering these All the sandworm corpses were buried.

"Since there are so many sandworms, there must be a sandworm lair nearby..." A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Hong's mouth, and with a thought, his whole body began to slowly sink into the yellow sand, as if completely melting Average in the desert.


(End of this chapter)

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