Chapter 188 Is there a salary?
Lin Yi successfully drove the homeless man out.

He looked at Winnie proudly, and asked, "Am I amazing?"

Winnie clapped her hands blankly and praised, "It's amazing."

The sound is also Gujing Wubo.

Lin Yi was happy, and then found that the warehouse was messed up by the homeless, so he ran out and caught the homeless.

The homeless man shivered, "You...what do you want?"

"You clean up the toilet."


The homeless man cleaned up the warehouse again, and Lin Yi let him leave.

In order to prevent anyone from robbing the site, Lin Yi installed a door for the warehouse, and locked the door every time he went out.

That night, it rained suddenly.

The rain fell on the roof of the warehouse, making a crackling sound.

Winnie developed a high fever.

Lin Yi touched her forehead and used a wet towel to cool her down, but the effect was not great.

"I'll go to the doctor."

"don't want……"

Winnie's voice was weak, "I'm fine."

She struggled to sit up from the bed, bit her wrist, and the red blood flowed into the basin.

Winnie sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.

It wasn't until the basin was filled with blood that Winnie wrapped a rag around her wrist.

She looked at Lin Yi, "I'm fine."

Lin Yi touched her forehead again, and she no longer had a fever.

Wei Ni's face was pale, she wanted to get out of bed, to get rid of the blood in the basin, Lin Yi walked over first, knelt down, dipped a little with her fingers, and tasted it.

He pouted his mouth, "Your a bit hot!"

It tastes pretty healthy, no other problems.

The system guessed that Wei Ni's situation may be a sequela of the experiment.

Winnie didn't sleep all night.

She sat on the bed with her arms around her knees, listening to the sound of rain outside the warehouse in a daze.

Lin Yi didn't sleep either, so he went to buy some red dates for Wei Ni, and heard that it nourishes blood.

Lin Yi asked, "Are you still eating?"

"I am full."

As soon as Lin put away the remaining red dates, he was a little worried.

The money is gone.

Lin Yi decided to go out to find a job tomorrow.


In the morning, the rain gradually stopped.

Lin Yi walked out of the warehouse with Weini in his arms. In the morning after the rain, the air was very fresh.

In the end, Lin Yi found a job as a delivery man.

After picking up the meal, Lin Yi discovered a problem.

He doesn't know the way...

Lin Yi pulled someone along the road, pointed to the delivery address, and asked, "Do you know how to get here?"


He pointed out the route to Lin Yi.

Based on the description of passers-by, the system drew a map for Lin Yi.

"Host, must, must follow the route."

"Oh, don't worry."

The system was not at ease, so it added, "If the food delivery is late, you will have to deduct money."

Lin Yi was stunned, then hugged Weini in one hand and the takeaway in the other, and ran forward in strict accordance with the route planned by the system.

On the road, a man was driving a car and felt something passing by.

He asked the co-pilot's girlfriend, "Did you see anything just now?"

"It seems to be a person."

"Wait, I have a driving recorder, let me take a look."

After reading it, the two fell into silence.

They were driving a car and were overtaken by a person running?

As soon as Lin ran forward, he suddenly saw a man in a red tights swaying between buildings with spider webs.

In his hand, he also held a takeaway.

Lin Yi greeted him, "You also deliver food?"

"Ah? Um..."

Lin Yi waved goodbye to him and ran into the building.

He looked at the house number, confirmed that it was correct, and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a woman looked at Lin Yi who was standing at the door, and asked, "Are you..."

Lin Yi held up the takeaway and handed it to the woman, "I am the deliveryman."

The woman was stunned, "Didn't I just order it? It was delivered in a few minutes?"

Lin Yi showed a bright smile, "This is the responsibility of the delivery staff."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi turned and left.

The woman looked at Lin Yi's back and murmured, "But... this store is ten kilometers away..."


Lin Yi delivered food all day, and found that he made a lot of money.

After running around the whole city, the system can perfectly plan the delivery route, and the delivery will continue tomorrow, so there is no need to ask for directions.

The system suddenly realized something was wrong, "Why do I feel like a map software?"

It is a system!

Why have you been doing navigation work?

It looked at the host, but in the end it didn't dare to make any comments...

Just navigate!

The next day, Lin Yi rested.

The system asked, "Host, are you not delivering food?"

"Let's talk about it after the money is spent."


Lin worked for one day, rested for two days, and then one day, he suddenly remembered that Winnie was going to school.

"It seems that I need to save some tuition..."

So Lin Yi planned to work every day.

He was about to go out when a car stopped not far from the warehouse.

Two people got out of the car.

One is a short-haired woman, dressed somewhat neutrally, chewing gum in her mouth, looking cool.

The other was a huge man, all silver and what looked to be made of steel.

The two came over, Lin Yi reached out and touched the big guy, it was really steel.

The big man removed Lin Yi's hand from his buttocks.

Lin Yi asked, "Are you here to grab the territory?"


The two introduced themselves. The big man is named Colossus, and the short-haired woman is named Bullet. They are both mutants, and they came to invite Lin Yi to join the X-Men.

"Some people say that there is a person who runs faster than a car. After long-term observation, we found that you are also a mutant. I hope you can join us."

Lin Yi asked, "Is there a salary?"

Colossus froze for a moment, then fell silent.

Lin Yi looked at him, "No?"


"Oh, then I won't join."

As soon as Lin locked the door, he planned to deliver food.

Colossus hurriedly stopped him, "Wait, do you want to stop thinking about it?"

"Not consider."

Lin Yi held Weini in his arms, and ran away without a trace.

Colossus looked at Bullet, who shrugged, chewed gum, and blew a bubble.

Ganglishi said: "Lin Yi failed to recruit, let's recruit another person!"

"The guy who calls himself Deadpool?"


Gang Lux squeezed into the car with difficulty, and the warhead drove to the next destination.


Lin Yi finally saved enough tuition fees, but Wei Ni still couldn't go to school.

Because neither of them had ID cards, they couldn't go to school.

Lin glanced at Weini, "What should I do?"

"I don't have to go to school."

"Then I'll teach you how to read."

"it is good."

As soon as Lin went to buy a few books, he returned to the warehouse and started teaching.

He found that Winnie learned very quickly and memorized everything in just one pass.

Lin Yi closed the book, "Let's learn this today and rest early."


Winnie took off her clothes, folded them neatly, and climbed into the bathtub to take a bath.

Lin Yi suddenly realized that it was time to buy some more clothes for Winnie.

The system looked at the relationship between the host and Wei Ni, and fell into deep thought.

The host seemed to start concentrating on raising the cubs without thinking about anything else.

So, what about the task?
The host doesn't work hard, only it works hard...

(End of this chapter)

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