Chapter 191 Crazy Heart
The plane landed quickly, and as soon as Lin looked at the building in front of him, he subconsciously wanted to run away.

This architectural pattern is too similar to Qingshan Mental Hospital...

But he reacted quickly, so he straightened his waist and looked at everything around him leisurely.

Well, the police have arrived and are surrounding a fat little boy.

According to Colossus, the boy's name was Russell.

Russell's hands were glowing with flames. Colossus tried to approach him, but was directly knocked away by the flames thrown out by his hands for more than ten meters.

Colossus lay on the ground, gave Lin Yi a look, and signaled him to take advantage of the opportunity to run behind Russell and knock him out.

Lin Yi thought for a while, and gave Colossus an encouraging look.


Russell yelled: "Don't think I don't know that you are making eye contact, no one should come near me!"

After the words fell, the flames formed a circle, enveloping him.

Lin Yi also yelled, "Don't blaspheme people's innocence!"

"You guys made eye contact just now."

"we do not have."

"He just asked you to knock me out secretly, and you encouraged him to let him do it himself."

Lin Yi: "?"

He looked at Colossus, "What did you mean just now?"

"if not?"


Ganglishi sighed, this time Lin Yi was hopeless.

Fortunately, he has a second plan.

Colossus looked up.

In the sky, a figure was falling rapidly.

"I'm coming~"


Deadpool fell to the ground and fell into a "bump".

He rolled his eyes, looked at Lin Yi, opened and closed his mouth, "I think you must be wondering why I am here, in fact, before..."

Lin Yi said, "I'm not curious."

Deadpool's voice stopped abruptly.

After a while, he said, "You're curious."

"I'm not curious."

"Well, in fact, Colossus also contacted me before. Not long after you left, I thought about it and thought I couldn't do it without me, so I took a downwind and came over, but because I didn't bring a parachute, I landed It was a little faster.”

Deadpool explained on his own, and then got up from the ground. While setting his bones, he continued: "It turns out that I really can't do it without me. You guys have to control this little fat man, right? It's up to me."

After speaking, Deadpool rushed up.

A second later, he flew out.

Deadpool got up for the second time, and he looked at Lin Yi, "It was just an accident."

Lin nodded.

Next, Deadpool successfully knocked Russell down with a knife handle, and someone immediately stepped forward to put a collar on Russell.

Russell tried to condense the flames with his hands again, but failed.

Deadpool blinked and asked, "What is this?"

"The ability suppression collar, after wearing it, the mutant's ability is useless."


Deadpool was super excited, "Give me one."

"This is not for private use."

"Oh, well, I see..."

While talking, Deadpool reached out and tried to tear off the collar on Russell's neck while the others were not paying attention.

But, he didn't pull it off.

"Oh, fu*k, even with a lock."

Lin Yi stepped forward, reached out and tore off the collar around Russell's neck, and handed it to Deadpool.

"My good brother, how did you do it?"

Lin Yi said proudly: "There is no lock in this world that I cannot pick."


Lin Yi asked, "Why do you want a collar?"

"Because I just suddenly thought of a wonderful idea. If I wear a collar, my recovery ability will be suppressed. If you kill me again, won't it be much easier?"

"It makes sense!"

Deadpool looked up, and then realized that he and Lin Yi were surrounded.

"Hand over the restraint collar."

"What if I say no?"

"Then we'll put collars on you and send you to jail."

Deadpool was stunned, "If you say that, I don't know whether I should hand it over..."

Russell roared at this moment, "Go to hell!"

He raised his hands, and flames rose into the air.

Lin Yi waved his palm lightly, "Don't make trouble."

The flames in Russell's hands were instantly extinguished.


Russell stared at Lin Yi, "What did you do?"

Just as Lin Yi was about to answer, he found that a collar was suddenly worn around his neck.

He turned around and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You are under arrest."

"How long will it be closed?"

"I don't know yet."

Lin Yi shook his head, "I can't go with you, my daughter is still waiting for me at home!"

"That's not up to you."

Lin Yi thought for a while, "Why don't you bring my daughter here together?"


In the end, it was the Colossus who made the guarantee, and the police took off the collars on Lin Yi and Deadpool.

But Deadpool is unwilling to pick it.

"I don't care, I will wear it."

"If you pick it off, I'll cry and show it to you."

Colossus waved tiredly, "Then take him away!"

Then, Deadpool wore a collar as he wished and was escorted away.

Before leaving, Deadpool waved to Lin Yi, "Brother, see you in the next life."

Lin Yi also waved to him.

Afterwards, Ganglishi took Lin Yi onto the plane and started the return journey.


That night, Winnie began to bleed again.

Lin Yi thought about it, and decided to go to Colossus to see if he could do anything.

Winnie took his hand.

"do not go."

"I want to see the stars, you accompany me."

Lin nodded, and took Wei Ni to the top of the mountain, looking at the stars in the sky.

Suddenly, Lin Yi pointed to the sky, "Meteor! Make a wish!"

He clasped his hands together and said in a low voice, "I hope I can see my wife."

Winnie glanced at Lin Yi, and silently made a wish in her heart.


The meteorite fell to the ground, and several people camped not far away, and drove over immediately.

They looked at the huge crater, whose meteorites still shimmered.

"Can this stuff be sold for money?"

"I don't know, move back and try."

"it is good."

Together, several people took the rope from the car and jumped off the crater.

The meteorite suddenly cracked a gap, and a mass of dark mucus came out of the meteorite.

"What is this?"

"Isn't it some alien creature?"

"It looks so ugly."

A girl curiously stretched out her finger and poked the mucus. The next second, the black mucus suddenly clinged to her body, completely enveloping her.

The girl let out a scream, and her figure twisted and changed.

A moment later, a tall black figure appeared in front of them.

It looked like a woman with a height of two meters and a bumpy figure, wearing a black tights.

It's just that her head looks a bit scary, her white eyes occupy one-third of her face, and in her huge mouth are ferocious sharp teeth.

Several people were frightened and collapsed to the ground, "You...what are you?"

The black figure tilted his head, and then spoke jerkyly.

"My name is……"


(End of this chapter)

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