Chapter 339 Is an Actor
The woman did have a child on her back.

It's a little boy, but, it's a ghost.

Seeing the woman fainted, he got off the woman's back, squatted beside the woman, poked her cheek, then raised his head and asked Lin Yi, "What's wrong with Mom?"



The little boy just squatted aside, staring at the woman seriously.

Haneda stepped forward, squatted beside the little boy, and asked softly, "Why are you pestering mother?"

"I love being with my mother."

"But you're going to hurt Mommy like this."

The little boy is too young, so he will subconsciously absorb the yang energy of the woman. Although it is not much, it will also cause the woman's spirit to slump and her physique to decline.

If it goes on for a long time, women will have a short life.

Hearing Haneda's words, the little boy was startled, "I...I don't want to hurt mom."

"Then you can't suck your mother's yang energy."

The little boy blinked his innocent eyes, "I didn't..."

"Didn't you breathe your mother's breath?"

"I just think my mother smells good..."

The little boy lowered his head, as if he also realized that he had done something wrong, his voice was very small, mixed with sad emotions.

He raised his head and said seriously, "I won't do it in the future."

Haneda patted his head.

The woman opened her eyes at this moment.

In fact, she woke up not long after fainting, but she didn't dare to open her eyes. Now, she finally couldn't help it.

She knelt down on the ground and hugged the little boy.

"Son, I'm sorry..."

The little boy patted the woman's head lightly, "Mom, don't cry~"

The woman hurriedly wiped away her tears, "Well, mom doesn't cry."

She raised her head, looked at Lin Yi, and begged, "Please don't hurt my child."

Lin was puzzled, "Why should I hurt him? I'm here to be a tutor."


After this mess, she always thought that Lin Yi was here to catch ghosts...

And, shouldn't you say that humans and ghosts have different paths?

What the hell is tutoring?

The woman said weakly: "Although I don't want to part with the child, I can't hurt him if I love him. It's not good for him to stay in the world by force. Can you help me reincarnate him?"

Haneda's eyes widened, what does this person mean?
The affectionate look just now was all staged?
The little boy was also downcast.

Five years ago, his mother killed him. Five years later, is his mother going to abandon him again?

Lin Yi asked, "Will you give me money?"

Haneda hurriedly called out, "Dad..."

But she reacted instantly and didn't say any more.

With the woman's attitude, if the little boy continues to stay, it is not a good thing, it is better to let him reincarnate.

After all, in this world, there is more than one person who can catch ghosts...

This time, Dad can help him reincarnate, and next time, maybe he will be beaten to death.

The woman was naturally willing to pay. She took out 1000 yuan and handed it to Lin Yi according to the price negotiated online.

Lin put away the money and traced it in the air with his fingers. A moment later, a gloomy portal appeared.

The little boy gave his mother a reluctant look, turned around, and stepped into the portal...

The woman sent Lin Yi and the others away, her neck moved, and she no longer felt the weight on her body, so she couldn't help but smile.

Back then, she got pregnant unexpectedly, and the child was aborted before it was born.

Now, five years later, it is impossible to say how much affection she has for the child, but she still has to express it for the sake of looking good.

That's why she staged a scene of deep love between mother and child.

Who knew that Lin Yi didn't play his cards according to the routine...

The woman went back to sleep and slept in the cage. At ten o'clock in the morning, she was awakened by the doorbell again.

She put on her coat, got up, and through the cat's eyes, she saw two figures, one fat and one thin, standing outside the door.

She didn't open the door and asked, "Who is it?"

The tall and thin man said, "Hello, we are here to catch ghosts. We have contacted online before. My name is Yin Shisan, and this is my assistant, Fatty Shi."

The woman was full of doubts, "The master I looked for online, hasn't he already been here?"

It wasn't until Yin Shisan took out her phone and showed her the chat history that she finally believed it.

If these two were the masters she was looking for online, then who was the one who came in the early morning?

early morning.

Lin Yi bought breakfast and waited downstairs in the girls' dormitory.

The flow of people gradually increased, and there were more boys carrying breakfast downstairs in the girls' dormitory.

Lin Yi waited for Shanshan, with Haneda at the side, stepped into the sunlight cautiously, then immediately retreated into the shadows, back and forth, over and over again.

After a few minutes, she finally confirmed that she was not afraid of the sun anymore.

Haneda happily ran in the sun, his father's talisman is really powerful...

Lin Yi vaguely felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he didn't think about it. From a distance, he saw Shanshan coming out, and immediately stopped thinking about it, and walked over...


underground garage.

A group of people gathered around the bed, looking at the purring cat above, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

What does this mean?
Are cats going to sleep in bed these days?
Someone asked, "Why isn't this cat afraid of people?"

"They've probably been in school longer than you!"



Shanshan looked timidly at the man in front of her, and then at the breakfast in his hand.

Mu Ran looked at Lin Yi vigilantly, she could remember clearly that last night, he was the one who played hooliganism on Shanshan,
She asked fiercely, "what are you doing here?"

"Bring breakfast to my wife."

Mu Ran was shocked, so he called his wife?

"Do you want to be ashamed?"

"I have it myself, I don't want it."


Lin Yi ignored Mu Ran and handed the breakfast to Shanshan, "Daughter-in-law, I'll eat it for you."

Shanshan hesitated for a moment, then said weakly: "I...can I not eat?"

"Daughter-in-law, skipping breakfast is bad for your health."

Mu Ran glared at Lin Yi angrily, does their family Shanshan mean this?

Shanshan stammered, "But...but we don't know each other well."

So Lin Yi introduced himself: "My name is Lin Yi."

He pointed to his side again, "This is Haneda."

It should be cooked by now!
Mu Ran watched Lin Yi pointing at the air aside, and blinked.

Is this person a psychopath?
Shanshan glanced at Haneda, and then asked in a low voice, "How much is breakfast, I'll give you..."

Lin Yi smiled, "No money."

"Then...then I'll treat you to breakfast too!"


The system admired the host's face.

The most important thing is that the answer that the donkey's lips don't match the horse's mouth is just right...

The three of them walked towards the cafeteria with a ghost, and Mu Ran stared at Lin Yi vigilantly all the way, and at the same time scolded Shanshan: "Shanshan, you are too kind to give this kind of scoundrel an opportunity."

Shanshan lowered her head, not daring to refute.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Shanshan asked, "Lin...Lin Yi, what do you want to eat?"

"Daughter-in-law, listen to you."

Mu Ran snorted, "Isn't that what you mean casually?"

Lin glanced at Mu Ran.

"Why are you staring at me? Am I wrong?"

"Then I'll eat buns."

"Heh, I just said that I listened to Shanshan. Sure enough, a man's mouth is a liar."

Shanshan pulled Mu Ran, took her to the window, bought two buns and an egg, returned to Lin Yi, and asked, "Is it enough?"

Lin nodded.

Lin Yi and Shanshan were sitting in the cafeteria, eating the breakfast they bought each other.

Mu Ran kept talking at the side, "Shanshan, you must be careful, he is not a good person."

Shanshan shook her head lightly, "He's a good man."

Mu Ran: "Huh?"

She pointed at Lin Yi incredulously, "Is he a good person? Which good person hugs you immediately when he sees you?"

Shanshan timidly asked: "No...can't you? hugged me when you saw me back then!"

Mu Ran: "..."

"Shanshan, I'm a girl, of course it's okay, but Lin Yi is a boy!"

"One... the same, only those who really like each other will hug at the first meeting."

Mu Ran's expression was a bit complicated. She couldn't help but think of those who pursued Shanshan before. If they heard this sentence, they would regret it...

Shanshan is recognized as the school belle, and the boys who pursue her can line up from the teaching building to the school gate.

But Shanshan was soft and weak on the surface, and she looked like she was easy to bully. Facing the confession of those boys, she turned her head and ran away, and she refused without hesitation.

Gradually, let the boys know that the school beauty is not something they can catch up with.

Only now did Mu Ran realize that the difference between them might be a hug...

After breakfast, Lin Yi asked, "Daughter-in-law, where are you going next?"

"Attend class."

"May I go with you?"

"Okay... okay!"

Mu Ran was stunned, "Shanshan, did you hear what he called you?"

Shanshan looked innocent, "Huh?"



Her lovely Shanshan will be guarded by her!
So, she stared at Lin Yi, "You are not allowed to call Shanshan's wife from now on."

"Why should I listen to you?"

Mu Ran was suddenly speechless.

On the way to the teaching building, a stray cat crossed the road openly.

It turned its head and looked at Shanshan.

There was a moment of silence between the two sides, and then, the stray cat pretended not to know Shanshan, turned its head, and continued walking.

This is their agreement, in front of other people, they have to pretend to be unfamiliar...

In the classroom, Shanshan and Mu Ran found two empty seats side by side and sat down. Seeing that there was no empty seat next to Shanshan, Lin Yi asked Mu Ran, "Can you change seats?"

Mu Ran rolled his eyes, "No."

So Lin Yi sat behind Shanshan.

Lin Yi could feel that there were boys in the classroom secretly looking at Shanshan from time to time. The sunlight from the window shone in and fell on Shanshan. From Lin Yi's angle, he could clearly see the fine hairs on her cheeks.

so cute.

Haneda floated aside, with an unhappy face, "Daddy, that woman is so annoying, why do you want to stop you from pursuing love?"

"Maybe it's jealousy!"

Haneda nodded, "That makes sense."

She glanced at Mu Ran, "The female ghost next to her seems to know her, the way she looks at her is so strange."

Lin Yi also looked at the female ghost lying beside Mu Ran. The female ghost seemed to sense Lin Yi's gaze and grinned at him.

Not to be outdone, Lin Yi also made a face at her.


The female ghost ignored Lin Yi no more.

This man is sick.

The teacher was lecturing on the podium, and Lin Yi listened carefully, but found that he could not understand at all, and the more he listened, the more sleepy he became.

There is Mu Ran who feels the same way as him.

She simply lay down on the table and rested with her eyes closed.

Anyway, Shanshan will be there during the exam, so there is no need to be afraid of failing the exam.

Mu Ran didn't know how long he had been asleep, and when he opened his eyes in a daze, he saw a pale face very close to him.

She widened her eyes.

This is the face of a dead girlfriend, with blood and tears in her eyes...


Mu Ran screamed and jumped up from his seat.

However, if you look carefully, there is nothing next to it.

The face just now seems to be an illusion...

On the podium, the teacher stopped teaching, looked at Mu Ran, and asked, "Student, what's the matter with you?"

"No... no."

Mu Ran sat down, acting as if he hadn't woken up just now.

After class, Mu Ran and Shanshan went shopping again, and Lin Yi followed behind.

Some people have seen this, but they are not surprised. There are many boys following behind the school belle, but it is useless, it is impossible to catch up with the school belle.

That night, Lin Yi continued to look for a tutoring job, intending to make money.

In the middle of the night, Shanshan dug out of the dormitory with ease. She carried a cloth bag and came to the bushes. A group of stray cats ran out and meowed affectionately at her.


Shanshan froze for a moment, "Someone prepared a bed for you? Who is it?"


Listening to Xiaoli's description, Shanshan felt that he looked like Lin Yi...

Shanshan has other things to do tonight. After feeding the stray cats, she put away the cloth bag and instead of going back to the dormitory, she quickly walked to the teaching building.

When she passed the hill where she met Lin Yi, she blinked and walked in.

This path was indeed much closer, and she arrived at the teaching building not long after.

Shanshan looked at the female ghost floating in the classroom, and asked in a low voice, "Can you stop pestering Xiaoran?"


"Is there no room for negotiation?"


Shanshan still had that timid look, she raised her head, with a lack of confidence, "Then...then I'll beat you~"

The female ghost sneered disdainfully.

A few minutes later, the female ghost lay on the ground with a dazed expression.

She was in pain.


From the side, the weak voice came again, "Now, can you stop pestering Xiaoran?"

The female ghost nodded repeatedly.

"What's your name?"


"Wow, my name is Lin Shan, we are so destined!"

Lan Shan would rather not have this fate...

"Why do you pester Xiaoran?"

"I... We were best best friends. We once said we would be together forever, but she broke her promise. In a car accident, I died, but she was still alive."

Lan Shan looked at Lin Shan, "She should come to accompany me..."

"It's not right for you to do this."

"I know."

"In short, you promised me that you will not pester Xiaoran any more in the future."


Lin Shan turned to leave, Lan Shan's eyes flickered.

She didn't believe that Lin Shan would always be with Mu Ran, as Mu Ran would always be alone.

She has to be patient...

Lin Shan walked to the dormitory. On the way, she thought about it, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to the person whose note was the second brother: "Second brother, can you help me investigate someone?"

"Sister, you also know that my parents won't let me do this kind of thing. If they find out, they will definitely pick my skin off."

Lin Shan transferred 200 yuan.

The second brother withdrew a message.

"Okay sister, who do you want to investigate?"

"Lin Yi..."

 Thank you for the 5000 rewarded by wow ka ka a falling stars, and the 1666 rewarded by Anyi l~
(End of this chapter)

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