Chapter 377 Silly Cute
Lin Yi sat on the grass and looked at the blue sky and white clouds.

Qian Lin suddenly jumped up.

Lin Yi asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I feel like I suddenly want to go to heaven."

"Then you go!"

Qian Lin held it in for a long time before saying, "I can't fly yet."

Lin Yi consoled him: "It's okay, it will happen sooner or later."

Qian Lin nodded vigorously.

Qian Lin's special feeling was because the huge machine underground had just weakened the magnetic field.

Only Yan Yi and a few other people knew about this matter.

But people with super powers can feel it.

After Lin Yi finished watching the blue sky and white clouds, he began to lie on the ground and watch the ants again.

Qian Lin asked: "Do we trample ants to death when we walk?"


"Then I can fly in the future, and I will fly away every day so that I don't trample them to death."


Zhang Si looked a little shocked. There are still people in the world who are worried about trampling on ants?
Isn't this kind of person only in novels?

Who would worry about the life and death of ants?

To be honest, when he was a child, he used urine to fertilize ant nests...

Zhang Si suddenly felt that these crazy people were a little silly and cute.

Repeated day after day, time always passes very fast. The new month has arrived, and at midnight, the system's voice sounds on time, "Traveling through the world: [The Flash]..."

Zhang Si was patrolling outside the door. At midnight, he happened to take a look into Lin Yi's room through the window on the door.

He blinked, feeling a little dazzled...


"When Barry Allen was a child, his mother was killed and his father was convicted of the murder. Overnight, he lost both of his parents."

"One day, Barry Allen gained the Speed ​​Force and became the Flash. He discovered that as long as he ran faster than the speed of light, he could travel through time."

"So, he wanted to travel to the past, change history, and save his mother."

"But he doesn't know that when he travels through time, he just opens up parallel universes. Each timeline is a new universe."

"As he traveled through time again and again, parallel universes opened up, followed by chaos."

"This mission: to save a little girl named Kara and protect her until she has enough power to protect herself and can come and go freely even in a chaotic parallel universe."


When Lin opened his eyes, he saw a busy street in front of him.

The pedestrians on the road looked hurried, as if they were all in a hurry.

"What are they in a hurry for?"

The system replied, "Maybe he is in a hurry to get to work."


At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly saw a red figure running past him. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it. The Flash, who was running at high speed, was stopped by Lin Yi.

Without the protection of the Speed ​​Force, his arm would have been broken.

Barry Allen's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He looked at Lin Yi, then at his arm that was being grabbed, and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Lin Yi."

"Oh, my name is Barry... No, I want to ask, did you catch me just now on purpose or accidentally?"

"Sorry, I saw you running past me, so I subconsciously grabbed you."

"Can you see me?"

Lin Yi was shocked, "Can you become invisible?"

"No...I mean, I'm so fast, how can you see me clearly?"


Barry nodded seriously, "Quick!"


Suddenly, Barry remembered something, "Oh no, I'm going to save people!"

He quickly accelerated and disappeared in an instant.

Ordinary people's naked eyes can't even capture his existence.Lin Yi chased after him out of curiosity. As Barry was running, he noticed that there was someone else beside him.


Barry stumbled and almost fell.

"How come you can run so fast? Have you gained the Speed ​​Force too?"

"What is the Speed ​​Force?"

"I'm going to save people first, and I'll talk to you later."

"it is good."

Barry came to a building and an explosion suddenly sounded. Then, the fire began to spread and the building began to collapse.

Lin Yi sighed: "Why is there a bomb in the building?"

"It's a terrorist."

"It's so dangerous here."


Barry didn't have time to answer Lin Yi. He rushed forward. Because the speed was so fast, the world was almost static in his eyes. He stepped on the falling building fragments in the air and saved the people who fell from upstairs.

But soon, his speed slowed down.

Because he didn't have time to have breakfast.

Running fast meant rapid consumption. As the energy in his body was consumed, he felt exhausted all over, and his running speed naturally slowed down.

Fortunately, he saw a falling oven in the air. His eyes lit up. He gave up saving people for the time being and ran towards the oven, targeting the food inside.

However, as his speed dropped, the world sped up in his eyes, and he could no longer rely on his speed to keep track of the falling gravel.

The oven seemed out of reach.

Suddenly, a hand reached out, took the food out of the oven, and handed it to Barry.


After Barry finished speaking, he suddenly reacted. He looked at Lin Yi floating in the air, " you you..."

"Eat quickly, I'm already stuttering from hunger."

Barry: "..."

He swallowed the food wholeheartedly, and then saw Lin Yi flying quickly in the air, saving everyone and placing them in the square in the distance.

After ensuring that there was no one else in the building, Barry hurriedly ran into the distance. After releasing the Speed ​​Force, the surrounding flow speed became normal in his eyes. The building in the distance collapsed with a deafening sound.

Barry took a long breath and turned to look at Lin Yi, "Thank you."

"Should be."

After Lin Yi finished replying, his eyes became a little hollow.

His speed just exceeded the speed of light, but he did not travel through time.

The system is also aware of this problem, "Could the host be related to the Speed ​​Force? Your daughter is not in this universe. If you want to find your daughter, you must let Barry open the parallel universe."

Lin Yi was thoughtful, turned to look at Barry, and then a steamed bun suddenly appeared in his hand and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Barry nodded.

He just wasn't full.

Lin Yi's face was full of "love", "Then you eat more."

Barry took the steamed bun and started eating.

Lin Yi asked, "Are you full?"

Barry rolled his eyes, "Choke... choked."

Another bottle of water appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

After three buns, Barry said: "I'm full."

"very good."

Lin Yi asked, "Do you want to try running faster than the speed of light?"


"Do you know about time travel?"

"I can turn back time..."

Barry's voice paused, and after a moment, his expression became excited, "If I can really travel through time, wouldn't I be able to save my mother?"

He moved his hands and feet, then took a deep breath, "I'll try."

The next moment, his whole body flashed with electric light and he rushed out...

(End of this chapter)

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