Chapter 378
Barry felt that he had come to a very special world, where everything around him was moving rapidly, and these moving scenes were all things he had experienced before.

This is what happened in the past...

Barry's expression was mixed with shock and excitement, "Yes, it really can!"

Suddenly, there was someone beside him.


Barry looked at Lin Yi and asked, "Are you okay?"

"You run your own business and don't worry about me."


The time around him continued to flow backwards, and Barry finally saw the time when his mother was still alive.

Barry was about to rush out, but suddenly paused.

"Wait a minute... If I just run out like this, a small impact in the past may be infinitely amplified in the future. This is the so-called butterfly effect."

"So, I had to save my mother with as little impact as possible."

"If my mother had not forgotten to buy ketchup, my father would not have driven out to buy it. Then my father would be at home, my mother would not be killed, and my father would not be wrongly accused of being a murderer."

Barry's thoughts gradually became clearer, and he turned his eyes to look at his mother shopping in the supermarket that day, and then he rushed out.

Everything in the supermarket seemed to be still in his eyes. He picked up a bottle of ketchup from the shelf and put it into his mother's shopping cart. He took a deep look at his mother's face. This face had been with him for too long. Never seen...

Then, Barry moved his feet, left the supermarket, and continued running at super-light speed. He came to that "special" world again. This time, he was running towards the future.

He just moved a bottle of ketchup, so the impact shouldn't be too big...

The images around him flashed rapidly, and he saw that his mother was not dead, and he was loving and loving with his father, and he lived happily because of this.

Barry was about to go back to the point in time when he traveled through time. He accidentally looked back and said "fuck"!
Lin Yi was still running beside him, but what was different from before was that there was a baby in Lin Yi's hand, and it looked like a baby girl.

"You...where did you come from?"

"When you went to the supermarket to get ketchup, I picked it up from an alien."

Barry: "?"

what are you saying?
Why can't I understand?
The system is very happy. Now that Kara has been rescued, half of the task is completed. The next half can be completed by the host itself, and there is no need to rely on Barry.

Barry hurriedly said, "I will travel back in time now, and you put this baby back. We must try not to change the past as much as possible, otherwise the future will also change drastically."

Lin glanced at her mouth and said, "I won't give it back. This is my daughter. Those aliens are not good people."

Barry: "..."

He had a headache, and just as he was thinking about how to persuade Lin Yi, a blue figure suddenly jumped out and punched him in the face, knocking him out of this "special world."

Barry fell to the street. He looked back, but could not see the specific appearance of the blue figure.

"Who is he……"

Barry looked confused and touched his red and swollen cheek.

"Why did he hit me?"

The speed force was flowing through Barry's body, and the redness and swelling on his face quickly disappeared.

He got up from the ground and looked at Lin Yi, "Why are you here too?"

"I saw you coming out, so I followed you."

"That man just now, did you see what he looked like?"

Lin nodded.

"What does he look like?"

"Just like you."

Barry was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "This joke is not funny at all. Although I didn't see it clearly, I also know that he definitely looks different from me."

As he spoke, he looked around and suddenly froze. outside his home.

Through the window, he could see his mother working in the kitchen.


Barry's eyes filled with tears, and he subconsciously wanted to walk over, but he looked down at the "Flash Exclusive Combat Suit" he was wearing, looked around, accelerated, and stole a piece of clothing to change into.

Then, he walked into the room.

Entered...his own home. "Mother……"

"Oh, honey, you're back, um, did you get a haircut?"

Before Barry could answer, his father came over and said, "Well, my son is getting older."

The mother immediately looked at the father angrily, "What do you mean my son is getting old?"

The father immediately gave up, "Well, I mean, my son is mature."

"That's pretty much it. My son is the most handsome."

With a happy smile on his face, Barry hugged his mother, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"I loved you earlier."

During the meal, Barry started to devour the food. He was excited and nervous and said some nonsensical words. He was immersed in happiness when he suddenly saw through the window, in the distance, a younger "me" who was jumping around. He walked towards home like a fool.

Barry was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Then, he ran away quickly. After getting out of the sight of his parents, he disappeared instantly. He casually pulled a pair of underwear and put it on his head, then grabbed his young self and walked to a corner.

"Say, how old are you this year?"

Although the young Barry was not afraid, he still resisted with all his strength when faced with the "ferocious robber", and he just pulled off the underwear on the "robber's" head.

Then, he saw a face exactly like his own.


"Did you steal my face?"

"No, the robbers don't have this ability. The mushrooms I ate for lunch must be poisonous. I'm going to file a complaint against the school..."

Barry looked at his stupid self and recalled it. He felt that he was not so stupid when he was young. He asked helplessly again, "How old are you this year?"


Barry recalled.


This year, he has just entered freshman year.

It was also this year that he gained the Speed ​​Force and became the Flash.

He was still reminiscing, and when he glanced at it, he suddenly saw a figure knocking on his door.

Barry's eyes widened, "Lin Yi!"

Just as he was about to run over, he saw that his mother had opened the door. He hurriedly grabbed his younger self and hid aside, watching helplessly as Lin Yi walked into his home.

Lin Yi asked: "Do you have anything to eat? My daughter seems to be hungry."

Barry's mother glanced at the baby in Lin Yi's arms, her heart beating with maternal love, and immediately took the baby from Lin Yi's arms with a loving face, "Where is her mother?"

"I do not know either."

He hasn't found his wife yet.

"This child is so pitiful..."

She turned around and shouted to Barry's father: "Go to the supermarket and buy some milk powder."

"it is good."

Barry's father drove to the supermarket, while his mother asked Lin to sit down, holding the baby and coaxing him.

Barry used the Speed ​​Force to take his younger self back to the bedroom. He explained the situation to his younger self and said, "You must forget what you saw me today. We can't let the present affect the future."

The young Barry was completely immersed in excitement, "Wow, we are the same person, but from different points in time, so cool."

Barry: "..."

It seems that when I was young, I was not very reliable, so I had to take special measures.

He lowered his head and looked at his fist.

How hard should I use to make my younger self lose my memory...

(End of this chapter)

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