Chapter 409 Game Advertising
"Lin Yi, can I call you that?"

Dicko's tone was very respectful.

"of course."

"Ahem, okay, Lin Yi, you may really be an alien, but what does this have to do with our continued cooperation? It has no impact."

"Because I'm leaving this planet soon."

Dico was very regretful and continued to fight: "Can't you settle here? If the two of us cooperate, we will enjoy endless glory and wealth."

Lin shook his head.

He wants to find a way to help his daughter recover and find a wife. He will definitely not stay here.

Lin Yi turned around and left, finding Sonny.

Cornwall recovers from her injuries in a tank filled with clear liquid, and it is Sonny who is conscious at the moment.

In fact, it is not accurate to say this.

Cornwall is the body, and Sonny is just a body that receives brain waves.

The relationship between the two of them is the opposite of that of others. In order to survive, Sunny used neural connection technology in reverse.

Sonny asked: "You asked me to grant you a request, what is it?"

"Teach me your reverse neural connection technology. Well, give me a set of equipment as well."

Sonny was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

Back at the hotel, Lin Yi handed the blood stone to Yunzhu.

After the Cloud Spider swallowed it, the skin all over its body turned blood red. After a while, the redness subsided, and the Cloud Spider's skin was no longer bumpy and became smooth and flat.

At this moment, Cloud Spider's figure was still twisted and weird, but it was no longer as terrifying as before.

Lin Yi and Yunzhu left this planet and continued to search for the next life planet.

This time, they flew for a long time and finally came to the earth.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and then began to count the time.

Well, it seems that he flew here from outside the Aquila rift in only a dozen years.

The system gave an affirmative answer, "Not counting the time spent on the two living planets, the total is 15 years."

"That is not bad."


"Tom and the others only lived for ten years. Facts have proved that they really couldn't persist in returning to Earth."

Lin Yi took Yun Zhidao and started to land.

"Lin Yi."


“Can you promise you’ll slow down this time?”

"Of course, don't worry, I already have enough experience."


Lin Yi did slow down very well this time. Although his posture was crooked when he landed, fortunately he didn't make a big hole in the ground again.

Yunzhu praised, "That's great, keep it up."

Lin Yi shyly said, "Okay."

At this moment, it was snowing heavily where Lin Yi was, and the sky and the earth were completely white.

Lin Yi unfolded his consciousness and led Yunzhidao to a small alley.

There is thick snow here, and in the corner, there is a special bump, as if something is buried under the snow.

Lin Yi blew gently to disperse the snowflakes.

Under the snowflakes, there was a small figure. She curled up into a ball, trying to preserve as much heat as possible, but to no avail.

She is dead.

Even if she still has a breath left, Lin Yi can bring her back, but she has been dead for a while.

Lin Yi gently picked her up and took Yunzhu to an unfinished building.

The doors and windows on the first floor were covered with old cardboard, and there were a few beggars living there.

Lin Yi went up to the top floor and took out a chip. This was the anti-spiritual connection device that Sonny gave him.

The chip slowly became illusory, and then flew into the little girl's head.

The system was stunned for a moment, "[Between reality and reality]?"

The host hasn't used it for a long time, and it has forgotten that the host still has this ability.

Lin Yi took out another ring and put it on one of Yun Zhidao's wrists.

The next moment, Yunzhu slowly closed her eyes, and the little girl lying on the ground slowly stood up.

She moved her limbs, the blood in her body began to flow, and her stiff limbs slowly became soft.

Yunzhu lowered her head and looked at her "second body", and the novel experience made her jump up and down.

After a moment, she calmed down and felt the cold.

This little girl only wore tattered single clothes.

Lin Yi conjured up a down jacket and put it on for her.

Cloud Spider huddled in the corner and slowly closed her eyes. Then, her body opened her eyes.

She said: "Lin Yi, I plan to use this little human girl's body for activities during this period of time."

"it is good."

Thin spider silk spread in the room and soon covered the entire room. No one on earth could break through this layer of spider silk, not even thermal weapons.

Yunzhu closed her eyes again, and the little girl in the corner opened her eyes. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she opened her arms, "Dad, hug~"

It makes sense to call him this name using this body.
"it is good."

Lin Yi stepped forward, picked up the little girl, and their bodies became illusive, and they walked out of the room wrapped in spider silk.

"Dad, what should we do next?"

"make money."


Lin Yi asked: "Do you want to eat meat?"

Yunzhu nodded repeatedly.

"It costs money to eat meat."

"Dad, can't you do it?"

"I haven't learned yet."

"Okay, then let's work hard to make money!"

Lin Yi took Yun Zhu into a nearby restaurant and asked, "Do you recruit child labor?"


The restaurant owner hurriedly started chasing people away, "Go, go, don't slander me. I abide by the law and never hire child labor."

"Then what do you think of me?"


"I'm not a child laborer, just recruit me!"

The boss breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's no problem for you. In this case, you can come tomorrow. Wait, why should I recruit you? I have no shortage of people here at all."

"That's a real pity."


Lin Yi asked several companies one after another, and they all said they had no recruitment plans in the near future.

Lin Yi thought that maybe these hotels were too small and didn't need employees that much, so they weren't hiring, so he decided to find a big hotel.

Lin raised his head and looked at the huge sign: Crescent Hotel.

He nodded with satisfaction and walked in.

The beautiful waiter said with a smile, "Hello, welcome, are you two?"


"Okay, I'll take you to your seat."

Lin Yi explained: "The two of us are not here to eat, but to find work."

The waiter was stunned for a moment and said, "Wait a moment."

After saying that, she left quickly, and not long after, a middle-aged man came over and said, "Sir, this is our manager. We do have recruitment needs recently. You can interview with the manager. If you pass the interview, you can go to work. ." Lin Yi was very happy, "Okay."

Yunzhu was also very happy, "I also want to interview."

Only then did the manager notice the little girl in Lin Yi's arms. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the little girl's appearance.

But he didn't say much. He just brought Lin Yi and Yunzhu to a quiet room with a smile on his face and said, "Wait a moment, I'll go get ready."

After saying that, the manager turned around and left, closing the door behind his back.

In the room, the table was filled with snacks and fruits. Yunzhu had never eaten snacks. She asked curiously: "What is that? Can it be eaten?"

"it should be OK."

Lin Yi had heard that some large companies would prepare refreshments for interviewers, and it seemed like this was it.

Yunzhu curiously picked up a bag of snacks and stuffed the bag into his mouth.

"It doesn't taste like anything," she said.

"The packaging bag is inedible."

"What is a packaging bag?"

Before Lin Yi could say anything, the door was suddenly pushed open, and the manager walked in with a man and a woman. When the man and woman saw Yunzhu, their eyes immediately became wet. When they saw Yunzhu actually eating the packaging bag, , the tears in his eyes could no longer be controlled and flowed down.

Their children have suffered so much over the years that they are not even willing to spit out the packaging bags.

At first, the child was lost before he was one year old and has never been found since.

They had no doubt that this was not their child. Although the DNA test had not yet been done, the face was [-]% similar to the woman's.

If they hadn't happened to be here on a business trip, if their daughter hadn't come looking for a job at a young age, they might have missed their daughter again.


The two of them stepped forward tremblingly, wanting to hug Cloud Spider, but were afraid of scaring her.

Cloud Spider looked at them doubtfully.

"Child, we are your parents."

Cloud Spider: "?"

But she quickly figured out that this was the little girl they were talking about.

This body she's using.

Unfortunately, the little girl is dead.

Cloud Spider was curious about what was going on, so she slowly closed her eyes.

Three transparent spider threads were silently connected to the heads of the three people.

The man and woman, as well as the hotel manager, all fell into a daze.

Cloud Spider reads their memories.

She used the body of a little girl. Little girls naturally do not have this ability, but compared to people on earth, her body belongs to a high-dimensional life. It only takes a moment for the spider thread to spread from the unfinished building to here.

It didn't take long for Yunzhu to know everything.

This man and woman are husband and wife, and they are the very rich ones.

The man's name is Yunhai and the woman's name is Hu Shan.

Back then, they had a child, but when they went downstairs to take the child for a walk, someone robbed the child.

Normally, the two of them would have bodyguards around them. After all, with their wealth there, it would be impossible not to pay attention.

However, they did not expect to encounter such a thing in the community.

The child is gone.

This kind of thing must have been done by an acquaintance, and as expected, it was Yunhai's younger brother who did it, but even if the truth was found out, the child would never be recovered.

They had been searching for the child for years, but to no avail.

And this hotel is one of Yunhai's properties. Because Yunhai and his wife have never given up looking for their children these years, the hotel manager also knows about it. The moment he saw Yunzhu's face, he was sure that this must be the boss. children.

After all, they are too similar.
So, the scene just happened.

Yunzhu opened his eyes, and the three Yunhai people also came to their senses. They had no idea what Yunzhu had done. They just looked at Yunzhu with tears in their eyes, "Child, do you have a name?"

"Cloud Spider."

Yun Hai was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed, "Okay, this is a good name."

Unexpectedly, her surname is Yun.

Although it is no longer the name he had back then, he is already very satisfied with it and has no intention of letting Yunzhu change his name again.

Hu Shan finally couldn't help it and hugged Yunzhu.

Cloud Spider feels weird.

A strange feeling spread from her heart, and she knew that this did not belong to her, but to the original body.

Yun Hai looked at Lin Yi and said, "You are."

Lin Yi replied, "I am her father."

Yunhai: "?"

Yun Hai brought Lin Yi and Yun Zi upstairs, and took a hair of Yun Zi to test the DNA.

She was indeed their daughter.

He asked people to check everything about Yun Zhidao over the years. When they saw the results, Hu Shan couldn't control it. She lay in Yun Hai's arms and cried heartbreakingly.

Cloud Spider was adopted by an old man, but the old man passed away within two years. After that, Cloud Spider has been wandering until not long ago, when he was picked up by Lin Yi in the heavy snow.

Yunhai closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "She should call Lin Yi daddy."

If it weren't for Lin Yi, their daughter might have froze to death in the heavy snow.

Inside the villa.

Cloud spiders eat novel foods that are not available on the first two planets.

Not long after, Yunhai and his wife walked in, "Yunzhu, come home with us!"


Yunhai and his wife looked sad, "Mom and dad know that we are sorry for you. I hope you can give mom and dad a chance to make up for it."

Yunzhu said seriously: "I'm here to find a job. I won't go back with you."

Yunhai was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"it is good."

Cloud Spider got a job in a hotel and was the hotel owner.

What Yunhai and his wife want is very simple, that is, to meet all their daughter's requirements.

Moreover, it just so happens that my daughter can start from this hotel and take over the entire industry bit by bit in the future.

However, our daughter’s education cannot be left behind.

They knew that their daughter was now very dependent on Lin Yi, so they approached Lin Yi to discuss the matter.

Lin Yi nodded in agreement, "Children should indeed go to school."

So Yunzhu worked and studied at the same time.

Because of the different dimensions of life, these things are very simple for her. Even if she does two things at the same time, she can do it with ease.

Yunhai and his wife were also very happy to see their daughter being so talented.

They are not in a hurry for their daughter to accept them. As long as they sincerely treat their daughter well, they believe that one day, their daughter will accept them.

Time passes day by day, and the little girl's body grows.

Cloud Spider knew she had wasted too much time on Earth, but she didn't want to leave just yet.

She looked at Lin Yi and said, "Dad, can we stay here for a little longer?"


Yunzhu stayed here for decades, until the death of Yunhai and his wife.

She never called them parents, but they were satisfied and left with smiles on their faces.

Because they knew that Yunzhu had already accepted them in his heart.

But, in fact, Cloud Spider just wanted them to go away peacefully.

Back then, outside the Aquila rift, she endured loneliness, but built a beautiful dream for Tom and the others. Now, how could she bear to watch Yunhai and his wife feel guilty for the rest of their lives.

After the funeral for Yunhai and his wife, Yun Zhu donated all the property in his name, and then said to Lin Yiyi: "Dad, let's go!"

Lin Yi didn't move. He looked at the advertisement on the big screen on the street.

"Spanning a hundred years, after the [God's Domain] game, another 100% real game is launched."

(End of this chapter)

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