Chapter 410

Yunzhu looked at Lin Yi curiously, "Dad, what are you looking at?"

Lin Yi pointed at the game advertisement.

Yunzhu looked at it for a while and asked, "Dad, do you want to play a game?"

Lin Yi shook his head and nodded again.

Yunzhu was confused, what do you mean?
To play or not to play?

The system is also confused. Why is the host suddenly interested in a game advertisement?

You know, even if the host likes this game, Cloud Spider's priority is definitely higher than the game.

Therefore, the host will definitely find a way to recover the cloud spider first.

Of course, Cloud Spider's priority can only be ranked second, and the first one must be the host's wife.
and many more!

The system reacted.

【Holy area】?
The name is familiar.

The system remembered that the host had a daughter-in-law in the [God's Domain] game, she seemed to be named Ina.

No wonder.
Lin Yi pointed at the game advertisement and said to Yunzhu: "I want to play games, but I want to find a wife."



"Why is she in the game?"

Lin Yi proudly replied: "Because my wife is very powerful."

Cloud Spider was thoughtful.

What dad means is that mom is also a high-dimensional being, so she can invade the online world with her consciousness.

Yunzhu nodded, "Mom is indeed very powerful."

Lin Yi took Yunzhu to buy two game bracelets. Fortunately, although Yunzhu donated his property, he still had some money left on him. It wasn't much, but it was enough to buy the game bracelets.

They returned to the unfinished building, and Yunzhu closed his eyes. After a while, the main body woke up from his deep sleep.

Yun Zhidao looked at the human body in the corner and said to Lin Yi: "Dad, Lin Yi, you enter the game first, and I will bury her next to Yun Hai and his wife."

"it is good."

Lin Yi put on the bracelet, bound the DNA, and then closed his eyes.
The game is called [Divine Inspiration], and what is different from [Divine Domain] is that you need to create a character before entering the game.

Lin Yi did not choose to pinch his face and kept his original appearance so that his wife would not be unable to recognize him.

When choosing a nickname for the game character, Lin Yi did not hesitate and named it directly: [I want to eat fish now].

"Sorry, the nickname has been taken."

Lin Yi scratched his head and had to change: [I want to eat fish].

"Sorry, the nickname has been taken."

[I don’t want to eat fish].

"Sorry, the nickname has been taken."

Lin Yi struggled to pick a name for a long time, and finally realized that he didn't need to choose the same or similar name as last time, so he just named it: [Lin Yi].

"Sorry, the nickname has been taken."

Lin Yi: "?"

His face was full of confusion, why was this name also given?
In the end, Lin Yi’s game nickname was: [Lin Yi is really hard to name].

Before entering the game, there is one last step left, which is to adjust the pain. The pain is divided into levels from 0 to 10. Level 10 means that the pain is exactly the same as in reality.

In other words, once the pain level is set to 10, and you are slapped in the game, it will be as painful as being slapped in reality.

The disadvantage is that it will be difficult to play the game. After all, you need to fight monsters and upgrade in the game, so if you are attacked even slightly, you will die from pain.

The advantage is that you can feel everything in the 100% real game more realistically, and you can even feel the breeze blowing on your face.

It depends on how you choose
Of course, Lin Yi had to choose level 10 pain, so that he could feel it more clearly when holding his wife.

After setting up, Lin Yi finally entered the game.

Then he was stunned.

The entire Novice Village is crowded with players. Above the heads of these players are their nicknames, all of which are [I want to eat fish now], [I want to eat fish today], [You don’t want to eat fish], etc.

Names similar to [eat fish] account for more than 80.00% of the entire Novice Village.

Lin Yi pulled a player and asked, "Why do you all have such names?"

"Don't you know? 100 years ago, in the game [God's Domain], a player named [I Want to Eat Fish Now] picked up an NPC."

Lin Yi smiled shyly, "I know."

"So, everyone chose this name because everyone wants to have the same luck as that player."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yi heard someone shouting, "Is there any beautiful NPC in this novice village? I'm ready to be struck by lightning!"

[Divine Inspiration] game inherits the punishment mechanism of [Divine Domain]. If you attack an NPC or touch the opponent's sensitive parts without a woman's permission, you will be struck by lightning.

Among the densely packed players, there was a chubby player with a proud smile on his face.

He looked at a group of players with the name "Eat Fish" on their heads with disdain. Such names had no distinctive features at all, and it would be difficult to find people when the time came because the names were too similar.

He was different. Although he also wanted to pick up beautiful NPCs, he didn't give her a name like "Eat Fish".

Grandpa knew [I Want to Eat Fish Now] from the [God’s Domain] game back then, and knew that person’s real name was Lin Yi, so he directly named the game character: [Lin Yi].

The chubby player sighed in his heart, "I am so smart!"

Lin Yi is looking for his wife.

He felt a sense of crisis in his heart, as there were many people who wanted to pursue his wife.

It didn't take long for him to search all over Novice Village, but he didn't see his wife. He heard that there were many Novice Villages, so Lin Yi planned to go to other Novice Villages to find a wife.

On the way, Lin Yi encountered a wild monster with four stars on its head. It was an elite monster.

Lin Yi didn't pay attention and patted it casually.

hand pain.

Lin Yi blinked, and before he could figure out what was going on, he was slapped by an elite monster and sent back to the resurrection point.

Lin Yi fell into deep thought.
His strength seems to be gone.

The system reminded: "Host, this is in the game. You are just a level 1 trumpet. It is normal to have no strength."

Moreover, it always feels like this is a simple game, which is different from the original [God's Domain].

The game [God's Domain] was transformed from a digitalized planet, so everything in it is real, but the game [God's Revelation], no matter how it feels, is just a product of technology.

However, it has no plans to tell the host yet, as it is afraid that its feelings are wrong and will delay the host's search for a wife, and the host will be angry at that time.

Of course, there is another important reason.

That is, even if it says it, the host doesn’t believe it!

Lin Yi got up and continued to look for his wife.

Not long after, he was sent back to the resurrection point by a wild monster.

Lin Yi was a little distressed, "It's too slow to find a wife like this."

At this moment, a little girl walked up to Lin Yi and tentatively called, "Dad?"

Lin Yi blinked, "Yunzhidao?"

"it's me."

Lin Yi was very happy. He jumped up, picked up Yunzhu, and said, "Dad is in trouble now, can you help me?"


Yunzhu was very curious as to what could stump his father.

Lin Yi carried Cloud Spider and walked to the Novice Village next door. As expected, he encountered another elite monster in the wild.

Lin Yi calmly put down the cloud spider, then hid behind her and shouted: "Beat it!"

Cloud Spider: "."

She glanced at Lin Yi helplessly, then stretched out her finger and tapped it lightly in the air.

In an instant, Lin Yi's level rose to level 99.

This is currently the highest level in the game, and he has not yet been teleported to the main city.

Normally, when you reach level 10, you will be automatically transported to the main city to participate in the job transfer trial.

Lin Yixiong slapped the elite monster to death for a second, and then asked curiously: "How did you do that?"

Yunzhu explained: "Tampering with game data is a very simple matter."

"I do not know."

"It doesn't matter, Dad, everyone is good at something different." "It makes sense."

After Lin Yi explained that he was going to find his wife, he didn't even have to walk. Yunzhu took him to teleport directly. He could reach wherever he wanted to go on the entire map instantly.

I just haven't found a wife yet.

"Dad, there's no need to worry."

"it is good."

Yunzhu glanced at Lin Yi's novice civilian clothes and asked, "Dad, do you need to change into a better-looking set of equipment?"


The next second, Lin Yi's cloth turned into shining golden armor.

Lin Yi looked down and asked, "Does it look good like this?"

Yunzhu nodded repeatedly.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "As long as it looks good."

They were about to leave when several figures suddenly appeared and surrounded them.

Yunzhu asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Take off your equipment."

Lin Yi shook his head, "This is what I want to wear to meet my wife."

Behind the crowd, a man named [I am Big Brother] sneered, "I advise you to hand it over voluntarily. You have to know that after a player is killed, there is a chance that the player will drop the equipment. The worst is, if you keep handing it over You kill until all the equipment drops."

Lin Yi said seriously: "My level is higher than yours, you can't beat me."

[I am a Big Brother] looked disdainful, "What's the use of having a high level? Do you know how many people I have? More than 1000 people."

This is just the early stage of the game. No matter how high the level is, how high can it be?
A bunch of people could kill him.

He has nothing else but money.

As long as you have money, you won't have to worry about no one joining you after you create a guild.

But in the early stage of the game, good equipment could not be bought with money, and he had no intention of spending money to buy it.

[I am the eldest brother] became a little impatient and waved his hand, "Come on."

A group of people immediately rushed towards Lin Yi and Yunzhu, and the next second, they all returned to the resurrection point.

[I am a big brother] opened his eyes wide, what did he just see?
Lin Yi slashed with his sword, and the words 9999+ appeared above everyone's heads.

What the hell is this hurting?

"What level are you at?"

Lin Yi answered honestly, "Level 99."

"Are you the game GM?"


Lin Yi didn't understand. He held the knife and walked towards [I am a big brother].

[I am a big brother] panicked, "Wait, can you let me go?"

Lin Yi consoled him: "Don't be afraid. If you die in the game, you won't really die."

"No, I adjusted the pain level of the game to level 10. I'm afraid of pain."

"Why do you have to adjust it to level 10 if you're afraid of pain?"

"That's right, my girlfriends will also enter the game. We want to experience different feelings in the game, do you understand?"

The most important thing is that as the guild leader, he doesn't have to fight monsters by himself.

When Lin heard about the "girlfriends", he was silent for a moment and said, "Don't worry, I'll do it very neatly, you won't have time to feel the pain."

"and many more."

[I am a big brother] Before he could say more, Lin Yi sent him back to the resurrection point.

In the resurrection point, [I Am Big Brother] sat up suddenly. He touched his neck and felt lingering fear.

"Liar, who said it doesn't hurt?"

He subconsciously wanted to summon the people from the guild to take revenge, but thinking about the 9999+ damage caused by Lin Yi's sword, he gave up.

He quit the game and complained to the game company for letting the GM use administrator rights to destroy the balance of the game.

In this regard, the game company expressed its injustice.
How could they do such a thing of digging their own graves?

However, they still investigated and found that the data had been tampered with.

"How is this going?"

"Probably a hacker."

"Get rid of it quickly."

“It can’t be solved”

Lin Yi searched all the game maps but couldn't find his wife.

It was at this point that he was kicked out of the game.

In fact, not just him, but all the players were kicked out of the game.

Soon, the official website gave a reply: Due to a vicious bug in the game, the server is temporarily closed, and the specific opening time will be notified later.

At this time, the system finally spoke, "Host, I feel that your wife is not in this game."

Then it explained.

"What about my wife?"

"On that data planet."

So, Lin Yi said: "Give me the map."

The system weakly said: "No."


Since his wife is no longer in the game, Lin Yi does not plan to continue playing the game.

He looked at Cloud Spider, "Let's leave the earth!"

"it is good."

Cloud Spider has no interest in games either. This game is too childish for her.

Lin Yi carried the cloud spider and flew into space.

In the air, he met the launching rocket, slowed down, waved and said hello.

The astronaut's eyes widened and he turned to his companion and asked, "What is that?"



They looked again and saw that Lin Yi was nowhere to be seen.

In the universe, Lin Yi was flying aimlessly.

The system reminded: "Host, you can use your spiritual consciousness."

As a result, Lin Yi's consciousness expanded to its maximum, and planets appeared in his mind.

After a while, Lin Yi found a direction and flew quickly.

In the vast universe, his and Cloud Spider's figures kept flickering, and each time they flickered, they would teleport a certain distance.

The system sighed, "My wife is better."

The host's space power has been used much better.

Lin Yi arrived above a planet.

He cannot see this planet with his naked eyes, but in his spiritual consciousness, this planet really exists.

Lin Yi reached out and poked gently.

On the periphery of the planet, a layer of data flow flashed.

The system sighed: "It seems that the divine planet should have developed consciousness. After it was discovered and used by humans last time, it developed a self-protection mechanism."

Lin Yi carried the cloud spider, his body became virtual, and passed through this layer of data flow without causing any interference to it.

After a while, Lin Yi landed on the planet.

A solid batch.

Yunzhu looked at Lin Yi doubtfully. She didn't even remind her this time. Did Lin Yi learn to slow down?

It's rare.
 Thank you Brother Fa Cai for the reward of 10000~
(End of this chapter)

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