Chapter 52 Lin Yi's Ambition

On the way, Lin Yi took off his T-shirt, twisted it hard, and water droplets fell down.

These are Yun Yao's tears.

Yun Yao stood aside, a little embarrassed, her cheeks were flushed.

Lin Yi asked, "How long will we be there?"

Yun Yao pointed to the bottom of the overpass, "It's just ahead."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he is a fellow!
Yun Yao whispered: "I don't have money to rent a house to live in. I will live here when the weather is sunny, but it won't work when it rains, it will leak."

"Where do you live when it rains?"

"Find an abandoned warehouse or a house that no one lives in."

Lin Yi silently remembered that not only unfinished buildings and under bridge holes can live, but also abandoned warehouses.

Lin Yi and Yun Yao were under the bridge hole under the small quilt, ready to sleep.

After a while, Lin Yi opened his eyes and said, "It's a bit noisy."

Cars were coming and going on the overpass, honking their horns.

Yun Yao whispered: "I used to sleep in an abandoned warehouse, but it was robbed by others."

Lin Yi immediately became interested, "Then let's grab it back!"

"But, Dad, he's strong."

"It doesn't matter, I have never lost in a land grab."

The location of the warehouse is a bit remote, and it was already late at night when Lin Yi and Yun Yao arrived.

As soon as Lin walked into the warehouse, he looked at the homeless man sleeping on the ground and asked, "Is it him?"

Before Yunyao could answer, Lin Yi continued, "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, anyone who competes with me is an enemy."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi picked up the person and threw it out.


A homeless man cursed outside, and he rushed into the warehouse a few seconds later, his eyes fixed on Lin Yi, "You are the one who threw me out?"


"Boy, do you deserve a beating?"

Lin Yi's face was full of excitement, "Please advise!"


He walked towards Lin Yi fiercely, and then fled in a panic.

Lin Yi looked at the back of the homeless man, his face was full of pride.

Yun Yao clapped her little hands, "Father is amazing!"

The system crashed a bit, "Host, you are the fifth floor of the foundation building, a cultivator, do you understand? Then you got into a fight with a homeless man? You almost never fought!"

Lin Yi took the quilt from Yunyao's hand and spread it out, "Go to sleep!"


The two lived a happy wandering life, unaware that the pursuit of death on the other side had come.

There are nine people who escaped the roller coaster with Wendy. Among the nine people, Ashlyn and Ashley were burnt alive when the machine malfunctioned and the temperature kept rising during the ultraviolet treatment.

Combined with an airplane accident seven years ago, Wendy and Calvin also quickly discovered that escaping the roller coaster accident is not really safe, and the pursuit of "Reaper" will follow one after another.

Just like the plane accident seven years ago, several students who left the plane before take-off all died one after another due to various accidents, and none were spared.

Wendy and Calvin began to work hard to save others. As long as they can successfully save others, it proves that the pursuit of "Reaper" is not inescapable.

But... they all failed.

The companions died before their eyes one by one, and all of them died in various unimaginable ways... Small accidents that were so coincidental that they couldn't be more coincidental eventually formed the cause of death.

For example, Ai Xilin and Ai Xili, when they were doing UV care, the boss was in a hurry to answer the phone, and the signal in the house was not good, so he came to the door in a hurry, opened the door without a key, and the door was blown by the wind close up.

As regular customers, Ai Xilin and Ai Xili controlled the machine to start nursing, but the milk tea they put down casually, dripped on the machine, causing the machine to short circuit, and the temperature of the ultraviolet cabin continued to rise.

Wendy called just at this time, the phone was in the clothes, the clothes were on the hanger, the vibration of the phone caused the hanger to tilt, and the fallen hanger happened to hit the wooden board nailed to the wall.

After the plank fell, it got stuck in the middle of the two ultraviolet cabins, trapping Ai Xilin and Ai Xili inside and unable to get out.

They shouted for help, but the boss couldn't go in to rescue them because the door couldn't be opened. In the end, the two were burned to death...

Wendy became more and more frightened. She was tormented by the unavoidable feeling that death would come, and she was about to go crazy. Suddenly, a figure appeared in her mind.


She grabbed Calvin's sleeve and said excitedly, "I've figured out a way, and I've figured out a way to escape the pursuit of death."


"Angel! Angel must be able to restrain Death, we need to find him!"

But they soon fell into despair again because they couldn't find Lin Yi at all.

Even the police can't find out.

Calvin comforted: "It's okay, we can definitely think of a way."

He gently hugged Wendy into his arms, but his eyes were also full of worry.


Lin Yi didn't know that those who survived the roller coaster accident would die one by one according to the order of their seats on the roller coaster. He had a great time playing with Yun Yao every day.

It's just that the problem of eating is a bit difficult to solve...

However, Lin Yi now knows that jobs will pay, so he started looking for a job, but no one hired him... Let alone Lin Yi has no education, just Lin Yi's self-introduction during the interview, let the interviewer Don't dare to use him.

From Castle Peak Mental Hospital Seriously?
The system persuaded: "Host, why don't you say that you are from a mental hospital?"

Lin Yi ignored it.

During this period of time, the system also noticed that the host had returned to a state of indifference to it. At first, it thought that the host's condition had worsened, but then gradually realized that something was wrong.

It was only at this time that it figured out everything. In order to better complete the task, the system said sincerely: "Host, I'm sorry, I shouldn't scold your wife."

Lin Yi showed a gratified expression on his face, "If you know your mistakes, you are a good boy, but I haven't completely forgiven you yet, I have to wait for my wife to forgive you."

The system coaxed: "Okay, I will apologize to your wife next time I see her."

Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing that the host was willing to take care of it, the system repeated, "Host, why don't you say that you are from a mental hospital?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "You can't lie."

"Then you can't live by picking up trash every day, can you?"

Lin Yi thought about it seriously, "The dean said, 360 lines, every line will be the top pick, I have decided, I want to make the trash picker bigger and stronger!"


Lin Yi thought seriously, "First of all, I need employees, so..."

The system thinks you can still recruit employees to pick up trash with you?

Then it heard Lin Yi say: "I want to gather all the homeless people around, and they will be my employees in the future."


By the way, I'm a quick travel system, right?
Are we here for a mission?
Which system host have you seen picking up garbage?
The system sighed faintly, and silently stopped talking...

 Thanks to レム for the reward of 300 (fortunately, I can copy it, otherwise I don’t know how to type this name!);

  Thanks to Shulou Longsu 999 for the 100~
(End of this chapter)

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