Chapter 53 Believe in Science
Lin Yi started his own business of picking up trash.

Holding a small notebook, he asked Yun Yao the precautions for picking up trash.

Any job has skills, such as picking up garbage, where there is more garbage and is more valuable, and when the cleaning will collect the garbage, all of which must be known in advance.

And Yunyao is undoubtedly an expert in this field.

Then Lin Yi started to call homeless people, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to come, Lin Yi is a reasonable person, "All homeless people are my employees, you are not my employees, so you can no longer be a homeless person."


In the end, Lin Yi persuaded people with reasoning, and gathered hundreds of employees under his command, haunting various places in the middle of the night every day, carrying a sack in his hand, and returning home with a full load in the early morning.


Lin Yi squatted on the ground, looked at the stray dog ​​in front of him, and asked, "Will you be my employee?"

"Wang Wang!"

"I don't want to, that's really a pity..."

Lin Yi let out a sigh of regret, grabbed the stray dog, and added a meat dish for lunch.

At this moment, a homeless man ran over, "Boss, I heard a news that there will be a memorial day celebration nearby. When the celebration is over, there will definitely be a lot of garbage that can be sold for money."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he ate the dog meat in two or three bites, and said: "Call everyone, stay at the celebration tonight, once the celebration is over, we will do it immediately."

"Okay, boss!"

Lin Yi looked at Yun Yao and asked, "Are you full?"

Yun Yao nodded repeatedly.

"Then let's go to the celebration together tonight!"


Yun Yao smiled sweetly, took Lin Yi's hand, and followed him out of the warehouse.

The current warehouse is well-decorated, and many of the accessories she picked up from the trash can.

In the past, she didn't dare to put too many things in the warehouse, because it would be easily snatched by other homeless people, but now it's different, her father is the boss of the homeless people, and no homeless person would dare to snatch this warehouse.

The celebration was about to begin, and a group of homeless people, dressed in clean clothes, scattered around the celebration without attracting the attention of others.

Lin Yi and Yun Yao squatted not far from the entrance of the celebration, so that they could know the end time of the celebration at the first time, and then issue orders.

A red car galloped towards it, then braked to a sudden stop.

Wendy got off the car and hurried to the place where the celebration was held. The next one to die was her sister, and she had to save her sister.

Suddenly, Wendy stopped, she took two steps back, turned her head and stared straight at Lin Yi who was squatting in the corner.

Yun Yao looked at Wendy, then at Lin Yi, "Dad, did that sister fall in love with you?"

Lin Yi looked up, and then ignored it.

Wendy finally confirmed Lin Yi's identity, she ran towards Lin Yi excitedly, and asked in a trembling voice, "You...are you the angel that night?"

Lin shook his head.

His wife is an angel, but he is not.

Wendy took out her phone and found the photo saved in the album, "This must be you."

Lin took a look, "This is indeed me, but I'm not an angel."

Wendy looked surprised, "I understand, you can't let humans know your identity."

Wendy's mind, which had been tense for many days, finally relaxed, and she pleaded: "My companion and I are being hunted down by death, can you help us?"

Lin Yi said, "I think you should believe in science."

Wendy: "..."

You, an angel, told me to believe in science?

However, Wendy only dared to complain in her heart, she kept pleading with Lin Yi, and finally Lin Yi agreed, asking, "What can I help you?"

"Help us escape the pursuit of death..."

Wendy asked nervously, "What should I pay?"

Lin Yi smiled, and then said one word: "Money!"


In the night sky, there were two groups of black mist floating. In the black mist, there were two figures, one tall and one short.

However, no one can see these two figures.

Ed said to his daughter: "Risa, you have grown up too, and it's time to officially take over the authority of the God of Death. Before that, Dad will teach you how to do it."

"There are always some people in the world who deviate from their original fate due to various reasons. What we Death God has to do is to correct their fate line."

"Of course, generally speaking, we will create the illusion that they died in accidents, so that it will not have much impact on the fate of others. Remember, our god of death will not easily appear in front of people unless we have to."

Speaking of this, Ed sighed a little, "Many years ago, there was a person who just avoided all accidents time and time again. I had no choice but to show up and claim my life myself."

Ed looked at the celebration below, "It just so happens that the few people who deviated from the fate line are here, so Dad will show you how to do it."

Ed waved the death scythe in his hand, and it seemed to cut off something in the dark. At this moment, something seemed to have changed in the ceremony...


The celebration was crowded with people, and Wendy led Lin Yi and Yun Yao to look for her younger sister. As time went by, her expression became more and more anxious.

The younger sister's cell phone was turned off, and Calvin was also helping to find her, but so far no news has come.

Lin Yi held Yunyao in one hand, and kept holding the food for the celebration in the other hand, and handed it to Yunyao while eating, the mouths of the two were full of oil.

In the sky, fireworks bloomed, and the fireworks officially started.

The sound of fireworks blooming made the horses at the ceremony a little uneasy. At this time, two people threw a firecracker at the horses as a prank.

Wendy finally found her sister at this time, and she shouted in horror: "Julie, be careful!"

The frightened horse was charging at Julie.

Wendy looked at Lin Yi hurriedly, "Please save her!"

Lin Yi thought for a while and froze the frightened horse.

People looked at the horse that suddenly turned into an ice sculpture, their faces full of astonishment, while Wendy quickly ran to her sister and hugged her, still feeling terrified.

Fortunately, she met an angel.

In the night sky, Risa looked at Ed suspiciously, "Dad?"

Ed coughed slightly in embarrassment, but fortunately, his daughter could not see his expression because of the black mist.

He pretended that everything was expected, and said, "This is also part of the plan."


Risa still looked at her father adoringly.

Down below, people were curiously gathered around the horse ice sculpture, but not far away, the gas tank used for barbecue suddenly had a problem and exploded.

The iron skewers used for grilling skewers flew around under the explosion, but only one person was hit, and it hit the vital point just right. No matter how dense the other people stood, they were not touched by the flying iron skewers.

The celebration became chaotic again, Wendy hugged her sister tightly, and shouted at the same time: "Cavin, come here!"

Calvin rushed over and understood Wendy's thoughts the moment he saw Lin Yi.

Lin Yi thought about it seriously, and a layer of khaki shield wrapped several people inside.

Exploding fireworks, falling billboards, flying iron signs...

Despite the frequent occurrence of various accidents outside, the people inside the shield are extremely safe.

Ed: "..."

PS: You may want to say that there is no real God of Death in [The God of Death is Coming], but let’s go through it quickly, and always add your own ideas on the basis of the original plot~
(End of this chapter)

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