China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 186 Casting, Big Melon

Chapter 186 Casting, Big Melon

"Director Li, I suddenly thought of someone who might be suitable for the role of Frank."

Director Xue Xiaolu said suddenly.

"Who?" Li Mu asked after hearing the words.

Xue Xiaolu said with a smile: "Wu Xiubo, this Frank must have a decadent air, but not decadent enough to make people hate it. Wu Xiubo just has this slightly decadent yet charming temperament, I feel He will definitely be able to play the male lead."

Now Li Mu came to audition with Director Xue Xiaolu for the cast of "Beijing Meets Seattle". Frank is the male protagonist in "Seattle".

The two had just auditioned for Huang Xiaoming. Director Xue Xiaolu was not very satisfied with Huang, feeling that he lacked the feeling of repeated setbacks.

The two dramas auditioned today have such a male lead role, so many actors who just auditioned for "33 Days of Broken Relationship" turned around and came here to audition for "Beijing Meets Seattle".

Li Mu shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate for Wu Xiu to play my role."

One sentence made Director Xue Xiaolu immediately shut up and not mention it, even if she really felt that this role was tailor-made for Wu Xiubo, she couldn't mention it anymore.

Listen to the sound!

What did Director Li say just now? ——Wu Xiu played my part, it's inappropriate!
It's not that Wu Xiu is inappropriate to play this role, it's that he is inappropriate to play the play directed by Li Mu! ——That is to say, Director Li was wrong about the person and the play, because he didn't approve of the actor Wu!

And based on what Director Li said, not only would Director Li not give him the leading actor, he would not even give him a supporting actor!

"Call the next one in!"

Xue Xiaolu turned her head and said to the staff around her.


After a while, a tall and handsome male star came in.

Jin Dong!

Director Xue Xiaolu asked Jin Dong to try out a line according to the procedure, and then asked him to go back and wait for news.

"Jin Dong doesn't have that slightly decadent temperament."

Xue Xiaolu said with some regret.

Li Mu said: "It seems that it is quite suitable for those business elite roles."

Xue Xiaolu nodded and said: "The temperament is not very suitable, but it is not completely impossible to adjust on the set. Jin Dong's overall score is still good."

Li Mu also nodded, and said, "Let's look at the back."

Later interviews included Deng Chao, Wang Kai, Sun Honglei and others. The comprehensive scores of these people were all okay, but none of them were outstanding.

Next came in was Zhang Jiayi.

Speaking of which, Li Mu and Zhang Jiayi are still fellow villagers. They are both from Xijing, but they didn't have much contact with each other before that.

Zhang Jiayi had just auditioned for the role of the old man in "33 Days of Broken Love", and Li Mu personally called him to invite him to come and audition for that role.

In the previous life "33 Days of Broken Love", all the members were villains, but Zhang Jiayi, who played the role of the big old king, was very stable. Calling him to audition was actually going through the motions.

Now the male protagonist in "Beijing Meets Seattle" happens to be a middle-aged uncle, so Zhang Jiayi also came to try his luck.

As usual, the staff gave Zhang Jia a few lines to translate, and the casting director personally acted with him.

After the audition, Xue Xiaolu was a little surprised and said: "Mr. Zhang Jiayi feels good, a bit decadent and the taste of a middle-aged charming man."

Li Mu also nodded, and said: ""Broken Love" has already fixed a supporting role for him, and the schedule of the two dramas must be carefully planned."

Director Xue Xiaolu agreed: "I will communicate with Director Teng Huatao then."

Li Mu nodded in approval.

He doesn't meddle in too detailed a level.

The next thing I want to try is the heroine of "Seattle".

In fact, before this, Yang Mi had teased Li Mu several times in private. She first wanted to play the heroine of "33 Days of Broken Love", and later she wanted to play the heroine of "Beijing to Seattle", but she was rejected by Li Mu up.

Although she has just signed with Huashang, although she is a little bit unwilling to give up until she achieves her goal, if the role is not suitable, it is not suitable.

If the role is not suitable for you, it is useless to grind people.

Li Mu clearly remembers the comment with more than 4000 likes on Douban in his previous life: "Tang Wei played the mistress, and everyone saw warmth and romance. If Yang Mi were to play it, this film would definitely be sprayed to death. This is Douban, appearance determines destiny. 3 and a half stars."

So let Da Mimi play Wen Jiajia, the heroine of "Seattle"?
That definitely won't work!

The audition process is still going on in an orderly manner. Liu Tao, Qin Lan, Li Xiaoran, Zeng Li, etc., a group of actresses came in one after another, and were told to go back to wait for news. During this period, director Xue Xiaolu suddenly asked Li Mu:

"Director Li, I remember you said this morning that if you want to play the role of Wen Jiajia, your acting skills must first be passable, and then you must have a pretty face. You also said that the setting of the role as a junior is easy to be scolded, so the choice of the heroine is even more important. To be as beautiful and lovable as possible, I am a little curious about which actors can be regarded as very beautiful in Director Li's eyes?"

Through contact, director Xue Xiaolu found that Li Mu, a world-class director, is still very easy to talk to, so she asked out of curiosity, partly for casting purposes.

After director Xue Xiaolu finished asking, the assistant director and other staff members in the audition room also pricked up their ears very curiously.

I just heard Li Mu say: "If you have something to choose from, if you want to choose a girl, if you don't have a girl, choose Jingtian."

After speaking, Li Mu suddenly thought: "By the way, Gao Yuanyuan seems to be auditioning today too, right? Tell her to come in!"

Upon hearing this, the staff immediately turned around and went out to inform, but the other people in the audition room were still groping in their hearts for what Director Li Mu had just said.

"If you have a non-chosen non-female, you can only choose Yuan, if you don't have Yuan, choose Jingtian? Can there be a formula for this?"

"Why does it feel like there is a melon here? And it's a super big melon?!"

"Director Li is interested in Gao Yuanyuan? What a melon!"

"I said, why did Director Li Mu choose Liu Yifei? It turns out that he has clear standards in his heart!"

"That is to say, who is this Jingtian?"

"Jing Tian is that actress from 87? It seems that there are no masterpieces yet. How did she fall into the eyes of director Li Mu?"

"This Jingtian seems to be from the same hometown as Director Li Mu? Well, maybe the two have known each other for a long time!"

Then these people thought in unison:
"There is no choice but to choose Yuanyuan? It seems that Gao Yuanyuan is a pity! If she is just a little bit short, she will lose a little bit! If she can be the official girlfriend of director Li Mu, then the cumulative box office of the starring works is more than 20 billion US dollars. She may be the top two Chinese actresses in Hollywood!"

"I said how did Gao Yuanyuan defeat Yu Feihong that year and starred in the heroine of the movie "How to Steal the Key". It turns out that Director Li Mu has a crush on her!"

"By the way, isn't Gao Yuanyuan completely dead, right? What if Director Li Mu and Liu Yifei break up suddenly? How normal is it for the entertainment industry to separate and reunite? Maybe Director Li's next girlfriend will be this Gao Yuanyuan! "

Li Mu didn't expect that a jingle he heard from his previous life Hupu would trigger these people's brainstorm!
After a while, Gao Yuanyuan opened the door and came in. The staff gave her a line from a bar.

In this scene, the male protagonist persuades the female protagonist Wen Jiajia not to drink alcohol when she is pregnant. Wen Jiajia asks the male protagonist if she does not think she is not a good mother, and also says that she is better than many women in China because she wants to give birth to a child, while others Women at this age will abort their children.

The male protagonist said that it is not easy to raise children now.

So Wen Jiajia's emotions exploded:
"Do you think I seem simple? I don't have a job, and he refuses to divorce. I don't have a birth certificate. Without a birth certificate, I can't do a maternity checkup. Who would want to drag a big belly across the ocean if they don't have a lot of unspeakable secrets?" Come to have a baby..."

Let's go out and wait for the news.

After Gao Yuanyuan went out.

Li Mu commented on the audition just now: "I feel that the emotions are not well controlled. This scene should have been a scene full of tension. Gao Yuanyuan's performance just now was a bit..."

Saying that, Li Mu shook his head.

Director Xue Xiaolu said: "From the point of view of the image fitting the character, full marks! The lines and acting skills are slightly inferior, but movies are different from TV dramas. The filming pace of movies is not as fast as TV dramas. The director can polish a scene repeatedly and take more shots. Always get the desired effect.”

Li Mu nodded in agreement with director Xue Xiaolu's statement.

I remember that Yang Ying's acting skills in her previous life were notoriously poor, but her performance in "Di Renjie" directed by Xu Ke was surprisingly good. This is obviously the credit of director Xu Ke's repeated polishing.

However, I heard that director Xu Ke no longer wanted to cooperate with Yang Ying after this. It is estimated that the process of polishing Yang Ying's acting skills still took the director's energy.

And let Gao Yuanyuan play the mistress, it's okay, it's quite suitable.

Since director Xue Xiaolu also said that Gao Yuanyuan is suitable, then the role will be settled in this way.

In this way, the main actors of the film "Beijing Meets Seattle" are basically settled.

Actress Wen Jiajia: Gao Yuanyuan.

Actor Frank: translated by Zhang Jia.

Supporting actress Zhou Yi: Hai Qing.

Supporting female partner Mrs. Huang: Jin Yanling.


At the same time as the audition here, "33 Days of Broken Relationship" is also auditioning for the remaining female supporting roles.

There are quite a lot of female supporting roles in this movie. For example, there are 3 couples breaking up at the beginning of the movie.

In the previous life, Yao Di played the role of Breakup Girl A, Breakup Girl B was played by Ma Yili, and Breakup Girl C was played by Zhang Xinyi. Of course, Li Mu will not copy these people in this life.

Ma Yili's cameo role in the previous life was obviously due to the fact that Wen Zhang was the leading actor. Now that Wen Zhang has changed, Li Mu will naturally not insist on inviting Ma Yili.

"Seattle" is basically settled, and Li Mu returned to "Broken Love" again.

"How about it?"

Li Mu sat back behind the table.

Director Teng Huatao handed over the actors' information to Li Mu for review.

"The supporting roles are basically settled," said Director Teng.

"Where is the heroine, do you have a clue?" Li Mu asked again.

Director Teng Huatao said, "Both Zhou Xun and Sun Li should be fine. Zhou Xun is a little older, but she has a good sense of girlhood, and Sun Li's acting skills can fully support this role."

In fact, director Teng still thinks that Bai Baihe or Wang Luodan are more suitable, but he doesn't understand why director Li Mu would directly deny these two actors.

Li Mu flipped through the actor's information casually, and then his eyes fell on a very familiar name.

"Breakup girl A, Zhao Liying." Li Mu paused for a moment, and then asked, "What do you think of her?"

Teng Huatao replied: "I still have a little impression of this girl, her acting skills are not good, and her image is a bit immature, but she is enough to play this small supporting role."

"I mean." Li Mu said again, "How about letting her play the heroine?"

Director Teng Huatao was quite surprised when he heard the words, but he still analyzed seriously: "The image is a bit like a girl next door, which is a plus point. At the same time, he is a little younger and has a slightly immature image, which is a minus point. Acting skills It’s not natural enough—it’s not the best choice overall, but it’s generally considered qualified.”

Li Mu asked, "Have you notified her?"

Teng Huatao replied: "I've been notified, the characters who don't have a few lines in total were settled at that time, and they were not asked to go back and wait for news."

Li Mu nodded, and then said: "Tell her to come back and try the heroine again, and see if she can hold it up."

Hearing this, the assistant director of casting at the side immediately took out his mobile phone and entered the number on the contact information.


On the road outside Beiying.

Li Pan'er took Zhao Liying's hand, and the two talked and laughed as they walked.

"Sister Yingbao, congratulations."

Zhao Liying said: "There is nothing to congratulate, just a small supporting role with few lines."

Li Pan'er was a little excited and said: "This supporting role is different from other supporting roles. This is a play directed by Li Mu. If you act well, the gold will always flash in the eyes of Director Li Mu. That is Director Li Mu! If you In his eyes, the first lady born after 85 might be yours in the future."

"What is the play directed by Li Mu? It caught Director Li's eyes!" Zhao Liying shook her head longingly but did not dare to think about it, and explained, "This is just a play by Director Li's Huashang Media Company. The director of this play is Teng Huatao and director Li Mu may not even go to the set, how could I catch his eyes?"

Li Pan'er stuck out her tongue and said, "Isn't the director Li Mu? I saw that everyone was talking about Director Li's play and Director Li's play. I thought the director of this play was Director Li Mu."

Zhao Liying tapped Li Pan'er's forehead and said, "What are you thinking? Return to Director Li's film. He is about to shoot "The Martian" with a big investment of 1 million US dollars. How can a director like him have the energy to come in person? Take this kind of small production."

"Oh." Li Pan'er said, "But it doesn't matter, gold always shines. I feel that you will be able to fall into Director Li's eyes sooner or later, Sister Yingbao."

Zhao Liying said: "Then I'd better go back to bed early, after all, dreams have everything."

After speaking, the two laughed together.

Zhao Liying and Li Pan'er met when they were filming "Wrong Spot Mandarin Duck". In the play, Zhao Liying played the lady, and Li Pan'er played her maid, because of this, the two became good girlfriends from acquaintances!

Li Pan'er is younger than Zhao Liying, so she affectionately called Sister Yingbao. Today, the two came to audition for the female supporting role. In the end, Zhao Liying was selected, but Li Pan'er was not selected.

At this moment, Zhao Liying's cell phone rang. She let go of Li Pan'er's hand and took out the cell phone. After seeing the number, her heart skipped a beat.

"Hi Director Zhang." After the call was connected, Zhao Liying said.

The voice on the other end of the phone said very kindly: "You are Zhao Liying, right?"

"Well, yes, I'm Zhao Liying."

"Miss Zhao is like this, you come back right away, there is a new test for you to try."

Zhao Liying's heart sank.

"A re-audition?"

Even though she didn't have a few lines in that role, it wouldn't be a pity to lose it, but of course it wouldn't feel good to be denied like this.

"Is there something wrong with the character?" Zhao Liying asked.

The other side of the phone said: "Anyway, it's a good thing that you come here as soon as possible."

He didn't say anything more on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Liying looked at Li Pan'er with a concerned face and said, "Look, you really hit the spot. The golden light flashed into Director Li Mu's eyes. Let me go back and audition again immediately."

Li Pan'er was pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

Zhao Liying said: "Of course it's fake, what are you thinking!"


Ten minutes later, the two came to the audition site again. Li Paner was waiting for Zhao Liying in the lobby, and Zhao Liying took a deep breath and entered the audition room.

After another half an hour, Zhao Liying finally came out of the audition room, and Li Pan'er immediately went up to meet her.

"How? Why is it taking so long? Even the audition for the leading role won't take so long, right?"

At this moment, the expression on Zhao Liying's face was blank, as if she had received some serious blow, which made Li Pan'er next to her very anxious.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Zhao Liying turned her head and looked at her best friend: "They... made me try the heroine's words."

"What?" Li Pan'er said with surprise and joy in her heart, "You really caught Director Li's eyes this time?"

Zhao Liying said anxiously: "They told me to go back and wait for news."

(End of this chapter)

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