China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 187 Mars turned on, and a spaceship was really built

Chapter 187 Mars turned on, and a spaceship was really built

Zhao Liying received the notification of passing the audition the next day, and she was dizzy after hanging up the phone.

She just went to audition for a small supporting role with few lines, why did she suddenly become the heroine?
This is the heroine of Huashang Media's film. In the circle, Zhang Ziyi and Zhou Xun are the top actresses who want to grab it, but somehow it falls on her shoulders.

Just like a dream.


So far, the cast of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" has been basically determined.

Actor Wang Xiaojian, played by Lei Jiayin.

The heroine Huang Xiaoxian is played by Zhao Liying.

The supporting actor is the big old king, played by Zhang Jiayi.

Supporting actor Lu Ran, played by Guo Jingfei.

Supporting actress Li Ke, played by Jing Tian.


After the main actors of the two movies were confirmed, Li Mu became concerned about the broadcasting of the two TV dramas.

Huashang Media is the second shareholder of the TV series "Mythology", and the major shareholder is Magic Yinghuang Culture Company, which was jointly established by Magic City Film Group and Xiangjiang Yinghuang Entertainment.As for the major shareholder of the TV series "Celebrating More Than Years", it can only be Li Mu's Huashang Media Company.

After many rounds of communication and negotiation with CCTV and local satellite TVs, both TV series have been confirmed to be broadcasted on CCTV.According to the agreement, the two TV dramas will be broadcast on one set of prime time on CCTV. Satellite TV broadcast.

As for the specific schedule, according to the staff of CCTV, the TV station plans to arrange the official release of the TV series "Mythology" on July 7rd. After the finale of "Mythology", "Celebrating More Than Years" will officially take over.

The two time-travel TV series were aired successively in the prime time of CCTV. This is obviously a relatively rare arrangement, and it is this rare arrangement that finally moved Li Mu and Cheng Long.

It should be noted that at this time, local satellite TV is more generous than CCTV in purchasing dramas.

When CCTV purchases dramas, it generally requires its own broadcasting, which means that one family must bear all the cost of purchasing dramas, while local satellite TVs often combine three, four, or even five satellite TVs to jointly fund, so that each family pays less money. , the cost of the total purchase drama that can be provided will be more.

To put it simply, the local satellite TV gives more money, and CCTV has greater influence.

Although the money given by CCTV this time is still not as good as that of local satellite TV, the price of 130 million per episode is basically reasonable. In addition, CCTV promised to broadcast both dramas in one set. In the end, Cheng Long and Li Muyi combined , signed the copyright to CCTV.

As for why Li Mu pays attention to the issue of whether it is broadcast on the first set or the eighth set, let’s put it this way, the same TV series is also broadcast in prime time, if it is put on the eighth set, if it can reach 2% of the ratings If the rate is high, then if it is put into one set, it is likely to be 4% of the audience rate.

After the three companies formally signed the transfer agreement of the broadcasting rights, CCTV quickly started the promotion work of the drama.

The time-travel theme of "Mythology" is very popular with young audiences, coupled with the popularity of the leading actors Hu Ge and Ren Quan, the popularity foundation of the movie version of "Mythology", the hard-working promotion of Brother Cheng Long, and the participation of Li Mu, etc. The superposition of these factors made this "Myth" popular before it was broadcast.

After CCTV announced that "Mythology" would be scheduled for July 7, heated discussions about it quickly arose on the Internet.

The vast majority of netizens are very optimistic about this drama, and a considerable part of the reason why netizens are optimistic about it is related to Li Mu.

For example, Li Mu is one of the co-screenwriters of "Myth".

For example, Huashang Media participated in the production of "Myth", but what kind of company is Huashang Media?That is the myth among domestic entertainment companies!
For another example, please refer to Huashang Media's first TV series "Latent". They even made the first TV series like that. Now that they have experience, how can this new drama be worse?

Those who are not very optimistic think that although Li Mu has the title of co-screenwriter, it is said that he just came up with a few ideas this time, and actually did not really participate in the screenwriting work.

Moreover, Li Mu is not a god, and he doesn't need myths. It doesn't make sense for him to point out a few words casually, and the TV series will definitely become good-looking. This is neither realistic nor scientific.

What netizens don't know is that Bai Bing, the heroine of "Mythology", is also paying attention to this controversy, and she is seeing some netizens saying that Li Mu is not a god, let alone mythology, and the TV series he pointed out do not represent After being sure to get angry, Bai Bing suddenly became a little angry.

So she just opened the vest and started arguing with netizens.

"But Li Mu is a myth! If it were you, if you knew that you would have a chance to meet Cheng Long in a few days, would you be able to improvise a script and impress Cheng Long? Let Cheng Long see it Did you decide to act in person after seeing the script? Can you grab the final editing rights without investing a penny?"

"If it were you, would you be able to make films like "Inception" and "Gravity"? Can you win Oscars for Best Director and Best Picture? Can you let the actors in your films win Oscars and Best Actors? Actress?"

"It's not just that you can't do it, but that there is no one in China who can do it alone except senior Li Mu! This is not a myth, what is a myth?"

After spraying people, I feel very refreshed, but after the refreshment, I feel guilty.

Bai Bing still attaches great importance to this "Myth".

The Bai Bing in this life is different from the previous life. In this life, due to the butterfly effect caused by Li Mu's arrival, Bai Bing failed to meet Cheng Long, failed to join Xiangjiang Yinghuang, and did not have the boss Yang Shoucheng to regard him as Liang Luoshi's successor Cultivation, let alone the support of all the resources of Emperor Ying.

So at this time, Bai Bing is just a pure newcomer, and "Mythology" is her first play, and the first play is about to be released, and it would be a lie to say that she is not nervous.

So she couldn't help but check the ratings of TV dramas in the past two years, so that when the ratings of "Mythology" came out, she would know whether the results were good or not.

Soon she found Suo Furui's 09 ratings list.

No.1 "Walking to the West Exit", with an audience rating of 6.9%.

No.2 "My Brother's Name is Shun Liu", with an audience rating of 5.9%.

No.3 "Secret Warfare", 4.1%.

No.4 "In That Faraway Place", 4.1%.

No.5 "Who is the Master of My Youth", 3.8%.


The broadcasting platforms of the TV dramas on the list are all CCTV. In this era, no TV station can compete with CCTV.

After checking last year, she checked this year's data immediately.

According to the information she found, so far this year, the TV series with the highest ratings in the country is "Country Love Story" produced by Benshan Media, with an average rating of 5.04%.

"I don't know how much the ratings of "Mythology" will be after it airs?"

Bai Bing, who is acting for the first time and is the heroine, is both excited and apprehensive at the moment.


Time soon came to July 7rd, when the TV series "Mythology" was officially launched.

The average ratings of the first two episodes reached 5.1%, the third and fourth episodes further rose to 5.3%, and the third day went further to 5.5%.

The ratings performance of "Mythology" is very impressive. Not only has it almost exceeded everyone's previous predictions, it has also broken the ratings record of CCTV's comprehensive channel since the beginning of this year. Putting it into the whole year of 09 for comparison, the performance of "Mythology" has also entered the top three at this time.

In the previous life, "Mythology" was able to score 3.13% of the premiere ratings on the eight episodes, which allowed CCTV to rebroadcast the eight episodes directly on the first episode, creating a rare double-broadcast situation of the eight episodes, and even In one fell swoop, it broke the ratings record of CCTV's eight sets of New Year's dramas. This time, "Mythology" was directly broadcast on one set, and naturally received more attention, and the ratings were naturally better.

So "Mythology" became popular again, and it was not just popular. What was even more eye-catching was that it was another TV series related to Li Mu.

It was like this again, as soon as the TV series was broadcast, it became popular immediately, and suddenly crushed most of the TV series in the country.

This was the case with "Latent" last time, and it is the same with "Myth" this time.I don't know if the next "Celebrating More Than Years" will still be like this.

Most likely it will!
The heroine of "Celebrating More Than Years" is Liu Yifei, and Mr. Chen Daoming and other big names join in. It is also a TV series produced by Li Mu Company. With so many favorable conditions, how could it not be popular?

Now the circle has somewhat acquiesced in the concept that Li Mu's related works must be popular.

Although only two TV series related to him have been released so far, combined with Li Mu's record in the film industry.

Well, now it is hard for everyone to believe that Li Mu's works will really hit the street.

With the popularity of "Mythology", the new TV series "Beijing Love Story" that Huashang Media is preparing has naturally gained great attention from the circle.

Many actors, even well-known actors who have already made great achievements in the industry, asked insinuatingly whether they would adapt to their roles in the new TV series.

If nothing else, this will almost certainly be another hit.

In the following period of time, the ratings of "Mythology" continued to climb, 5.6%, 5.7%, and even the highest ratings of a single episode once climbed to 6.3%. Such crazy ratings not only envied the entertainment industry, but also made The actors in this TV series have gained great fame.

Especially Bai Bing and Tong Liya.

Bai Bing had never acted in a TV series before this. Although Tong Liya had some roles before, she didn't make any splashes.

But this time is different. This time, not only the heroine Bai Bing became popular all over the country in a very short period of time, but also Tong Liya, who played the supporting role of Concubine Yu, gained a lot of attention because of this.

While the TV series "Mythology" was on the air, Li Mu had already led the crew of "The Martian" to officially launch in Shanghai.

Huashang Media has spent huge sums of money to build its own largest high-tech studio in Shanghai. In addition to the accumulation of so many years, Li Mu has already gathered a large number of high-quality shooting teams whose technical level is closely following the world's most advanced level. , so in the future unless it is necessary for filming, Li Mu's team does not need to go abroad at all.

But this time "The Martian" is still filmed in the United States, and there are quite a few scenes that need to be filmed in the United States.Because in Li Mu's version of "The Martian", the protagonist has to contact the United States through the Mars probe launched by the United States in the 90s, and finally the United States notifies China that Li Mu is still alive.

The domestic film market has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the total annual box office has continued to increase. However, it is still impossible for a sci-fi blockbuster like "The Martian" with an investment of more than 1 million US dollars to return its capital only by relying on the domestic market in China. Therefore, Li Mu's team It is necessary to consider the taste of the American audience.

"Director, Huaxia Aerospace Group and consultants from NASA invite you to come over."

Just as Li Mu was taking Jiang Wen, Gong Li, Hu Jun, Liu Yifei and others to visit his studio, the voice of his assistant Liang Bing suddenly came.

Li Mu smiled at everyone with great interest: "Let's go, let's go and see the most expensive prop in this shooting."

Everyone else laughed when they heard the words, but Jiang Wen yelled, "Come on, I just want to see how the 1 million dollars was spent."

So Li Mu took a few people around and turned around until they came to a place that they hadn't been to.

After arriving at the scene, almost everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

Jiang Wen was even more exaggerated: "You are, directly building a spaceship?"

Li Mu nodded and said, "Welcome to visit the 'Zhu Rong'."

After finishing speaking, he went forward to shake hands with Huaxia and a foreigner respectively. One of them is an expert from Huaxia Aerospace Group, and the other is a former staff member of NASA. Both of them are consultants for the filming of the movie "The Martian" this time. , responsible for a series of technical problems encountered in film shooting.

Zhurong, the extremely cool spaceship driven by the protagonist team in the movie "The Martian". In the original movie, the name of the spacecraft was Hermes. Now the background of the story has been moved to China by Li Mu, and the protagonist's character is also set. From an American citizen to a Chinese expert, the spaceship driven by the protagonist team naturally needs a Chinese-style name.

The Zhurong is undoubtedly the largest building Li Mu has built since his time travel, and it is also the most complex digital product he has done so far.

That's right, the Zhu Rong needs both physical buildings and digital modeling data, because the project volume is extremely huge.

After Li Mu shook hands with the two consultants respectively, he soon discussed the specific work details with them.Most people here have a good command of English, so everyone can basically hear the communication between Li Mu and the two consultants clearly.

It was also because of this that the faces of Jiang Wen, Hu Jun and others were once again full of inconceivable expressions.

Several people even felt that they had just heard wrongly.

The American consultant was clearly telling Li Mu that certain modules of the Zhu Rong might not be able to be launched into space by rocket technology.

"Launched into—space?!"


Most people at the scene were dumbfounded.

Isn't this Zhurong account just a temporary "scene" for filming?Why is it still related to rockets and launches?

Assistant Liang Bing saw that everyone was puzzled, so he took the initiative to explain: "Director Li said before that he needs to ensure that the details of the spaceship produced can withstand scrutiny, and he asked this movie to be more in line with scientific facts rather than science fiction products. So The design of this Zhurong is mainly derived from the design of existing spacecraft, such as the International Space Station, etc. The modular structure function of Zhurong makes it theoretically possible to complete the launch through the current technology, and then splice it on the orbital space station .”

"Is this a real spaceship?"

Jiang Wen asked, pointing at the behemoth in front of him.

Assistant Liang Bing spread his hands and said: "Theoretically, these things can be disassembled and then launched into space with rockets to assemble them into spaceships. Of course, this is only a theoretical possibility."

Jiang Wenwei opened his mouth and froze for a few seconds before sighing, "1 million US dollars to build such a huge spaceship is really fucking cheap."

Hu Jun didn't say anything, but he was also dumbfounded, and he was so shocked.

I've never seen a movie like this.

I've heard that Director Li is so awesome, but what exactly is so awesome?Everyone knows that a box office is awesome.

Now it's completely appropriate to see how good the box office is. They shoot space films and directly build spaceships!

Gong Li smiled to everyone: "Director Li has always been very strict with technology, and I couldn't get used to it when I first started filming "Gravity."

After Li Mu finished talking with the two advisors and came back to them, Liu Yifei stepped forward to hold Li Mu's arm and said, "I heard that this spaceship can really go to the sky?"

Li Mudao: "Of course, they are all modular things that can be disassembled and launched on rockets, but in the final analysis, these things are still movie props, so if they really go into space, they are space junk."

(End of this chapter)

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