China Entertainment Mythology 2004

Chapter 188 Entering a Studio is Like Entering a Grand View Garden

Chapter 188 Entering a Studio is Like Entering a Grand View Garden

The spaceship Hermes in the original movie was designed with a lot of references provided by NASA. At least 95% of the things in it are authentic and credible. Li Mu also spent a lot of time. Only then did he pick up all the details of the Hermes in the original movie in his mind. He originally wanted to pretend to be in front of the expert consultants of Huaxia Space Center and NASA. .

"Look, the spaceship designed by me, a film director, is not bad, right? Don't care about the actual feasibility, at least it looks bluffing, right?"

The result was somewhat beyond Li Mu's expectations. The advisors of both parties didn't think Li Mu was very powerful, but they both felt that the other party was really powerful.

The consultant sent by Huaxia Aerospace Center quietly said to Li Mu: "Director Li, you said that the American has a profound aerospace heritage, so just shoot a movie and look at the blueprint they helped to draw. There are many things involved in it. The details are very rigorous, and even have a certain inspiration for us professional astronauts, many things are at least theoretically feasible, which is rare!"

Li Mu: "Actually, I drew this blueprint."

The consultant nodded: "Director Li is very capable of drawing, but the opinions provided by NASA are also very important."

Li Mu is just a director, how could he know about aerospace?It's no wonder that Huaxia Aerospace's consultants feel that the main credit is from NASA.

In fact, Li Mu really wanted to say: "I am not only responsible for drawing, this big framework is basically designed by me, okay?"

But he was too lazy to explain.

In the end, the experts from the space center did not forget to praise Li Mu:

"Before I came here, I never would have imagined that a filmmaker like you, Director Li, would be able to prepare to such an extent for making a sci-fi movie! It's amazing! Last year's "Gravity" was a sensation all over the world, indeed. It’s well deserved.”

Li Mu: "Mmm..."

Then consultants from the United States, that is, former NASA staff, also came to praise their counterparts:
"Director Li, your Chinese astronauts are very professional. At least 8% of the design of this Zhu Rong is authentic and credible. It can be seen that your country's aerospace industry has cultivated many talents, and the future development prospects will be very good. .The hard part is that they are so supportive of making this movie, it must have taken a lot of energy out of them."

Li Muxin said: "I drew it, I, Li Mu, drew it! I studied the video in my mind frame by frame, and drew it stroke by stroke!"

After taking everyone to visit Zhurong, the group returned to the main studio again.

The main studio is 20 meters high, with a single area of ​​12000 square meters. The interior is completely built on the surface of Mars, a full-scale human center is placed, and even a Mars rover can be driven.

Surrounded by large green screens, 5 Arrimax18K and 12K HMI Par lights and soft light cloth are used to simulate the sun, so that there is only one shadow on the scene.

The green screen was only used to add the CG mountains in the distance, and the panoramic footage shot in Gansu during the preparatory stage.

This is much more realistic than shooting in front of a green screen. Of course, Gan Su's research team has contributed a lot, including the desert's tone, landscape, and lighting effects.

In order to make the film look more realistic, it is necessary to build a real scene as much as possible.

Most of the Martian exterior scenes in "The Martian" will be filmed in the Gansu area of ​​Huaxia, especially the scenes where the protagonist drives a Mars rover out, which is very difficult to shoot in a studio.

But building real scenes as much as possible does not mean that shooting in the studio has no advantages. In short, each has its own advantages, and some things can only be shot in the studio.

Andy Lau plays an elderly astronaut in the film. After visiting the "Zhu Rong" spaceship built by the crew and the Martian surface set in the main studio, he couldn't help sighing in his not-so-standard Mandarin: "It's the first time I've seen someone make such a big fight in a movie. It's amazing. I'm not exaggerating at all. I was a little dumbfounded watching it today."

Jiang Wen echoed: "Now our group of people is like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, dazzled."

Gong Li held Liu Yifei's hand, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "You are a very good man, and he treats you well. Among the actresses, you are the luckiest."

At this time, photographer Zhao Fei came over and said, "Director, the lighting has been set up, and the simulation effect is good."

Li Mu nodded and asked, "How high is it?"

Zhao Fei said: "9:11 to [-]:[-]."

Li Mu said: "Go and see."

After speaking, Zhao Fei led the way, and Li Mu followed to check the lighting effect.

Several other people were baffled, and the assistant director Zhou Xiaowen explained: "When making the shooting plan before the start, the director insisted on shooting the scenes in the studio first, and then the live scenes of Gansu. At that time, we didn't realize it. It doesn’t matter where the scenes are filmed.”

"At that time, the director said that our studio is 20 meters high, which is already very high, but this height still cannot simulate the height of the sun on Mars throughout the day."

"The director is right. The height of the studio is limited, so the height of the sun that can be simulated is limited. The director estimated at the time that the 20-meter studio could simulate the height of the sun from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock. The height was not planned in advance, and the shooting time could not be simulated in the studio, and the pictures, plots, and lighting effects shot on both sides could not be connected, so the post-production would be very troublesome.”

"Now it seems that what the director said is completely correct. The height of the sun from 9:11 to [-]:[-] can be achieved in the studio, so inversely, when we go to Gansu to shoot the location, we will only be at this point in time. The filming was completed."

Jiang Wen understood what the assistant director said. Although other people couldn't understand what he said, it was not the point whether they understood it or not, and everyone didn't need to understand it. Everyone only knew that Director Li was very powerful and Just be careful.

The preparations of all departments are almost done, and several actors are also wearing space suits under the guidance of the assistant director. When the actors hold the space helmets in their hands, many people are amazed.

Because all the helmets in everyone's hands have no masks.

Although these actors have never seen real space suits, they have seen a lot of them in film and television dramas. How can space helmets have masks?Didn't the mask hang up on Mars every minute?Everyone has seen "Total Recall" starring Schwarzenegger. Humans will burst their eyes when they are directly exposed to Mars.

Gong Li put on the helmet without a mask, and then explained to others: "The mask needs to be composited in the post-production, and the glass is easy to cause reflections, so there is no way to carry out detailed lighting, and it is easy to make it impossible to see the actors' expressions at all." phenomenon, so the masks were shot with post-compositing.”

She wore a helmet without a visor when filming Gravity, so she knows why.

When several actors were wearing space suits, Li Mu came back to give everyone a few simple instructions.

"Has anyone here had surgery without general anesthesia?"

Several actors looked at each other without any reaction, but some staff members nodded.

Li Mu continued: "Anyone who has undergone a non-general anesthesia operation should know that the doctor will chat when performing some difficult operations. Maybe your stomach has been pulled open a little bit... the stomach is inserted. However, they were discussing what to have for lunch during the operation: twice-cooked pork, chopped pepper fish head..."

"It is said that this helps to relieve the patient's tension. If the whole operation process is very serious, it is easy to make the patient feel nervous and depressed, which is not conducive to the operation. And it can also help the doctor adjust his emotions, which is beneficial concentrate."

"You will find out later that the doctors are performing difficult general operations. Mars is 2 million kilometers away from the earth, and working on an alien planet [-] million kilometers away from the earth's home, everyone's spirits will inevitably be highly tense, so you are collecting When taking samples from Mars, I will chat with the team members to relieve stress."

"But just as doctors don't chat when they encounter critical steps or difficulties, you also have to be serious and meticulous when you encounter difficult collection steps. You are selected by the country. Astronauts are the elite among the elites, you must let the audience see you as ordinary people, and let the audience see your professional side."

Everyone listened and nodded.


"The more nervous you are, the more you will say something to relieve stress, it is true."

"Understood Director Li."

After the actors were dressed, the on-site assistant director directed the actors to rehearse several times. When Li Mu saw that the effect was almost ready, he nodded to the assistant director beside him. The assistant director picked up the loudspeaker and began to clear the scene. OK, after receiving the order, I quit after the scene was recorded, and the filming officially started.

"How is your situation?"

"Well, the grains in blocks 14 to 18 are very coarse, and by 29, the grains here are much finer."


Several astronauts collected Martian soil samples on the surface of Mars, and everyone chatted like ordinary colleagues while working.It can be seen that everyone's relationship is very good, and they will make some jokes with each other that only good friends would make.

The male protagonist played by Jiang Wen will make jokes about the commander of the Zhu Rong, and the system operator, the character played by Liu Yifei, will smile and ask the commander Gong Li whether to turn off Jiang Wen's microphone.

Commander Gong Li: "Shut him up!"

Jiang Wen: "Hey, it's up to the commander to maintain communication..."

When Mike was cut off, Jiang Wen stood up and spread his hands, as if to say, "What's going on? Is this really a cut off?"


Li Mu looked back at the content of the shooting just now, and there was no problem with the reports of each group. Li Mu picked up the microphone: "Yes, the first one has passed!"

When preparing for the next scene, the consultant of Huaxia Aerospace Center came to remind Li Mu very responsibly. He said that according to the atmospheric pressure of Mars, theoretically there would be no such powerful storm at all.

The consultant obviously knew what to shoot today.

Li Mu explained helplessly to the consultant: "From a scientific point of view, yes, the Martian storm that triggered the whole story is actually unreasonable. The atmospheric pressure of Mars is less than one percent of that of the Earth. In theory, there is no Such a powerful force, but I need a reason for the team members to leave urgently, and the big storm enough to wipe out all the team members is the most acceptable reason for ordinary audiences."

Of course, it is impossible for Li Mu not to know such an obvious BUG, ​​and it is also impossible for the original director who has the full support of NASA to not know, but in the end the original movie was still shot like this, why?
Because otherwise, it would be difficult to explain the fact that everyone left in an emergency without finding the protagonist's body.

The next scene is before the storm, and the focus of this scene is Liu Yifei.

The system operator who stayed inside the rocket on standby, that is, Liu Yifei, discovered that the system warned that a big storm was coming.Liu Yifei hastily reported the situation to the commander Gong Li who was leading the team to collect Mars samples. Gong Li and others had to temporarily stop working and return to the rocket.


Liu Yifei looked at the screen in front of him.

"We have a mission update, Storm Warning."

"Commander, you have to come back, there is a situation."



Li Mu stopped: "That's right, it's already very good, but you are acting opposite Gong Li, Jiang Wen, Hu Jun, and Liu Dehua. You can see the difference between your performance and theirs. Let's do it again." once."

Liu Yifei nodded.

Li Mugang is telling the truth. Liu Yifei's acting skills have actually improved a lot over the years. Who has she worked with since she joined Li Mu?

Marion Cotillard - Oscar winner.

Tom Hanks - Oscar winner, or three-time best actor!
Gong Li - Oscar queen.

Yang Ziqiong - the future Oscar queen.

Watanabe Ken - RB actor.

Michael Caine - won two Oscars for Best Supporting Actor, and was nominated for Oscar winner many times.

The cooperating actors are all good actors, and the crews they participated in are also good crews. In addition, Li Mu is more careful with her than others. When filming, besides patiently talking about the drama, he often gives her more love. Thinking about the time, after such a long time, Liu Yifei's acting skills have indeed improved significantly.

Especially when shooting action scenes, such as "The Hunger Games", which is waiting to be released, Liu Yifei's performance is remarkable.

But when it comes to this kind of pure literary drama, Liu Yifei still has some shortcomings, especially when compared with Gong Li, Jiang Wen, and Hu Jun.

After preparing for a while, I took a second shot.

Liu Yifei's performance this time was much better than the first time, so Li Mu passed this one.

The next scene was the scene of the storm, and it took a little longer to prepare for this scene. Li Mu asked Jiang Wen to explain the play to everyone. Jiang Wen refused at first, but Li Mu sincerely persuaded him several times, and Jiang Wen readily accepted.

Li Mu also happened to observe the style of Jiang Wen's director, and learned by the way, secretly learning from him.

In this life, Li Mu won the Oscar for Best Director and Best Picture, and the global box office can compete with world-class directors like James Cameron. It seems that he is much better than Director Jiang Wen. At Li Mu's level, it is estimated that his mentality has already drifted.

But Li Mu can't do it at all.

He knew exactly how he was doing when he didn't have a golden finger in his previous life.

At least it's not as good as Director Jiang Wen from his previous life.

Will Director Jiang Wen be terminated and replaced by the management just because he said a few words about the heroine?


So even though today's Li Mu is already a few of the world's top directors, with a total box office of billions of dollars, he can still humbly learn the advantages of those who seem to be far inferior to him.

And his attitude often makes others awe-inspiring.

After everything was ready, the crew went on to shoot the next scene.

In the next scene, there is a scene where the leading actor is thrown into the air, so Jiang Wen has to tie steel wires to his body.

(End of this chapter)

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