Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 1033 Settlement of Accounts

Even those who have the most faith in Dumbledore cannot avoid one question.

That is, Dumbledore is already a hundred years old. Although the wisdom and magical powers he has shown in front of people have not declined, if we were to compete with Voldemort to see who can live longer, those who believe in Dumbledore would not dare to bet on him to win.

Although no one would be surprised that the war between the two sides would be decided in such a superficial and joking manner.

But if Voldemort is despicable enough, in fact, this is the strategy Voldemort has always adopted.

He had always avoided Dumbledore and only used his Death Eaters to plan terrorist acts behind the scenes to disrupt the wizarding world.

This inevitably makes people worry that Voldemort is planning to exhaust Dumbledore to death.

But the emergence of Amosta completely reversed this downward trend.

In addition to his profound magical attainments, Amosstar has always shown wisdom that is no less than Dumbledore's. More importantly, he is almost half a century younger than Voldemort.

With him around, even if the wizarding world is inevitably plunged into chaos, there will always be hope in people's hearts.

The order of the wizarding world will eventually return to normal, instead of sliding completely into the abyss of darkness after Dumbledore becomes too old and has no strength left.

Sirius pointed out the most important point, which put Arthur and Kingsley in the cramped little office at ease.

However, some problems still exist.

"But what is Amosta going to do?"

Arthur stared worriedly at a disassembled diagram of a Muggle car engine that he had posted on the opposite wall.

"He openly attacked the Minister of Magic in the Daily Prophet. You know Minister Fudge's style. He is by no means a generous wizard."

Even Sirius would not think that Amos Star was going to completely break off relations with Fudge and then slaughter all Fudge and those who supported Fudge in the Ministry of Magic.

Sirius frowned and looked at Arthur.
"After this interview with Amos, Fudge's approval rating is completely ruined. He has no chance of running for the next term."

"But the next election for Minister of Magic is next summer--"

Kingsley said in a dull voice,

"There is still a whole year to go and the minister will certainly not let go of Amosta, nor will he sit back and do nothing until he is ousted from office at the next election."

That was true, and Sirius couldn't argue with that.

What on earth was Amosta thinking in forcing Fudge to join the anti-Voldemort alliance?
With this thought in mind, Sirius shook his head secretly. Amosta couldn't be so naive.

Just as the three people in the small office were wondering why Amosta dared to be so unscrupulous, a sudden furious roar from outside made the three people's expressions change drastically.

"It's the Minister—"

Kingsley said quickly.

"Now, immediately!"

As the three of them rushed from the small room into the corridor towards the Auror's office, they heard a sharp roar from the other side.
"Gather all your batsmen, I'll give you an hour!"

Sirius, Arthur, and Kingsley ran down the corridor like the wind, pushed open the oak door and rushed into the Auror's area, just in time to hear Fudge roaring at a slightly frightened Dawlish.

Not only Dawlish, but even Scrimgeour in the office looked at Cornelius Fudge in doubt.

At the entrance to the Auror's office, a lot of people were also crowded behind the half-open door. They had all seen the furious minister rushing down from their offices, and had quietly followed over to watch the fun.


Sirius pushed the door open first, and just as he entered the room, he was shocked and suffocated by the furious look from Fudge's ferocious round face. He had never seen the Minister of Magic with such a terrifying look!

"Gathering people--"

Dawlish hurriedly walked around from his seat to the table. Facing the furious Minister of Magic, he was so frightened that beads of sweat appeared on his short, stiff grey hair.
"Of course, no problem, Minister, but what are you going to do?"

"doing what?"

Fudge did not look at Dawlish, but stared at Sirius, whose eyes had turned cold, like a hungry wolf.
"Of course, follow me to Hogwarts and arrest the villain who brought discredit upon the Ministry of Magic!"

It was as if a cold wind blew through the Auror's office. The office, which had been heated up by Fudge's anger, suddenly became silent. Dawlish, who had received a clear order, did not act, but stood there in shock, looking at a loss.

In the silence, Kingsley's expression changed. He used Sirius in front of him to block Fudge's view, and secretly gave a look to Arthur, the only office here that did not belong to the Auror's office, and his lips moved a few times.

"I'm sorry, Minister—"

Arthur pursed his lips after receiving the hint. He endured the feeling of being trembling with fear and said in a dry voice,

"There's a toilet backflow at Bethnal Green. I bet it's those foreigners who did it. I need to go and deal with it."

Fudge ignored Arthur and continued to stare at Sirius fiercely, so Arthur quickly left the Auror's office.

"You want to arrest Amosta?"

Sirius did not avoid Fudge's gaze, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, and said in a slow tone,

"Because of what? What law did he break or can the Minister of Magic just ignore the law and put someone in Azkaban?"

The veins on Fudge's forehead bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and that furious expression made Scrimgeour, who was watching coldly, think that Fudge would turn into an insane werewolf in the next second and pounce on Black and bite him to death.

"Didn't you hear me, Blake?"

Fudge said in an extremely cold tone,

"Amos Towers Blaine has slandered the Ministry of Magic with false statements, causing serious damage to the reputation of the Ministry of Magic. He must be tried by the Wizengamot!"

"Oh, slandering the Ministry?"

Sirius smiled disdainfully.

"I assume you mean what Amosta said in the Daily Prophet. If that is slander, Minister, I sincerely suggest that you take some time to go to the Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade.
In short, go to any place where people gather and listen to their conversations, and you will find out how mild the speeches that Amosta published in the newspapers are. "

For a moment, Sirius thought Fudge was going to take out his wand to attack him, but fortunately, Fudge restrained his impulse in the end. His eyes were fixed on Sirius' face, breathing slightly.

"Okay. Blake, I already knew that you and Brian were in cahoots. You..."

"That does not seem to be relevant to the issue we are discussing, Minister."

Sirius said contemptuously,

"We are discussing the reasons for your arrest of Amosta, which you just pointed out are obviously untenable."

A raging fire burned in Fudge's mind, and his red, chubby cheeks trembled slightly. Sirius' words undoubtedly pushed his anger to a peak again, but at the same time, it also allowed his head, which was overwhelmed by anger, to regain some rationality.

He wanted to throw Amosstar Blaine into Azkaban to live with the Dementors, so he really needed a valid reason.

If he could not find an excuse for Amosstar to break the law, it would be overly optimistic to expect Amosstar to succumb to the power of the Ministry of Magic and the Minister of Magic and go to prison himself.

"Arresting Brian Huh because--"

Fudge gasped.

"You want a reason, Blake. Well, Amosta has used the Fire of the Past many times, and it has caused casualties."

"I must remind you, Minister--"

To everyone's surprise, it was Rufus Scrimgeour who interrupted.

He responded to Fudge's gaze neither servilely nor arrogantly, and his dark yellow eyes also revealed a hint of disappointment and contempt for Fudge.
"The magic that Amos Star used many times was called 'Ghostfire', not Calendrium Fire. Remember, Minister, this was endorsed by the Ministry of Magic itself.

As for the casualties you mentioned, from what I can see so far, it seems that this has only happened once, which was the Quidditch World Cup last summer, and the Ministry has already blamed all the casualties on Vitia Cleona. "

Looking at Fudge who was speechless, Scrimgeour said with a hint of satisfaction,

"Ah, of course, Fenrir Greyback did die under Brian's 'Spiritfire Curse', if you insist on settling the score."

(End of this chapter)

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